181 resultados para Microwave assisted


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Tungsten wires were introduced into a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system as a catalyzer: we name this technique 'hot-wire-assisted PECVD' (HW-PECVD). Under constant deposition pressure (p(g)), gas flow ratio and catalyzer position, the effects of the hot wire temperature (T-f) on the structural properties of the poly-Si films have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman scattering and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Compared with conventional PECVD, the grain size, crystalline volume fraction (X-e) and deposition rate were all enhanced when a high T-f was used. The best poly-Si film exhibits a preferential (220) orientation, with a full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 0.2 degrees. The Si-Si TO peak of the Raman scattering spectrum is located at 519.8 cm(-1) with a FWHM of 7.1 cm(-1). The X-c is 0.93. These improvements are mainly the result of promotion of the dissociation of SiH4 and an increase in the atomic H concentration in the gas phase. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the growth of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well (QW) by molecular beam epitaxy using a DC plasma as the N sourer. The N concentration was independent of the As pressure and the In concentration, but inversely proportional to the growth rate. It was almost independent of T, over the range of 400-500 degreesC, but dropped rapidly when T-g exceeded 500 degreesC. Thermally-activated N surface segregation is considered to account for the strong falloff of the N concentration. As increasing N concentration, the steep absorption edge of the photovoltage spectra of GaInNAs/GaAs QW became gentle, the full-width at half-maximum of the photoluminescence (PL) peal; increased rapidly, and a so-called S-shaped temperature dependence of PL peak energy showed up. All these were attributed to the increasing localized state as N concentration. Ion-induced damage was one of the origins of the localized state. A rapid thermal annealing procedure could effectively remote the localized state. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science D.V. All rights reserved.


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The optimum growth condition of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy was investigated. High-resolution X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence (PL) measurements showed that ion damage drastically degraded the quality of GaNAs and GaInNAs QWs and that ion removal magnets can effectively remove the excess ion damage. Remarkable improvement of PL intensity and obvious appearance of pendellosung fringes were observed by removing the N ions produced in the plasma cell. When the growth rate increased from 0.73 to 1.2 ML/s, the optimum growth temperature was raised from 460 degreesC to 480 degreesC and PL peak intensity increased two times. Although the N composition decreased with increasing growth rate, degradation of optical properties of GaInNAs QWs was observed when the growth rate was over 0.92 ML/s. Due to low-temperature growth of GaInNAs QWs, a distinctive reflection high-energy electron diffraction pattern was observed only when the GaAs barrier was grown under lower As-4 pressure. The samples with GaAs barriers grown under lower As-4 pressure (V/III ratio about 24) exhibited seven times increase in PL peak intensity compared with those grown under higher As-4 pressure (V/III ratio about 50). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B,V. All rights reserved.


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GaInNAs/GaAs single-quantum-well (SQW) lasers have been grown by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy. N is introduced by a home-made de-active plasma source. Incorporation of N into InGaAs decreases the bandgap significantly. The highest N concentration of 2.6% in a GaInNAs/GaAs QW is obtained, corresponding to the photoluminescence (PL) peak wavelength of 1.57 mum at 10 K. The PL peak intensity decreases rapidly and the PL full width at half maximum increases with the increasing N concentrations. Rapid thermal annealing at 850 degrees C could significantly improve the crystal quality of the QWs. An optimum annealing time of 5s at 850 degrees C was obtained. The GalnNAs/GaAs SQW laser emitting at 1.2 mum exhibits a high characteristic temperature of 115 K in the temperature range of 20 degrees C- 75 degrees C.


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Effects of rapid thermal annealing and SiO2 encapsulation on GaNAs/GaAs single quantum wells grown by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy were studied. Photoluminescence measurements on a series of samples with different well widths and N compositions were used to evaluate the effects. The intermixing of GaNAs and GaAs layers was clearly enhanced by the presence of a SiO2-cap layer. However, it was strongly dependent on the N composition. After annealing at 900 degreesC for 30 s, a blueshift up to 62 meV was observed for the SiO2-capped region of the sample with N composition of 1.5%, whereas only a small blueshift of 26 meV was exhibited for the bare region. For the sample with the N composition of 3.1%, nearly identical photoluminescence peak energy shift for both the SiO2-capped region and the bare region was observed. It is suggested that the enhanced intermixing is mainly dominated by SiO2-capped layer induced defects-assisted diffusion for the sample with smaller N composition, while with increasing N composition, the diffusion assisted by interior defects become predominant. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The effect of ion-induced damage on GaNAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy employing a DC plasma as the N source was investigated. Ion-induced damage results in: (i) an observed disappearance of pendellosung fringes in the X-ray diffraction pattern of the sample; (ii) a drastic decrease in intensity and a broadening in the full-width at half-maximum of photoluminescence spectra. It was shown that ion-induced damage strongly affected the bandedge potential fluctuations of the QWs. The bandedge potential fluctuations for the samples grown with and without ion removal magnets (IRMs) are 44 and 63 meV, respectively. It was found that the N-As atomic interdiffusion at the interfaces of the QWs was enhanced by the ion damage-induced defects. The estimated activation energies of the N-As atomic interdiffusion for the samples grown with and without IRMs are 3.34 and 1.78 eV, respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electron spin resonance (ESR) is optically detected by monitoring the microwave-induced changes in the circular polarization of the neutral exciton (X) and the negatively charged exciton (X-) emission in CdTe quantum wells with low density of excess electrons. We find that the circular polarization of the X and X- emission is a mapping of the spin polarization of excess electrons. By analyzing the ESR-induced decrease in the circular polarization degree of the X emission, we deduce the microwave-induced electron spin-flip time >0.1 mus, which is much longer than the recombination time of X and X-. This demonstrates that the optically detected ESR in type I quantum wells with low density of excess electrons does not obey the prerequisite for the conventional optically detected magnetic resonance. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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We have studied the effect of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) grown by molecular-beam epitaxy using a dc plasma as the N source. It was found that RTA at low temperature (LT, 650 degrees C) and high temperature (HT, 900 degrees C) could both improve the QW quality significantly. To clarify the mechanism of quality improvement by RTA, a magnetic field perpendicular to the path of the N plasma flux was applied during the growth of the GaInNAs layers for the sake of comparison. It was found that LT-RTA mainly removed dislocations at interfaces related to the ion bombardment, whereas, HT-RTA further removed dislocations originating from the growth. LT-RTA caused only a slight blueshift of photoluminescence peak wavelength, probably due to defect-assisted interdiffusion of In-Ga at the QW interfaces. The blueshift caused by HT-RTA, on the other hand, was much larger. It is suggested that this is due to the fast defect-assisted diffusion of N-As at the QW interfaces. As defects are removed by annealing, the diffusion of In-Ga at interfaces would be predominant. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003- 6951(00)01535-7].


