119 resultados para Intensity fluctuations


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The Al atomic characteristic spectral lines were induced by the impact of Ar-40(q+) ions (8 <= q <= 16; kinetic energy 150 keV) on Al surface. The result shows that by Penning impinging and resonant capture, the ion energy is deposited on the Al surface to excite the target atom, which is different from light excitation. Not only are the transitions betweem electronic configurations of the atomic complex excited, but the enhancing tendency of the characteristic spectral line intensity is consistent with the enhancing tendency of the coulomb potential energy of the incident ions with increasing charged states.


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We study the non-Gaussianity induced by the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuation maps. If a CMB map is contaminated by the SZ effect of galaxies or galaxy clusters, the CMB maps should have similar non-Gaussian features to the galaxy and cluster fields. Using the WMAP data and 2MASS galaxy catalogue, we show that the non-Gaussianity of the 2MASS galaxies is imprinted on WMAP maps. The signature of non-Gaussianity can be seen with the fourth-order cross-correlation between the wavelet variables of the WMAP maps and 2MASS clusters. The intensity of the fourth-order non-Gaussian features is found to be consistent with the contamination of the SZ effect of 2MASS galaxies. We also show that this non-Gaussianity can not be seen by the high-order autocorrelation of the WMAP. This is because the SZ signals in the autocorrelations of the WMAP data generally are weaker than the WMAP-2MASS cross-correlations by a factor f(2), which is the ratio between the powers of the SZ-effect map and the CMB fluctuations on the scale considered. Therefore, the ratio of high-order autocorrelations of CMB maps to cross-correlations of the CMB maps and galaxy field would be effective to constrain the powers of the SZ effect on various scales.


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The prospects of control chemical reaction in high-intensity laser field are talked about here, and some experimental and theoretical designs are reviewed and discussed also.


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We uncovered the underlying energy landscape of the mitogen-activated protein kinases signal transduction cellular network by exploring the statistical natures of the Brownian dynamical trajectories. We introduce a dimensionless quantity: The robustness ratio of energy gap versus local roughness to measure the global topography of the underlying landscape. A high robustness ratio implies funneled landscape. The landscape is quite robust against environmental fluctuations and variants of the intrinsic chemical reaction rates.


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Two kinds of dewetting and their transition induced by composition fluctuation due to different composition in blend [poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(styrene-ran-acrylonitrile) (SAN)] films on SiOx substrate at 145 degrees C have been studied by in-situ atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results showed that morphology and pathway of dewetting depended crucially on the composition. Possible reason is the variation in intensity of composition fluctuation resulted from the change of components in polymer blend. Based on the discussion of this fluctuation due to the composition gradient, parameter of U-q0/E, which describes the initial amplitude of the surface undulation and original thickness of film respectively, has been employed to distinguish the morphologies of spontaneous dewetting including bicontinuous structures and holes.


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The authors developed a time dependent method to study the single molecule dynamics of a simple gene regulatory network: a repressilator with three genes mutually repressing each other. They quantitatively characterize the time evolution dynamics of the repressilator. Furthermore, they study purely dynamical issues such as statistical fluctuations and noise evolution. They illustrated some important features of the biological network such as monostability, spirals, and limit cycle oscillation. Explicit time dependent Fano factors which describe noise evolution and show statistical fluctuations out of equilibrium can be significant and far from the Poisson distribution. They explore the phase space and the interrelationships among fluctuations, order, amplitude, and period of oscillations of the repressilators. The authors found that repressilators follow ordered limit cycle orbits and are more likely to appear in the lower fluctuating regions. The amplitude of the repressilators increases as the suppressing of the genes decreases and production of proteins increases. The oscillation period of the repressilators decreases as the suppressing of the genes decreases and production of proteins increases.


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We studied a simple gene regulatory network, the toggle switch. Specifically, we examined the means and statistical fluctuations in numbers of proteins. We found that when omega, the ratio of rates of protein-gene unbinding to protein degradation, was between similar to 10(-3) and similar to 10, the fluctuations were much larger than those we would have expected from Poisson statistics. In addition, we examined characteristic time values for system relaxation and found both that they increased with omega and that they have significant phase transition effects, with a secondary time scale appearing near the boundary between bistable and other phases. Last, we discuss the bistability of the toggle switch.


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Gradient colloidal crystals with a thickness gradient were prepared by the vertical deposition technique with vertically graded concentration suspensions. The thickness of the gradient colloidal crystal gradually changes at different positions along the specific gradient direction of the crystal. The thickness gradient was determined by the concentration gradient, depending on the initial colloidal concentration and the settling time. The optical transmission intensity at the dip wavelength can be tuned by changing the thickness of the colloidal crystals. The gradient colloidal crystals lead to a gradient of optical intensity at the dip in transmission light. The gradient of optical intensity at the dip increases as the thickness gradient of the colloidal crystal increases.


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The laser-desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and desorption-electron-ionization mass spectrometry were employed for the characterization of metallofullerenes extract. it was found that the relative intensities of metallofullerenes in this positive-ion, negative-ion LD-TOF MS and DEI MS were much different. This phenomenon should have relationship with the peculiar ionization energies and electron affinities of metallofullerenes.