24 resultados para mutation exon 2

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The gene of interferon regulatory factor-2 (IRF-2) has been cloned from the mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi). The IRF-2 gene has 6,418 nucleotides (nt) and contains eight exons and seven introns, encoding two mRNAs. The two IRF-2 mRNAs each contained an open reading frame of 873 nt, which both translate into the same 291 amino acids but differed in their 5' untranslated region: one mRNA was transcribed initially from the exon 1 bypassing exon 2, while the other was transcribed from the exon 2. The microsatellites (CA repeats) could be found in the carboxyl terminal region of mandarin fish IRF-2, which result in the truncated form molecules. The microsatellites' polymorphism was investigated, and eight alleles were found in 16 individuals. The microsatellites were also examined in IRF-2 of several freshwater perciform fishes. The transcription of the IRF-2 in different tissues with or without poly inosine-cytidine stimulation was analyzed by real-time PCR, and the constitutive transcription of both molecules could be detected in all the tissues examined.


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The sequences and gene organisation of two LEAP-2 molecules (LEAP-2A and LEAP-2B) from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss are presented. Both genes consist of a 3 exon/2 intron structure, with exon sizes comparable to known mammalian genes. LEAP-2A notably differs from LEAP-2B in having larger introns and a larger 3'UTR. The predicted proteins contain a signal peptide and prodomain, followed by a mature peptide of 41 aa containing four conserved cysteines. The RXXR cleavage site to release the mature peptide was also conserved. Both genes were found to be constitutively expressed in the liver, with expression in the intestine, and to a lesser extent the skin, evident after bacterial challenge. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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叶绿素突变泛指能导致叶绿素代谢失调的核基因或叶绿体基因突变。发生叶绿素突变的植物个体普遍表现为叶色的变化,目前已报道的多数叶绿素突变体为人工诱变产物。叶绿素缺失突变导致的叶结素代谢缺陷实际上反映了叶绿体发育过程的缺陷,研究叶绿素突变更重要的意义是在于阐明叶绿体发育过程。 本研究所用材料1103s是一类特殊的叶绿素突变体,为籼性光敏核不育水稻(Oryza sativa L.)8902s群体中发现的自发突变体。该突本所具有的失绿特性为特定温度条件下才表现出来的瞬时性状,在环境温度恢复后,失绿组织可复发。遗传分析表明该突变由隐性核基因控制。本文不1103s所具有的温度敏感和失绿复绿特性,在亚细胞水平和生理化水平进行了详细的探讨。 叶绿素含量的检测表明,诱导后表现失绿的叶片组织内叶绿素含量明显降低,叶绿素a/b比值升高,原脱植基叶绿素含量低于绿色组织。失绿组织中的这种原脱植基叶绿素在失绿组织中含量的减少是由两方面因素造成的,其一是叶绿素合成过程中原脱植基叶绿素合成之前的某一步过程反应受阻;其二是原脱植基叶绿素向叶绿素转化的过程是正常进行的。 对1103s叶绿体内部的超微结构观察表明:1.控制叶绿素缺失性状的是一多效基因。该基因在特定温度条件下表达时,不仅影响到叶绿体的发育,也对细胞质中的其他细胞器产生重要的影响,其结果是细胞质中的高度有序的内膜系统被大量形状不规则的泡状结构所取代。放大后发现,这类泡状结构由(1)线粒体(2)功能未知的泡状结构I,其内部含颗粒状物质泡结构被膜内还有数层不连续的膜残片(3)功能未知的泡状结构II,其内部含大颗粒状物质。2.该突变体表达失绿和复绿过程中,叶绿体内部膜结构的变化伴随叶绿素含量的变化也有退脂和恢复的过程,但与已报道的其他突体有两个明显的不同:首先,在退化细胞的叶绿体内未观察到前片层体的存在。前片层体是叶绿体发育过程中黄化体阶段常见的非常明显的特殊结构,在电镜下为有规律的晶格状结构。已有研究表明,前片层体的形成与原脱植基叶绿素的积累有密切关系。与组培白化苗中检测到的结果不同,失绿组织中原脱植基叶绿素的含量不但没有积累,反而少于绿色组织中的含量,而造成该突变体在失绿过程中质体内无前片层体形成。其次,1103s在叶绿体退化过程中类囊体膜的变化不同于其化温敏的转绿型叶绿素突变体,尤其是在失绿过程中,其类囊体膜不是以直接解体的方式减少而是以单类囊体膜紧靠为主要特征。 对野生型 8902s与1103s类囊体膜结构的冰冻蚀刻分析表明,1103s失绿叶片上的失绿组织和绿色组织中,EFs面的大颗粒结构均异常。其异常之处表现在每个颗粒明显解离成两个亚单位(上面观),而在野生型8902s中则无上述现象出现。亚单位的解离程度在失绿组织中更明显。有间接证据研究表明,EFs面上的大颗粒代表PS II。如果该推论正确,那么失绿叶片的失绿组织和绿色组织中,PS II都可能是异常的。 另外,通过对失绿组织和绿色组织全叶蛋白双向电泳图谱的比较,得到了一个特异缺失的叶蛋白组分,该蛋白的分子量为51kd。此蛋白在失绿叶片上的失绿组织和绿色组织之间存在组织差异性。通过对该蛋白在不同温度处理和不同遗传背景下的变化规律分析,发现该蛋白是一存在于许多水稻品系叶片中的高含量组分,此蛋白表达本身不受变温诱导过程的影响,而是受另一感温过程的调控。初步分析表明该蛋白为一失绿相关蛋白。 综上所述,1103s所具有的失绿和复绿特性是核基因多效表达的结果,有一感温过程调控下游蛋白表达的复杂过程。此外,该突变特性很可能与PS II的结构异常有关。


