13 resultados para Alpha and beta diversity

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The synchronization of neuronal activity, especially in the beta- (14-30 Hz) /gamma- (30 80 Hz) frequency bands, is thought to provide a means for the integration of anatomically distributed processing and for the formation of transient neuronal assemblies. Thus non-stimulus locked (i.e. induced) gamma-band oscillations are believed to underlie feature binding and the formation of neuronal object representations. On the other hand, the functional roles of neuronal oscillations in slower theta- (4 8 Hz) and alpha- (8 14 Hz) frequency bands remain controversial. In addition, early stimulus-locked activity has been largely ignored, as it is believed to reflect merely the physical properties of sensory stimuli. With human neuromagnetic recordings, both the functional roles of gamma- and alpha-band oscillations and the significance of early stimulus-locked activity in neuronal processing were examined in this thesis. Study I of this thesis shows that even the stimulus-locked (evoked) gamma oscillations were sensitive to high-level stimulus features for speech and non-speech sounds, suggesting that they may underlie the formation of early neuronal object representations for stimuli with a behavioural relevance. Study II shows that neuronal processing for consciously perceived and unperceived stimuli differed as early as 30 ms after stimulus onset. This study also showed that the alpha band oscillations selectively correlated with conscious perception. Study III, in turn, shows that prestimulus alpha-band oscillations influence the subsequent detection and processing of sensory stimuli. Further, in Study IV, we asked whether phase synchronization between distinct frequency bands is present in cortical circuits. This study revealed prominent task-sensitive phase synchrony between alpha and beta/gamma oscillations. Finally, the implications of Studies II, III, and IV to the broader scientific context are analysed in the last study of this thesis (V). I suggest, in this thesis that neuronal processing may be extremely fast and that the evoked response is important for cognitive processes. I also propose that alpha oscillations define the global neuronal workspace of perception, action, and consciousness and, further, that cross-frequency synchronization is required for the integration of neuronal object representations into global neuronal workspace.


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In this thesis, two separate single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping techniques were set up at the Finnish Genome Center, pooled genotyping was evaluated as a screening method for large-scale association studies, and finally, the former approaches were used to identify genetic factors predisposing to two distinct complex diseases by utilizing large epidemiological cohorts and also taking environmental factors into account. The first genotyping platform was based on traditional but improved restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism (RFLP) utilizing 384-microtiter well plates, multiplexing, small reaction volumes (5 µl), and automated genotype calling. We participated in the development of the second genotyping method, based on single nucleotide primer extension (SNuPeTM by Amersham Biosciences), by carrying out the alpha- and beta tests for the chemistry and the allele-calling software. Both techniques proved to be accurate, reliable, and suitable for projects with thousands of samples and tens of markers. Pooled genotyping (genotyping of pooled instead of individual DNA samples) was evaluated with Sequenom s MassArray MALDI-TOF, in addition to SNuPeTM and PCR-RFLP techniques. We used MassArray mainly as a point of comparison, because it is known to be well suited for pooled genotyping. All three methods were shown to be accurate, the standard deviations between measurements being 0.017 for the MassArray, 0.022 for the PCR-RFLP, and 0.026 for the SNuPeTM. The largest source of error in the process of pooled genotyping was shown to be the volumetric error, i.e., the preparation of pools. We also demonstrated that it would have been possible to narrow down the genetic locus underlying congenital chloride diarrhea (CLD), an autosomal recessive disorder, by using the pooling technique instead of genotyping individual samples. Although the approach seems to be well suited for traditional case-control studies, it is difficult to apply if any kind of stratification based on environmental factors is needed. Therefore we chose to continue with individual genotyping in the following association studies. Samples in the two separate large epidemiological cohorts were genotyped with the PCR-RFLP and SNuPeTM techniques. The first of these association studies concerned various pregnancy complications among 100,000 consecutive pregnancies in Finland, of which we genotyped 2292 patients and controls, in