190 resultados para quantum open system


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We study the oscillator strengths of the optical transitions of the vertically stacked self-assembled InAs quantum discs. The oscillator strengths change evidently when the two quantum discs are far apart from each other. A vertically applied electric held affects the oscillator strengths severely, while the oscillator strengths change slowly as the radius of one disc increases. We also studied the excitonic energy of the system, including the Coulomb interaction. The excitonic energy increases with the increasing radius of one disc, but decreases as a vertically applied electric field increases.


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Thermal annealing of GaInAs/GaNAs quantum wells (QWs) as well as other nitrogen- and indium-contained QW structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy and its effect on optical properties are investigated. The photoluminescence (PL) and photovoltaic (PV) spectra of annealed GaInAs/GaNAs QWs show that the luminescence properties become degraded due to the N diffusion from the GaNAs barrier layers to the GaInAs well layer. Meantime, the annealing-induced blueshift of the PL peak in this QW system is mainly induced by the change of In distribution, suggesting that the In reorganization is greatly assisted by the N-induced defects. The elucidation of annealing effect in GaInAs/GaNAs QW samples is helpful for a better understanding to the annealing effect in the GaInNAs/GaAs QWs. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glass spherical microcavities containing CdSSe semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) of a few microns in diameter are fabricated using a physical method. When a single glass microspherical cavity is excited by a laser beam at room temperature, very strong and sharp whispering gallery modes are shown on the background of PL spectra of CdSSe QDs, which confirms that coupling between the optical emission of embedded QDs and spherical cavity modes is realized. For a glass microsphere only 4.6 mum in diameter, it was found that the energy separation is nearly up to 26 nm both for TE and TM modes. With the increasing excitation intensity, the excitation intensity dependence of the emission intensity is not linear in the double-logarithmic scale. Above the threshold value, the linewidths of resonance modes become narrower. The lasing behavior is achieved at relatively low excitation intensity at room temperature. High optical stability and low threshold value make this optical system promising in visible microlaser applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have obtained the parameter-phase diagram, which unambiguously defines the parameter region for the use of InAs/GaAs quantum dot as two-level quantum system in quantum computation in the framework of the effective-mass envelope function theory. Moreover, static electric field is found to efficiently prolong decoherence time. As a result, decoherence time may reach the order of magnitude of milli-seconds as external static electric field goes beyond 20 kV/cm if only vacuum fluctuation is taken as the main source for decoherence. Our calculated results are useful for guiding the solid-state implementation of quantum computing.


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Confirmation of quantum dot lasing have been given by photoluminescence and electro-luminescence spectra. Energy levels of QD laser are distinctively resolved due to band filling effect, and the lasing energy of quantum dot laser is much lower than quantum well laser. The energy barrier at InAs/GaAs interface due to the built-in strain in self-organized system has been determined experimentally by deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). Such barrier has been predicted by previous theories and can be explained by the apexes appeared in the interface between InAs and GaAs caused by strain.


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The quantum wave function and the corresponding energy levels of the dissipative mesoscopic capacitance coupling circuits are obtained by using unitary and linear transformations. The quantum fluctuation of charge and current in an arbitrary eigenstate of the system have been also given. The results show that the fluctuation of charge and current depends on not only the eigenstate but also the electronic device parameters.


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The time evolution of the quantum mechanical state of an electron is calculated in the framework of the effective-mass envelope function theory for an InAs/GaAs quantum dot. The results indicate that the superposition state electron density oscillates in the quantum dot, with a period on the order of femtoseconds. The interaction energy E-ij between two electrons located in different quantum dots is calculated for one electron in the ith pure quantum state and another in the jth pure quantum state. We find that E-11]E-12]E-22, and E-ij decreases as the distance between the two quantum dots increases. We present a parameter-phase diagram which defines the parameter region for the use of an InAs/GaAs quantum dot as a two-level quantum system in quantum computation. A static electric field is found to efficiently prolong the decoherence time. Our results should be useful for designing the solid-state implementation of quantum computing. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The growth and characterization of quantum cascade (QC) lasers based on InGaAs/InAlAs material system are investigated. Pronounced intersubband absorption from stacked active region of QC structure is used to monitor the wavelength of QC laser and disclose the material quality. The precise control of the epilayer thickness and the good quality of interfaces are demonstrated by the abundant narrow satellite peaks of X-ray diffraction. Laser action in quasi-continuous wave operation is achieved at lambda approximate to 5.1-5.2 mum up to 300 K. For 10 x 800 mum(2) laser device, peak output power of similar to7.2 mW and threshold current density of 3 kA/cm(2) at room temperature are obtained. For some devices, if keep the peak output powers at the similar to2 mW level, quasi-continuous wave operation at room temperature persists more than 1 h are recorded. (Q) (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel analog-computation system using a quantum-dot cell network is proposed to solve complex problems. Analog computation is a promising method for solving a mathematical problem by using a physical system analogous to the problem. We designed a novel quantum-dot cell consisting of three-stacked. quantum dots and constructed a cell network utilizing the nearest-neighbor interactions between the cells. We then mapped a graph 3-colorability problem onto the network so that the single-electron configuration of the network in the ground state corresponded to one of the solutions. We calculated the ground state of the cell network and found solutions to the problems. The results demonstrate that analog computation is a promising approach for solving complex problems.