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Neurotrypsin is one of the extra-cellular serine proteases that are predominantly expressed in the brain and involved in neuronal development and function. Mutations in humans are associated with autosomal recessive non-syndromic mental retardation (MR). We studied the molecular evolution of neurotrypsin by sequencing the coding region of neurotrypsin in 11 representative non-human primate species covering great apes, lesser apes, Old World monkeys and New World monkeys. Our results demonstrated a strong functional constraint of neurotrypsin that was caused by strong purifying selection during primate evolution, an implication of an essential functional role of neurotrypsin in primate cognition. Further analysis indicated that the purifying selection was in fact acting on the SRCR domains of neurotrypsin, which mediate the binding activity of neurotrypsin to cell surface or extracellular proteins. In addition, by comparing primates with three other mammalian orders, we demonstrated that the absence of the first copy of the SRCR domain (exon 2 and 3) in mouse and rat was due to the deletion of this segment in the murine lineage. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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In the present study, we obtained exon 2-5 of prolactin (PRL) gene from four primate species by PCR and sequencing. Adding other genes available in GenBank, we calculate amino acid substitution rates for prolactin gene in primate. Comparison of nonsynonymous substitution rate to synonymous substitution rate ratios shows no evidence of positive selection for any lineage of primate prolactin gene. According to this and the facts that (i) no sites under positive selection are inferred by using maximum-likelihood method; (ii) among 32 amino acid replacement that occurred along the rapid evolutionary phase, only two are included in the 40 functionally important residues, indicating that amino acid replacement tends to occur in those functionally unimportant residues; (iii) partial of prolactin function is replaced by placental lactogen in primate at the rapid evolutionary phase of prolactin gene, we thus deem that it is relaxation of purifying selection to some extent rather than positive selection that enforces the rapid evolution of primate prolactin gene.


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The family Cyprinidae is widely distributed in East Asia, and has the important phylogenetic significance in the fish evolution. In this study, the 5' end partial sequences (containing exon 1, exon 2 and indel 1) of S6K1 gene were obtained from 30 representative species in Cyprinidae and outgroup using PCR amplification and sequencing. The phylogenetic relationships of Cyprinidae were reconstructed with neighbor joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian methods. Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Catostomidae) was assigned to the outgroup taxon. Similar phylogenetic relationships within the family Cyprinidae were achieved with the four analyses. Leuciscini and Barbini were monophyletic lineages respectively with the high nodal supports. Leuciscini comprises Hypophthalmichthyinae, Xenocyprinae, Cultrinae, Gobioninae, Acheilognathinae and East Asian species of Leuciscinae and Danioninae. Monophyly of East Asian clade was supported with high nodal support. Barbini comprises Schizothoracinae, Barbinae, Cyprininae and Labeoninae. The monophyletic lineage consisting of Danio rerio, D. myersi, and Rasbora trilineata was basal in the tree. In addition, the large fragment indels in intron 1 were analyzed to improve the understanding of Cyprinidae relationships. The results showed that the large fragment indels were correlated with the relations among species. Some conserved regions in intron 1 were thought to be involved in the functional regulation. However, no correlation was found between sequence variations and species characteristic size.