addition to a population sample of 644 blood donors, with 7 polymorphisms in the potentially thrombotic genes. In this thesis, the analysis of a sub-study of pregnancy-related venous thromboses was included. We showed that the impact of factor V Leiden polymorphism on pregnancy-related venous thrombosis, but not the other tested polymorphisms, was fairly large (odds ratio 11.6; 95% CI 3.6-33.6), and increased multiplicatively when combined with other risk factors such as obesity or advanced age. Owing to our study design, we were also able to estimate the risks at the population level. The second epidemiological cohort was the Helsinki Birth Cohort of men and women who were born during 1924-1933 in Helsinki. The aim was to identify genetic factors that might modify the well known link between small birth size and adult metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance. Among ~500 individuals with detailed birth measurements and current metabolic profile, we found that an insertion/deletion polymorphism of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene was associated with the duration of gestation, and weight and length at birth. Interestingly, the ACE insertion allele was also associated with higher indices of insulin secretion (p=0.0004) in adult life, but only among individuals who were born small (those among the lowest third of birth weight). Likewise, low birth weight was associated with higher indices of insulin secretion (p=0.003), but only among carriers of the ACE insertion allele. The association with birth measurements was also found with a common haplotype of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene. Furthermore, the association between short length at birth and adult impaired glucose tolerance was confined to carriers of this haplotype (p=0.007). These associations exemplify the interaction between environmental factors and genotype, which, possibly due to altered gene expression, predisposes to complex metabolic diseases. Indeed, we showed that the common GR gene haplotype associated with reduced mRNA expression in thymus of three individuals (p=0.0002).


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Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane adhesion receptors composed of alpha- and beta-subunits and they are vital for the function of multicellular organisms. Integrin-mediated adhesion is a complex process involving both affinity regulation and coupling to the actin cytoskeleton. Integrins also function as bidirectional signaling devices, regulating cell adhesion and migration after inside-out signaling, but also signal into the cell to regulate growth, differentiation and apoptosis after ligand binding. The LFA-1 integrin is exclusively expressed in leukocytes and is of fundamental importance for the function of the immune system. The LFA-1 integrins have short intracellular tails, which are devoid of catalytic activity. These cytoplasmic domains are important for integrin regulation and both the alpha and beta chain become phosphorylated. The alpha chain is constitutively phosphorylated, but the beta chain becomes phosphorylated on serine and functionally important threonine residues only after cell activation. The cytoplasmic tails of LFA-1 bind to many cytoskeletal and signaling proteins regulating numerous cell functions. However, the molecular mechanisms behind these interactions have been poorly understood. Phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic tails of the LFA-1 integrin could provide a mechanism to regulate integrin-mediated cytoskeletal interactions and take part in T cell signaling. In this study, the effects of phosphorylation of LFA-1 integrin cytoplasmic tails on different cellular functions were examined. Site-specific phosphorylation of both the alpha- and beta-chains of the LFA-1 was shown to have a role in the regulation of the LFA-1 integrin.Alpha-chain Ser1140 is needed for integrin conformational changes after chemokine- or integrin ligand-induced activation or after activation induced by active Rap1, whereas beta-chain binds to 14-3-3 proteins through the phosphorylated Thr758 and mediates cytoskeletal reorganization. Thr758 phosphorylation also acts as a molecular switch to inhibit filamin binding and allows 14-3-3 protein binding to integrin cytoplasmic domain, and it was also shown to lead to T cell adhesion, Rac-1/Cdc42 activation and expression of the T cell activation marker CD69, indicating a signaling function for Thr758 phosphorylation in T cells. Thus, phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic tails of LFA-1 plays an important role in different functions of the LFA-1 integrin in T cells. It is of vital importance to study the mechanisms and components of integrin regulation since leukocyte adhesion is involved in many functions of the immune system and defects in the regulation of LFA-1 contributes to auto-immune diseases and fundamental defects in the immune system.


