38 resultados para Costanza, Margaret , 1932-2010


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Ukrainan presidentiksi nousi ns. oranssin vallankumouksen nosteessa Viktor Justsenko. Hänen presidenttikaudellaan (2005-2010) vuosien 1932-33 nälänhätä (holodomor) nousi keskeiseksi sekä sisä-, että ulkopolitiikan teemaksi. Holodomor, joka viittaa nälällä aiheutettuun tuhoon, pyrittiin tuomaan osaksi ukrainalaista kollektiivista muistia. Justsenkon aloitteesta säädettiin laki, jonka mukaan holodomor oli ukrainalaisten kansanmurha. Vuosina 1932-33 ympäri Neuvostoliittoa vallitsi nälänhätä. Ukrainalainen maaseutu kärsi pahoin nälänhädän seurauksista, sillä eri arvioiden mukaan 3,5-10 miljoonaa ukrainalaista menehtyi joko suoranaisesti tai välillisesti nälänhädän seurauksena. Ukrainan itsenäistyttyä nälänhätä, jota oli diasporassa alettu kutsua holodomoriksi (nälkätuho), nousi kansallisen historian keskeiseksi teemaksi. Ukrainalainen historioitsija Georgi Kasjanov on nimittänyt tätä uutta vaihetta historian kansallistamiseksi. Tässä työssä pohditaan sitä, miksi holodomor nostettiin keskeiseen asemaan presidentti Viktor Justsenkon valtakaudella. Keskeinen vastakkainasettelun lähtökohta on ollut itsenäisen Ukrainan ja Neuvostoliiton seuraajavaltion Venäjän suhtautuminen nälänhätään 1932-33. Ukrainalaisissa näkökulmissa on painottunut stalinistisen järjestelmän kritiikki, mikä toisaalta on saatettu tulkita myös koko kommunistisen aikakauden tuomitsemiseksi. Venäjällä taas nälänhätä on tulkittu useimmiten yleisneuvostoliittolaiseksi tragediaksi, joka ei kohdistunut erityisesti mitään tiettyä kansallisuutta vastaan. Tutkimuksen keskeinen lähtökohta on tarkastella ukrainalaisten ja venäläisten tulkintojen eroja ja sitä, millä tavoin holodomorilla on tehty politiikkaa. Tutkimusaineistona on käytetty ukrainalaisten osalta presidentti Justsenkon puheita, lakialoitteita ja muita julkilausumia, sekä eräiden yhteiskunnallisten toimijoiden ja historioitsijoiden kannanottoja. Venäläisen osapuolen tulkintoja on pyritty luomaan muutamien tutkimusten ja yhteiskunnallisten toimijoiden, sekä poliitikkojen lausumien pohjalta. Suurin osa aineistosta on kerätty venäjänkielisistä verkkolehdistä. Presidentti Justsenkolle vuosien 1932-1933 historiasta muodostui ase, jolla hän kävi omaa poliittista taisteluaan lännen puolesta itää vastaan. Välit Venäjään olivat viileät koko hänen presidenttikautensa ajan. Lähimmäksi presidentin kantaa holodomor-kysymyksessä tulivat diasporaukrainalaiset. Venäjällä kritisoitiin ankarasti Justsenkon tanssia haudoilla eli hänen tapaansa käyttää nälänhädän uhreja oman politiikkansa välineenä. Venäläiset korostivat nälänhädän tragediaa kaikkien Neuvostoliiton kansojen tragediana. Holodomor oli osa kansallisen historian uudelleenkirjoitusta ja kansakunnan rakentamisen prosessia. Justsenkon päämääränä oli lähentää Ukrainaa länteen, jolloin ukrainalaisen kansakunnan uhriasema antoi oikeutuksen sanoutua irti neuvostoajasta. Tietyssä mielessä holodomor-projekti oli venäläisvastainen, sillä se implisiittisesti tuki käsitystä venäläisistä rikollisina, kansanmurhan toimeenpanijoina.