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AIM: To probe into the genetic susceptibility of HLA-DRB1 alleles to esophageal carcinoma in Han Chinese in Hubei Province. METHODS: HLA-DRB1 allele polymorphisms were typed by polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) in 42 unrelated patients with esophageal cancer and 136 unrelated normal control subjects and the associated HLA-DRB1 allele was measured by nucleotide sequence analysis with PCR.SAS software was used in statistics. RESULTS: Allele frequency (AF) of HLA-DRB1*0901 was significantly higher in esophageal carcinoma patients than that in the normal controls (0.2500 vs0.1397, P=0.028, the odds ratio 2.053, etiologic fraction 0.1282). After analyzed the allele nucleotide sequence of HLA-DRB1*0901 which approachs to the corresponded exon 2 sequence of the allele in genebank. There was no association between patients and controls in the rested HLA-DRB1 alleles. CONCLUSION: HLA-DRB1*0901 allele is more common in the patients with esophageal carcinoma than in the healthy controls, which is positively associated with the patients of Hubei Han Chinese. Individuals carrying HLA-DRB1*0901 may be susceptible to esophageal carcinoma.


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The genotypes of liver mitochondrial high-affinity aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) are strongly associated with the drinking behavior and the alcohol liver diseases, since the individuals with atypical ALDH(2)(2) allele have higher levels of acetaldehyde in their plasma. The atypical ALDH(2)(2) allele has a nucleotide base transition (G-->A) in its exon 12. Based on this point mutation, we developed a rapid, reliable and inexpensive method, mismatch amplification mutation assay (MAMA), for the determination of human ALDH2 usual and atypical alleles. Two pairs of primers were designed for the amplification of the usual ALDH(2)(1) allele and the atypical ALDH(2)(2) allele, respectively. If the sample for the detection was heterozygous, it could be amplified by both of the primers. The product of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of ALDH2 exon 12 could be easily screened by electrophoresis on a 2% agarose gel. The results of the MAMA method were further confirmed by sequencing. In the total of fifty samples from unrelated healthy Chinese Han people from Wuhan, China, the frequency of atypical ALDH(2)(2) allele was found to be 12%.


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Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is the most extensively studied mitochondrial disease, with the majority of the cases being caused by one of three primary mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations. Incomplete disease penetrance and gender bias are two


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Several methods of mutation detection, such as single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP), tandem SSCP/heteroduplex analysis and SNaPshot analysis were developed using homemade kit on ABI 310 genetic analyzer, and were successfully applied to mutation detection of 31 colorectal tumor samples. The sieving capability of homemade kit and commercial kit were compared, results demonstrate that homemade kit has higher resolution and shorter analysis time. In clinical tumor samples, 26% K-ras (exon 1) and 24% p53 (exons 7-8) were found to have mutations, and all mutations were single point variations. A majority of mutations occurred in one gene, only 1 tumor contained alterations in the two genes, which indicates that development of colorectal cancer lies on alternate pathways, and may correlate with different gene mutations.


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Mutation C1494T in mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene was recently reported in two large Chinese families with aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss (AINHL) and was claimed to be pathogenic. This mutation, however, was first reported in a sample f


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Mitochondrial DNA background has been shown to be involved in the penetrance of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) in western Eurasian populations. To analyze mtDNA haplogroup distribution pattern in Han Chinese patients with LHON and G11778A muta


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Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) was the first disease to be linked to the presence of a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation. Nowadays over 95% of LHON cases are known to be caused by one of three primary mutations (m.11778G>A, m.14484T>C, and m.34