156 resultados para near optical axis


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A Very-Small-Aperture Laser with a 250 X 500 nm(2) aperture has been created on a 650nm edge emitting LD. The highest far-field output power is 1.9mW and the power per unit emission area is about 15 MW/mu m(2). The special fabrication process and high output power mechanism are demonstrated respectively. The near-field distribution properties are also analyzed theoretically and experimentally.


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The optical properties of Au nanoparticles deposited on thermochromic thin films of VO2 are investigated using spectroscopy. A localized modification on the transmittance spectrum of VO2 film is formed due to the presence of Au nanoparticles which exhibit localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in the visible-near IR region. The position of the modification wavelength region shows a strong dependence on the Au mass thickness and shifts toward the red as it increases. On the other hand, it was found that the LSPR of Au nanoparticles can be thermally tunable because of the thermochromism of the supporting material of VO2. The LSPR wavelength, lambda(SPR), shifts to the blue with increasing temperature, and shifts back to the red as temperature decreases. A fine tuning is achieved when the temperature is increased in a stepwise manner.


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The nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor quantum wells driven by intense in-plane terahertz electric fields are investigated theoretically by employing the extended semiconductor Bloch equations. The dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect of the optical absorption near the band edge is analyzed with Coulomb correlation among the carriers included. The in-plane terahertz field induces a variety of behavior in the absorption spectra, including terahertz replicas of the (dark) 2p exciton and terahertz sidebands of the 1s exciton. The dependence of these interesting features on the intensity, frequency, and phase of the terahertz field is explored in detail.


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The implementation of image contrast reversal by using a photochromic material of Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) films is demonstrated with two methods based on the optical properties of BR. One is based on the absorption difference between the B and M states. Images recorded by green light can be contrast reversed readout by violet light. The other is based on the photoinduced anisotropy of BR when it is excited by linear polarization light. By placing the BR film between two crossed polarizers (i.e. a polarizer and an analyser), the difference of polarization states of the recorded area and the unrecorded area can be detected, and thus different contrast images can be obtained by rotating the polarization axis of the analyser.


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We investigate the interband optical absorption spectra near the band edge of a cylindrical semiconductor quantum wire in the presence of a static electric field and a terahertz electric field polarized along the axis. Optical absorption spectra are nonperturbatively calculated by solving the low-density semiconductor Bloch equations in real space and real time. The influence of the Franz-Keldysh (FK) effect and dynamical FK effect on the absorption spectrum is investigated. To highlight the physics behind the FK effect and dynamical FK effect, the spatiotemporal dynamics of the polarization wave packet are also presented. Under a reasonable static electric field, substantial and tunable absorption oscillations appear above the band gap. A terahertz field, however, will cause the Autler-Townes splitting of the main exciton peak and the emergence of multiphoton replicas. The presented results suggest that semiconductor quantum wires have potential applications in electro-optical devices.


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A kind of microstructured polymer optical fiber with elliptical core has been fabricated by adopting in-situ chemical polymerization technology and the secondary sleeving draw-stretching technique. Microscope photography demonstrates the clear hole-structure retained in the fiber. Though the holes distortion is visible, initial laser experiment indicates that light can be strongly confined in the elliptical core region, and the mode field is split obviously and presents the multi-mode characteristic. Numerical modeling is carried out for the real fiber with the measured parameters, including the external diameter of 150 pin, the average holes diameter of 3.3 mu m, and the average hole spacing of 6.3 mu m. by using full-vector plane wave method. The guided mode fields of the numerical simulation are consistent with the experiment result. This fiber shows the strong multi-mode and weak birefringence in the visible and near-infrared band, and has possibility for achieving the fiber mode convertors, mode selective couplers and so on.


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Compact and efficient triple-pass optical parametric chirped pulse amplification in a single crystal has been demonstrated. The signal was triple-pass amplified in a single nonlinear crystal by a nanosecond pump pulse. The first-pass optical parametric amplification is completely phase matched in the plane of the maximum effective nonlinearity, and the other two passes work symmetrically near to the first-pass optical parametric amplification plane. This architecture efficiently increases the overall gain, overcomes the optical parametric fluorescence, and clearly simplifies the amplification scheme.


