311 resultados para Nitrogen losses


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In this study, the seasonal, vertical distribution of various phosphorus and nitrogen forms in the sediment and overlying water of Donghu Lake were investigated. The concentration of total nitrogen (TN) in overlying water was high in spring and autumn, but that of NO3--N reached its peak in autumn. From summer to autumn and from winter to spring, the concentration of phosphorus in overlying water decreased, while it increased from autumn to winter. Vertical characteristic forms of phosphorus in sediment cores are total phosphorus (TP), labile phosphorus (LP), Fe-P and Al-P, obviously enriched in the surface layer (0-10 cm), but their concentrations are observably reduced along with the depth of sediment. The research is of important theoretical and practical value to understand the status and to control the developmental trend of eutrophication in Donghu Lake.


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The changes of NH3-N, NO3-N, NO2-N and TN/TP were studied during growth and non-growth season in 33 subtropical shallow lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There were significant positive correlations among all nutrient concentrations, and the correlations were better in growth season than in non-growth season. When TP > 0.1 mgL(-1), NH3-N increased sharply in non-growth season with increasing TP, and NO3-N increased in growth season but decreased in non-growth season with TP. These might be attributed to lower dissolved oxygen and low temperature in non-growth season of the hypereutrophic lakes, since nitrification is more sensitive to dissolved oxygen and temperature than anti nitrification. When 0.1 mgL(-1)> TP > 0.035 mgL(-1), TN and all kinds of inorganic nitrogen were lower in growth season than in non-growth season, and phytoplankton might be the vital regulating factor. When TP < 0.035 mgL(-1), inorganic nitrogen concentrations were relatively low and NH3-N, NO2-N had significant correlations with phytoplankton, indicating that NH3-N and NO2-N might be limiting factors to phytoplankton. In addition, TN/TP went down with decline in TIP concentration, and TN and inorganic nitrogen concentrations were obviously lower in growth season than in non-growth season, suggesting that decreasing nitrogen (especially NH3-N and NO3-N) was an important reason for the decreasing TN/TP in growth season. The ranges of TN/TP were closely related to trophic level in both growth and non-growth seasons, and it is apparent that in the eutrophic and hypertrophic state the TN/TP ratio was obviously lower in growth season than in non-growth season. The changes of the TN/TP ratio were closely correlated with trophic levels, and both declines of TN in the water column and TP release from the sediment were important factors for the decline of the TN/TP ratio in growth season.


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Sediment core samples were collected in the largest urban Lake Donghu (Stations I and II) in China, and the activities of Pb-210, Ra-226 and Cs-137 were measured by gamma-ray spectrometry. The sedimentation rates, calculated by 210Pb constant rate of supply (CRS) model, ranged from 0.11 to 0.65 (average 0.39) cm(.)y(-1) at Station I, and from 0.21 to 0.78 (average 0.46) cm(.)y(-1) at Station II. Sedimentation rate calculated by Cs-137 as a time marker was 0.55 cm(.)y(-1) at Station II. Based on the average sedimentation rate, we obtained 769 and 147 t(.)y(-1) for nitrogen and phosphorus retentions in Lake Donghu sediments, respectively.


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In this study, we investigated the effects of animal-plant protein ratio in extruded and expanded diets on nutrient digestibility, nitrogen and energy budgets of juvenile soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Four extruded and expanded feeds (diets 1-4) were formulated with different animal-plant protein ratios (diet 1, 1.50:1; diet 2, 2.95:1; diet 3, 4.92:1; diet 4, 7.29:1). The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of dry matter and crude lipid for diet 1 were significantly lower than those for diets 2-4. There was no significant difference in crude protein digestibility among diets 1-4. The ADC of carbohydrate was significantly increased with the increase in animal-plant protein. Although nitrogen intake rate, faecal nitrogen loss rate and excretory nitrogen loss rate of turtles fed diet 1 were significantly higher than those fed diets 2-4, nitrogen retention rate, net protein utilization and biological value of protein in these turtles were significantly lower than those fed diets 2-4. In addition, energy intake rate, excretory energy loss rate and heat production rate of turtles fed diet 1 were also significantly higher than those fed diets 2-4. Faecal energy loss was significantly reduced with the increase in the animal-plant protein ratio. The ADC of energy and assimilation efficiency of energy significantly increased with a higher animal-plant protein ratio. The growth efficiency of energy in the group fed diet 1 was significantly lower than those in the groups fed diets 2-4. Together, our results suggest that the optimum animal-plant protein ratio in extruded and expanded diets is around 3:1.


