586 resultados para UNDOPED INP


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The surface photovoltage (SPV) effect induced by the defect states in semi-insulating (SI) GaAs was studied. The PV response below the band edge was measured at room temperature with a de optical biasing. The spectra were found to be strongly dependent on the surface recombination and were attributed to formation of the carrier concentration gradient near the surface region, showing that SPV is a very sensitive and nondestructive technique for characterizing the surface quality of the SI-GaAs wafers.


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Undoped hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (mu c-Si:H) thin films were prepared at low temperature by hot wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD). Microstructures of the mu c-Si:H films with different H-2/SiH4 ratios and deposition pressures have been characterized by infrared spectroscopy X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman scattering, Fourier transform (FTIR), cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAX). The crystallization of silicon thin film was enhanced by hydrogen dilution and deposition pressure. The TEM result shows the columnar growth of mu c-Si:H thin films. An initial microcrystalline Si layer on the glass substrate, instead of the amorphous layer commonly observed in plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), was observed from TEM and backside incident Raman spectra. The SAXS data indicate an enhancement of the mass density of mu c-Si:H films by hydrogen dilution. Finally, combining the FTIR data with the SAXS experiment suggests that the Si--H bonds in mu c-Si:H and in polycrystalline Si thin films are located at the grain boundaries. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the photovoltaic effect in cubic GaN on GaAs at room temperature. The photovoltaic spectra of cubic GaN epitaxial film were concealed by the photovoltaic effect from the GaAs substrate unless additional illumination of a 632.8 nm He-Ne laser beam was used to remove the interference of the GaAs absorption in the measurement. On the basis of the near-band-edge photovoltaic spectra of cubic GaN, we obtained the minority carrier diffusion lengths of about 0.32 and 0.14 mu m for two undoped n-type cubic GaN samples with background concentrations of 10(14) and 10(18) cm(-3), respectively. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)00450-7].


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In situ ultra high vacuum scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and low-temperature :photoluminescence (PL) studies have been performed on Si-doped self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots samples to investigate the Si doping effects. Remarkably, when Si is doped in the sample, according to the SPM images, more small dots are formed when compared with images from undoped samples. On the PL spectra, high-energy band tail which correspond to the small dots appear, with increasing doping concentration, the integral intensity of the high-energy band tail account for the whole peak increase too. We relate this phenomenon to a model that takes the Si atom as the nucleation center for QDs formation. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Normal-incident infrared absorption in the 8-12-mu m-atmospheric spectral window in the InGaAs/GaAs quantum-dot superlattice is observed. Using cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, we find that the InGaAs quantum dots are perfectly vertically aligned in the growth direction (100). Under the normal incident radiation, a distinct absorption peaked at 9.9 mu m is observed. This work indicates the potential of this quantum-dot superlattice structure for use as normal-incident infrared imaging focal arrays application without fabricating grating structures. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(98)01151-6].


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30-period InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot superlattice was fabricated by MBE. Using cross sectional transmission electron microscopy, the InGaAs quantum dots were found to be perfectly vertically aligned in the growth direction (100). Under normally incident radiation, a distinct absorption in the 8.5 similar to 10.4 mu m range peaked at 9.9 mu m was observed. The normally incident infrared absorption in vertically aligned quantum dot superlattice in the 8 similar to 12 mu m range was realized for the first time. This result indicates the potential application of the quantum dot superlattice structure without grating as normally incident infrared detector focal plane arrays.


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Spontaneous formation of InAs quantum wires in InAlAs on InP(001) via sequential chain-like coalescence of quantum dots along [1 (1) over bar 0] is realized. Theoretical calculations based on the energetics of interacting steps provide a qualitative explanation for the experimental results. Sequential coalescence of initially isolated dots reduces the total free energy strikingly. Thus the wire-like structure is energetically favorable. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The effect of using an indium flux during the MBE growth of GaN layers was investigated. The properties of these layers were studied using electron probe microanalysis, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence. The optical properties of the GaN layers are shown to improve as compared with undoped GaN layers grown under nominally the same conditions but without an additional indium flux.


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High-quality InAs epitaxial layers have been grown on (1 0 0) oriented semi-insulating GaAs substrates by MBE. The transport properties of largely lattice mismatched InAs/GaAs heterojunctions have been investigated by Hall effect measurements down to 10 K. In spite of a high dislocation density at the heterointerface, very high electron mobilities are obtained in the InAs thin films. By doping Si into the layer far from the InAs/GaAs interface, we found that the doped samples have higher electron mobility than that of the undoped samples with the same thickness. The mobility demonstrates a pronounced minimum around 300 K for the undoped sample. But for Si-doped samples, no pronounced minimum has been found. Such abnormal behaviours are explained by the parallel conduction from the quasi-bulk carriers and interface carriers. These high-mobility InAs thin films are found to be suitable materials for making Hall elements. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Raman scattering studies were reported of In1-x-yGaxAlyAs/InP lattice matched quaternary alloys. The quaternary alloys a.ere grown on (100) oriented InP substrates by MBE method. The composition and intensity dependence of optical phonon mode frequencies show that the quaternary alloys exhibit three-mode behavior, i.e. InAs-like, GaAs-like and AlAs-like modes. Polarization analysis of the Raman spectra shows that the LO phonon modes are Raman active in the depolarized configuration and Raman inactive in the polarized configuration. TO phonon modes were also observed due to disorder effects, resulting in the asymmetrical shapes of the Raman peaks of the optical phonons.


