263 resultados para matematiska aktiviteter i förskolan


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Abstract (Vem vänder vindarna ? – Vem tänder stjärnorna? Methodological choices in the analysis of Eva Dahlgren’s rock lyrics): This article deals with some methods I have found useful in analyzing the lyrics in rock music, particularly the lyrics by the Swedish singer songwriter Eva Dahlgren (born 1960). The article is based on my doctoral thesis in progress, dealing with the relationship between the lyrics (in particular the “I” of the lyrics), and the public persona of Eva Dahlgren, as well as the process of "doing Eva Dahlgren" (the constructing of her artist persona). I take my starting point in the lyrics of Dahlgren’s big hit "Vem tänder stjärnorna" (Dahlgren 1991). First, I discuss the themes of the lyrics, mostly the spiritual or religious themes. Second, I present and discuss the methods in my own work. The first method is inspired by conversational analysis, and is based on a transcription of the performed lyrics, with the aim of grasping the dialogues between the words and the music, more specifically Dahlgren’s use of voice. My other methods are related to my aim to describe Dahlgren’s public persona, and the construction of “Eva Dahlgren”. I have used concepts and models developed by the musicologist Laura Ahonen and literary scholar Karin Strand, in an effort to describe the many levels in Dahlgren’s (performed) “I” as well as the different actors in the process of shaping and reshaping images of Eva Dahlgren.


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Abstract (Creating a whole from fragments. On the translation of cohesive elements in Sjón's Steelnight): In this paper, I discuss the Swedish translation of the Icelandic writer Sjón’s debut novel Steelnight: a story (in Swedish Stålnatt – en berättelse). Steelnight is a fragmented novel which is located at the border between poetry and prose. At the beginning of the story, the writer introduces two main plots (with subplots). At first glance, it may seem as though the plots do not share much in common. However, a closer analysis of the text reveals that there are striking parallels between the plots which are created partly by the writer’s use of cohesive elements. Thus, despite the fragmented style, the writer creates cohesion in the text by using stylistic means such as repetition of certain nouns and adjectives and by a frequent use of personal and demonstrative pronouns. This use of cohesive elements creates a challenge for the translator.


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Abstract (Irony as object of research: Is it possible to explore what is between the lines?): The main concern of this article is the interpretation of irony: how is it brought about and how can it be investigated? The method applied is based on authentic texts and their elicited interpretations − a method referred to in this article response analysis. Interpretation of irony in the approach taken is seen as being crucially dependent on the notion of coherence. A text is perceived as being coherent if it (a) makes sense and if it(b) hangs together. Incoherent texts can result in an ironic interpretation; however, the incoherence must also be perceived as being intentional, and intentionality in turn is a sign of the edge of the ironist. Ironic interpretation is defined as a combination of five factors: (1) an ironic edge that (2) reflects the intention of the ironist, and (3) has a target and (4) a victim too. Essential to irony is its fifth factor, the fact that one or more of these four factors must be inferred from co(n)text. This definition of irony is crucial in distinguishing irony from non-irony, and it also helps to discern the differences as well as the similarities between irony and related phenomena.


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Abstract (The socio-onomastic approach and translation): The article adopts an onomastic perspective on the translation, and highlights the challenges posed by the given names. The newer socio-onomastic research has drawn attention to the emotive, appealing, ideological and integrative functions of the names, showing strong links with both the period and with society. In the article this is exemplified with ship names from the nineteenth century, which partly reflect classicism (Argo, Hercules, Juno, Neptunus) and national romanticism (Aallotar, Aino, Sampo, Wellamo). A special challenge is posed by the transparent names that evoke the actual words used, such as Penningdraken ('Money Dragon'), a ship that brought big money, and Människoätaren ('The man killer'), a ship where many sailors lost their lives. Names raise time-bound and culture-bound associations and the translator should be able to interpret the names as an embodiment of the society and the culture from which they originate.