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Lattice matched GaInP/GaAs heterostructures were grown by atmospheric pressure-metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (AP-MOVPE). Compositional intermixing of As/P and Ga/In near the heterointerfaces was studied by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Indium segregation, memory effect of In into GaAs and the carry-over of As in the GaInP layer during the growth process were considered as three major factors giving rise to the anomalous emissions in the PL spectra. Both thermal annealing and zinc doping strongly enhanced the compositional interdiffusion near the heterointerfaces.


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The linear-polarization optical property of CdSe quantum rods is studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory.The effects of shape and magnetic field on the linear polarization factors are investigated.It is found that CdSe quantum spheres have negative polarization factors (xy-polarized emission)and quantum long rods with small radius have positive linear polarization factors (z-polarized emission).The z-direction is the direction of the c axis.Quantum long rods with large radius have negative linear polarization factors,due to the hexagonal crystal symmetry and the crystal field splitting energy.The linear polarization factors decrease and may change from a positive value to a negative value;i.e.,the z-polarized emissions decrease relative to xy-polarized emissions as the magnetic field applied along the z direction increases.


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ZnO films were deposited on Si(100) substrates at 300℃ by metal - organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD). The effect of different ratios of DEZn to N2O on crystal quality was analyzed. It is found that the optimum ratio of DEZn to N2O is 2.1. And in this optimum growth condition, X - ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning probe morphology (SPM) images indicate that the films grow along the c - axis orientation. ZnO film exhibits a strong UV optical absorption near 388 nm. And the optical absorbance is close to zero,that indicates nearly 100% optical transparence. Photoluminescence (PL) spectrum shows only strong near - band - edge emissions with little or no deep - level emission related to defects. The full - width at half - maximum (FWHM) of the ultraviolet emission peak is 80meV. The results indicate that better crystal quality can be obtained.


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The relationship between Ge content of Si1-xGex layers and growth conditions was investigated via UHV/CVD system at relative low temperature of 500℃. Si1-xGex layers were in a metastable state in this case. 10-period strained 3.0 nm- Si0.5Ge0.5/3.4 nm- Si multi quantum wells were obtained directly on Si substrate. Raman Measurement, high resolution electron microscopy and photoluminescence were used to characterize the structural and optical properties. It is found that such relative thick Si0.5Ge0.5/Si multi quantum wells are still near planar and free of dislocations, that makes it exploit applications to electrical and optical devices.


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In order to design and fabricate a spectrometer for the infrared range widely used in the different applications, Volume Phase Grating (VPG) with. low Polarization Dependence Loss (PDL) and high efficiency has been adopted as the dispersion element. VPG is constructed by coating an optical substrate with a thin film of dichromated. gelatin and exposing the film to two mutually coherent laser beams to form index modulation. The diffraction efficiency for a VPG is governed by Bragg effects. The depth (d) and index modulation contrast of the grating structure control the efficiency at which the light is diffracted when the Bragg condition is satisfied. Gradient index lens with high performance and low aberration are used as collimating system instead of standard lens. The spot diagrams and MTF curve of the collimating lens are shown in the paper. The receive system is InCaAs photodiode (PD) array including 512 pixels with 25 mum pitch. The spectrum resolution of the spectrometer reaches to 0.2nm and wavelength accuracy is 40pm.


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Slow-light effects in photonic crystal (PC) waveguides can enhance light-mater interaction near the photonic band edge, which can be used to design a short cavity length semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). In this paper, a novel SOA based on slow-light effects in PC waveguides (PCSOA) is presented. To realize the amplification of the optical signal with polarization independence, a PCSOA is designed with a compensated structure. The cascaded structure leads to a balanced amplification to the TE and TM polarized light.