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Several vibrational bands were observed near 3100 cm(-1) in GaN that had been implanted with hydrogen at room temperature and subsequently annealed, Our results indicate that these bands are due to nitrogen-dangling-bond defects created by the implantation that an decorated by hydrogen, The frequencies are close to those predicted recently for V-Ga-H-n complexes, leading us to tentatively assign the new lines to V-Ga defects decorated with different numbers of H atoms. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(98)03614-6].


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We have shown that high energy ion implantation enhanced intermixing (HE-IIEI) technology for quantum well (QW) structures is a powerful technique which can be used to blue shift the band gap energy of a QW structure and therefore decrease its band gap absorption. Room temperature (RT) photoluminescence (PL) and guided-wave transmission measurements have been employed to investigate the amount of blue shift of the band gap energy of an intermixed QW structure and the reduction of band gap absorption, Record large blue shifts in PL peaks of 132 nm for a 4-QW InGaAs/InGaAsP/InP structure have been demonstrated in the intermixed regions of the QW wafers, on whose non-intermixed regions, a shift as small as 5 nm is observed. This feature makes this technology very attractive for selective intermixing in selected areas of an MQW structure. The dramatical reduction in band gap absorption for the InP based MQW structure has been investigated experimentally. It is found that the intensity attenuation for the blue shifted structure is decreased by 242.8 dB/cm for the TE mode and 119 dB/cm for the TM mode with respect to the control samples. Electro-absorption characteristics have also been clearly observed in the intermixed structure. Current-Voltage characteristics were employed to investigate the degradation of the p-n junction in the intermixed region. We have achieved a successful fabrication and operation of Y-junction optical switches (JOS) based on MQW semiconductor optical amplifiers using HE-IIEI technology to fabricate the low loss passive waveguide. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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本书是《中国材料工程大典》中的卷目之一。 信息功能材料是信息科学技术和信息产业发展的基础和先导。21世纪将是以信息产业为核心的知识经济时代,对信息技术和信息资源的竞争将更加激烈。我国电子信息行业2004年完成产品销售收入达26500亿元,多年来已居外贸出口首位,并继续以高出工业发展速度10%的速度发展,已成为世界信息产业大国。加快由信息产业大国向信息产业强国迈进的步伐,是我们广大从事信息技术,特别是信息功能材料工作者义不容辞的责任。希望《中国材料工程大典》中《信息功能材料工程》卷的出版,将有力推动我国信息技术和信息产业的健康发展。 《信息功能材料工程》分上、中、下卷,共设20篇,约600万字。它涉及到信息的获取、传输、存储、显示和处理等主要技术用的材料与器件,是目前我国该领域比较完整的专业工具书。参加这部书编写的有中科院、高校和部分企业的专家教授近200名。参加编写的主要单位有中科院半导体研究所、中科院物理研究所、中科院微电子研究所、中科院上海精密光学机械研究所、中科院上海红外技术物理研究所、中科院长春应用化学研究所、中科院合肥固体物理所、南京大学、清华大学、西安理工大学、北京有色金属研究总院、武汉邮电科学研究院等。历时近3年完稿。由王占国、陈立泉、屠海令任主编并统稿。 本卷各篇不仅全面系统地反映了国外信息功能材料研究领域的现状、最新进展和发展趋势,而且也特别注重我国在该领域的研发和产业化方面取得的成果,力图使其具有实用性、先进性和权威性。本书适合于从事信息功能材料的科研工作者和工程技术人员查阅使用,也可供有关师生参考。


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The linear and circular photogalvanic effects have been observed in undoped InN films for the interband transition by irradiation of 1060 nm laser at room temperature. The spin polarized photocurrent depends on the degree of polarization, and changes its sip when the radiation helicity changes from left-handed to right-handed. This result indicates the sizeable spin-orbit interaction in the InN epitaxial layer and provides an effective method to generate spin polarized photocurrent and to detect spin-splitting effect in semiconductors with promising applications on spintronics.


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We have developed a novel InP-based, ridge-waveguide photonic integrated circuit (PIC), which consists of a 1.1-um wavelength Y-branch optical waveguide with low loss and improved far field pattern and a 1.3-um wavelength strained InGaAsP-InP multiple quantum-well superluminescent diode, with bundle integrated guide (BIG) as the scheme for monolithic integration. The simulations of BIG and Y-branches show low losses and improved far-field patterns, based on the beam propagation method (BPM). The amplified spontaneous emission of the device is up to 10 mW at 120 mA with no threshold and saturation. Spectral characteristics of about 30 nm width and less than I dB modulation are achieved using the built-in anti-lasing ability of Y-branch. The beam divergence angles in horizontal and vertical directions are optimized to as small as 12 degrees x8 degrees, resulting in good fiber coupling. The compactness, simplicity in fabrication, good superluminescent performance, low transmission loss and estimated low coupling loss prove the BIG and Y-branch method to be a feasible way for integration and make the photonic integrated circuit of Y-branch and superluminescent diode an promising candidate for transmitter and transceiver used in fiber optic gyroscope.