15 resultados para Farenthold, Frances (Tarlton) , 1926-

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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In the early years of independence the Finnish school system went through a major change. Both the Compulsory school attendance act (1921) and the Religious freedom act (1923) were legislated almost simultaneously. Although the legislators were deciding on the whole content of the citizenship education given in the compulsory school, their attention was mainly concentrated on the issue of the religious education. The former study concerning the subject shows that this issue was strongly influenced by the political power struggle between the conservative and the socialist parties. One of the underlying factors was also the Church s decreased authority concerning the elementary school. The aim of this research was to study the Finnish evangelical movement s attitude and opinions on the issue of religious education and on its status and nature. Their opinions on the issue were especially investigated from the point of view of their own evangelical lower elementary school teachers seminar, which was deeply connected with the matter of confessionalism. The source material of this research of educational history consist of documents of the school administration and the Lutheran Evangelical Association as well as of vast collection of educational, Church s and evangelical movement s journals. According to the results of this study, the evangelical movement plead very strongly for denominational religious education. However, the confessionalism they were pursuing differed from the common understanding of the concept at that time. This became evident both because of their demands for increased education on the Christian doctrine and because of their sharp criticism against loosely confessional, generally Christian religious education. The evangelical movement s strict opinion was combined with their effort to emphasize the Lutherian doctrine in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland. The founding of the Evangelical seminar for lower elementary school teachers in Karkku was a significant indication of the evangelical movement s dedication to strive towards school s Christianity. The objective of the evangelical seminar was to change the school by means of training evangelical minded teachers. The seminar was only a part of much larger plans of evangelical education and home missionary work. However, maintaining the seminar proved to be impossible, especially as the National Board of Education was absolutely against it, claiming that it would endanger the unity of the compulsory school. The National Board of Education indicated that the objectivity of citizenship education would be forfeit, if every marginal ideological movement could educate their own teachers.


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The purpose of the present study was to explore the associations between good self-rated health and economic and social factors in different regions among ageing people in the Päijät-Häme region in southern Finland. The data of this study were collected in 2002 as part of the research and development project Ikihyvä 2002 2012 (Good Ageing in Lahti region GOAL project). The baseline data set consisted of 2,815 participants born in 1926 30, 1936 40, and 1946 50. The response rate was 66 %. According to the previous studies, trust in other people and social participation as the main aspects of social capital are associated with self-rated health. In addition, socioeconomic position (SEP) and self-rated health are associated, but all SEP indicators do not have identical associations with health. However, there is a lack of knowledge of the health associations and regional differences with these factors, especially among ageing people. Regarding these questions, the present study gives new information. According to the results of this study, self-perceived adequacy of income was significantly associated with good self-rated health, especially in the urban areas. Similar associations were found in the rural areas, though education was also considered an important factor. Adequacy of income was an even stronger predictor of good health than the actual income. Women had better self-rated health than men only in the urban areas. The youngest respondents had quite equally better self-rated health than the others. Social participation and access to help when needed were associated with good self-rated health, especially in the urban area and the sparsely populated rural areas. The result was comparable in the rural population centres. The correlation of trust with self-rated health was significant in the urban area. High social capital was associated with good self-rated health in the urban area. The association was quite similar in the other areas, though it was statistically insignificant. High social capital consisted of co-existent high social participation and high trust. The association of traditionalism (low participation and high trust) with self-rated health was also substantial in the urban area. The associations of self-rated health with low social capital (low participation and low trust) and the miniaturisation of community (high participation and low trust) were less significant. From the forms of single participation, going to art exhibitions, theatre, movies, and concerts among women, and studying and self-development among men were positively related to self-rated health. Unexpectedly, among women, active participation in religious events and voluntary work was negatively associated with self-rated health. This may indicate a coping method with ill-health. As a whole, only minor variations in self-rated health were found between the areas. However, the significance of the factors associated with self-rated health varied according to the areas. Economic factors, especially self-perceived adequacy of income was strongly associated with good self-rated health. Also when adjusting for economic and several other background factors social factors (particularly high social capital, social participation, and access to help when needed) were associated with self-rated health. Thus, economic and social factors have a significant relation with the health of the ageing, and improving these factors may have favourable effects on health among ageing people.


