210 resultados para FH-CDMA


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When injected electrons in a quantum well first experience an intersubband relaxation process before their escaping by tunneling through a double-barrier structure behind, the magnetic suppression of intersubband LO or LA phonon scattering can give rise to a noticeable nonthermal occupation in higher-lying subbands. That is clearly verified by the relative intensity ratio of the interband photoluminescence spectra for E-2-HH1 and E-1-HH1 transitions. The observed phenomenon may provide an effective method for controlling intersubband scattering rate, a central issue in so-called quantum cascade lasers, and facilitating the population inversion between subbands in quantum wells.


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We studied, for the first time, the strong coupling between exciton and cavity mode within semiconductor microcavity under hydrostatic pressure, and measured the Rabi splitting. The strong coupling between exciton and cavity mode, and so Rabi splitting appear clearly as the applied pressure reaches 0.37-0.41 GPa. The experiment result shows that hydrostatic pressure not only can tune the coupling between exciton and cavity mode effectively, but also can keep exciton property almost unchanged during the whole tuning procedure in contrast to other tuning method (temperature field et al). Our result agrees with the related theory very well. The Rabi splitting, extracted from fitting the measured mode-energy vs pressure curves with correspanding theoretical model, is equal to 6 meV.


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We present a novel method for determining semiconductor parameters such as diffusion length L, lifetime tau and surface recombination velocity S of minority carriers by employing scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This new method is applicable to both electron beam induced current (EBIC and surface electron beam induced voltage (SEBIV) modes in SEM. The quantitative descriptions for EBIC and SEBIV signals are derived. The parameters L, S and tau can be directly extracted from the expressions for EBIC or SEBIV signals and their relaxation characteristics in experiment. As an example, the values of L, S and tau for n-p junction and p-Si crystal are determined by using the novel method in EBIC or SEBIV mode. The carrier diffusion length of a p-Si crystal is determined to be 8.74 mum in SEBIV mode. It is very close to the normal diffusion length of 7.41 mum of this sample. The novel method is proved to be very helpful for the quantitative characterization of semiconductor materials and devices. Especially, the SEBIV mode in SEM shows great potential for investigating semiconductor structures nondestructively.


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Stoichiometric ZnSe nanowires have been synthesized through a vapor phase reaction of zinc and selenium powder on the (100) silicon substrate coated with a gold film of 2 nm in thickness. The microstructures and the chemical compositions of the as-grown nanowires have been investigated by means of electron microscopy, the energy dispersive spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The results reveal that the as-grown materials consist of ZnSe nanowires with diameters ranging from 5 to 50 nm. Photoluminescence of the sample demonstrates a strong green emission from room temperature down to 10 K. This is attributed to the recombination of electrons from conduction band to the medium deep Au acceptors. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The Raman spectra of GaP nanorods grown in carbon nanotube templates have been reported. The red shifts of the TO and LO modes were observed due to phonon confinement effect in GaP nanorods. The measured red shifts range from 2 to 10cm(-1) depending on the size of the measured nanorods. It has been found that the polarization properties, which cannot be well explained by the selection rules of single nanorod, result from the direction disorder of nanorods in the measured area. The more the disorder is, the weaker the directionality of polarization properties is. The decrease of the Raman frequency of the TO and LO mode of the nanorods with the increasing power of the exciting laser suggests that the heating effect of the nanorods is far stronger than the bulk material. In addition, the saturation and then decrease of the Raman intensity with the increasing laser power indicate the rapid increase of the defects in the nanorods exposed to a strong exciting laser.


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The optical constants epsilon(E)=epsilon(1)(E)+iepsilon(2)(E) of unintentionally doped cubic GaN grown on GaAs(001) have been measured at 300 K using spectral ellipsometry in the range of 1.5-5.0 eV. The epsilon(E) spectra display a structure, associated with the critical point at E-0 (direct gap) and some contribution mainly coming from the E-1 critical point. The experimental data over the entire measured spectral range (after oxide removal) has been fit using the Holden-Munoz model dielectric function [M. Munoz et al., J. Appl. Phys. 92, 5878 (2002)]. This model is based on the electronic energy-band structure near critical points plus excitonic and band-to-band Coulomb-enhancement effects at E-0, E-0 + Delta(0) and the E-1, E-1 + Delta(1), doublet. In addition to evaluating the energy of the E-0 critical point, the binding energy (R-1) of the two-dimensional exciton related to the E-1 critical point was estimated using the effective mass/k.p theory. The line, shape of the imaginary part of the cubic-GaN dielectric function shows excitonic effects at room temperature not withstanding that the exciton was not resolved. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The photoluminescence from ZnS1-xTex alloy with 0 < x < 0.3 was investigated under hydrostatic pressure up to 7 GPa. Two peaks were observed in the alloys with x < 0.01, which are related to excitons bound to isolated Te isoelectronic impurities (Te-1 centers) and Te pairs (Te-2 centers), respectively. Only the Te-2 related emissions were observed in the alloys with 0.01 < x < 0.03. The emissions in the alloys with 0.03 < x < 0.3 are attributed to the excitons bound to the Te-n (n greater than or equal to 3) cluster centers. The pressure coefficient of the Te-1 related peak is 89(4) meV/GPa, about 40% larger than that of the band gap of ZnS. On the other hand, the pressure coefficient of the Te-2 related emissions is only 52(4) meV/GPa, about 15% smaller than that of the ZnS band gap. A simple Koster-Slater model has been used to explain the different pressure behavior of the Te-1 and Te-2 centers. The pressure coefficient of the Te-3 centers is 62(2) meV/GPa. Then the pressure coefficients of the Te-n centers decrease rapidly with further increasing Te composition.


