126 resultados para Curvilinear coordinates.
要测量出一组特征点分别在两个空间坐标系下的坐标 ,就可以求解两个空间目标间的位姿关系 .实现上述目标位姿测量方法的前提条件是要保证该组特征点在不同坐标系下 ,其位置关系相同 ,但计算误差的存在却破坏了这种固定的位置关系 .为此 ,提出了两种基于模型的三维视觉方法——基于模型的单目视觉和基于模型的双目视觉 ,前者从视觉计算的物理意义入手 ,通过简单的约束迭代求解实现模型约束 ;后者则将简单的约束最小二乘法和基于模型的单目视觉方法融合在一起来实现模型约束 .引入模型约束后 ,单目视觉方法可以达到很高的测量精度 .而基于模型的双目视觉较传统的无模型立体视觉方法位移精度提高有限 ,但姿态精度提高很多
在主从式UUV 协作系统中,由于定位和导航的需要,要求尽快估计出从UUV 的航行参数,但通常所用的递推最小二乘(RLS)算法,其初始方位测量对滤波结果影响大且存在收敛速度慢、计算精度低的缺点,难以满足应用需求,而推广卡尔曼滤波(EKF)算法能较好地克服上述问题。在直角坐标系下(CEKF),方位信息与距离信息相互耦合导致初始振荡剧烈,改为混合坐标系(MEKF)后问题得到了极大的改善。最后,通过仿真及现场试验验证了此改进方法的有效性。
Rainbow三维摄像机是一种基于光谱分析的快速三维信息获取方法。该方法利用连续变化的彩色光谱照射景物 ,彩色CCD摄像机摄取的景物图像将呈现有规律的颜色变化 ,而且不同的颜色 (波长 )构成了不同的空间颜色面。通过标定这些颜色面和摄像机成象模型 ,即可计算出图像中各点的三维坐标。
Rainbow 三维摄像机是一种基于光谱分析的快速三维信息获取方法。该方法利用连续变化的彩色光谱照射景物,彩色CCD 摄像机摄取的景物图象将呈现有规律的颜色变化,而且不同的颜色(波长)构成了不同的空间颜色面。通过标定这些颜色面和摄像机成象模型,即可计算出图象中各点的三维坐标。该文重点讨论实现该方法的标定技术和颜色分类技术,最后给出实验结果。
本文运用 H-D 变换的基本原理,结合极坐标变换导出了产生n自由度多关节机器人工作空间的递推算法,当给定了机器人的结构尺寸,即可将机器人工作空间在一特定平面内的边界图形用计算机打出并计算出机器人工作空间容积。在本文的另一部分介绍了两种计算机器人工作空间的性能指标,最后用几个机器人的结构参数进行计算和讨论。
This dissertation presents a series of irregular-grid based numerical technique for modeling seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous media. The study involves the generation of the irregular numerical mesh corresponding to the irregular grid scheme, the discretized version of motion equations under the unstructured mesh, and irregular-grid absorbing boundary conditions. The resulting numerical technique has been used in generating the synthetic data sets on the realistic complex geologic models that can examine the migration schemes. The motion equation discretization and modeling are based on Grid Method. The key idea is to use the integral equilibrium principle to replace the operator at each grid in Finite Difference scheme and variational formulation in Finite Element Method. The irregular grids of complex geologic model is generated by the Paving Method, which allow varying grid spacing according to meshing constraints. The grids have great quality at domain boundaries and contain equal quantities of nodes at interfaces, which avoids the interpolation of parameters and variables. The irregular grid absorbing boundary conditions is developed by extending the Perfectly Matched Layer method to the rotated local coordinates. The splitted PML equations of the first-order system is derived by using integral equilibrium principle. The proposed scheme can build PML boundary of arbitrary geometry in the computational domain, avoiding the special treatment at corners in a standard PML method and saving considerable memory and computation cost. The numerical implementation demonstrates the desired qualities of irregular grid based modeling technique. In particular, (1) smaller memory requirements and computational time are needed by changing the grid spacing according to local velocity; (2) Arbitrary surfaces and interface topographies are described accurately, thus removing the artificial reflection resulting from the stair approximation of the curved or dipping interfaces; (3) computational domain is significantly reduced by flexibly building the curved artificial boundaries using the irregular-grid absorbing boundary conditions. The proposed irregular grid approach is apply to reverse time migration as the extrapolation algorithm. It can discretize the smoothed velocity model by irregular grid of variable scale, which contributes to reduce the computation cost. The topography. It can also handle data set of arbitrary topography and no field correction is needed.