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This study of the Finns at the International Lenin School (ILS) reflects history of the Soviet Union during Stalin's era, history of the Communist International (Comintern) as well as history of Finnish communism. The life span of the ILS (1926-1938) matches up with creating and establishing the power structures of Stalinism. Both the ILS and Finnish Communism in the USSR became casualties of the Great Terror (1937-1938). After the WW2, however, the Soviet education was appreciated inside the Communist Party of Finland (CPF). If Finland would have become People's Democracy, the former ILS students would have composed the inner circle of the new "democratic" government. The Finnish teachers of the ILS were leaders of the CPF that was headquartered in Moscow. At the ILS studied in total 141 Finnish communists. The purpose of the ILS was to educate the communist parties' leading stratum of functionaries. They were supposed to internalize current values, methods and discipline of the Bolsheviks. This study evaluates the effects of the total school experience on the Finns that often ended in another total institution in Finland: prison. The curricula of the ILS consisted of theory of Marxism-Leninism, party history, political economics and themes of campaigns of Stalinism. The ILS year included participation in Bolshevik party life and practical work. During summer excursions (praktikas) the students could acquaint themselves with building of socialism in the Soviet Republics. At the ILS, intention to ideological moulding was not hidden. The students were supposed to adopt the Stalinist identity of the professional revolutionaries of the era. The ILS was saturated with ideology and propaganda. This study analyzes especially uses of history as vehicle of ideological standardisation and as instrument of power. Stalin contributed personally to shortcomings of history writing of the communist party. Later he supervised writing of the inclusive handbook of communism, "History of the All-Union Communist Party. Short Course". Special attention will be paid to the effects of Stalin's intervention at the ILS and inside the CPF. The life of the Finns at the ILS and outside the school is described at grass roots. The dividing line between personal and political is analyzed by charting emotional, intimate and bodily experiences of the Finns of the ILS. The fates of the ILS Finns after the studying or teaching period in Moscow are explored in detail. The protagonist among the teachers is Yrjö Sirola that was called "father of the CPF cadres". The Finnish ILS teachers and the formed students that had remained in the USSR were most severely hit by the Great Terror. The Soviet education had most importance in Finland of post WW2 period. The training at the ILS, however, did not contribute to revolution in Finland. The main heading of the study, "A Short Course of Stalinism", crystallises interpretation of the ILS as seat of learning of ideological unity of Stalinism. On the other hand, the title includes a statement of incompleteness of the Stalinist education if the schooling at the ILS had remained in one year.


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The study discusses the position of France as the United States’ ally in NATO in 1956-1958. The concrete position of France and the role that it was envisioned to have are being treated from the point of view of three participants of the Cold War: France, the United States and the Soviet Union. How did these different parties perceive the question and did these views change when the French Fourth Republic turned into the Fifth in 1958? The study is based on published French and American documents of Foreign Affairs. Because of problems with accessibility to the Soviet archival sources, the study uses reports on France-NATO relations of Pravda newspaper, the official organ of the Communist Party of the USSR, to provide information about how the Soviet side saw the question. Due to the nature and use of source material, and the chronological structure of the work, the study belongs methodologically to the research field of History of International Relations. As distinct from political scientists’ field of research, more prone to theorize, the study is characteristically a historical research, a work based on qualitative method and original sources that aims at creating a coherent narrative of the views expressed during the period covered by the study. France’s road to a full membership of NATO is being treated on the basis of research literature, after which discussions about France’s position in the Western Alliance are being chronologically traced for the period of last years of the Fourth Republic and the immediate months of coming back to power of Charles de Gaulle. Right from the spring of 1956 there can be seen aspirations of France, on one hand, to maintain her freedom of action inside the Western Alliance and, on the other, to widen the dialogue between the allies. The decision on France’s own nuclear deterrent was made already during the Fourth Republic, when it was thought to become part of NATO’s common defence. This was to change with de Gaulle. The USA felt that France still fancied herself as a great power and that she could not participate in full in NATO’s common defence because of her colonies. The Soviet Union saw the concrete position of France in the Alliance as in complete dependence on the USA, but her desired role was expressed largely in “Gaullist” terms. The expressions used by the General and the Soviet propaganda were close to each other, but the Soviet Union could not support de Gaulle without endangering the position of the French Communist Party. Between the Fourth and Fifth Republics no great rupture in content took place concerning the views of France’s role and position in the Western Alliance. The questions posed by de Gaulle had been expressed during the whole period of Fourth Republic’s existence. Instead, along with the General the weight and rhetoric of these questions saw a great change. Already in the early phase the Americans saw it possible that with de Gaulle, France would try to change her role. The rupture took place in the form of expression, rather than in its content.