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Abstract (Teaching in research ethics): The aim of this paper is to discuss teaching in research ethics. According to the guidelines issued by the National Advisory Board on Research Ethics in Finland (2002) the units providing researcher training have a duty to include good scientific practice and research ethics in this training. Various kinds of materials are needed in teaching in research ethics. One of them is fiction, which has appeared to be helpful in discussions of ethic problems. A number of examples taken from Finnish and Swedish fiction are discussed by referring to the above mentioned guidelines. The presentation is based on a chiasm, i.e. it goes from good scientific practice to fiction and further from fiction to teaching in research ethics.


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We begin an investigation of inhomogeneous structures in holographic superfluids. As a first example, we study domain wall like defects in the 3+1 dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Higgs theory, which was developed as a dual model for a holographic superconductor. In [1], we reported on such "dark solitons" in holographic superfluids. In this work, we present an extensive numerical study of their properties, working in the probe limit. We construct dark solitons for two possible condensing operators, and find that both of them share common features with their standard superfluid counterparts. However, both are characterized by two distinct coherence length scales (one for order parameter, one for charge condensate). We study the relative charge depletion factor and find that solitons in the two different condensates have very distinct depletion characteristics. We also study quasiparticle excitations above the holographic superfluid, and find that the scale of the excitations is comparable to the soliton coherence length scales.


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The present study focused on the associations between the personal experiences of intergroup contact, perceived social norms and the outgroup attitudes of Finnish majority and Russian-speaking minority youth living in Finland. The theoretical background of the study was derived from Allport s (1954) theory of intergroup contact (i.e., the contact hypothesis), social psychological research on normative influences on outgroup attitudes (e.g., Rutland, 2004; Stangor and Leary, 2006) and developmental psychological research on the formation of explicit (deliberate) and implicit (automatically activated) outgroup attitudes in adolescence (e.g., Barrett, 2007; Killen, McGlothlin and Henning, 2008). The main objective of the study was to shed light on the role of perceived social norms in the formation of outgroup attitudes among adolescents. First, the study showed that perceived normative pressure to hold positive attitudes towards immigrants regulated the relationship between the explicit and implicit expression of outgroup attitudes among majority youth. Second, perceived social norms concerning outgroup attitudes (i.e., the perceived outgroup attitudes of parents and peers) affected the relationship between intergroup contact and explicit outgroup attitudes depending on gender and group status. Positive social norms seem to be especially important for majority boys, who need both pleasant contact experiences and normative support to develop outgroup attitudes that are as positive as girls attitudes. The role of social norms is accentuated also among minority youth, who, contrary to majority youth with their more powerful and independent status position, need to reflect upon their attitudes and experiences of negative intergroup encounters in relation to the experiences and attitudes of their ingroup members. Third, the results are indicative of the independent effects of social norms and intergroup anxiety on outgroup attitudes: the effect of perceived social norms on the outgroup attitudes of youth seems to be at least as strong as the effect of intergroup anxiety. Finally, it was shown that youth evaluate intergroup contact from the viewpoint of their ingroup and society as a whole, not just based on their own experiences. In conclusion, the outgroup attitudes of youth are formed in a close relationship with their social environment. On the basis of this study, the importance of perceived social norms for research on intergroup contact effects among youth cannot be overlooked. Positive normative influences have the potential to break the strong link between rare and/or negative personal contact experiences and negative outgroup attitudes, and norms also influence the relationship between implicit and explicit attitude expression.


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Lullabies in Kvevlax. Linguistic structures and constructions. The study is a linguistic analysis of constructions that shape the texts used in lullabies in Kvevlax in Ostrobothnia in Finland. The empirical goal is to identify linguistic constructions in traditional lullabies that make use of the dialect of the region. The theoretical goal was to test the usability of Construction Grammar (CxG) in analyses of this type of material, and to further develop the formal description of Construction Grammar in such a way as to make it possible to analyze all kinds of linguistically complex texts. The material that I collected in the 1960s comprises approximately 600 lullabies and concomitant interviews with the singers on the use of lullabies. In 1991 I collected additional material in Kvevlax. The number of informants is close to 250. Supplementary material covering the Swedish-language regions in Finland was compiled from the archives of the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland. The first part of the study is mainly based on traditional grammar and gives general information about the language and the structures used in the lullabies. In the detailed study of the Kvevlax lullabies in the latter part of the study I use a version of Construction Grammar intended for the linguistic analysis of usage-based texts. The analysis focuses on the most salient constructions in the lullabies. The study shows that Construction Grammar as a method has more general applicability than traditional linguistic methods. The study identifies important constructions, including elements typical of this genre, that structure the text in different variants of the same lullabies. In addition, CxG made it possible to study pragmatic aspects of the interactional, cultural and contextual language that is used in communication with small children. The constructions found in lullabies are also used in language in general. In addition to being able to give detailed linguistic descriptions of the texts, Construction Grammar can also explain the multidimensionality of language and the variations in the texts. The use of CxG made it possible to show that variations are not random but follow prototypical linguistic patterns, constructions. Constructions are thus found to be linguistic resources with built-in variation potentials.


