91 resultados para Semi-infinite optimization


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The single delta -doped InGaAs/AlGaAs pseudomorphic HEMT structure materials were grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The photoluminescence spectra of the materials were studied. There are two peaks in the photoluminescence spectra of the materials, corresponding to two sub energy levels of InGaAs quantum well. The ratio of the two peak's intensity was used as criterion to optimize the layer structures of the materials. The material with optimized layer ;tructures exhibits the 77 It mobility and two-dimensional electron gas density of 16 500 cm(2)/Vs and 2.58 x 10(12) cm(-2) respectively, and the 300 K mobility and two-dimensional electron gas density of 6800 cm(2)/Vs and 2.55 x 10(12) cm(-2) respectively. The pseudomorphic HEMT devices with gate length of 0.2 mum were fabricated using this material. The maximum transconductance of 650 mS/mm and the cut-off frequency of 81 GHz were achieved. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A neural network-based process model is proposed to optimize the semiconductor manufacturing process. Being different from some works in several research groups which developed neural network-based models to predict process quality with a set of process variables of only single manufacturing step, we applied this model to wafer fabrication parameters control and wafer lot yield optimization. The original data are collected from a wafer fabrication line, including technological parameters and wafer test results. The wafer lot yield is taken as the optimization target. Learning from historical technological records and wafer test results, the model can predict the wafer yield. To eliminate the "bad" or noisy samples from the sample set, an experimental method was used to determine the number of hidden units so that both good learning ability and prediction capability can be obtained.


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A detailed reaction-tran sport model was studied in a showerhead reactor for metal organic chemical vapor deposition of GaN film by using computational fluid dynamics simulation. It was found that flat flow lines without swirl are crucial to improve the uniformity of the film growth, and thin temperature gradient above the suscptor can increase the film deposition rate. By above-mentioned research, we can employ higher h (the distance from the susceptor to the inlet), P (operational pressure) and the rate of susceptor rotation to improve the film growth.


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This paper discusses the algorithm on the distance from a point and an infinite sub-space in high dimensional space With the development of Information Geometry([1]), the analysis tools of points distribution in high dimension space, as a measure of calculability, draw more attention of experts of pattern recognition. By the assistance of these tools, Geometrical properties of sets of samples in high-dimensional structures are studied, under guidance of the established properties and theorems in high-dimensional geometry.


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ZnTe epilayers were grown on GaAs(0 0 1) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) at different VI/II beam equivalent pressure (BEP) ratios (R-VI/II) in a wide range of 0.96-11 with constant Zn flux. Based on in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) observation, two-dimensional (2D) growth mode can be formed by increasing the R-VI/II to 2.8. The Te/Zn pressure ratios lower than 4.0 correspond to Zn-rich growth state, while the ratios over 6.4 correspond to Te-rich one. The Zn sticking coefficient at various VI/II ratios are derived by the growth rate measurement. The ZnTe epilayer grown at a R-VI/II of 6.4 displays the narrowest full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of double-crystal X-ray rocking curve (DCXRC) for (0 0 4) reflection. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) characterization shows that the grain size enlarges drastically with the R-VI/II. The surface root-mean-square (RMS) roughness decreases firstly, attains a minimum of 1.14 nm at a R-VI/II of 4.0 and then increases at higher ratios. It is suggested that the most suitable R-VI/II be controlled between 4.0 and 6.4 in order to grow high-quality ZnTe epitaxial thin films.


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A theoretical description of chloride vapour-phase epitaxy (CVPE) has been proposed which contains two-dimensional (2D) gas-dynamic equations for transport of reactive components and kinetic equations for surface growth processes connected by nonlinear adiabatic boundary conditions. No one of these stages is supposed to be the limiting one. Calculated variations of growth rate and impurity concentrations along the growing layer fit experimental data well.


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This paper proposes a novel noise optimization technique. The technique gives analytical formulae for the noise performance of inductively degenerated CMOS low noise amplifier (LNA) circuits with an ideal gate inductor for a fixed bias voltage and nonideal gate inductor for a fixed power dissipation, respectively, by mathematical analysis and reasonable approximation methods. LNA circuits with required noise figure can be designed effectively and rapidly just by using hand calculations of the proposed formulae. We design a 1.8 GHz LNA in a TSMC 0.25 pan CMOS process. The measured results show a noise figure of 1.6 dB with a forward gain of 14.4 dB at a power consumption of 5 mW, demonstrating that the designed LNA circuits can achieve low noise figure levels at low power dissipation.


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We present a staggered buffer connection method that provides flexibility for buffer insertion while designing global signal networks using the tile-based FPGA design methodology. An exhaustive algorithm is used to analyze the trade-off between area and speed of the global signal networks for this staggered buffer insertion scheme, and the criterion for determining the design parameters is presented. The comparative analytic result shows that the methods in this paper are proven to be more efficient for FPGAs with a large array size.


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The effects of key geometrical parameters on the performance of integrated spiral inductors are investigated with the 3D electromagnetic simulator HFSS. While varying geometrical parameters such as the number of turns (N),the width of the metal traces (W),the spacing between the traces (S),and the inner diameter (ID), changes in the performance of the inductors are analyzed in detail. The reasons for these changes in performance are presented. Simulation results indicate that the performance of an integrated spiral inductor can be improved by optimizing its layout. Some design rules are summarized.


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Self-assembled In_0.35Ga_0.65As/GaAs quantum dots with low indium content are grown under different growth temperature and investigated using contact atomic force microscopy(AFM). In order to obtain high density and high uniformityu of quantum dots, optimized conditions are concluded for MBE growth. Optimized growth condi-tions also compared with these of InAs/GaAs quantum dots. This will be very useful for InGaAs/GaAs QDs opto-electronic applications, such as quantum dots lasers and quantum dots infrared photodetectors.


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Quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIP) are in the center of research interest nowadays. However the real QDIP is inferior to those predicted in theory, in which the dot density is much higher than those reported. Through optimizing the growth conditions, we realized the control of high-density quantum dot growth. This will be very useful for future QDIP development.


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The single delta -doped InGaAs/AlGaAs pseudomorphic HEMT structure materials were grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The photoluminescence spectra of the materials were studied. There are two peaks in the photoluminescence spectra of the materials, corresponding to two sub energy levels of InGaAs quantum well. The ratio of the two peak's intensity was used as criterion to optimize the layer structures of the materials. The material with optimized layer ;tructures exhibits the 77 It mobility and two-dimensional electron gas density of 16 500 cm(2)/Vs and 2.58 x 10(12) cm(-2) respectively, and the 300 K mobility and two-dimensional electron gas density of 6800 cm(2)/Vs and 2.55 x 10(12) cm(-2) respectively. The pseudomorphic HEMT devices with gate length of 0.2 mum were fabricated using this material. The maximum transconductance of 650 mS/mm and the cut-off frequency of 81 GHz were achieved. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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An elasto-plastic finite element method is developed to predict the residual stresses of thermal spraying coatings with functionally graded material layer. In numerical simulations, temperature sensitivity of various material constants is included and mix