93 resultados para Dilute bosonic atoms


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Photoluminescence (PL) properties of the E-0, E-0+Delta(0), and E+ bands in an x=0.62% GaAs1-xNx alloy were investigated in detail, including their peak position, linewidth, and line shape dependences on the excitation energy, excitation power, and temperature, using micro-PL. The hot electrons within the E+ band are found to exhibit highly unusual thermalization, which results in a large blueshift in its PL peak energy by >2k(B)T, suggesting peculiar density of states and carrier dynamics of the E+ band.


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Using microphotoluminescence (mu-PL), in dilute N GaAs1-xNx alloys, we observe a PL band far above the bandgap E-0 with its peak energy following the so-called E+ transition, but with contribution from perturbed GaAs host states in a broad spectral range (> 100 meV). This finding is in sharp contrast to the general understanding that E+ is associated with a well-defined conduction band level (either L-1c or N-x). Beyond this insight regarding the strong perturbation of the GaAs band structure caused by N incorporation, we demonstrate that a small amount of isoelectronic doping in conjunction with mu-PL allows direct observation of above-bandgap transitions that are not usually accessible by PL.


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A set of GaAs1-xNx samples with small nitrogen composition (x<1%) were investigated by continuous-wave photoluminescence (PL), pulse-wave excitation PL, and time-resolved PL. In the PL spectra, an extra transition located at the higher-energy side of the commonly reported N-related emissions was observed. By measuring the PL dependence on temperature and excitation power, the PL peak was identified as a transition of alloy band edge-related recombination in GaAsN. The PL dynamics further confirms its intrinsic nature as being associated with the band edge rather than N-related bound states. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Experimental results show that the exchange coupling field (H-ex) of NiFe/FeMn for Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers is higher than that for spin-valve multilayers Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta. In order to find out the reason, the composition and chemical states at the surface of Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm), Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm)/Cu(4 nm), and Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm)/Cu(3 nm)/NiFe(5 nm) were studied using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results show that no elements from lower layers float out or segregate to the surface in the first and second samples. However, Cu atoms segregate to the surface of Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm)/Cu(3 nm)/NiFe(5 nm) multilayers, i.e., Cu atoms segregate to the NiFe/FeMn interface for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers. We believe that the presence of Cu atoms at the interface of NiFe/FeMn is one of the important factors which causes the exchange coupling field (H-ex) of Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta to be weaker than that of Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The experimental results show that the exchange coupling field H.. of NiFe/FeMn for TalNiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers is higher than that for the spin valve multilayers Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta. The composition and chemical states at the surface of Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm), Th(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(4nm) and Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3 nm)/NiFe(5 mn) were studied by using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results show that no element from the underlayers Boats out or segregates to the surface for Th(12 nm)/NiFe(7nm), Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(4 mn). However, Cu atoms segregate to the surface of Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3nm)/NiFe(5nm) multilayers, i.e. to the NiFe/FeMn interface for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers. We believe that the presence of Cu atoms at the interface of NiFe/FeMn is one of the important factors which will cause the exchange coupling field H.. of Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers to be higher than that of Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers.


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We observe "ghost" islands formed on terraces during homoepitaxial nucleation of GaN. We attribute the ghost islands to intermediate nucleation states, which can be driven into "normal" islands by scanning tunneling microscopy. The formation of ghost islands is related to excess Ga atoms on the surface. The excess Ga also affect island number density: by increasing Ga coverage, the island density first decreases, reaching a minimum at about 1 monolayer (ML) Ga and then increases rapidly for coverages above 1 ML. This nonmonotonic behavior points to a surfactant effect of the Ga atoms.


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The transitions of E0 ,E0 +A0, and E+ in dilute GaAs(1-x) Nx alloys with x = 0.10% ,0.22% ,0.36% ,and 0.62% are observed by micro-photoluminescence. Resonant Raman scattering results further confirm that they are from the intrinsic emissions in the studied dilute GaAsN alloys rather than some localized exciton emissions in the GaAsN alloys. The results show that the nitrogen-induced E E+ and E0 + A0 transitions in GaAsN alloys intersect at a nitrogen content of about 0.16%. It is demonstrated that a small amount of isoelectronic doping combined with micro-photoluminescence allows direct observation of above band gap transitions that are not usually accessible in photoluminescence.