The ionospheric parameter M(3000)F2 (the so-called transmission factor or the propagation factor) is important not only in practical applications such as frequency planning for radio-communication but also in ionospheric modeling. This parameter is strongly anti-correlated with the ionospheric F2-layer peak height hmF2,a parameter often used as a key anchor point in some widely used empirical models of the ionospheric electron density profile (e.g., in IRI and NeQuick models). Since hmF2 is not easy to obtain from measurements and M(3000)F2 can be routinely scaled from ionograms recorded by ionosonde/digisonde stations distributed globally and its data has been accumulated for a long history, usually the value of hmF2 is calculated from M(3000)F2 using the empirical formula connecting them. In practice, CCIR M(3000)F2 model is widely used to obtain M(3000)F2 value. However, recently some authors found that the CCIR M(3000)F2 model has remarkable discrepancies with the measured M(3000)F2, especially in low-latitude and equatorial regions. For this reason, the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) research community proposes to improve or update the currently used CCIR M(3000)F2 model. Any efforts toward the improvement and updating of the current M(3000)F2 model or newly development of a global hmF2 model are encouraged. In this dissertation, an effort is made to construct the empirical models of M(3000)F2 and hmF2 based on the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis combined with regression analysis method. The main results are as follows: 1. A single station model is constructed using monthly median hourly values of M(3000)F2 data observed at Wuhan Ionospheric Observatory during the years of 1957–1991 and compared with the IRI model. The result shows that EOF method is possible to use only a few orders of EOF components to represent most of the variance of the original data set. It is a powerful method for ionospheric modeling. 2. Using the values of M(3000)F2 observed by ionosondes distributed globally, data at grids uniformly distributed globally were obtained by using the Kriging interpolation method. Then the gridded data were decomposed into EOF components using two different coordinates: (1) geographical longitude and latitude; (2) modified dip (Modip) and local time. Based on the EOF decompositions of the gridded data under these two coordinates systems, two types of the global M(3000)F2 model are constructed. Statistical analysis showed that the two types of the constructed M(3000)F2 model have better agreement with the observational M(3000)F2 than the M(3000)F2 model currently used by IRI. The constructed models can represent the global variations of M(3000)F2 better. 3. The hmF2 data used to construct the hmF2 model were converted from the observed M(3000)F2 based on the empirical formula connecting them. We also constructed two types of the global hmF2 model using the similar method of modeling M(3000)F2. Statistical analysis showed that the prediction of our models is more accurate than the model of IRI. This demonstrated that using EOF analysis method to construct global model of hmF2 directly is feasible. The results in this thesis indicate that the modeling technique based on EOF expansion combined with regression analysis is very promising when used to construct the global models of M(3000)F2 and hmF2. It is worthwhile to investigate further and has the potential to be used to the global modeling of other ionospheric parameters.
Acoustic Gravity waves (AGW) play an important role in balancing the atmospheric energy and momentum budget. Propagation of gravity wave in the atmosphere is one of the important factors of changing middle and upper atmosphere and ionosphere. The purpose of this dissertation is to study the propagation of gravity wave in a compression atmosphere whit means of numerical simulation and to analyze the response of middle and upper atmosphere to pulse disturbance from lower atmosphere. This work begins with the establishment of 2-D fully nonlinear compressible atmospheric dynamic model in polar coordinate, which is used ton numerically study gravity wave propagation. Then the propagation characteristics of acoustic gravity wave packets are investigated and discussed. We also simulate the response of middle and upper atmosphere to pulse disturbance of lower atmosphere in background winds or without background winds by using this model and analyze the data we obtained by using Fourier Transform (FT), Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) and Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method which is an important part of Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT). The research content is summarized in the following: 1. By using a two-dimensional full-implicit-continuous-Eulerian (FICE) scheme and taking the atmospheric basic motion equations as the governing equations, a numerical model for nonlinear propagation of acoustic gravity wave disturbance in two-dimensional polar coordinates is solved. 2. Then the propagation characteristics of acoustic gravity wave packets are investigated and discussed. Results of numerical simulation show that the acoustic gravity wave packets propagate steadily upward and keep its shape well after several periods. 3. We simulate the response of middle and upper atmosphere to pulse disturbance of lower atmosphere in background winds or without background winds by using this model, and obtain the distribution of a certain physical quantity in time and space from earth’s surface to 300km above. The results reveal that the response of ionosphere occurs at a large horizontal distance from the source and the disturbance becomes greater with increasing of height. The situation when the direction of the background wind is opposite to or the same as the direction of disturbed velocity of gravity-wave is studied. The results show that gravity wave propagating against winds is easier than those propagating along winds and the background wind can accelerate gravity wave propagation. Just upon the source, an acoustic wave component with period of 6 min can be found. These images of simulation are similar to observations of the total electron content (TEC) disturbances caused by the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake on December 26 in 2004. 4. Using the EMD method the disturbed velocity data of a certain physical quantity in time and space can be decomposed into a series of intrinsic mode function (IMF) and a trend mode respectively. The results of EMD reveal impact of the gravity wave frequency under the background winds.