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Throughout the history of Linnean taxonomy, species have been described with varying degrees of justification. Many descriptions have been based on only a few ambiguous morphological characters. Moreover, species have been considered natural, well-defined units whereas higher taxa have been treated as disparate, non-existent creations. In the present thesis a few such cases were studied in detail. Often the species-level descriptions were based on only a few specimens and the variation previously thought to be interspecific was found to be intraspecific. In some cases morphological characters were sufficient to resolve the evolutionary relationships between the taxa, but generally more resolution was gained by the addition of molecular evidence. However, both morphological and molecular data were found to be deceptive in some cases. The DNA sequences of morphologically similar specimens were found to differ distinctly in some cases, whereas in other closely related species the morphology of specimens with identical DNA sequences differed substantially. This study counsels caution when evolutionary relationships are being studied utilizing only one source of evidence or a very limited number of characters (e.g. barcoding). Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of high quality data as well as the utilization of proper methods when making scientific inferences. Properly conducted analyses produce robust results that can be utilized in numerous interesting ways. The present thesis considered two such extensions of systematics. A novel hypothesis on the origin of bioluminescence in Elateriformia beetles is presented, tying it to the development of the clicking mechanism in the ancestors of these animals. An entirely different type of extension of systematics is the proposed high value of the white sand forests in maintaining the diversity of beetles in the Peruvian Amazon. White sand forests are under growing pressure from human activities that lead to deforestation. They were found to harbor an extremely diverse beetle fauna and many taxa were specialists living only in this unique habitat. In comparison to the predominant clay soil forests, considerably more elateroid beetles belonging to all studied taxonomic levels (species, genus, tribus, and subfamily) were collected in white sand forests. This evolutionary diversity is hypothesized to be due to a combination of factors: (1) the forest structure, which favors the fungus-plant interactions important for the elateroid beetles, (2) the old age of the forest type favoring survival of many evolutionary lineages and (3) the widespread distribution and fragmentation of the forests in the Miocene, favoring speciation.


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Luonnosta haihtuvat orgaaniset yhdisteet, joita pääsee ilmaan etenkin metsistä, voivat vaikuttaa paikalliseen ja alueelliseen ilmanlaatuun, koska ne reagoivat ilmakehässä. Niiden reaktiotuotteet voivat myös osallistua uusien hiukkasten muodostumiseen ja kasvuun, millä voi olla vaikutusta ilmakehän säteilytaseeseen ja tätä kautta myös ilmastoon. Hiukkaset absorboivat ja sirottavat auringon säteilyä ja maapallon lämpösäteilyä minkä lisäksi ne vaikuttavat pilvien säteilyominaisuuksiin, määrään ja elinikään. Koko maapallon mittakaavassa luonnosta tulevat hiilivetypäästöt ylittävät ihmistoiminnan aiheuttamat päästöt moninkertaisesti. Tämän vuoksi luonnon päästöjen arviointi on tärkeää kun halutaan kehittää tehokkaita ilmanlaatu- ja ilmastostrategioita. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee boreaalisen metsän hiilivetypäästöjä. Boreaalinen metsä eli pohjoinen havumetsä on suurin maanpäällinen ekosysteemi, ja se ulottuu lähes yhtenäisenä nauhana koko pohjoisen pallonpuoliskon ympäri. Sille on tyypillistä puulajien suhteellisen pieni kirjo sekä olosuhteiden ja kasvun voimakkaat vuodenaikaisvaihtelut. Työssä on tutkittu Suomen yleisimmän boreaalisen puun eli männyn hiilivetypäästöjen vuodenaikaisvaihtelua sekä päästöjen riippuvuutta lämpötilasta ja valosta. Saatuja tuloksia on käytetty yhdessä muiden boreaalisilla puilla tehtyjen päästömittaustulosten kanssa Suomen metsiä varten kehitetyssä päästömallissa. Malli perustuu lisäksi maankäyttötietoihin, suomen metsille kehitettyyn luokitukseen ja meteorologisiin tietoihin, joiden avulla se laskee metsien hiilivetypäästöt kasvukauden aikana. Suomen metsien päästöt koostuvat koko kasvukauden ajan suurelta osin alfa- ja beta-pineenistä sekä delta-kareenista. Kesällä ja syksyllä päästöissä on myös paljon sabineenia, jota tulee etenkin lehtipuista. Päästöt seuraavat lämpötilan keskimääräistä vaihtelua, ovat suurimmillaan maan eteläosissa ja laskevat tasaisesti pohjoiseen siirryttäessä. Metsän isopreenipäästö on suhteellisen pieni – Suomessa tärkein isopreeniä päästävä puu on vähäpäästöinen kuusi, koska runsaspäästöisten pajun ja haavan osuus metsän lehtimassasta on hyvin pieni. Tässä työssä on myös laskettu ensimmäinen arvio metsän seskviterpeenipäästöistä. Seskviterpeenipäästöt alkavat Juhannuksen jälkeen ja ovat kasvukauden aikana samaa suuruusluokkaa kuin isopreenipäästöt. Vuositasolla Suomen metsien hiilivetypäästöt ovat noin kaksinkertaiset ihmistoiminnasta aiheutuviin päästöihin verrattuna.


