45 resultados para heavy-light mesons


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Nanotechnology applications are entering the market in increasing numbers, nanoparticles being among the main classes of materials used. Particles can be used, e.g., for catalysing chemical reactions, such as is done in car exhaust catalysts today. They can also modify the optical and electronic properties of materials or be used as building blocks for thin film coatings on a variety of surfaces. To develop materials for specific applications, an intricate control of the particle properties, structure, size and shape is required. All these depend on a multitude of factors from methods of synthesis and deposition to post-processing. This thesis addresses the control of nanoparticle structure by low-energy cluster beam deposition and post-synthesis ion irradiation. Cluster deposition in high vacuum offers a method for obtaining precisely controlled cluster-assembled materials with minimal contamination. Due to the clusters small size, however, the cluster-surface interaction may drastically change the cluster properties on deposition. In this thesis, the deposition process of metal and alloy clusters on metallic surfaces is modelled using molecular dynamics simulations, and the mechanisms influencing cluster structure are identified. Two mechanisms, mechanical melting upon deposition and thermally activated dislocation motion, are shown to determine whether a deposited cluster will align epitaxially with its support. The semiconductor industry has used ion irradiation as a tool to modify material properties for decades. Irradiation can be used for doping, patterning surfaces, and inducing chemical ordering in alloys, just to give a few examples. The irradiation response of nanoparticles has, however, remained an almost uncharted territory. Although irradiation effects in nanoparticles embedded inside solid matrices have been studied, almost no work has been done on supported particles. In this thesis, the response of supported nanoparticles is studied systematically for heavy and light ion irradiation. The processes leading to damage production are identified and models are developed for both types of irradiation. In recent experiments, helium irradiation has been shown to induce a phase transformation from multiply twinned to single-crystalline nanoparticles in bimetallic alloys, but the nature of the transition has remained unknown. The alloys for which the effect has been observed are CuAu and FePt. It is shown in this thesis that transient amorphization leads to the observed transition and that while CuAu and FePt do not amorphize upon irradiation in bulk or as thin films, they readily do so as nanoparticles. This is the first time such an effect is demonstrated with supported particles, not embedded in a matrix where mixing is always an issue. An understanding of the above physical processes is essential, if nanoparticles are to be used in applications in an optimal way. This thesis clarifies the mechanisms which control particle morphology, and paves way for the synthesis of nanostructured materials tailored for specific applications.


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The main theme of the research centres on the idea that social inclusion can be analysed as inclusions and exclusions. The research is focused on the phenomenon of inclusion that is defined as widely understood social relationships and social binds emerging in a rehabilitation process. Information was gathered from 13 ex substance abusers, who had a background of heavy substance abuse for appr. 15 years and who have been sober for about 7 years. Also 34 persons who helped them to rehabilitate by the helped persons’ perspectives, were interviewed. The speciality of the research is that 5 of the ex abusers were also physically or mentally disabled. A Simmelian interaction process analysis was applied for the narrative analysis of the collected data. The aim of the analysis was to define different kinds of configurations of social relations and social binds. According to the research 3 different forms of inclusion are emerged in rehabilitation. At the early stage rehabilitation leans towards controlling the new sober life style (inclusion of life control). When people begin to rely on their temperance, they begin to make decisions about an own way of living (life political inclusion) and can also dissociate from the institutional thought patterns. People must also find a way into the circles of social relationships to develop own esteemed individual settings of codes for their action (inclusion of life orientation). The main result of the research represents the ‘mechanism of the social’ of rehabilitation. It is composed of the forms of inclusion mentioned above, their contents and the specific reflection mechanism of inclusion. It consists of the heavy structure of the disciplines of the rehabilitation system and the light structure of social worlds. Finally rehabilitation in the long run seems to lean on aesthetic of social relationships – how the person is connected to the circle of social relationships in this reflection. The conclusions are the following. The role of institutional disciplines is an important social resource for controlling life. Other institutions, i.e. the institutions of adult education offer opportunities to organize the abuser’s life. Unfortunately, the institutional rehabilitation seems to offer feeble help, especially to those who are actualising a kind of life orientation that does not comply with legitimated institutional thought patterns. If the helpers cannot define the need for aid in this situation, the helped easily becomes perversely socially excluded. In a discreet way the institutional rehabilitation is shaping subjectivities of the ex abusers by transferring responsibilities for them. This incident already increases the uncertainty of life of ex abuser, who is disposed towards feeling shame and inferiority. It is more secure to strengthen social binds with the institutional rehabilitation and its membership. Thus, getting individually responsible increases addictive behaviours.