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Matti Laurila (1895 1983) This is a biographical research of a Jaeger officer, a Civil Guard Chief, a Field Commander Matti Laurila. A broader practice of qualitative methods was utilized in the research. The main aim is a permanent reconstruction and reinterpretation of past events through the experiences of the study object. The life and times of Laurila are intertwined with the crucial events that led to the Finnish Declaration of Independence. Afterwards he helped to ensure that the young republic also stayed independent. As a Jaeger in the winter of 1917 Laurila witnessed an incident he would never forget. After disobeying a direct order, Sven Saarikoski from Lapua was shot dead by his commanding officer, K. A. Ståhlberg, on the ice of the river Aa. Laurila faced the horrors of war at closer quarters, for he lost his father and his brother in the battle of Länkipohja on 16th March 1918. This battle was a major turning point for Laurila and profoundly influenced the rest of his life. The relationship between Laurila and his superiors was problematic almost throughout his military career, haunted as he was by the memory of Sven Saarikoski's execution and the losses in Länkipohja The position of Laurila as an authority in South Ostrobothnia was a key factor in preventing the extreme right from rallying enough Civil Guard troops to escalate the embryonic Mäntsälä rebellion of 1932. After the rebellion Laurila routinely opposed anything he saw as a threat to the independence of the Civil Guard. He would flatly refuse to even consider the integration of the Civil Guard into the national defence force. His uncompromising stand in this matter annoyed some among the higher ranking officers. After the Winter War Laurila got himself into a dispute with Jaeger Colonel H. E. Hannuksela that would have long-lasting consequences. The conflicts between them became widely known in the attack phase of the Continuation War in 1941 at the latest. Laurila had to give up his military career at the end of 1944. In the years that followed he did what he could to ensure that the South Ostrobothnia Civil Guard patrimony remained in the province. Laurila's position as a respected authority in South Ostrobothnia remained unchanged until his death.


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Whereas it has been widely assumed in the public that the Soviet music policy system had a “top-down” structure of control and command that directly affected musical creativity, in fact my research shows that the relations between the different levels of the music policy system were vague, and the viewpoints of its representatives differed from each other. Because the representatives of the party and government organs controlling operas could not define which kind of music represented Socialist Realism, the system as it developed during the 1930s and 1940s did not function effectively enough in order to create such a centralised control of Soviet music, still less could Soviet operas fulfil the highly ambiguous aesthetics of Socialist Realism. I show that musical discussions developed as bureaucratic ritualistic arenas, where it became more important to reveal the heretical composers, making scapegoats of them, and requiring them to perform self-criticism, than to give directions on how to reach the artistic goals of Socialist Realism. When one opera was found to be unacceptable, this lead to a strengthening of control by the party leadership, which lead to more operas, one after the other, to be revealed as failures. I have studied the control of the composition, staging and reception of the opera case-studies, which remain obscure in the West despite a growing scholarly interest in them, and have created a detailed picture of the foundation and development of the Soviet music control system in 1932-1950. My detailed discussion of such case-studies as Ivan Dzerzhinskii’s The Quiet Don, Dmitrii Shostakovich’s Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District, Vano Muradeli’s The Great Friendship, Sergei Prokofiev’s Story of a Real Man, Tikhon Khrennikov’s Frol Skobeev and Evgenii Zhukovskii’s From All One’s Heart backs with documentary precision the historically revisionist model of the development of Soviet music. In February 1948, composers belonging to the elite of the Union of Soviet Composers, e.g. Dmitri Shostakovich and Sergei Prokofiev, were accused in a Central Committee Resolution of formalism, as been under the influence of western modernism. Accusations of formalism were connected to the criticism of the conciderable financial, material and social privileges these composers enjoyed in the leadership of the Union. With my new archival findings I give a more detailed picture of the financial background for the 1948 campaign. The independent position of the music funding organization of the Union of Soviet Composers (Muzfond) to decide on its finances was an exceptional phenomenon in the Soviet Union and contradicted the strivings to strengthen the control of Soviet music. The financial audits of the Union of Soviet Composers did not, however, change the elite status of some of its composers, except for maybe a short duration in some cases. At the same time the independence of the significal financial authorities of Soviet theatres was restricted. The cuts in the governmental funding allocated to Soviet theatres contradicted the intensified ideological demands for Soviet operas.