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We described the patterns and extent of microsatellite DNA variation in historical and present-day Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks in the Baltic Sea and neighbouring areas, and in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) ecotypes, populations and run-timing types in Finland. Moreover, the amount and pattern of genetic diversity in historical salmon populations before human impact were described, and the proportion of diversity maintained in the present hatchery stocks evaluated. Salmon populations in the Baltic Sea were, on average, significantly less variable than eastern Atlantic populations, and the diversity of landlocked populations (Lakes Vänern, Saimaa, Onega and Ladoga) was in turn significantly lower than that of anadromous salmon populations in the Baltic Sea populations. Within the Baltic Sea, the anadromous populations of Atlantic salmon formed three clear groups, corresponding to the northern (Gulf of Bothnia), eastern (Gulf of Finland and eastern Baltic Main Basin) and southern (western Baltic Main Basin) regions. Based on microsatellite data, three salmon population groups in the Baltic Sea were considered potentially different colonization lineages. In short- and long-term breeding programmes of Atlantic salmon, the average observed rate of loss of alleles was 4.9% and 2.0% per generation and the average rate of loss of heterozygosity was 1.4% and 1% per generation, respectively. When comparing the genetic parameters of stocks before and after hatchery breeding of several successive generations (Rivers Iijoki and Oulujoki), statistically significant changes in allele frequencies were common, while large wild stock in the Teno River has remained temporally very stable over 56 years. Despite the observed losses of genetic diversity in broodstock breeding, a large proportion of the genetic resources of the extirpated stocks are still conserved in the broodstocks. Genetic differentiation among European whitefish ecotypes was generally low, thus giving support to the hypothesis of one native European whitefish species in Fennoscandia. Among the ecotypes, the northern, large sparsely rakered, bottom-dwelling whitefish was the most unique. The known genetic differences in quantitative traits have thus either developed independently of potential phylogenetic lineages, or the lineages have mixed and the quantitative traits of the ecotypes, like gill-raker number, have later changed according to environment and selection pressures. Overall, genetic distances between the anadromous whitefish populations along the Finnish coast, especially in the Bothnian Bay area, were small. Wild whitefish populations studied had slightly higher allelic diversity than hatchery-reared populations in corresponding rivers.