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Food web structure was studied by using carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in a hypereutrophic subtropical Chinese lake, Lake Donghu. High external nutrient loading and the presence of abundant detritus from submersed macrophytes were responsible for the high sediment delta(15)N and delta(13)C, respectively. C-13 was significantly higher in submersed macrophytes than in other macrophytes. The similar delta(13)C values in phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos, and planktivorous fish indicate that phytoplankton was the major food source for the consumers. By using a delta(15)N mass balance model, we estimate that the contributions of zooplankton to the diet of silver carp and bighead carp were 54% and 74%, respectively, which is in agreement with previous microscopic observations on intestinal contents of these fishes.


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A cyanobacterial strain, which produced high content of microcystin-LR (MC-LR) but no rnicrocystin-RR (MC-RR), was isolated from the hypertrophic Dianchi Lake in China and identified as Microcystis aeruginosa DC-1. Effects of nitrogen containing chemicals and trace elements on the growth and the production of MC-LR by this strain were Studied. In the presence of bicine, compared with urea and ammonium, nitrate greatly promoted the growth and the production of MC-LR. However, leucine and arginine, which were the constitutional components in the molecular structure of MC-LR or RR, inhibited the production of MC-LR. Iron and silicon up to 10mg/L had little effects on the growth of M. aeruginosa DC-1, but the production of MC-LR was apparently enhanced. Under all conditions studied here, only MC-LR but no RR was detected within the cells of M. aeruginosa DC-1. Thus, chemical forms of nitrogen, rather than the usually concerned the total nitrogen, Lind trace elements played important roles in the production of MC toxins during cyanobacterial blooms.


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Budgets and dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus in Lake Donghu were investigated from Oct. 1997 to Sept. 1999. The water residence time was estimated to be 89 days in 1997-1998 and 124 days in 1998-1999. The total external loadings were 53 g N m(-2) yr(-1) and 3.2 g P m(-2) yr(-1) in 1997-1998, and 42 g N m(-2) yr(-1) and 3.1 g P m(-2) yr(-1) in 1998-1999. On average, about 80% of nitrogen and phosphorus input was from sewage outlets, while the rest was from land runoff and precipitation. Ammonium ion was the most abundant form of inorganic nitrogen in the sewage. The nutrient output was mainly through water outflow and fish catch. The percentages of nutrients in fish were estimated to be 7.8%-11.2% for nitrogen and 47.6%- 49.6% for phosphorus. Lake Donghu has a very high nutrient retention (63% for nitrogen and 79% for phosphorus) mainly due to its closure and long water residence time. Sedimentation is an important nutrient retention mechanism in this lake. Using mass balance method, we estimated that denitrification of Lake Donghu involves about 50% of the retained nitrogen. Lake Donghu is rich in inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus and showed great seasonal variation.


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Studies on mixed mass cultivation of Anabaena spp. on a large scale (5170 m2) were conducted continuously for 3 years. Under the continental monsoon climate in northern subtropics (30-degrees-N, 115-degrees-E), 7-11 g dry weight m-2 day-1 of microalgal biomass on average was harvested in simple plastic greenhouses in the effective growth days during the warmer seasons. The maximum productivity was 22 g m-2 day-1 in the middle of summer. Observations on the productive properties of strains of Anabaena spp. indicated that they were different from and could compensate for each other in their productivities and adaptations to the seasonal changes. With different lining materials (PVC sheets, concrete, sand and soil) in the culture ponds, no significant variation of productivity was found, but bubbling with biogas in the middle of the day and the application of some growth regulating substances (2,4-D, NaHSO3 and extracts of oyster mushroom spawn) was able to improve the production. The cost of microalgal biomass in this way was around 0.75-1.0 US dollar(s) per kilogram.


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We report on the study of a single-photon-emitting diode at 77 K. The device is composed of InAs/GaAs quantum dots embedded in the i-region of a p-i-n diode structure. The high signal to noise ratio of the electroluminescence, as well as the small second order correlation function at zero-delay g((2))(0), implies that the device has a low multiphoton emission probability. By comparing the device performances under different excitation conditions, we have, in detail, discussed the basic parameters, such as signal to noise ratio and g((2))(0), and provided some useful information for the future application. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We report on the single photon emission from single InAs/GaAs self-assembled Stranski-Krastanow quantum dots up to 80K under pulsed and continuous wave excitations. At temperature 80 K, the second-order correlation function at zero time delay, g((2))(0), is measured to be 0.422 for pulsed excitation. At the same temperature under continuous wave excitation, the photon antibunching effect is observed. Thus, our experimental results demonstrate a promising potential application of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots in single photon emission at liquid nitrogen temperature.


