159 resultados para Quantum Chemistry Calculation


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The quantum-confined Stark effect and the Franz-Keldysh oscillation of a single quantum well (SQW) GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs electrode were studied in non-aqueous hydroquinone + benzoquinone solution with electrolyte electroreflectance spectroscopy. By investigation of the relation of the quantum-confined Stark effect and the Franz-Keldysh oscillation with applied external bias, the interfacial behaviour of an SQW electrode was analysed. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Compositional distribution of the quantum well and barrier after quantum well intermixing for GaInP/AlGaInP system was theoretically analyzed on the basis of atom diffusion law. With the compositional distribution result, the valence subband structure of the intermixed quantum well was calculated on the basis of 6x6 Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian, including spin-orbit splitting effects. TO get more accurate results in the calculation, a full 6-band problem was solved without axial approximation, which had been widely used in the Luttinger-Kohn model to simplify the computational efforts, since there was a strong warping in the GaInP valence band. At last, the bandgap energy of the intermixed quantum well was obtained and the calculation result is of much importance in the analysis of quantum well intermixing experiments.


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We present a systematic investigation of calculating quantum dots (QDs) energy levels using finite element method in the frame of eight-band k . p method. Numerical results including piezoelectricity, electron and hole levels, as yell as wave functions are achieved. In the calculation of energy levels, we do observe spurious solutions (SSs) no matter Burt-Foreman or symmetrized Hamiltonians are used. Different theories are used to analyse the SSs, we find that the ellipticity theory can give a better explanation for the origin of SSs and symmetrized Hamiltonian is easier to lead to SSs. The energy levels simulated with the two Hamiltonians are compared to each other after eliminating SSs, different Hamiltonians cause a larger difference on electron energy levels than that on hole energy levels and this difference decreases with the increase of QD size.


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The interface modes and LO phonon modes in GaAs/AlAs quantum wells is investigated within the isotropic dispersionless dielectric continuum with nodes in displacement u at the interfaces as boundary condition. The interface modes are found to be purely interface polarization charge effect while LO eigenmodes induce only bulk polarization charges. Analytical expression is determined for LO eigenmodes and is found in good agreement with realistic model calculation, and its labeling index is interpreted as the helicity of electric field as it travels from one side to the other side of the slab.


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Recursion formulae for the reflection and the transmission probability amplitudes and the eigenvalue equation for multistep potential structures are derived. Using the recursion relations, a dispersion equation for periodic potential structures is presented. Some numerical results for the transmission probability of a double barrier structure with scattering centers, the lifetime of the quasi-bound state in a single quantum well with an applied field, and the miniband of a periodic potential structure are presented.


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The photoluminescence of InxGa1-xAs/GaAs strained quantum wells with widths of 30 angstrom to 160 angstrom have been studied at 77 K under hydrostatic pressure up to 60 kbar. It is found that the pressure coefficients of exciton peaks from 1st conduction subband to heavy hole subband increase from 9.74 meV/kbar for a 160 angstrom well to 10.12 meV/kbar for a 30 angstrom well. The calculation based on the Kronig-Penney model indicated that the extension of the electronic wave function to the barrier layer in the narrow wells is one of the reasons for the increase of the pressure coefficients with the decrease of well width. Two peaks related to indirect transitions were observed at pressures higher than 50 kbar.


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Polaron cyclotron resonance (CR) has been studied in three modulation-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As multiple quantum well structures in magnetic field up to 30 T. Large avoided-level-crossing splittings of the CR near the GaAs reststrahlen region, and smaller splittings in the region of the AlAs-like optical phonons of th AlGaAs barriers, are observed. Based on a comparison with a detailed theoretical calculation, the high frequency splitting, the magnitude of which increases with decreasing well width, is assigned to resonant polaron interactions with AlAs-like interface phonons.