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Buffer zones are vegetated strip-edges of agricultural fields along watercourses. As linear habitats in agricultural ecosystems, buffer strips dominate and play a leading ecological role in many areas. This thesis focuses on the plant species diversity of the buffer zones in a Finnish agricultural landscape. The main objective of the present study is to identify the determinants of floral species diversity in arable buffer zones from local to regional levels. This study was conducted in a watershed area of a farmland landscape of southern Finland. The study area, Lepsämänjoki, is situated in the Nurmijärvi commune 30 km to the north of Helsinki, Finland. The biotope mosaics were mapped in GIS. A total of 59 buffer zones were surveyed, of which 29 buffer strips surveyed were also sampled by plot. Firstly, two diversity components (species richness and evenness) were investigated to determine whether the relationship between the two is equal and predictable. I found no correlation between species richness and evenness. The relationship between richness and evenness is unpredictable in a small-scale human-shaped ecosystem. Ordination and correlation analyses show that richness and evenness may result from different ecological processes, and thus should be considered separately. Species richness correlated negatively with phosphorus content, and species evenness correlated negatively with the ratio of organic carbon to total nitrogen in soil. The lack of a consistent pattern in the relationship between these two components may be due to site-specific variation in resource utilization by plant species. Within-habitat configuration (width, length, and area) were investigated to determine which is more effective for predicting species richness. More species per unit area increment could be obtained from widening the buffer strip than from lengthening it. The width of the strips is an effective determinant of plant species richness. The increase in species diversity with an increase in the width of buffer strips may be due to cross-sectional habitat gradients within the linear patches. This result can serve as a reference for policy makers, and has application value in agricultural management. In the framework of metacommunity theory, I found that both mass effect(connectivity) and species sorting (resource heterogeneity) were likely to explain species composition and diversity on a local and regional scale. The local and regional processes were interactively dominated by the degree to which dispersal perturbs local communities. In the lowly and intermediately connected regions, species sorting was of primary importance to explain species diversity, while the mass effect surpassed species sorting in the highly connected region. Increasing connectivity in communities containing high habitat heterogeneity can lead to the homogenization of local communities, and consequently, to lower regional diversity, while local species richness was unrelated to the habitat connectivity. Of all species found, Anthriscus sylvestris, Phalaris arundinacea, and Phleum pretense significantly responded to connectivity, and showed high abundance in the highly connected region. We suggest that these species may play a role in switching the force from local resources to regional connectivity shaping the community structure. On the landscape context level, the different responses of local species richness and evenness to landscape context were investigated. Seven landscape structural parameters served to indicate landscape context on five scales. On all scales but the smallest scales, the Shannon-Wiener diversity of land covers (H') correlated positively with the local richness. The factor (H') showed the highest correlation coefficients in species richness on the second largest scale. The edge density of arable field was the only predictor that correlated with species evenness on all scales, which showed the highest predictive power on the second smallest scale. The different predictive power of the factors on different scales showed a scaledependent relationship between the landscape context and local plant species diversity, and indicated that different ecological processes determine species richness and evenness. The local richness of species depends on a regional process on large scales, which may relate to the regional species pool, while species evenness depends on a fine- or coarse-grained farming system, which may relate to the patch quality of the habitats of field edges near the buffer strips. My results suggested some guidelines of species diversity conservation in the agricultural ecosystem. To maintain a high level of species diversity in the strips, a high level of phosphorus in strip soil should be avoided. Widening the strips is the most effective mean to improve species richness. Habitat connectivity is not always favorable to species diversity because increasing connectivity in communities containing high habitat heterogeneity can lead to the homogenization of local communities (beta diversity) and, consequently, to lower regional diversity. Overall, a synthesis of local and regional factors emerged as the model that best explain variations in plant species diversity. The studies also suggest that the effects of determinants on species diversity have a complex relationship with scale.