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Your money or your life? A qualitative follow-up study of the young unemployed from an actor perspective is a qualitative and longitudinal study following 36 unemployed young people in Helsinki over a span of ten years. The purpose of the study is to shed light on how a few young people view employment/unemployment and their lives and future, how they as unemployed perceive their encounters with society, and how society supports them. Four so-called key informants were followed at a finer level of empirical detail. They were chosen for the thematic interviews because of their different personalities, starting points and preferences. Although some differences were expected, what the results show is quite striking. The individual stories raise a number of questions about differences between young people, about society s view of the young unemployed, and about the principles behind the so-called activation policy and how society s support is distributed. The key informants descriptions underline that the group young unemployed does not consist of individuals who are alike but that life is complex, that paid work and unemployment can be perceived very differently, and that background and unofficial support can have consequences for self-perception and for ways of looking at the future, vocational choices, paid work and activation policy. Margaret S. Archer s theory of Morphogenesis and Barbara Cruikshank s theory of constructing democracies compose the study s theoretical framework. The key informants stories give a picture of a formal support system that, even though it puts part of the responsibility for unemployment on the individuals themselves, in the name of fairness and equality, treats them in an impersonal way, not giving their personal situation and wishes much weight. As a consequence, those who share the dominant values of society do well, while others who do not are faced with difficulties. The bigger the gap between society s and the individual s values, the bigger the risk to be met by little understanding and by penalties. And vice versa: Those who initially have the right values and know how to deal with authorities get heard and their opinions get accepted. The informants ask for a more personal encounter, which could improve both the atmosphere and the clients experiences of being heard. Still the risk of having a more individualistic system should be addressed, as a new system might generate new winners, but just as well give new losers. Finally, we have to ask if the so-called activation policy is looking for answers primarily to a macro-level problem on the micro-level. If it does not produce more jobs, its support for the unemployed will be insignificant. It is not enough to think about what to do at the grassroots level to make the system more functional and support job-seeking. If the current rate of unemployment endures, the quality of life of the unemployed should be addressed. A first step could be taken by placing less guilt on the unemployed. Instead of talking about activating the unemployed, discussion should be targeted at removing structural impediments to employment. If we want to have less polarisation between the those with paid work and those without, who often struggle with low incomes, we need to include the macro-level in the discussion. What does high unemployment mean in a work-based society, where the individual s self-perception and important social forms of support are linked to labour income? And what can be done at the macro-level to change this undesirable condition at the micro-level? Keywords: Unemployment, Youth, Public interventions, Activation policy, Individual actors, Qualitative, Longitudinal, Holistic, Helsinki, Finland


