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A new method of measuring the thickness of GaN epilayers on sapphire (0 0 0 1) substrates by using double crystal X-ray diffraction was proposed. The ratio of the integrated intensity between the GaN epilayer and the sapphire substrate showed a linear relationship with the GaN epilayer thickness up to 2.12 mum. It is practical and convenient to measure the GaN epilayer thickness using this ratio, and can mostly eliminate the effect of the reabsorption, the extinction and other scattering factors of the GaN epilayers. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We have fabricated self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) capped by 1 nm In0.2Al0.8As and 5 nm In0.2Ga0.8As strain-reducing layer (SRL). The luminescence emission at a long wavelength of 1.33 mum with narrower half width is realized. A wider energy separation between the ground and first excited radiative transitions of up to 102meV was observed at room temperature. Furthermore, the comparative study proves that luminescence properties of InAs/GaAs QDs overgrown with combined InAlAs and InGaAs SRLs are much better than that of one capped with InGaAs or InAlAs SRL. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Optical transient current spectroscopy (OTCS) has been used to investigate defects in the low-temperature-grown GaAs after postgrowth rapid thermal annealing (RTA). Two samples A and B were grown at 220 degreesC and 360 degreesC on (001) GaAs substrates, respectively. After growth, samples were subjected to 30s RTA in the range of 500-800 degreesC. Before annealing, X-ray diffraction measurements show that the concentrations of the excess arsenic for samples A and B are 2.5 x 10(19) and 1 x 10(19) cm(-3), respectively. It is found that there are strong negative decay signals in the optical transient current (OTC) for the annealed sample A. Due to the influence of OTC strong negative decay signals, it is impossible to identify deep levels clearly from OTCS. For a comparison, three deep levels can be identified for sample B before annealing. They are two shallower deep levels and the so-called As-Ga antisite defect. At the annealing temperature of 600 degreesC, there are still three deep levels. However, their structures are different from those in the as-grown sample. OTC strong negative decay signals are also observed for the annealed sample B. It is argued that OTC negative decay signals are related to arsenic clusters. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Electron transport in heavily-doped GaAs/AlAs superlattices in parallel electric and magnetic fields is reported. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristic exhibited the feature of negative differential velocity (NDV) and high electric field domain effect at different biases. Under strong magnetic fields, sequential resonant tunnelling through Landau levels in the negative differential velocity regime is observed, which are manifested as oscillations in the conductance-voltage characteristics. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