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Acquiring sufficient information on the genetic variation, genetic differentiation, and the ecological and genetic relationships among individuals and populations are essential for establishing guidelines on conservation and utilization of the genetic resources of a species, and more particularly when biotic and abiotic stresses are considered. The aim of this study was to assess the extent and pattern of genetic variation in date palm (Phoenix dacttylifera L) cultivars; the genetic diversity and structure in its populations occurring over geographical ranges; the variation in economically and botanically important traits of it and the variation in its drought adaptive traits, in conservation and utilization context. In this study, the genetic diversity and relationships among selected cultivars from Sudan and Morocco were assessed using microsatellite markers. Microsatellite markers were also used to investigate the genetic diversity within and among populations collected from different geographic locations in Sudan. In a separate investigation, fruits of cultivars selected from Sudan, involved morphological and chemical characterization, and morphological and DNA polymorphism of the mother trees were also investigated. Morphological and photosynthetic adjustments to water stress were studied in the five most important date palm cultivars in Sudan, namely, Gondaila, Barakawi, Bitamoda, Khateeb and Laggai; and the mechanism enhancing photosynthetic gas exchange in date palm under water stress was also investigated. Results showed a significant (p < 0.001, t-test) differentiation between Sudan and Morocco groups of cultivars. However, the major feature of all tested cultivars was the complete lack of clustering and the absence of cultivars representing specific clones. The results indicated high genetic as well as compositional and morphological diversity among cultivars; while, compositional and morphological traits were found to be characteristic features that strongly differentiate cultivars as well as phenotypes. High genetic diversity was observed also in different populations. Slight but significant (p < 0.01, AMOVA) divergence was observed for soft and dry types; however, the genetic divergence among populations was relatively weak. The results showed a complex genetic relationships between some of the tested populations especially when isolation by distance was considered. The results of the study also revealed that date palm cultivars and phenotypes possess specific direct or interaction effects due to water availability on a range of morphological and physiological traits. Soft and dry phenotypes responded differently to different levels of water stress, while the dry phenotype was more sensitive and conservative. The results indicated that date palm has high fixation capacity to photosynthetic CO2 supply with interaction effect to water availability, which can be considered as advantageous when coping with stresses that may arise with climate change. In conclusion, although a large amount of diversity exists among date palm germplasm, the findings in this study show that the role of biological nature of the tree, isolation by distance and environmental effects on structuring date palm genome was highly influenced by human impacts. Identity of date palm cultivars as developed and manipulated by date palm growers, in the absence of scientific breeding programmes, may continue to mainly depend on tree morphology and fruit characters. The pattern of genetic differentiation may cover specific morphological and physiological traits that contribute to adaptive mechanisms in each phenotype. These traits can be considered for further studies related to drought adaptation in date palm.


