106 resultados para Quantum Analysis


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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements of nanometer-sized islands formed by 2 monolayers of InAs by molecular beam epitaxy have been carried out and the scan line of individual islands was extracted from raw AFM data for investigation. It is found that the base widths of nanometer-sized islands obtained by AFM are not reliable due to the finite size and shape of the contacting probe. A simple model is proposed to analyze the deviation of the measured value From the real value of the base width of InAs islands. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have observed an extremely narrow absorption spectrum due to bound-to-continuum transition in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs). Its linewidth is only about one tenth of the values reported previously. Our calculation indicates that the broadening of the excited state in the continuum has little contribution to the absorption linewidth. We have grown a sample whose MQW region contains two kinds of wells with a minor thickness inhomogeneity. Its resultant absorption linewidth is six times as large as that of homogeneous well sample, which is in good agreement with our theoretical analysis. Thus we can suggest that the wider absorption spectra reported by many authors may be due to the well width inhomogeneity. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(98)03430-5]


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A numerical analysis of an electron waveguide coupler based on two quantum wires coupled by a magnetically defined barrier is presented with the use of the scattering-matrix method. For different geometry parameters and magnetic fields, tunneling transmission spectrum is obtained as a function of the electron energy. Different from that of conventional electron waveguide couplers, the transmission spectrum of the magnetically coupled quantum wires does not have the symmetry with regard to those geometrically symmetrical ports, It was found that the magnetic field in the coupling region drastically enhances the coupling between the two quantum wires for one specific input port while it weakens the coupling for the other input port. The results can be well understood by the formation of the edge states in the magnetically defined barrier region. Thus, whether these edge states couple or decouple to the electronic propagation modes in the two quantum wires, strongly depend on the relative moving directions of electrons in the propagating mode in the input port and the edge states in the magnetic region. This leads to a big difference in transmission coefficients between two quantum wires when injecting electrons via different input ports. Two important coupler specifications, the directivity and uniformity, are calculated which show that the system we considered behaves as a good quantum directional coupler. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The wetting layers (WL) in InAs/GaAs quantum-dot system have been studied by reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS), in which two structures related to the heavy-hole (HH) and light-hole (LH) transitions in the WL have been observed. The evolution and segregation behaviors of WL during Stranski-Krastanow (SK) growth mode have been studied from the analysis of the WL-related optical transition energies. It has been found that the segregation coefficient of Indium atoms varies linearly with the InAs amount in WL. In addition, the effect of the growth temperature on the critical thickness for InAs island formation has also been studied. The critical thickness defined by the appearance of InAs dots, which is determined by AFM, shows a complex variation with the growth temperature. However, the critical thickness determined by RDS is almost constant in the range of 510-540 degrees C.


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Temperature-dependent modulation characteristics of 1.3 mu m InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) lasers under small signals have been carefully studied at various bias currents. Based on experimental observations, it is found that the modulation bandwidth significantly increases when excited state (ES) lasing emerges at high temperature. This is attributed to additional photons emitted by ES lasing which contribute to the modulation response. A rate equation model including two discrete electron energy levels and the level of wetting layer has been used to investigate the temperature-dependent dynamic behavior of the QD lasers. Numerical investigations confirm that the significant jump for the small signal modulation response is indeed caused by ES photons. Furthermore, we identify how the electron occupation probabilities of the two discrete energy levels can influence the photon density of different states and finally the modulation rate. Both experiments and numerical analysis show that the modulation bandwidth of QD lasers at high temperature can be increased by injecting more carriers into the ES that has larger electron state degeneracy and faster carrier's relaxation time than the ground state.


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The self-heating effect in 1.3 mu m p-doped InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) has been investigated using a self-consistent theoretical model. Good agreement is obtained between theoretical analysis and experimental results under pulsed operation. The results show that in p-doped QD VCSELs, the output power is significantly influenced by self-heating. About 60% of output power is limited by self-heating in a device with oxide aperture of 5x6 mu m(2). This value reduces to 55% and 48%, respectively, as the oxide aperture increases to 7x8 and 15x15 mu m(2). The temperature increase in the active region and injection efficiency of the QDs are calculated and discussed based on the different oxide aperture areas and duty cycle.