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Maisterin tutkielman tavoitteena oli kartoittaa kevätviljojen siemenviljelyn edellytyksiä Kmaatalouden sopimusviljelytiloilla. Erityisesti oltiin kiinnostuneita kansallisen siementuotantotuen poistumisen vaikutuksesta viljeltävien lajikkeiden lukumäärään ja viljelyaloihin. Tutkielman teoriaosassa tarkasteltiin viljojen siemenviljelyä, sen erityispiirteitä Suomessa ja siihen liittyvää lainsäädäntöä, asetuksia ja maatalouspolitiikkaa. Siemenviljelyä tarkasteltiin paitsi huoltovarmuuden näkökulmasta myös viljelyn taloudellisuuden näkökulmasta. Lisäksi esitettiin sertifioidun ja tilan oman siemenen käyttöön ja laajuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja siemenen sertifiointiprosessi. Tutkimuksen aineisto perustui maaliskuussa 2010 tehtyyn lomakekyselyyn, joka lähetettiin 119 K-maatalouden sopimussiemenviljelijälle. Kyselyyn vastasi 71 viljelijää, jolloin vastausprosentiksi muodostui 60. Tutkimusmenetelminä aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin frekvenssijakaumia, keskiarvotestejä ja Kruskall-Wallisin testiä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan kansallisen siementuotannon tuen poistuminen vuoden 2011 alussa ei näyttänyt vaikuttavan siemenviljelyn jatkuvuuteen tai jatkohalukkuuteen. Siementuotannon tukea pidettiin varsin alhaisena, joten sen vaikutus viljelyyn osoittautui vähäiseksi. Huomattavasti enemmän siemenviljelyyn näytti vaikuttavan yleinen maatalouden ja etenkin viljanviljelyn alhainen kannattavuus. Siemenviljelijät katsoivat, etteivät esimerkiksi siementuotannon tuki tai tuen poistuminen korvaa riittävästi tuotannosta aiheutunutta lisätyötä. Toisaalta harva siemenviljelijä aikoi lopettaa tuotannon, vaikka pitivät viljanviljelyä huonosti kannattavana. Tällaiseen näkemykseen saattoi olla syynä se, että viljelijöillä oli siemententuotantoon soveltuva kalusto, ammattitaito ja rutiini tuotantoon. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet viljelijät katsoivat lisäksi, että oma maatila soveltui erittäin hyvin siemententuotantoon. Suurimpana uhkana siementuotannolle kyselyyn vastanneet viljelijät pitivät hukkakauraa omilla tai naapureidensa pelloilla.


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Maaseutupolitiikan yhteistyöryhmä on pääosin poliittis-hallinnollisessa tilassa toimiva, uusi verkostomainen hallintasommitelma, jossa on mukana myös hallinnon ulkopuolisia toimijoita ja tahoja. Kokonaisuutta nimitetään tässä YTR-verkostoksi. Itsearvioinnin tarkoituksena oli argumentoida esiin YTR-verkoston toiminnan kriittiset kohdat. Arviointitutkimuksesta vastasi Helsingin yliopiston Ruralia-instituutti ja sen toteutti 25.8. – 31.12.2010 välisenä aikana tutkimusjohtaja, dosentti Torsti Hyyryläinen. Itsearviointiin osallistui valtioneuvoston viisivuotiseksi toimikaudeksi (2008-2013) nimeämän maaseutupolitiikan yhteistyöryhmän jäseniä ja varajäseniä. Kokoavana tuloksena esitetään seuraava analyysi: 1. YTR-verkoston tiedollinen kapasiteetti on vahva. 2. YTR-verkostolla on potentiaalisesti laajat suhderesurssit mutta ne ovat alihyödynnettyjä. 3. YTR-verkostolla on mobilisoitikapasiteettia mutta sen omat voimavarat ovat niukat. YTR-verkostolla on ollut keskeinen rooli maaseutupolitiikan muotoutumisessa ja kehittymisessä. Keskustelu maaseudun kehittämistä olisi Suomessa ollut oleellisesti vähäisempää, heikommin jäsenneltyä ja tietopääomaltaan suppeampaa ilman YTR-verkostoa. Verkostossa on monialaista asiantuntemusta, jonka perusteella se on kyennyt vastaamaan laajoihin maaseutupoliittisiin kommunikaatiotarpeisiin. Tästä yhtenä esimerkkinä on maaseutupoliittisen selonteon perusteellinen valmistelu ja monivaiheinen käsittely eduskunnassa vuonna 2010. Verkostosuhteiden hallinnan kehittäminen nousee arvioinnissa tärkeimmäksi YTR-verkoston toimintakyvyn, tuloksellisuuden ja vaikuttavuuden kehittämisen painopisteeksi. Verkosto näyttää saavuttaneen tärkeän kehitysvaiheen, josta ei päästä eteenpäin ilman sen kysymyksen pohdintaa, miten YTR-verkoston suhdekapasiteettia, eli suhteita keskeisiin sidosryhmiin voitaisiin kehittää. Valta on YTR-verkostossa komplisoiduinta ja ongelmallisinta juuri suhderesurssien alueilla. Se kiteytyy kysymykseen poliittisesta valmistelu- ja päätösvallasta, eli kenellä on legitiimi asema toisaalta muotoilla poliittiseen päätöksentekoon etenevät aloitteet ja lopulta tehdä poliittisesti sitovia päätöksiä koskien maaseutua ja sen kehittämistä. Medioiden vaikutusvallan huomioiminen on entistä tärkeämpää. Niiden suuntaan vahvemmin kommunikoimalla YTR-verkosto voi tulevaisuudessa lisätä vaikutusvaltaansa. Toistaiseksi lähes täysin käyttämätön potentiaali on sosiaalisen median verkostoissa, joihin YTR:n säikeet eivät vielä juurikaan ulotu. Suhdepääomassa on siis YTR:n voima ja samalla sen heikkous. Tämä johtopäätös on merkittävä erityisesti valtioneuvoston asettaman yhteistyöryhmän itsensä kannalta. Yhteistyöryhmän tulisi itse vapautua komiteamaisista työtavoista ja kehittää niitä monimuotoisemmiksi. Paikallaan on myös kysyä: mitä yhteistyöryhmän jäsenet ja jäsenyhteisöt ovat valmiita tekemään YTR:n suhderesurssien kehittämiseksi?