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The EER spectra of a single quantum well GaAs\AlxGa1-xAs electrode were studied as a function of applied reverse bias in ferrocene, p-methyl nitrobenzene and hydroquinone+benzoquinone non-aqueous solutions. EER spectra were compared for different redox species and showed that a pronounced quantum-confined Stark effect and a Franz-Keldysh oscillation for a single quantum well electrode were obtained in the p-methyl-nitrobenzene- and hydroquinone+benzoquinone-containing solutions. A surface interaction of the single quantum well electrode with ferrocene led to fewer changes in the electric field of the space charge layer for reverse bias; this was suggested to explain the weak quantum-confined Stark effect and Franz-Keldysh oscillation effect observed for the single quantum well electrode in the ferrocene-containing solution. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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In this paper, we propose the periodic boundary condition which can be applied to a variety of semiconductor nanostructures to overcome che difficulty of solving Schrodinger equation under the natural boundary condition. When the barrier width is large enough. the average of the maximum and minimum of energy band under the periodic boundary condition is very close to the energy level obtained under the natural boundary condition. As an example, we take the GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs system, If the width of the Ga1-xAlxAs barrier is 200 Angstrom, the average of the maximum and minimum of energy band of the GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs superlattices is very close to the energy level of the GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs quantum wells (QWs). We give the electronic structure effective mass calculation of T-shaped quantum wires (T-QWRs) under the periodic boundary condition, The lateral confinement energies E1D-2D of electrons and holes, the energy difference between T-QWRs and QWs, are precisely determined.


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In the framework of effective mass envelope function theory, absorption coefficients are calculated for intraband (intersubband in the conduction band) optical transition in InAs/GaAs coupled quantum dots. In our calculation the microscpic distributon of the strain is taken into account. The absorption in coupled quantum dots is quite different from that of superlattices. In superlattices, the absorption does not exist when the electric vector of light is parallel to the superlattice plane (perpendicular incident). This introduces somewhat of a difficulty in fabricating the infrared detector. In quantum dots, the absorption exists when light incident along any direction, which may be good for fabricating infrared detectors.


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The chemical adsorption of sodium sulphide, ferrocene, hydroquinone and p-methyl-nitrobenzene onto the surface of a GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiquantum well semiconductor was characterized by steady state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The changes in the PL response, including the red shift of the emission peak of the exciton in the quantum well and the enhancement of the PL intensity, are discussed in terms of the interactions of the adsorbed molecules with surface states.


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A theoretical investigation of ballistic electron transport in a quantum wire with soft wall confinement is presented. A general method of the electron transmission calculation is proposed for structures with complicated geometries. The effects of the lateral guiding potential on ballistic transport are investigated using three soft wall confinement models and the results are compared with those obtained from the hard wall confinement approximation. It is shown that the calculated transmission coefficients are notably dependent on the lateral confining potential especially when the incident electron energy is larger than the energy of the second transverse mode. It is found that the transmission profile obtained from soft wall confinement models exhibits simpler resonance structures than that obtained from the hard wall confinement approximation. Our results suggest that only in the single-channel regime the hard wall confinement approximation can give reasonable results.


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Using a home-made gas-source molecular beam epitaxy system, high quality InGaAs quantum wells with different well widths lattice-matched to a (001) InP substrate have been obtained. Sharp and intense peaks for each well can be well resolved in the PL spectra for the sample. For well widths larger than similar to 60 Angstrom, the exciton energies are in good agreement with those of calculation. For wells narrower than 40 Angstrom, our line widths are below the theoretical values of line width broadening due to one monolayer interface fluctuation, showing that the interface fluctuation of our sample is within one monolayer.


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Using deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) the X conduction-subband energy levels in an AlAs well sandwiched by double GaAs layers were determined. Calculation gives eight subbands in the well with well width of 50 Angstrom. Among them, five levels and the other three remainders are determined by using the large longitudinal electron effective mass m(1)(1.1m(0)) and transverse electron effective mass m(t)(0.19m(0)) at X valley, respectively. Two subbands with the height energies were hardly detectable and the other six ones with lower energies are active in the present DLTS study. Because these six subbands are close to each other, we divided them into three groups. Experimentally, we observed three signals induced from the three groups. A good agreement between the calculation and experiment was obtained. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.