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Syanobakteerit (sinilevät) ovat olleet Itämeressä koko nykymuotoisen Itämeren ajan, sillä paleolimnologiset todisteet niiden olemassaolosta Itämeren alueella ovat noin 7000 vuoden takaa. Syanobakteerien massaesiintymät eli kukinnat ovat kuitenkin sekä levinneet laajemmille alueille että tulleet voimakkaimmiksi viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana. Tähän on osasyynä ihmisten aiheuttama kuormitus, joka rehevöittää Itämerta. Suomenlahti, jota tämä tutkimus käsittelee, on kärsinyt tästä rehevöitymiskehityksestä muita Itämeren altaita enemmän. Syanobakteerit muodostavat jokakesäisiä kukintoja Suomenlahdella - niin sen avomerialueilla kuin rannoillakin. Yleisimmät kukintoja muodostavat syanobakteerisuvut ovat Nodularia, Anabaena ja Aphanizomenon. Kukinnat aiheuttavat paitsi esteettistä haittaa myös terveydellisen riskitekijän. Niiden myrkyllisyys liitetään usein Nodularia-suvun tuottamaan nodulariini-maksamyrkkyyn. Itämeren Aphanizomenon-suvun on todettu olevan myrkytön. Vaikka Itämeren kukintoja aiheuttavista Nodularia- ja Aphanizomenon-syanobakteereista tiedetään varsin paljon, on molekyylimenetelmiin pohjautuva syanobakteeritutkimus ohittanut Itämeren Anabaena-suvun monelta osin. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli syventää käsitystämme Itämeren Anabaena-syanobakteerista, sen mahdollisesta myrkyllisyydestä, geneettisestä monimuotoisuudesta ja fylogeneettisista sukulaisuussuhteista. Tässä työssä eristettiin 49 planktista Anabaena-kantaa, joista viisi tuottivat mikrokystiinejä. Tämä oli ensimmäinen yksiselitteinen todiste, että Itämeren Anabaena tuottaa maksamyrkyllisiä mikrokystiini-yhdisteitä. Jokainen eristetty myrkyllinen Anabaena-kanta tuotti useita mikrokystiini-variantteja. Lisäksi mikrokystiinejä löydettiin kukintanäytteistä, joissa oli myrkkyä syntetisoivia geenejä sisältäneitä Anabaena-syanobakteereita. Myrkkyjä löydettiin molempina tutkimusvuosina 2003 ja 2004. Myrkkyjen esiintyminen ei siten ollut vain yksittäinen ilmiö. Tässä työssä saimme viitteitä siitä, että maksamyrkyllinen Anabaena-syanobakteeri esiintyisi vähäsuolaisissa vesissä. Tämä riippuvuussuhde jää kuitenkin tulevien tutkimuksien selvitettäväksi. Tässä työssä havaittiin mikrokystiinisyntetaasi-geenien inaktivoituminen Itämeren Anabaena-kannassa ja kukintanäytteissä. Kuvasimme Anabaena-kannan mikrokystiinisyntetaasigeenien sisältä insertioita, jotka hyvin todennäköisesti inaktivoivat myrkyntuoton. Insertion sisältäneeltä kannalta löysimme kuitenkin kaikki mikrokystiinisyntetaasigeenit osoittaen, että geenien olemassaolo ei välttämättä varmista kannan mikrokystiinintuottoa. Mielenkiintoista oli se, että inaktivaation aiheuttavia insertioita löytyi kukintanäytteistä molemmilta tutkimusvuosilta. Vastaavia insertioita ei kuitenkaan löydetty makean veden Anabaena-kannoista tai järvinäytteistä. On yleistä, että syanobakteerikukinnoista löytyy usean syanobakteerisuvun edustajia. Myrkyllisiä sukuja tai lajeja ei voida kuitenkaan erottaa mikroskooppisesti myrkyttömistä. Käsillä olevassa tutkimuksessa kehitettiin molekyylimenetelmä, jolla on mahdollista määrittää kukinnan mahdollisesti maksamyrkylliset syanobakteerisuvut. Tätä menetelmää sovellettiin Itämeren kukintojen tutkimiseen. Itämeren pintavesistä ja ranta-alueiden pohjasta eristetyt Anabaena-kannat osoittautuivat geneettisesti monimuotoisiksi. Tämä Anabaena-syanobakteerien geneettinen monimuotoisuus vahvistettiin monistamalla geenejä suoraan kukintanäytteistä ilman kantojen eristystä. Makeiden vesien ja Itämeren Anabaena-kannat ovat geneettisesti hyvin samankaltaisia. Geneettisissä vertailuissa kävi kuitenkin ilmi, että pohjassa elävien Anabaena-kantojen geneettinen monimuotoisuus oli suurempaa kuin pintavesistä eristettyjen kantojen. Itämeren Anabaena-kantojen sekvenssit muodostivat omia ryhmiä sukupuun sisällä, jolloin on mahdollista, että nämä edustavat Itämeren omia Anabaena-ekotyyppejä. Tämä tutkimus oli ensimmäinen, jossa uusin molekyylimenetelmin systemaattisesti selvitettiin Itämeren Anabaena-syanobakteerin geneettistä populaatiorakennetta, fylogeniaa ja myrkyntuottoa. Tulevaisuudessa monitorointitutkimuksissa on otettava huomioon myös Itämeren Anabaena-syanobakteerin mahdollinen maksamyrkyntuotto – erityisesti vähäsuolaisemmilla rannikkovesillä.