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This dissertation examines James I. Packer s view of the Bible as the book of God s revelation. However, this study could not be complete without discussion of his background ideas about God, man and the foundations of theology. The research method used in this dissertation is systematic analysis. I analyse key theological concepts in the data, such as inerrancy, God s word and the covenant of grace, and examine Packer s concepts primarily in the context of the reformed tradition that he represents. Although the dissertation presents the philosophical premises of Packer s thought, the focus is on an analysis of theological concepts. Packer claims to approach theological issues broadly and to reject legalism. However, he also considers Calvinist thinking to be best suited to theological work and emphasises the central role of law in his view of the Bible. My dissertation pays particular attention to the status of law in Packer s theology and especially in the covenant of grace. The dissertation shows that the fundamental theological structure of Packer s view of the Bible is based on Puritan covenant theology, which consists of the temporally successive covenant of works and covenant of grace. Covenant theology stresses the connection and friendship between God and man. Man s highest goal according to the Westminster Confession of Faith (1647) is to glorify the triune God and to rejoice in him for all eternity. After the fall of man, this friendship between God and man can only take place in the covenant of grace. For Packer, the covenant of grace encompasses not only the time of the Gospel, but also the time of the law before the Gospel. Consequently, the covenant of grace incorporates in its very essence the demand of obedience to God s law. Covenant theology forms the foundation for both his view of the Bible and his idea that a believer lives in a covenant of grace, the key aspects of which are God s commandments and man s works. Law and the Gospel are not considered fundamental opposites in the covenant of grace, unlike in justification. In the covenant of grace, man has become God s friend who obeys the law as the law of Christ in a way which differs from Luther s view of obedience to the faith . For Packer, covenant theology is a Puritan instrument to link predestination and sanctification. Works committed in obedience show that the believer belongs to the covenant of grace and will be among the saved. Although voluntary obedience to God s commandments is not a direct instrument to achieve salvation, it is a pivotal sign of predestination. God calls the predestined to salvation with an effectual calling, the reliable message of the Bible. In sanctification, God guides a believer living in the context of covenantal nomism. In that sense, the Bible is above all an instrument of law guided by reason. In man s obedience, God completes man s nature and restores the imago Dei in man.


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Practices and Thought in Michel Foucault s Philosophy The present thesis examines Michel Foucault s (1926-1984) notion of practice and argues that it is an essential concept in his philosophy, especially in his analysis of knowledge, power and ethics. The thesis reveals a previously neglected chronological and methodological unity in Foucault s work. The first chapter clarifies Foucault s philosophy by outlining it according to four central themes. First, the main philosophical goal of his historical studies is to analyse how human subjects have become objects of their own thinking. Second, this goal calls for methodological precaution to avoid all anthropological universals. Third, Foucault s studies are directed towards fields of practices. Fourth, the analysis of practices is executed along three axes: knowledge, power and ethics. The second chapter concerns the notion of practice in Foucault s archaeological method. Foucault s archaeological analysis is not directed towards objects and subjects as such, but to the way that the rules of discursive practice form them in the discourse. Many commentators have neglected Foucault s concept of practice when discussing his ideas concerning rules of discourse and limits of knowledge. I argue that Foucault s analysis concerning the limits of knowledge relates to local and contingent rules of discursive practice, not to transcendental rules of thinking in general. The third chapter deals with power relations and practices. I clarify Foucault s concept of dispositif by defining it as a functional ensemble of practices, and argue that this concept is crucial to his understanding of power relations. I stress a conceptual definition, which separates relations of power from the practices of government and show that the latter is based on the idea that power relations are integrated into practices. This conceptual clarification also helps in understanding Foucault s critique concerning modern practices of power. The fourth chapter examines Foucault s way of perceiving ethics as a practice. He separates three essential dimensions in morals: moral codes, moral behaviour and practices of self. His ethics concern practices of self and he studies how these practices have constituted different relations that subjects have to themselves, to others and to their societies. I argue that Foucault s own ethical views can be found in the ideas on the importance of practices of self in the modern world, and emphasize that these ideas should be connected to his views concerning the tradition of the Enlightenment, and to his own political action.