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I denna pro gradu avhandling undersöker jag Jokela-fallets diskursiva efterdyningar utgående från ett moralpanikperspektiv. Syftet är att se huruvida reaktionerna på och förklaringarna till skolmassakern i Jokela kan anses präglas av moralpanik, samt vilka andra förklaringsmodeller som präglade den omfattande Jokela-debatten. Avhandling grundar sig på en kvalitativ diskursanalys av förklaringsmodellerna så som de presenterades i opinionstexter och insändare i Helsingin Sanomat hösten 2007. Jag analyserar hur den medierade Jokela-debatten utvecklades och formade perceptionerna om skolskjutningar, ungdomar och det finländska samhällstillståndet i stort. Jokela-fallet väckte starka reaktioner och rädsla. Man försökte förstå och förklara orsakerna till skottdramat. Flera olika förklaringsmodeller presenterades i medierna; en oro över ungdomens mentala hälsa och mobbning, webbens och populärkulturens farliga inflytande, det hårdnade samhällsklimatet och en försvagad välfärd, också den bristfälliga vapenlagstiftningen kritiserades. Den gemensamma nämnaren var att Jokela-fallet uppfattades som en indikator på hela samhällets tillstånd där en gemensam värdegrund och moral håller på att erodera. Mitt teoretiska perspektiv grundar sig främst på moralpanikteorier av Stanley Cohen och Chas Critcher som jag kopplar ihop med Ulrich Becks teori om risksamhället och Emile Durkheims anomiteori. Det här speglar jag mot bland annat Hille Koskelas forskning om rädslans kultur och trygghetssamhället, samt jämför med amerikansk forskning om skolskjutningar. Jokela-debatten formades främst av två dominerande diskurser: a) en rationaliseringsdiskurs som kännetecknas av att man försöker förklara Jokela-fallet genom förnuftsmässiga och logiska resonemang genom att peka på olika samhällsaspekter, b) en risk- och kontrolldiskurs som kännetecknas av moralpaniktendenser främst i form av oro över ungdomar, internet och försvagade samhällsnormer, samt krav på ökad social kontroll och reglering för att säkra trygghet och ordning i samhället. Jokela-fallet var inte ett klassiskt moralpanikfall, men fyllde många av kriterierna för moralpanik. Jokela-debatten uttryckte en rädslans kultur som genomsyrar dagens risksamhälle och som legitimerar ökad riskhantering och social kontroll, som försvar mot de hot och problem som samhället kollektivt upplever. Det ställdes krav på mera social kontroll och reglering på grund av upplevda hot mot samhällets normer och en försvagad moral, vilket är ett uttryck för moralpanik. Jokela-fallets diskursiva efterdyningar visar att tryggheten har blivit ett moraliskt imperativ. Trygghet har blivit något vi förutsätts eftersträva och som vi är färdiga att betala ett allt högre pris för, både mätt i pengar och i frihet.