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Intensified agricultural practises introduced after the Second World War are identified as a major cause of global biodiversity declines. In several European countries agri-environment support schemes have been introduced to counteract the ongoing biodiversity declines. Farmers participating in agri-environment schemes are financially compensated for decreasing the intensity of farming practises leading to smaller yields and lower income. The Finnish agri-environment support scheme is composed of a set of measures, such as widened field margins along main ditches (obligatory measure), management of features increasing landscape diversity, management of semi-natural grasslands, and organic farming (special agreement measures). The magnitude of the benefits for biodiversity depends on landscape context and the properties of individual schemes. In this thesis I studied whether one agri-environment scheme, organic farming, is beneficial for species diversity and abundance of diurnal lepidopterans, bumblebees, carabid beetles and arable weeds. I found that organic farming did not enhance species richness of selected insect taxa, although bumblebee species richness tended to be higher in organic farms. Abundance of lepidopterans and bumblebees was not enhanced by organic farming, but carabid beetle abundance was higher in mixed farms with both cereal crop production and animal husbandry. Both species richness and abundance of arable weeds were higher in organic farms. My second objective was to study how landscape structure shapes farmland butterfly communities. I found that the percentage of habitat specialists and species with poor dispersal abilities in butterfly assemblages decreased with increasing arable field cover, leading to a dramatic decrease in butterfly beta diversity. In field boundaries local species richness of butterflies was linearly related to landscape species richness in geographic regions with high arable field cover, indicating that butterfly species richness in field boundaries is more limited by landscape factors than local habitat factors. In study landscapes containing semi-natural grasslands the relationship decelerated at high landscape species richness, suggesting that local species richness of butterflies in field boundaries is limited by habitat factors (demanding habitat specialists that occurred in semi-natural grasslands were absent in field margins). My results suggest that management options in field margins will affect mainly generalists, and species with good dispersal abilities, in landscapes with high arable field cover. Habitat specialists and species with poor dispersal abilities may benefit of management options if these are applied in the vicinity of source populations.


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The incidence of type 2 diabetes has increased rapidly worldwide. Obesity is one of the most important modifiable risk factors of type 2 diabetes: weight gain increases and weight loss decreases the risk. However, the effects of weight fluctuation are unclear. Reactive oxygen species are presumably part of the complicated mechanism for the development of insulin resistance and beta-cell destruction in the pancreas. The association of antioxidants with the risk of incident type 2 diabetes has been studied in longitudinal prospective human studies, but so far there is no clear conclusion about protective effect of dietary or of supplementary antioxidants on diabetes risk. The present study examined 1) weight change and fluctuation as risk factors for incident type 2 diabetes; 2) the association of baseline serum alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene concentration and dietary intake of antioxidants with the risk of type 2 diabetes; 3) the effect of supplementation with alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene on the risk of incident type 2 diabetes; and on macrovascular complications and mortality among type 2 diabetics. This investigation was part of the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled prevention trial, which has undertaken to examine the effect of alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene supplementation on the development of lung cancer, other cancers, and cardiovascular diseases in male smokers aged 50-69 years at baseline. Participants were assigned to receive either 50 mg alpha-tocopherol, 20mg beta-carotene, both, or placebo daily in a 2 x 2 factorial design experiment during 1985-1993. Cases of incident diabetes were identified through a nationwide register of drug reimbursements of the Social Insurance Institution. At baseline 1700 men had a history of diabetes. Among those (n = 27 379) with no diabetes at baseline 305 new cases of type 2 diabetes were recognized during the intervention period and 705 during the whole follow-up to 12.5 years. Weight gain and weight fluctuation measured over a three year period were independent risk factors for subsequent incident type 2 diabetes. Relative risk (RR) was 1.77 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.44-2.17) for weight gain of at least 4 kg compared to those with a weight change of less than 4 kg. The RR in the highest weight fluctuation quintile compared to the lowest was 1.64 (95% CI 1.24-2.17). Dietary tocopherols and tocotrienols as well as dietary carotenoids, flavonols, flavones and vitamin C were not associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes. Baseline serum alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene concentrations were not associated with the risk of incident diabetes. Neither alpha-tocopherol nor beta-carotene supplementation affected the risk of diabetes. The relative risks for participants who received alpha-tocopherol compared with nonrecipients and for participants who received beta-carotene compared with nonrecipients were 0.92 (95% CI 0.79-1.07) and 0.99 (95% CI 0.85-1.15), respectively. Furthermore, alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene supplementation did not affect the risk of macrovascular complications or mortality of diabetic subjects during the 19 years follow-up time. In conclusion, in this study of older middle-aged male smokers, weight gain and weight fluctuation were independent risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Intake of antioxidants or serum alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene concentrations were not associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes. Supplementation with of alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene did not prevent type 2 diabetes. Neither did they prevent macrovascular complications, or mortality among diabetic subjects.