随着社会的进步和医疗卫生水平的不断提高,人类获得了更高的平均寿 命,很多国家都步入了老龄化社会的行列。由于长寿具有遗传的倾向,所以 科学家们致力于人类长寿及衰老性疾病发生机理的研究,目的是为了使人类 在获得更长寿命的同时能够抵御或减缓老年性疾病的侵袭,远离衰老带来的 困扰,享受高质量的生活。 线粒体是真核生物的重要细胞器,具有长度为约为16569bp 的环状 DNA 分子。在人类群体,特别是欧洲群体的相关性研究中,线粒体DNA (mtDNA)编码区和控制区的一些多态性位点显示出与长寿及衰老性疾病的 相关。特别是mtDNA 控制区的C150T 变异除了在多个长寿人群中富集之外, 更是具有改变mtDNA 重链复制起始位点的功能。 为了探讨mtDNA 控制区多态性位点与中国汉族长寿人群是否存在相关 性,本研究在中国四川省都江堰地区采集了556 名年龄90 至108 岁的互无 关系的长寿老人血液样本,其中男性202 名,女性354 名。同时还采集了 214 名长寿老人的亲属和312 名无关对照的血液样本,年龄分别在10 至69 岁之间和22 到73 岁之间。我们对这些样本的mtDNA 通过测序和RFLP 等 手段进行了扫描,采集并记录了mtDNA 单倍型类群信息和控制区位点多态 信息。 在该人群中,本研究发现mtDNA 的主要单倍型类群与长寿没有显著的 相关性,总体单倍型类群频率分布在三个组别中基本一致(p=0.318)。对 mtDNA 控制区C150T 变异的频率在三个组别中做了包括总体频率差异,区 分mtDNA 单倍型类群的频率差异,区分样本性别的频率差异以及mtDNA 单倍型类群与性别信息联合的频率差异的分析。虽然在个别的比较中得到了 显著差异,但经过多重检验校正后,结果均变得不显著。此外,对146、152189 和195 等四个同样处于mtDNA 控制区复制起始区域的变异位点的初步 分析,同样没有获得显著的差异。不支持此前在欧洲长寿人群和日本长寿人 群得到的结论。 综上所述,本研究第一次在中国汉族人群中对mtDNA 控制区多态性与 长寿的相关性进行了研究。mtDNA 与人类长寿的关系还有待于更深层次的 机理性研究和功能性研究来揭示。
本文包括两方面的研究工作。第一部分对TRIM5α基因在灵长类动物中的分 子进化进行了详尽的研究,希望能从分子进化的角度认识该基因在灵长类动物抵 抗病毒感染尤其是在限制HIV-1 感染过程中所起的作用,并希望能够从中寻找适 合用于AIDS 基因治疗的基因。第二部分构建了艾滋病治疗性DC 疫苗相关的腺 病毒载体,包括表达HIV-1 gp120 基因、表达HIV-1 gp41 基因、表达HSP70 基 因以及仅表达绿色荧光蛋白基因的重组腺病毒,为利用HIV-1 抗原刺激的DC 免 疫治疗AIDS 的研究奠定了基础。 在长期的HIV-1 和AIDS 研究中,人们发现很多种旧大陆猴不能被HIV-1 感 染,而旧大陆猴中的平顶猴却对HIV-1 有易感性,并且对SIV 的感染也表现出较 其它旧大陆猴更为严重的症状,TRIM5α基因的发现解释了这一“历史之谜”。人 们发现旧大陆猴的TRIM5α基因具有很强的抗HIV-1 的功能,是旧大陆猴抵抗 HIV-1 感染必须的免疫因子;并且进一步证明TRIM5α是灵长类动物中普遍存在 的、具有抗多种逆转录病毒功能的天然免疫因子。我们通过对TRIM5α基因在灵 长类动物中的分子进化研究发现,证明该基因在进化过程中表现出很强的达尔文 正向选择作用,尤其是其负责识别逆转录病毒衣壳蛋白的SPRY 结构域。TRIM5 α基因表现出的正向选择很可能是灵长类动物在长期的进化过程中反复被病毒 感染的选择压力造成的,这也从另一个方面证明TRIM5α基因是一个普遍存在的、 具有抗病毒功能的天然免疫因子。对不同灵长类动物的TRIM5α基因序列分析发 现,该基因的序列变化很大,这可能是不同灵长类动物被HIV-1 感染后表现不同 症状的原因;基于密码子的中性检测证明,TRIM5α基因SPRY 结构域上第347、 354、552 位氨基酸表现出很强的正向选择,说明这些位点可能与其抗病毒功能 关系紧密。另外,我们发现平顶猴的TRIM5α基因与CypA 基因以一种新的方式 融合,这种融合方式不同于鹰猴中该基因与CypA 基因的融合,而且与具有较强抗HIV-1 功能的恒河猴的TRIM5α基因比较,平顶猴的TRIM5α基因在几个与其 抗病毒功能紧密相关的位点上的氨基酸也发生了变化,这可能是其被HIV-1 和 SIV 感染后表现出较其它旧大陆猴更为严重症状的原因。 将经过HIV-1 抗原刺激的DC 回输到HIV-1 感染者体内可以诱导产生较强的 抗HIV-1 细胞免疫反应,这种免疫反应理论上可以治疗AIDS,而且对HARRT 治 疗能够产生很好的协同作用;HSP70 蛋白可以提高DC 对抗原的加工和呈递。为 了检测经HIV-1 抗原刺激的DC 免疫治疗AIDS 的实际效果,同时检验通过HSP70 增强DC 对HIV-1 抗原的加工和呈递功能,发现并解决这一治疗方案存在的问题, 我们首先从HIV-1 的基因组及带有HSP70 基因的质粒上克隆了gp120、gp41 和 HSP70 基因,测序及序列分析证明所克隆的基因没有发生影响表达的突变。然后 我们分别构建了表达有关基因的重组腺病毒载体。在荧光显微镜下可以观察到感 染后的细胞内绿色荧光蛋白报告基因的表达,证明成功构建了四种重组腺病毒, 而PCR 扩增也证明在其中三种重组腺病毒的基因组上确实分别带有gp120、gp41、 HSP70 基因。同时我们还构建了不表达外源基因的重组腺病毒,作为未来实验中 的对照载体。未来的研究工作包括目的基因表达检测,重组腺病毒感染DC 及腺 病毒感染DC 功能分析等。
Within the framework of the single-band effective-mass envelope-function theory, the effect of electric field on the electronic structures of pyramidal quantum dot is investigated. Taking the Coulomb interaction between the heavy holes and electron into account, the quantum confined Stark shift of the exciton as functions of the strength and direction of applied electric field and the size of the quantum dot are obtained. An interesting asymmetry of Stark shifts around the zero field is found. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
A new approach for in-plane X-ray scattering from the cleavages of epitaxial films or superlattices, where the scattering vectors are parallel to the interfaces, is proposed. This method can be employed to determine directly the in-plane X-ray strains and other atomic registry along the interfaces of the epitaxial structures.
Electron transport in heavily-doped GaAs/AlAs superlattices in parallel electric and magnetic fields is reported. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristic exhibited the feature of negative differential velocity (NDV) and high electric field domain effect at different biases. Under strong magnetic fields, sequential resonant tunnelling through Landau levels in the negative differential velocity regime is observed, which are manifested as oscillations in the conductance-voltage characteristics. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.