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A microcavity structure, containing self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots, is studied by angle-resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. A doublet with the splitting energy of 0.5-1.5 nm appears when the detection angle is larger than 35degrees. This doublet is identified as mode splitting (not the Rabi splitting) by polarization measurements. We find that it is the considerable deviation of the cavity-mode frequency from the central frequency of the stop band that makes the TE and TM cavity modes split more discernibly. The inhomogeneous broadening of quantum dots gives the TE and TM cavity modes a chance to show up simultaneously in the PL spectra. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The temperature dependences of the orange and blue emissions in 10, 4.5, and 3 nm ZnS:Mn nanoparticles were investigated. The orange emission is from the T-4(1)-(6)A(1) transition of Mn2+ ions and the blue emission is related to the donor-acceptor recombination in the ZnS host. With increasing temperature, the blue emission has a red-shift. On the other hand, the peak energy of the orange emission is only weakly dependent on temperature. The luminescence intensity of the orange emission decreases rapidly from 110 to 300 K for the 10 nm sample but increases obviously for the 3 nm sample, whereas the emission intensity is nearly, independent of temperature for the 4.5 nm sample. A thermally activated carrier-transfer model has been proposed to explain the observed abnormal temperature behaviour of the orange emission in ZnS:Mn nanoparticles.


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The transmission through quantum dots (QDs) is calculated using the recursion method. In our calculation, the effect of finite offset is taken into account. The results show that the shapes of the QDs determine the number of resonant tunneling peaks and the distances between the peaks decrease as the radii of the QDs increase. The intensities of the conductance are strongly dependent on the barrier widths. The conductance peaks are split when transmitting through two QDs. The theoretical results qualitatively agree with the available experimental data. Our calculated results should be useful for the application of QDs to photoelectric devices. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We verify that the magnetic suppression of intersubband LO or LA phonon scattering can give rise to a noticeable nonthermal occupation in higher-lying subbands. This is clearly determined by the relative intensity ratio of the interband photoluminescence spectra for the E-2 - HH1 and E-1 - HH1 transitions. The observed phenomenon may provide an effective method to control the intersubband scattering rate, which is a key factor of the so-called quantum cascade lasers. This is helpful for the population inversion between both the subbands in quantum wells.


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The storage of photoexcited electron-hole pairs is experimentally carried out and theoretically realized by transferring electrons in both real and k spaces through resonant Gamma - X in an AlAs/GaAs heterostructure. This is proven by the peculiar capacitance jump and hysteresis in the measured capacitance-voltage curves. Our structure may be used as a photonic memory cell with a long storage time and a fast retrieval of photons as well.


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ZnS:Te epilayers with Te concentration from 0.5% to 3.1% were studied by photoluminescence under hydrostatic pressure at 15 K. Two emission bands related to the isolated Te-1 and Te-2 pair isoelectronic centers were observed in the samples with Te concentrations of 0.5% and 0.65%. For the samples with Te concentrations of 1.4% and 3.1%, only the Te-2-related peak was observed. The pressure coefficients of all the Te-1-related bands were found to be unexpectedly much larger than that of the ZnS band gap. The pressure coefficients for all the Te-2-related bands are, however, rather smaller than that of ZnS band gap as usually observed. Analysis based on a Koster-Slater model indicates that an increase of the valence bandwidth with pressure is the main reason for the faster pressure shift of the Te-1 centers, and the huge difference in the pressure behavior of the Te-1 and Te-2 centers is due mainly to the difference in the pressure-induced enhancement of the impurity potential on the Te-1 and Te-2 centers. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a novel contactless and nondestructive method called the surface electron beam induced voltage (SEBIV) method for characterizing semiconductor materials and devices. The SEBIV method is based on the detection of the surface potential induced by electron beams of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The core part of the SEBIV detection set-up is a circular metal detector placed above the sample surface. The capacitance between the circular detector and whole surface of the sample is estimated to be about 0.64 pf It is large enough for the detection of the induced surface potential. The irradiation mode of electron beam (e-beam) influences the signal generation. When the e-beam irradiates on the surface of semiconductors continuously, a differential signal is obtained. The real distribution of surface potentials can be obtained when a pulsed e-beam with a fixed frequency is used for irradiation and a lock-in amplifier is employed for detection. The polarity of induced potential depends on the structure of potential barriers and surface states of samples. The contrast of SEBIV images in SEM changes with irradiation time and e-beam intensity.


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Good quality hydrogenated protocrystalline silicon films were successfully prepared by radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) with various hydrogen dilution ratios (R = ([H-2]/[SiH4]) from 10 to 100). The photosensitivity of the films is up to 10(6) under the light intensity of 50mW.cm(-2). The microstructure of the films was studied by micro-region Raman scattering spectra at room temperature. The deconvolution of the Raman spectra by Gaussion functions shows that the films deposited under low hydrogen dilution ratios (R < 33) exhibit typical amorphous properties, while the films deposited under high hydrogen dilution ratios (R > 50) possess a diphasic structure, with increasing crystalline volume fraction with R. The size of the crystallites in the diphasic films is about 2.4 mm, which was deduced from the phonon confinement model. The intermediate range order of the silicon film increases with increasing hydrogen dilution ratio.