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Under short pulse laser excitation, we have observed an extra high-energy photoluminescence (PL) emission from GaNAs/GaAs single quantum wells (QWs). It dominates the PL spectra under high excitation and/or at high temperature. By measuring the PL dependence on both temperature and excitation power and by analyzing the time-resolved PL results, we have attributed the PL peak to the recombination of delocalized excitons in QWs. Furthermore, a competition process between localized and delocalized excitons is observed in the temperature-dependent PL spectra under the short pulse excitation. This competition is believed to be responsible for the temperature-induced S-shaped PL shift often observed in the disordered alloy semiconductor system under continuous-wave excitation. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, we conduct a theoretical analysis of the design, fabrication, and performance measurement of high-power and high-brightness strained quantum-well lasers emitting at 0.98 mum, The material system of interest consists of an Al-free InGaAs-InGaAsP active region and AlGaAs cladding layers. Some key parameters of the laser structure are theoretically analyzed, and their effects on the laser performance are discussed. The laser material is grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and demonstrates high quality with low-threshold current density, high internal quantum efficiency, and extremely low internal loss. High-performance broad-area multimode and ridge-waveguide single-mode laser devices are fabricated. For 100-mum-wide stripe lasers having a cavity length of 800 mum, a high slope efficiency of 1.08 W-A, a low vertical beam divergence of 34 degrees, a high output power of over 4.45 W, and a very high characteristic temperature coefficient of 250 K were achieved. Lifetime tests performed at 1.2-1.3 W (12-13 mW/mum) demonstrates reliable performance. For 4-mum-wide ridge waveguide single-mode laser devices, a maximum output power of 394 mW and fundamental mode power up to 200 mW with slope efficiency of 0.91 mW/mum are obtained.


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The energy barrier at InAs/GaAs interface due to the built-in strain in self-organized system has been determined experimentally. Such a barrier has been predicted by previous theories. From the deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) measurements, we have obtained the electron and hole energy levels of quantum dots E-e(QD-->GaAs) = 0.13 eV and E-h(QD-->GaAs) = 0.09 eV relative to the bulk unstrained GaAs band edges E-c and E-v. DLTS measurements have also provided evidence to the existence of the capture barriers of quantum dots for electron E-eB = 0.30 eV and hole E-hB = 0.26 eV. The barriers can be explained by the apexes appearing in the interface between InAs and GaAs caused by strain. Combining the photoluminescence results, the band structures of InAs and GaAs have been determined.


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After capping InAs islands with a thin enough GaAs layer, growth interruption has been introduced. Ejected energy of self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots has been successfully tuned in a controlled manner by changing the thickness of GaAs capping layer and the time of growth interruption and InAs layer thickness. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra showing the shift of the peak position reveals the tuning of the electronic states of the QD system. Enhanced uniformity of Quantum dots is observed judging from the decrease of full width at half maximum of FL. Injection InAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers have been fabricated and performed on various frequencies. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We propose a novel superluminescent diode (SLD) with a quantum dot (QD) active layer, which should give a wider output spectrum than a conventional quantum well SLD. The device makes use of inhomogeneous broadness of gain spectrum resulting from size inhomogeneity of self-assembled quantum dots grown by Stranski-Krastanow mode. Taking a design made out in the InxGa1-xAs/GaAs system for example, the spectrum characteristics of the device are simulated realistically, 100-200 nm full width of half maximum of output spectrum can be obtained. The dependence of the output spectrum on In composition, size distribution and injection current of the dots active region is also elaborated.


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Electron transport through a double-quantum-dot structure with intradot and interdot Coulomb interactions is studied by a Green's function (GF) approach. The conductance is calculated by a Landauer-Buttiker formula for the interacting systems derived using the nonequilibrium Keldysh formalism and the GF's are solved by the equation-of-motion method. It is shown that the interdot-coupling dependence of the conductance peak splitting matches the recent experimental observations. Also, the breaking of the electron-hole symmetry is numerically demonstrated by the presence of the interdot repulsion. [S0163-1829(99)01640-9].