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Solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation has a broad range of effects concerning life on Earth. Soon after the mid-1980s, it was recognized that the stratospheric ozone content was declining over large areas of the globe. Because the stratospheric ozone layer protects life on Earth from harmful UV radiation, this lead to concern about possible changes in the UV radiation due to anthropogenic activity. Initiated by this concern, many stations for monitoring of the surface UV radiation were founded in the late 1980s and early 1990s. As a consequence, there is an apparent lack of information on UV radiation further in the past: measurements cannot tell us how the UV radiation levels have changed on time scales of, for instance, several decades. The aim of this thesis was to improve our understanding of past variations in the surface UV radiation by developing techniques for UV reconstruction. Such techniques utilize commonly available meteorological data together with measurements of the total ozone column for reconstructing, or estimating, the amount of UV radiation reaching Earth's surface in the past. Two different techniques for UV reconstruction were developed. Both are based on first calculating the clear-sky UV radiation using a radiative transfer model. The clear-sky value is then corrected for the effect of clouds based on either (i) sunshine duration or (ii) pyranometer measurements. Both techniques account also for the variations in the surface albedo caused by snow, whereas aerosols are included as a typical climatological aerosol load. Using these methods, long time series of reconstructed UV radiation were produced for five European locations, namely Sodankylä and Jokioinen in Finland, Bergen in Norway, Norrköping in Sweden, and Davos in Switzerland. Both UV reconstruction techniques developed in this thesis account for the greater part of the factors affecting the amount of UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface. Thus, they are considered reliable and trustworthy, as suggested also by the good performance of the methods. The pyranometer-based method shows better performance than the sunshine-based method, especially for daily values. For monthly values, the difference between the performances of the methods is smaller, indicating that the sunshine-based method is roughly as good as the pyranometer-based for assessing long-term changes in the surface UV radiation. The time series of reconstructed UV radiation produced in this thesis provide new insight into the past UV radiation climate and how the UV radiation has varied throughout the years. Especially the sunshine-based UV time series, extending back to 1926 and 1950 at Davos and Sodankylä, respectively, also put the recent changes driven by the ozone decline observed over the last few decades into perspective. At Davos, the reconstructed UV over the period 1926-2003 shows considerable variation throughout the entire period, with high values in the mid-1940s, early 1960s, and in the 1990s. Moreover, the variations prior to 1980 were found to be caused primarily by variations in the cloudiness, while the increase of 4.5 %/decade over the period 1979-1999 was supported by both the decline in the total ozone column and changes in the cloudiness. Of the other stations included in this work, both Sodankylä and Norrköping show a clear increase in the UV radiation since the early 1980s (3-4 %/decade), driven primarily by changes in the cloudiness, and to a lesser extent by the diminution of the total ozone. At Jokioinen, a weak increase was found, while at Bergen there was no considerable overall change in the UV radiation level.


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Kielet ruotsi, latina ja suomi. Typis impr. 1924-1926.