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This paper describes the design and fabrication process of a two-dimensional GaAs-based photonic crystal nanocavity and analyzes the optical characterization of cavity modes at room temperature. Single InAs/InGaAs quantum dots (QDs) layer was embedded in a GaAs waveguide layer grown on an Al0.7Ga0.3As layer and GaAs substrate. The patterning of the structure and the membrane release were achieved by using electron-beam lithography, reaction ion etching, inductively coupled plasma etching and selective wet etching. The micro-luminescence spectrum is recorded from the fabricated nanocavities, and it is found that some high-order cavity modes are clearly observed besides the lowest-order resonant mode is exhibited in spite of much high rate of nonradiative recombination. The variance of resonant modes is also discussed as a function of r/a ratio and will be used in techniques aimed to improve the probability of achieving spectral coupling of a single QD to a cavity mode.


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The influences of channel layer width, spacer layer width, and delta-doping density on the electron density and its distribution in the AlSb/InAs high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have been studied based on the self-consistent calculation of the Schrodinger and Poisson equations with both the strain and nonparabolicity effects being taken into account. The results show that, having little influence on the total two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) concentration in the channel, the HEMT's channel layer width has some influence on the electron mobility, with a channel as narrow as 100-130 angstrom being more beneficial. For the AlSb/InAs HEMT with a Te delta-doped layer, the 2DEG concentration as high as 9.1 X 10(12) cm(-2) can be achieved in the channel by enhancing the delta-doping concentration without the occurrence of the parallel conduction. When utilizing a Si delta-doped InAs layer as the electron-supplying layer of the AlSb/InAs HEMT, the effect of the InAs donor layer thickness is studied on the 2DEG concentration. To obtain a higher 2DEG concentration in the channel, it is necessary to use an InAs donor layer as thin as 4 monolayer. To test the validity of our calculation, we have compared our theoretical results (2DEG concentration and its distribution in different sub-bands of the channel) with the experimental ones done by other groups and show that our theoretical calculation is consistent with the experimental results.


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A liquid laser medium with a lifetime of 492 mu s and a fluorescent quantum efficiency of 52.5% has been presented by stably dispersing dimethyl dichorosilane-modified Nd2O3 nanoparticles in dimethylsulfoxide. Its optical properties and mechanism were investigated and explained by fluorescence resonance energy transfer theory. The calculation result shows that the quenching of Nd-III F-4(3/2)-> I-4(11/2) transition via O-H vibrational excitation can be eventually neglected. The main reason is that the silane-coupling agent molecules remove the -OH groups on Nd2O3 nanoparticles and form a protective out layer. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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A numerical analysis of a quantum directional coupler based on Pi-shaped electron waveguides is presented with use of the scattering-matrix method. After the optimization of the device parameters, uniform output for the two output ports and high directivity are obtained within a wide range of the electron momenta. The electron transfer in the device is found more efficient than that in the previously proposed structures. The study of the shape-dependence of transmission for the device shows that the device structure with smooth boundaries exhibits a much better performance.


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By considering all possible high order diffracted waves, the authors investigate the spectral response of two-dimensional gratings for quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs). A new method is proposed that using long period gratings may improve grating quality and reduce the resulting cross talk in grating-coupled QWIPs. A sensitivity analysis indicates that the influence of variation of the grating constant on the coupling efficiency is less sensitive for the long period gratings than for the short ones. A large coupling efficiency has been demonstrated for long period gratings. The calculated wide grating response spectra are in good agreement with the experiment result. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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Growth interruption-induced microroughness is studied by photoluminescence (PL) of single quantum wells with different well widths and interruption times. Analysis of the peak splitting in the PL spectra shows that the adjacent peak splittings correspond to well width differences smaller than one monolayer. The number of split peaks increases with increasing well width, saturating when the well width exceeds 11 monolayers. This trend correlates well with the decrease in the lateral dimension of the exciton, which corresponds roughly to the minimum optically sampled area of the interface. For a given quantum well, a plot of the normalized integrated intensities of the split PL peaks versus the well width fluctuation is well described by a Gaussian distribution with an average fluctuation smaller than one monolayer. These results are consistent with the microroughness model.


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Infrared absorption due to a collective excitation of a two-dimensional electronic gas was observed in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple-quantum wells when the incident light is polarized parallel to the quantum-well plane. We attribute this phenomenon to a plasma oscillation in the quantum wells. The measured wavelength of the absorption peak due to the plasma oscillation agrees with our theoretical analysis. In addition, in this study the plasma-phonon coupling effect is also fitted to the experimental result. We show that the absorption is not related to the intersubband transitions but to the intrasubband transition, which originates from a plasma oscillation.