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Our Raman measurement indicates that the intensity of the peaks (510 and 645 cm(-1)) related to nitrogen concentration is enhanced in MgZnO compared with that in ZnO. Using first-principles band structure methods, we calculated the formation energy and transition energy level for nitrogen acceptor in ZnO and random MgxZn1-xO (with x=0.25) alloy. Our calculations show that the incorporation of nitrogen can be enhanced as Mg is alloyed into ZnO, which agrees with our experiments. The acceptor energy level deeper in the alloy ascribes to the downward shift of the valence-band maximum edge in the presence of magnesium. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We propose an innovative technique, making use of the In segregation effect, referred as the N irradiation method, to enhance In-N bonding and extend the emission wavelength of GaInNAs quantum wells (QWs). After the formation of a complete In floating layer, the growth is interrupted and N irradiation is initiated. The majority of N atoms are forced to bond with In atoms and their incorporation is regulated independently by the N exposure time and the As pressure. The effect of the N exposure time and As pressure on the N incorporation and the optical quality of GaInNAs QWs were investigated. Anomalous photoluminescence (PL) wavelength red shifts after rapid thermal annealing (RTA) were observed in the N-irradiated samples, whereas a normal GaInNAs sample revealed a blue shift. This method provides an alternative way to extend the emission wavelength of GaInNAs QWs with decent optical quality. We demonstrate light emission at 1546 nm from an 11-nm-thick QW, using this method and the PL intensity is similar to that of a 7-nm-thick GaInNAs QW grown at a reduced rate. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High Curie temperature of 900 K has been reported in Cr-doped AlN diluted magnetic semiconductors prepared by various methods, which is exciting for spintronic applications. It is believed that N defects play important roles in achieving the high-temperature ferromagnetism in good samples. Motivated by these experimental advances, we use a full-potential density-functional-theory method and supercell approach to investigate N defects and their effects on ferromagnetism of (Al,Cr)N with N vacancies (V-N). We investigate the structural and electronic properties of V-N, single Cr atom, Cr-Cr atom pairs, Cr-V-N pairs, and so on. In each case, the most stable structure is obtained by comparing different atomic configurations optimized in terms of the total energy and the force on every atom, and then it is used to calculate the defect formation energy and study the electronic structures. Our total-energy calculations show that the nearest substitutional Cr-Cr pair with the two spins in parallel is the most favorable and the nearest Cr-V-N pair makes a stable complex. Our formation energies indicate that V-N regions can be formed spontaneously under N-poor condition because the minimal V-N formation energy equals -0.23 eV or Cr-doped regions with high enough concentrations can be formed under N-rich condition because the Cr formation energy equals 0.04 eV, and hence real Cr-doped AlN samples are formed by forming some Cr-doped regions and separated V-N regions and through subsequent atomic relaxation during annealing. Both of the single Cr atom and the N vacancy create filled electronic states in the semiconductor gap of AlN. N vacancies enhance the ferromagnetism by adding mu(B) to the Cr moment each but reduce the ferromagnetic exchange constants between the spins in the nearest Cr-Cr pairs. These calculated results are in agreement with experimental observations and facts of real Cr-doped AlN samples and their synthesis. Our first-principles results are useful to elucidate the mechanism for the ferromagnetism and to explore high-performance Cr-doped AlN diluted magnetic semiconductors.


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Separation by implantation of oxygen and nitrogen (SIMON) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) materials were fabricated by sequential oxygen and nitrogen implantation with annealing after each implantation. Analyses of SIMS, XTEM and HRTEM were performed. The results show that superior buried insulating multi-layers were well formed and the possible mechanism is discussed. The remarkable total-dose irradiation tolerance of SIMON materials was confirmed by few shifts of drain leakage current-gate source voltage (I-V) curves of PMOS transistors fabricated on SIMON materials before and after irradiation.


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Effects of SiO2 encapsulation and rapid thermal annealing on the optical properties of a GaNAs/GaAs single quantum well (SQW) are studied by low-temperature photoluminescence (LTPL). After annealing at 800degreesC for 30s, a blueshift of the LTPL peak energy for the SiO2-capped region is 25meV and that for the bare region is 0.8meV. The results can attribute to the nitrogen reorganization in the GaNAs/GaAs SQW. It is also shown that the nitrogen reorganization can be obviously enhanced by SiO2 cap-layer. A simple model is used to describe the SiO2-enhanced blueshift of the LTPL peak energy. The estimated activation energy of the N atomic reorganization for the samples annealing with and without SiO2 cap-layer are 2.9eV and 3.1eV, respectively.