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Kelan hoitama sosiaaliturva vuonna 2010


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Työnhakijoille maksettuja työttömyysturvaetuuksia maksettiin vuonna 2010 yhteensä 3,3 miljardia euroa. Työttömyyskassojen osuus tästä oli 2,3 miljardia euroa ja Kelan 1,0 miljardia euroa.


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The title of the 14th International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB), “Publishing in the networked world: Transforming the nature of communication”, is a timely one. Scholarly communication and scientific publishing has recently been undergoing subtle changes. Published papers are no longer fixed physical objects, as they once were. The “convergence” of information, communication, publishing and web technologies along with the emergence of Web 2.0 and social networks has completely transformed scholarly communication and scientific papers turned to living and changing entities in the online world. The themes (electronic publishing and social networks; scholarly publishing models; and technological convergence) selected for the conference are meant to address the issues involved in this transformation process. We are pleased to present the proceedings book with more than 30 papers and short communications addressing these issues. What you hold in your hands is a by-product and the culmination of almost a Year long work of many people including conference organizers, authors, reviewers, editors and print and online publishers. The ELPUB 2010 conference was organized and hosted by the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland. Professors Turid Hedlund of Hanken School of Economics and Yaşar Tonta of Hacettepe University Department of Information Management (Ankara, Turkey) served as General Chair and Program Chair, respectively. We received more than 50 submissions from several countries. All submissions were peer-reviewed by members of an international Program Committee whose contributions proved most valuable and appreciated. The 14th ELPUB conference carries on the tradition of previous conferences held in the United Kingdom (1997 and 2001), Hungary (1998), Sweden (1999), Russia (2000), the Czech Republic (2002), Portugal (2003), Brazil (2004), Belgium (2005), Bulgaria (2006), Austria (2007), Canada (2008) and Italy (2009). The ELPUB Digital Library, http://elpub.scix.net serves as archive for the papers presented at the ELPUB conferences through the years. The 15th ELPUB conference will be organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University and will take place in Ankara, Turkey, from 14-16 June 2011. (Details can be found at the ELPUB web site as the conference date nears by.) We thank Marcus Sandberg and Hannu Sääskilahti for copyediting, Library Director Tua Hindersson – Söderholm for accepting to publish the online as well as the print version of the proceedings. Thanks also to Patrik Welling for maintaining the conference web site and Tanja Dahlgren for administrative support. We warmly acknowledge the support in organizing the conference to colleagues at Hanken School of Economics and our sponsors.


