287 resultados para Admittance spectroscopy


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In the present review, the measuring principle of reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS) is given. As a powerful tool in the surface and interface analysis technologies, the application of RDS to the research on semiconductor materials is summarized. along with the origins of the in-plane optical anisotropy of semiconductors. And it is believed that RDS will play an important role in the electrooptic modification of Si-based semiconductor materials.


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Exciton g factors in GaAs-based quantum wells (QWs) were evaluated by reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS) under a weak magnetic field. The well-width dependence of the n=1 heavy-hole exciton (1H1E) g factor agrees well with the reported results, demonstrating RDS as a sensitive tool for detection of g factor. By comparison, the n=1 light-hole exciton g factor increases with the well width, and shows a larger value than that of 1H1E. In a 20-nm-wide Al0.02Ga0.98As/AlAs multiple QW sample, the g factors of up to ten excitons are obtained, and the higher-lying exciton g factors are found to be one order larger than that of the 1H1E exciton.


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The wetting layer (WL) in InAs/GaAs quantum-dot systems has been studied by reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS). Two structures related to the heavy-hole (HH) and light-hole (LH) related transitions in the WL have been observed. On the basis of a calculation model that takes into account the segregation effect and exciton binding energies, the amount of InAs in the WL (t(WL)) and its segregation coefficient ( R) have been determined from the HH and LH transition energies. The evolutions of tWL and R exhibit a close relation to the growth modes. Before the formation of InAs dots, t(WL) increases linearly from similar to 1 to similar to 1.6 monolayer (ML), while R increases almost linearly from similar to 0.8 to similar to 0.85. After the onset of dot formation, t(WL) is saturated at similar to 1.6 ML and R decreases slightly from 0.85 to 0.825. The variation of tWL can be interpreted by using an equilibrium model. Different variations of in-plane optical anisotropy before and after dot formation have been observed.


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Deep level transient spectroscopy measurements were used to characterize the electrical properties of metal organic chemical vapor deposition grown undoped, Er-implanted and Pr-implanted GaN films. Only one deep level located at 0.270 eV below the conduction band was found in the as-grown GaN films. But four defect levels located at 0.300 eV, 0.188 eV, 0.600 eV and 0.410 eV below the conduction band were found in the Er-implanted GaN films after annealing at 900 degrees C for 30 min, and four defect levels located at 0.280 eV, 0.190 eV, 0.610 eV and 0.390 eV below the conduction band were found in the Pr-implanted GaN films after annealing at 1050 degrees C for 30min. The origins of the deep defect levels are discussed. After annealing at 900 degrees C for 30min in a nitrogen flow, Er-related 1538nm luminescence peaks could be observed for the Er-implanted GaN sample. The energy-transfer and luminescence mechanism of the Er-implanted GaN film are described.


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For the InAs/GaAs quantum-dot system, the evolution of the wetting layer (WL) with the InAs deposition thickness has been studied by reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS) in combination with atomic force microscopy and photoluminescence. One transition related to the light hole in the WL has been observed clearly in RDS, from which its transition energy and in-plane optical anisotropy (OA) are determined. The evolution of WL with the InAs dot formation and ripening has been discussed. In addition, the remarkable changes in OA at the onsets of the dot formation and ripening have been observed, implying the mode transitions of atom transport between the WL and the dots.


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Si0.75Ge0.25/Si/Si0.5Ge0.5 trilayer asymmetric superlattices were prepared on Si (001) substrate by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition at 500 degrees C. The nonlinear optical response caused by inherent asymmetric interfaces in this structure predicted by theories was verified by in-plane optical anisotropy in (001) plane measured via reflectance difference spectroscopy. The results show Si0.75Ge0.25/Si/Si0.5Ge0.5 asymmetric superlattice is optically biaxial and the two optical eigen axes in (001) plane are along the directions [110] and [-110], respectively. Reflectance difference response between the above two eigen axes can be influenced by the width of the trilayers and reaches as large as similar to 10(-4)-10(-3) in 15-period 2.7 nm-Si0.75Ge0.25/8 nm-Si/1.3 nm-Si0.5Ge0.5 superlattice when the normal incident light wavelength is in the range of 500-1100 nm, which is quite remarkable because the optical anisotropy does not exist in bulk Si.


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Selectively photo-excited C-V spectroscopy has been measured in an In0.5Ga0.5As quantum dots (QDs)-embedded, three barrier-two well heterostructure. By comparing with a theoretical capacitance model, the pure capacitive contribution from In0.5Ga0.5As QDs, due to tunnelling coupling between In0.5Ga0.5As QDs and In0.18Ga0.82As quantum well, has been used to obtain the density of charges from photo-excited In0.5Ga0.5As QDs in a very straightforward manner.


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Time-resolved Faraday rotation spectroscopy is currently exploited as a powerful technique to probe spin dynamics in semiconductors. We propose here an all-optical approach to geometrically manipulate electron spin and to detect the geometric phase by this type of extremely sensitive experiment. The global nature of the geometric phase can make the quantum manipulation more stable, which may find interesting applications in quantum devices.