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We have measured the differential cross section for the inclusive production of psi(2S) mesons decaying to mu^{+} mu^{-1} that were produced in prompt or B-decay processes from ppbar collisions at 1.96 TeV. These measurements have been made using a data set from an integrated luminosity of 1.1 fb^{-1} collected by the CDF II detector at Fermilab. For events with transverse momentum p_{T} (psi(2S)) > 2 GeV/c and rapidity |y(psi(2S))| psi(2S)X) Br(psi(2S) -> mu^{+} mu^{-}) to be 3.29 +- 0.04(stat.) +- 0.32(syst.) nb.


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A search for new physics using three-lepton (trilepton) data collected with the CDF II detector and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 976 pb-1 is presented. The standard model predicts a low rate of trilepton events, which makes some supersymmetric processes, such as chargino-neutralino production, measurable in this channel. The mu+mu+l signature is investigated, where l is an electron or a muon, with the additional requirement of large missing transverse energy. In this analysis, the lepton transverse momenta with respect to the beam direction (pT) are as low as 5 GeV/c, a selection that improves the sensitivity to particles which are light as well as to ones which result in leptonically decaying tau leptons. At the same time, this low-p_T selection presents additional challenges due to the non-negligible heavy-quark background at low lepton momenta. This background is measured with an innovative technique using experimental data. Several dimuon and trilepton control regions are investigated, and good agreement between experimental results and standard-model predictions is observed. In the signal region, we observe one three-muon event and expect 0.4+/-0.1 mu+mu+l events


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We have measured the differential cross section for the inclusive production of psi(2S) mesons decaying to mu^{+} mu^{-1} that were produced in prompt or B-decay processes from ppbar collisions at 1.96 TeV. These measurements have been made using a data set from an integrated luminosity of 1.1 fb^{-1} collected by the CDF II detector at Fermilab. For events with transverse momentum p_{T} (psi(2S)) > 2 GeV/c and rapidity |y(psi(2S))| psi(2S)X) Br(psi(2S) -> mu^{+} mu^{-}) to be 3.29 +- 0.04(stat.) +- 0.32(syst.) nb.


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We report a search for narrow resonances, produced in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV, that decay into muon pairs with invariant mass between 6.3 and 9.0 GeV/c^2. The data, collected with the CDF~II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, correspond to an integrated luminosity of 630 pb$^{-1}$. We use the dimuon invariant mass distribution to set 90% upper credible limits of about 1% to the ratio of the production cross section times muonic branching fraction of possible narrow resonances to that of the $\Upsilon(1{\rm S})$ meson.


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Starting point in the European individualistic copyright ideology is that an individual author creates a work and controls the use of it. However, this paper argues that it is (and has always been) impossible to control the use of works after their publication. This has also been acknowledged by the legislator, who has introduced collective licensing agreements because of this impossibility. Since it is impossible to rigorously control the use of works this writing "Rough Justice or Zero Tolerance - Reassessing the Nature of Copyright in Light of Collective Licensing" examines what reality of copyright is actually about. Finding alternative (and hopefully more "true") ways to understand copyright helps us to create alternative solutions in order to solve possible problems we have as it comes e.g. to use of content in online environment. The paper makes a claim that copyright is actually about defining negotiation points for different stakeholders and that nothing in the copyright reality prevents us from defining e.g. a new negotiation point where representatives of consumers would meet representatives of right holders in order to agree on the terms of use for certain content types in online environment.