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Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin kanadalaisen kirjailijan L. M. Montgomeryn (1874 1942) elämää vuosina 1921 1927. Kyseisinä vuosina Montgomery eli presbyteeripapin vaimona maaseutuseurakunnissa, ensin Leaskdalessa ja sitten Norvalissa Kanadan Ontariossa. Tutkimus keskittyi tarkastelemaan kirjailijan elämää hallinnutta ristiriitaa, joka muodostui uskonnollisten ihanteiden ja yksilöllisen kokemuksen välisistä eroavaisuuksista. Primäärilähteinä olivat Montgomeryn toimitetut ja julkaistut päiväkirjat The Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery 1 5 (1985 2004), joista käytettiin etenkin tutkimusvuosiin keskittyvää kolmatta osaa, Montgomeryn neljä romaania Emily of New Moon (1923), Emily Climbs (1925), Blue Castle (1926) ja Emily's Quest (1927) sekä Montgomeryn toimitettu ja julkaistu kirjeenvaihto After Green Gables: L. M. Montgomery's Letters to Ephraim Weber , 1916 1941 (2006) ja My Dear Mr. M.: Letters to G. B. MacMillan (1980). Lisäksi lähteinä oli Leaskdalen seurakuntalaisten kokoama muistelmateos Montgomerysta. Kirjallisuutta käytettiin kirkkohistorian, kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ja naistutkimuksen alalta. Suositusta kirjailijasta on tehty useampia elämäkertoja ja niitä hyödynnettiin tutkimuksessa. Tutkimus jakautui kahteen päälukuun, jotka toimivat toistensa vastaparina. Ensimmäinen tutkimusluku keskittyi tarkastelemaan uskonnollisia ja viktoriaanisia ihanteita, joiden mukaisesti Montgomery oli saanut kasvatuksen. Hän pyrki täyttämään näitä ihanteita myös pappilan emäntänä. Toinen tutkimusluku tarkasteli kirjailijan elämää, uskonnollisia ajatuksia ja avioliittoa julkisivun takana, jolloin kävi selvästi ilmi kirjailijan kahtiajakautunut elämä. Montgomery sai presbyteerisen ja viktoriaanisen kasvatuksen ja oppi jo lapsena huomioimaan sen, mitä muut ihmiset ajattelevat hänestä. Hän eli pienissä maaseutuyhteisöissä, joissa juoruilu oli yksi kontrollin väline. Papin vaimolla oli velvollisuuksia seurakunnassa ja pappilan hoidossa, ja Montgomery hoiti ne tarmokkaasti ja velvollisuudentuntoisesti. Hänellä oli apulainen pappilassa, jossa arki sujui viikkoaikataulun mukaisesti. Papin vaimon roolin lisäksi Montgomery jatkoi omaa kirjoittamistyötään ja hänen runsaat tulonsa mahdollistivat nelihenkisen perheen monet hankinnat. Hänen avioliittonsa oli vaikea, sillä aviomies kärsi uskonnollisesta melankoliasta ja asia piti salata seurakuntalaisilta. Montgomery käsittelee uskonnollisia teemoja romaaneissaan ja päiväkirjassaan. Hänen uskonnolliset ajatuksensa erosivat presbyteerikirkon opista useassa kohdin. Hän ei uskonut moneenkaan opinkappaleeseen, kohtasi Jumalan ennemmin luonnossa ollessaan yksin kuin kirkossa seurakunnan keskellä sekä ajatteli kristinuskon olevan jäännös menneestä ja tieteen ottaneen sen paikan Jumalan toiminnan kanavana. Kirjailijan ajattelussa on yhtymäkohtia transsendentalismiin, teosofiaan ja darwinismiin. Hän oli innokas psykologisen kirjallisuuden lukija ja sovelsi oppejaan käytäntöön. Hän uskoi unien välittävän viestejä. Kirkkokunta oli hänelle kuitenkin merkittävä identiteetin rakentaja. Papin vaimon roolin ja yksityisesti kriittisen ajattelijan roolin yhteensovittaminen aiheutti Montogmerylle ongelmia ja väsymystä. Hän kätki uskonnolliset ajatuksensa ja yksinäisyyden aiheuttaman kivun päiväkirjaansa, jonka hän toivoi julkaistavan viimeistään kuolemansa jälkeen. Kaikenlainen kirjoittaminen oli hänelle pakoa todellisuudesta ja auttoi häntä jaksamaan. Otsikon sitatti kuvaa Montgomeryn suhdetta kristinuskoon: hän käytti kristillisiä ilmauksia, mutta muokkasi niiden sisältöä omaa uskoaan vastaavaksi. Taivas ja helvetti kuvasivat usein hänen henkistä olotilaansa sanojen uskonnollisen merkityksen sijasta.