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The in-plane optical anisotropies of a series of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs single-quantum-well structures have been observed at room temperature by reflectance difference spectroscopy. The measured degree of polarization of the excitonic transitions is inversely proportional to the well width. Numerical calculations based on the envelope function approximation incorporating the effect of C-2v-interface symmetry have been performed to analyze the origin of the optical anisotropy. Good agreement with the experimental data is obtained when the optical anisotropy is attributed to anisotropic-interface structures. The fitted interface potential parameters are consistent with predicted values.


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The intensity of the N K edge in electron energy-loss spectra from a GaN thin film shows a pronounced difference when the orientation of the film approaches the (0002) and (000-2) Bragg reflections, along the polar direction. This experimental result can be interpreted by the effect associated with interference between the Bloch waves of the incident electron in the GaN crystal. The theoretical calculations indicate that, at the Bragg condition of g=0002 along the Ga-N bond direction, the thickness-averaged electron current density on the N atom plane is much higher than that at g=000 (2) over bar, with a maximum as the specimen thickness is about 0.4xi(0002) (the two-beam extinction distance). The delocalization effect on the experimental spectra is also discussed. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Contactless: electroreflectance has been employed at room temperature to study the Fermi level pinning at undoped-n(+) GaAs surfaces covered by 1.6 and 1.8 monolayer (ML) InAs quantum dots (QDs). It is shown that the 1.8 ML InAs QD moves the Fermi level at GaAs surface to the valence band maximum by about 70 meV compared to bare GaAs, whereas 1.6 ML InAs on GaAs does not modify the Fermi level, It is confirmed that the modification of the 1.8 ML InAs deposition on the Fermi level at GaAs surface is due to the QDs, which are surrounded by some oxidized InAs facets, rather than the wetting layer.


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Positron lifetime, photoluminescence (PL), and Hall measurements were performed to study undoped p-type gallium antimonide materials. A 314 ps positron lifetime component was attributed to Ga vacancy (V-Ga) related defect. Isochronal annealing studies showed at 300 degreesC annealing, the 314 ps positron lifetime component and the two observed PL signals (777 and 797 meV) disappeared, which gave clear and strong evidence for their correlation. However, the hole concentration (similar to2x10(17) cm(-3)) was observed to be independent of the annealing temperature. Although the residual acceptor is generally related to the V-Ga defect, at least for cases with annealing temperatures above 300 degreesC, V-Ga is not the acceptor responsible for the p-type conduction. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Electrolyte electroreflectance spectra of the near-surface strained-layer In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs double single-quantum-well electrode have been studied at different biases in non-aqueous solutions of ferrocene and acetylferrocene. The optical transitions, the Franz-Keldysh oscillations (FKOs) and the quantum confined Stark effects (QCSE) of In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs quantum well electrodes are analyzed. Electric field strengths at the In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs interface are calculated in both solutions by a fast Fourier transform analysis of FKOs. A dip is exhibited in the electric field strength versus bias (from 0 to 1.2 V) curve in ferrocene solution. A model concerning the interfacial tunneling transfer of electrons is used to explain the behavior of the electric field. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Optical transient current spectroscopy (OTCS) has been used to investigate defects in the low-temperature-grown GaAs after postgrowth rapid thermal annealing (RTA). Two samples A and B were grown at 220 degreesC and 360 degreesC on (001) GaAs substrates, respectively. After growth, samples were subjected to 30s RTA in the range of 500-800 degreesC. Before annealing, X-ray diffraction measurements show that the concentrations of the excess arsenic for samples A and B are 2.5 x 10(19) and 1 x 10(19) cm(-3), respectively. It is found that there are strong negative decay signals in the optical transient current (OTC) for the annealed sample A. Due to the influence of OTC strong negative decay signals, it is impossible to identify deep levels clearly from OTCS. For a comparison, three deep levels can be identified for sample B before annealing. They are two shallower deep levels and the so-called As-Ga antisite defect. At the annealing temperature of 600 degreesC, there are still three deep levels. However, their structures are different from those in the as-grown sample. OTC strong negative decay signals are also observed for the annealed sample B. It is argued that OTC negative decay signals are related to arsenic clusters. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Large area (25 mm(2)) silicon drift detectors and detector arrays (5x5) have been designed, simulated, and fabricated for X-ray spectroscopy. On the anode side, the hexagonal drift detector was designed with self-biasing spiral cathode rings (p(+)) of fixed resistance between rings and with a grounded guard anode to separate surface current from the anode current. Two designs have been used for the P-side: symmetric self-biasing spiral cathode rings (p(+)) and a uniform backside p(+) implant. Only 3 to 5 electrodes are needed to bias the detector plus an anode for signal collection. With graded electrical potential, a sub-nanoamper anode current, and a very small anode capacitance, an initial FWHM of 1.3 keV, without optimization of all parameters, has been obtained for 5.9 keV Fe-55 X-ray at RT using a uniform backside detector.