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In smaller countries where the key players in construction IT development tend to know each other personally and where public R&D funding is concentrated to a few channels, IT roadmaps and strategies would seem to have a better chance of influencing development than in the bigger industrial countries. In this paper Finland and the RATAS-project is presented as a historical case illustrating such impact. RATAS was initiated as a construction IT roadmap project in 1985, involving many of the key organisations and companies active in construction sector development. Several of the individuals who took an active part in the project have played an important role in later developments both in Finland and on the international scene. The central result of RATAS was the identification of what is nowadays called Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology as the central issue in getting IT into efficient use in the construction sector. BIM, which earlier was referred to as building product modelling, has been a key ingredient in many roadmaps since and the subject of international standardisation efforts such as STEP and IAI/IFCs. The RATAS project can in hindsight be seen as a forerunner with an impact which also transcended national borders.


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The objective of this paper is to improve option risk monitoring by examining the information content of implied volatility and by introducing the calculation of a single-sum expected risk exposure similar to the Value-at-Risk. The figure is calculated in two steps. First, there is a need to estimate the value of a portfolio of options for a number of different market scenarios, while the second step is to summarize the information content of the estimated scenarios into a single-sum risk measure. This involves the use of probability theory and return distributions, which confronts the user with the problems of non-normality in the return distribution of the underlying asset. Here the hyperbolic distribution is used to describe one alternative for dealing with heavy tails. Results indicate that the information content of implied volatility is useful when predicting future large returns in the underlying asset. Further, the hyperbolic distribution provides a good fit to historical returns enabling a more accurate definition of statistical intervals and extreme events.


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Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on määrittää jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron yhteiskunnalliset kustannukset valitulla tutkimusalueella Helsingin Punavuoressa. Jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron kustannukset vastaavat suuruudeltaan merkittävää osaa jätehuollon kokonaiskustannuksista, minkä vuoksi kustannusten tutkimiselle ja tarkastelulle löytyy kysyntää. Lisäksi keräyksen ja siirron kustannukset saattavat vaihdella suuresti johtuen erilaisista kaupunkirakenteista,keräysmenetelmistä ja teknologioista, joten tapaustarkastelun avulla pystytään selvittämään yksityiskohtaisesti alueen jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron kustannukset. Tutkimusalue Helsingin Punavuoressa on yksi Suomen tiheimmin asutuista alueista, missä jätteidenkeräystä hankaloittaa kapeat kadut, useat sisäpihoille sijoitetut jätehuoneet ja vilkas liikenne. Erityispiirteidensä vuoksi jätteenkeräys- ja siirto aiheuttaa tutkimusalueella yksityisten kustannusten lisäksi myös useita ulkoisvaikutuksia muun muassa ilmansaasteiden ja viihtyvyyshaittojen muodossa. Tässä työssä lasketaan jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron yhteiskunnalliset kustannukset neljän eri jätelajin osalta huomioimalla sekä yksityiset kustannustekijät että ulkoiskustannuksina syntyvien päästöjen kustannukset. Työn aineistona on käytetty erilaisia kustannuslaskelmien kirjallisuuslähteitä, asiantuntija-arvioita ja tutkimusalueella tehtyjä kellotusmittauksia. Alueen kellotusmittauksiin perustuvalla aikaperusteisella laskentatavalla jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron jätetonnikohtaisiksi keskimääräisiksi kustannuksiksi saatiin 73 €/t. Kustannuksissa havaittiin kuitenkin suuria jätelajikohtaisia eroja, jolloin keräyksen ja siirron kustannukset heittelivät 49–125 €/t välillä. Suuret jätelajikohtaiset kustannuserot ovat selitettävissä pitkälti jätteiden koostumuksella, koska kevyiden ja paljon tilaa vievien jätelajien jätetonnikohtaiset kustannukset olivat suurimpia. Teoriataustan ja lähdeaineiston perusteella saadut tulokset myös osoittavat, että jätteenkeräyksen ja siirron kustannuksista huomioitujen ulkoiskustannusten osuus on häviävän pieni verrattuna yksityisten kustannusten tasoon.