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English summary: Lake Päijänne research I


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English summary: Comparative studies on raw water quality and treatment costs in Sweden and Finland


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Starting point in the European individualistic copyright ideology is that an individual author creates a work and controls the use of it. However, this paper argues that it is (and has always been) impossible to control the use of works after their publication. This has also been acknowledged by the legislator, who has introduced collective licensing agreements because of this impossibility. Since it is impossible to rigorously control the use of works this writing "Rough Justice or Zero Tolerance - Reassessing the Nature of Copyright in Light of Collective Licensing" examines what reality of copyright is actually about. Finding alternative (and hopefully more "true") ways to understand copyright helps us to create alternative solutions in order to solve possible problems we have as it comes e.g. to use of content in online environment. The paper makes a claim that copyright is actually about defining negotiation points for different stakeholders and that nothing in the copyright reality prevents us from defining e.g. a new negotiation point where representatives of consumers would meet representatives of right holders in order to agree on the terms of use for certain content types in online environment.


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Inom rättsvetenskap saknas grundforskning om kyrkoskatt. Det kan ha många orsaker. En renodlad skatterättslig forskning utan exkurser till andra vetenskaper är minst sagt otänkbar. Forskning inom ett gränsområde mellan teologi och rättsvetenskap måste inkludera drag av sociologi, politologi och ekonomi. Etik från teologi och moral genom lag kan vara självklart. Förankrad i liberal rättsfilosofi kan också beskattningen förstås på ett annat sätt om en förankring i ett historiskt perspektiv tas med. Den evangelisk-lutherska kyrkan och den ortodoxa kyrkan har skatterätt i Finland. Hur har det kommit sig och vilken rätt har andra trossamfund? Detta försöker vi här belysa genom skilda infallsvinklar. Laglig reglering av offentligrättsliga samfunds skatteintag, med kyrkans uppgifter med tydligt mindre lagbundenhet som utgiftsfält, ger de sociala aspekterna och barmhärtighet stort inflytande. En tidvis sekulär stat och de nationella bindningarna med historisk förankring ger ett konglomerat av skilda lösningsmodeller. Genom olika förankringar i skilda kulturer och språk kan en nationell kutym uppstå som skiljer sig mycket från andra. Dessutom kan speciella juridiska egenheter upptäckas. Vilken nationell modell man i en demokrati väljer, styrs av de politiskt stadfästa lagarna. Oberoende av kyrkans nationella ställning, ökar en större liberalism och fördragsamhet i en demokrati behovet av anpassning och nationell acceptans av andra religioner, vilket kan leda till ett behov av nya finansieringsmodeller för trossamfund.


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Revisorn utför ekonomisk kontroll inom sitt uppdrag. Ett vållande av ekonomisk skada när revisorn utför uppdraget innebär att han kan åläggas skadeståndsansvar. På senare tid har revisors vållande vid ekonomisk kontroll prövats av de högsta rättsinstanserna i de nordiska länderna. De högsta rättsinstanserna tenderar att gå långt i sina bedömningar om revisors vållande av ekonomisk skada. De ställer ofta aktsamhetskravet högt då de ålägger revisorerna skadeståndsansvar. I avhandlingen testas revisors skadeståndsansvar enligt en i undersökningen uppbyggd ekonomisk modell. Målsättningen är att vållanderegeln skall leda till ekonomisk effektivitet. Ekonomisk effektivitet prövas genom att en ekonomisk avvägning mellan nyttan och kostnaden med att företa skadeförebyggande åtgärder görs. I den ekonomiska analysen beskrivs revisors vållande i termer av revisors bristande omsorg, medan revisors grova vållande beskrivs som uppenbar försummelse. För undersökningen utgör det nordiska rättsfallsmaterialet ett material där strukturen är likadan, vilket gör det möjligt att pröva ekonomisk effektivitet. Resultatet av den ekonomiska analysen visar att ersättning för förmögenhetsskador inte skall utgöra den egentliga målsättningen. För att kunna begränsa omfattningen av revisors ersättningsansvar så att det ur en samhällsekonomisk synvinkel är ekonomiskt effektivt, bör det formuleras en snäv bedömningsgrund för revisors bristande omsorg. Den ekonomiska analysen påvisar att revisorerna vid bristande omsorg bör åläggas ett administrativt ansvar i form av disciplinära åtgärder. Revisorer skall åläggas skadeståndsansvar endast vid uppenbar försummelse. Genom uppenbar försummelse underlåter revisorerna att förebygga uppenbar förutsebar skada och åsidosätter sitt professionsansvar på ett medvetet sätt.