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In Finland, specialized studies in social work (professional licentiate education) were begun in the year 2000. The education is targeted at experienced social workers and leads to a licentiate degree (a degree between master s and doctorate). In this study, the experiences of members of the first study cohort, specializing in social work with children and young people, are examined. The study s theoretical frame of reference is based on the morphogenetic approach, developed by British sociologist Margaret Archer. In it, the potential powers of both an agent as well as social and cultural structures are considered important and worth taking into account. Archer sees reflexivity, a person s ability to analyze herself/himself, as an essential starting point for agency. Thanks to reflexivity, people are able to engage in internal conversations , discuss the concerns that are important to them and form agential projects . In Archer s theory, the social structures and traits of the cultural system are seen as having potential power in relation to people s agential projects; these powers can enable but also restrain the realization of the projects. On the other hand, individuals can try to review the factors affecting their agential projects and find ways of action that facilitate them. The research task is to study the self-understanding of social work professionals in the 21st century, the issues and goals professionally important for them, as well as the contexts framing the realization of these goals. The research questions are as follows: 1) What kind of internal conversations, concerns and agential projects related to their work did the professionals taking part in licentiate education bring to light? 2) What kind of enabling and restraining factors can be identified in their situations? And 3) What kind of social structures and traits related to the cultural system are connected to these factors? The research material was collected by interviewing the students in different phases of their education. In 2001 and 2004 all members of the study group (n = 25) were interviewed. In 2007, 13 students took part. The themes of the internal conversations brought to light in the interviews were divided into four broad thematic categories: professional development, the position of children in social work, multiprofessional work and structural social work. In relation to these themes the students formed different kinds of agential projects. In addition, the study reveals several cultural and social structures that have enabled but also restrained the realization of the agential projects. These structures are linked, for example, to the relations between employees and employers, students and teachers, children and adults as well as between the representatives of different professions. Working conditions which social workers often consider weak are discussed as a focal issue related to many themes. These working conditions become evident, for example, in the great imbalance which exists between the professional tasks and the amount of time that social workers have for them. Difficult situations arise when social workers feel they cannot reach the goals that are professionally important to them because of the strict external conditions of the work.


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Radiometric determination methods, such as alpha spectrometry require long counting times when low activities are to be determined. Mass spectrometric techniques as Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) have shown several advantages compared to traditional methods when measuring long-lived radionuclides. Mass spectrometric methods for determination of very low concentrations of elemental isotopes, and thereby isotopic ratios, have been developed using a variety of ion sources. Although primarily applied to the determination of the lighter stable element isotopes and radioactive isotopes in geological studies, the techniques can equally well be applied to the measurement of activity concentrations of long-lived low-level radionuclides in various samples using “isotope dilution” methods such as those applied in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Due to the low specific activity of long-lived radionuclides, many of these are more conveniently detected using mass spectrometric techniques. Mass spectrometry also enables the individual determination of Pu-239 and Pu-240, which cannot be obtained by alpha spectrometry. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) are rapidly growing techniques for the ultra-trace analytical determination of stable and long-lived isotopes and have a wide potential within environmental science, including ecosystem tracers and radio ecological studies. Such instrumentation, of course needs good radiochemical separation, to give best performance. The objectives of the project is to identify current needs and problems within low-level determination of long-lived radioisotopes by ICP-MS, to perform intercalibration and development and improvement of ICP-MS methods for the measurement of radionuclides and isotope ratios and to develop new methods based on modified separation chemistry applied to new auxiliary equipment.


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Kelan kuntoutustilasto 2010 -julkaisu sisältää keskeiset tiedot Kelan kuntoutuspalveluista ja niiden ajalta toimeentuloturvana maksettavasta kuntoutusrahasta. Julkaisussa on tietoja kuntoutujista, kuntoutustoimenpiteistä, toimenpiteistä aiheutuneista kustannuksista ja kuntoutusrahasta. Kelan kuntoutustilasto ilmestyy vuosittain. Sitä on julkaistu tilastovuodesta 1978 lähtien. Tämä vuoden 2010 tilasto on ensimmäinen, jota ei enää julkaista painetussa muodossa.