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Light scattering, or scattering and absorption of electromagnetic waves, is an important tool in all remote-sensing observations. In astronomy, the light scattered or absorbed by a distant object can be the only source of information. In Solar-system studies, the light-scattering methods are employed when interpreting observations of atmosphereless bodies such as asteroids, atmospheres of planets, and cometary or interplanetary dust. Our Earth is constantly monitored from artificial satellites at different wavelengths. With remote sensing of Earth the light-scattering methods are not the only source of information: there is always the possibility to make in situ measurements. The satellite-based remote sensing is, however, superior in the sense of speed and coverage if only the scattered signal can be reliably interpreted. The optical properties of many industrial products play a key role in their quality. Especially for products such as paint and paper, the ability to obscure the background and to reflect light is of utmost importance. High-grade papers are evaluated based on their brightness, opacity, color, and gloss. In product development, there is a need for computer-based simulation methods that could predict the optical properties and, therefore, could be used in optimizing the quality while reducing the material costs. With paper, for instance, pilot experiments with an actual paper machine can be very time- and resource-consuming. The light-scattering methods presented in this thesis solve rigorously the interaction of light and material with wavelength-scale structures. These methods are computationally demanding, thus the speed and accuracy of the methods play a key role. Different implementations of the discrete-dipole approximation are compared in the thesis and the results provide practical guidelines in choosing a suitable code. In addition, a novel method is presented for the numerical computations of orientation-averaged light-scattering properties of a particle, and the method is compared against existing techniques. Simulation of light scattering for various targets and the possible problems arising from the finite size of the model target are discussed in the thesis. Scattering by single particles and small clusters is considered, as well as scattering in particulate media, and scattering in continuous media with porosity or surface roughness. Various techniques for modeling the scattering media are presented and the results are applied to optimizing the structure of paper. However, the same methods can be applied in light-scattering studies of Solar-system regoliths or cometary dust, or in any remote-sensing problem involving light scattering in random media with wavelength-scale structures.


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In many countries, the prevalence of smoking and smokers average cigarette consumption have decreased, with occasional smoking and daily light smoking (1-4 cigarettes per day, CPD) becoming more common. Despite these changes in smoking patterns, the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a disorder characterized by a progressive decline in lung function, continues to rise globally. Smoking is the most important factor causing COPD, however, not all smokers develop the disease. Genetic factors partly explain the inter-individual differences in lung function and susceptibility of some smokers to COPD. No earlier research on the genetic and environmental determinants of lung function or on the phenomenon of light smoking exists in the Finnish population. Further, the association between low-rate smoking patterns and COPD remains partly unknown. This thesis aimed to study the prevalence and consistency of light smoking longitudinally in the Finnish population, to assess the characteristics of light smokers, and to examine the risks of chronic bronchitis and COPD associated with changing smoking patterns over time. A further aim was to estimate longitudinally the proportions of genetic and environmental factors that explain the inter-individual variances in lung function. Data from the Older Finnish Twin Cohort, including same-sex twin pairs born in Finland before 1958, were used. Smoking patterns and chronic bronchitis symptoms were consistently assessed in surveys conducted in 1975, 1981, and 1990. National registry data on reimbursement eligibilities and medication purchases were used to define COPD. Lung function data were obtained from a subsample of the cohort, 217 female twin pairs, who attended spirometry in 2000 and 2003 as part of the Finnish Twin Study on Ageing. The genetic and environmental influences on lung function were estimated by using genetic modeling. This thesis found that light smokers are more often female, well-educated, and exhibit a healthier lifestyle than heavy smokers. At individual level, light smoking is rarely a constant pattern. Light smoking, reducing from heavier smoking to light smoking, and relapsing to light smoking after quitting, are among patterns associated with an increased risk of chronic bronchitis and COPD. Constant light smoking is associated with an increased use of inhaled anticholinergics, a medication for CODP. In addition to smoking, other environmental factors influence lung function in the older age. During a three-year follow-up, new environmental effects influencing spirometry values were observed, whereas the genes affecting lung function remained mostly the same. In conclusion, no safe level of daily smoking exists with regard to pulmonary diseases. Even daily light smoking in middle-age is associated with increased respiratory morbidity later in life. Smoking reduction does not decrease the risk of COPD, and should not be recommended as an alternative to quitting smoking. In elderly people, attention should also be drawn to other factors that can prevent poor lung function.