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We have studied the growth of GaInNAs by a plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). It was found that the N-radicals were incorporated into the epitaxial layer like dopant atoms. In the range of 400-500 degrees C, the growth temperature (T-g) mainly affected the crystal quality of GaInNAs rather than the N concentration. The N concentration dropped rapidly when T-g exceeded 500 degrees C. Considering N desorption alone is insufficient to account for the strong falloff of the N concentration with T-g over 500 degrees C, the effect of thermally-activated N surface segregation must be taken into account. The N concentration was independent of the arsenic pressure and the In concentration in GaInNAs layers, but inversely proportional to the growth rate. Based on the experimental results, a kinetic model including N desorption and surface segregation was developed to analyze quantitatively the N incorporation in MBE growth. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)00928-1].


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The electrical activity of defects in GaAs grown on GaAs substrates doped with Si and Be by both conventional molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and atomic hydrogen-assisted MBE (H-MBE) were characterized by deep level transient spectroscopy. The trap densities are significantly reduced in the homoepitaxial GaAs grown by H-MBE compared to that grown by MBE. The reduction of trap densities is attributed to in situ passivation of these defects by atomic H during the growth. The improvement characteristics of GaAs materials will be significance for fabrication of semiconductor devices.


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The problem of phase uncertainty arising in calibration of the test fixtures is investigated in this paper, It is shown that the problem exists no matter what kinds of calibration standards are used. It is also found that there is no need to determine the individual S-parameters of the test fixtures. In order to eliminate the problem of phase uncertainty, three different precise (known) reflection standards or one known reflection standard plus one known transmission standard should be used to calibrate symmetrical test fixtures. For the asymmetrical cases, three known standards, including at least one transmission standard, should be used. The thru-open-match (TOM) and thru-short-match (TSM) techniques are the simplest methods, and they have no bandwidth limitation. When the standards are imprecise (unknown), it is recommended to use any suitable technique, such as the thru-reflect-line, line-reflect-line, thru-short-delay, thru-open-delay,line-reflect-match, line-reflect-reflect-match, or multiline methods, to accurately determine the values of the required calibration terms and, in addition, to use the TOM or TSM method with the same imprecise standards to resolve the phase uncertainty.


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Fe-N films containing the Fe16N2 phase were prepared in a high-vacuum system of ion-beam-assisted deposition (IBAD). The composition and structure of the films were analysed by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. Magnetic properties of the films were measured by a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The phase composition of Fe-N films depend sensitively on the N/Fe atomic arrival ratio and the deposition temperature. An Fe16N2 film was deposited successfully on a GaAs (1 0 0) substrate by IBAD at a N/Fe atomic arrival ratio of 0.12. The gram-saturation magnetic moment of the Fe16N2 film obtained is 237 emu/g at room temperature, the possible cause has been analysed and discussed. Hysteresis loops of Fe16N2 have been measured, the coercive force H-c is about 120 Oe, which is much larger than the value for Fe, this means the Fe16N2 sample exhibits a large uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The measurement and analysis of the microwave frequency response of semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) are proposed in this paper. The response is measured using a vector network analyzer. Then with the direct-subtracting method, which is based on the definition of scattering parameters of optoelectronic devices, the responses of both the optical signal source and the photodetector are eliminated, and the response of only the SOA is extracted. Some characteristics of the responses can be observed: the responses are quasi-highpass; the gain increases with the bias current; and the response becomes more gradient while the bias current is increasing. The multisectional model of an SOA is then used to analyze the response theoretically. By deducing from the carrier rate equation of one section under the steady state and the small-signal state, the expression of the frequency response is obtained. Then by iterating the expression, the response of the whole SOA is simulated. The simulated results are in good agreement with the measured on the three main characteristics, which are also explained by the deduced results. This proves the validity of the theoretical analysis.


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A monolithic integrated amplified feedback semiconductor laser is demonstrated as an optical microwave source. The optical microwave frequency is continuously tunable in the range of 19.87-26.3 GHz with extinction ratio above 6 dB, 3-dB linewidth about 3MHz.


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A novel microwave packaging technique for 10Gb/s electro-absorption modulator integrated with distributed feedback laser (EML) is presented. The packaging parasitics and intrinsic parasitics are both well considered, and the packaging circuit was synthetically designed to compensate for the intrinsic parasitic of the chip. A butterfly-packaged EMI module has been successfully developed to prove that. The small-signal modulation bandwidth of the butterfly-packaged module is about 10 GHz. Optical fiber transmission experiments have shown that the module can be used for 10Gb/s optical transmission system. After transmission through 40km,. the power penalty is less than 1 dBm at a bit-error-rate of 10-12.