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Pro gradu -tutkielman tutkimusaiheena on eduskuntatalohanke vuosien 1905 –1926 välillä. Tutkielman tavoitteina on analysoida hankkeen aikana tapahtunutta arkkitehtuurin ja kaupunkitilan tuottamista, tarkastella hankkeen etenemistä erityisesti päätöksentekoprosessien kautta sekä analysoida monumentaalisuuteen liittyvän näkyväksi tekemisen strategian toteutumista. Hankkeeseen liittynyt keskustelu rakennuksen sijoittamisesta sitoo myös kysymyksen Helsingin kaupunkitilasta ja hallinnollisesta keskustasta osaksi tutkimusta. Aineistona ovat olleet tutkittavan aikavälin valtiopäiväasiakirjat, erilaisten päätösvaltaisten ryhmien mietinnöt ja pöytäkirjat, kilpailuohjelmat ja -ehdotusten kuvat sekä kilpailuiden palkintolautakuntien pöytäkirjat. Ajallisen rajauksen alku kytkeytyy vuoden 1906 valtiopäiväuudistukseen ja päätös Eduskuntatalon rakentamisen alkamiseen. Lähtökohtaisena hypoteesina on ollut, että tilan tuottaminen, samoin kuin arkkitehtoniseen tilaan liitettyjen merkitysten tuottamisen prosessi, alkaa jo ennen konkreettisen tilan olemassaoloa. Eduskuntatalohanke käynnistyi kun keskustelu yksikamarisen eduskunnan kokoontumistiloista tuli ajankohtaiseksi valtiopäiväuudistuksen myötä. Eduskuntatalohankkeessa rakennuttajana oli Suomen valtio, jota edusti eduskunta sekä sen valtuuttamat ryhmät: eduskuntatalovaltuuskunnat ja -lautakunnat sekä Eduskuntatalon rakennustoimikunta. Nämä ryhmät valmistelivat tilakysymystä ja siihen liittyneitä päätöksiä. Ryhmät muodostuivat kansanedustajista ja arkkitehdeista, vaihtelevassa suhteessa. Arkkitehtuuria ja kaupunkitilaa tuotettiin aina kun tilakysymyksen ratkaisua ja sijoituskysymystä valmisteltiin tai niistä keskusteltiin. Hankkeen aikana järjestettiin kolme kilpailua: vuoden 1908 valtiopäivätalon suunnittelukilpailu, vuoden 1923 eduskuntatalon sijoituskilpailu ja vuoden 1924 suunnittelukilpailu. Läpi hankkeen eduskunnan tilaongelman ratkaisuna pidettiin joko Säätytalon laajennusta tai uuden eduskuntatalon rakentamista. Kansanedustajien näkemykset tilaongelman ratkaisuun olivat puolueittain sitoutuneita. Arkkitehtuuriin ladattuihin odotuksiin ja rakennuksen sijoituskysymykseen vaikutti paljon rakennuksen rooli hallintorakennuksena. Hankkeen aikana vielä idean tasolla olleen rakennuksen ulkomuotoon ja sijaintiin ladattiin paljon symbolisia merkityksiä, odotuksia ja vaatimuksia, jotka tulivat esiin tilakysymyksen valmistelussa, pöytäkirjoihin merkityissä keskusteluissa sekä kilpailuohjelmissa ja kilpailuiden palkintolautakuntien arvioissa. Samalla tuotettiin konkreettista arkkitehtuuria, kaupunkitilaa ja rakennuksen symbolista roolia. Rakennukselta ja sen sijoituspaikalta odotettu ”monumentaalisuus” oli usein sidoksissa näkyväksi tekemiseen. Näkyväksi tekeminen tuli erityisen selvästi ilmi eduskuntatalon sijoituskysymyksessä.


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Kielet suomi ja saksa.


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Kielet latina, saksa ja suomi.