410 resultados para ALAS SUPERLATTICES


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The electronic states and optical transition properties of three semiconductor wires Si? GaAs, and ZnSe are studied by the empirical pseudopotential homojunction model. The energy levels, wave functions, optical transition matrix elements, and lifetimes are obtained for wires of square cross section with width from 2 to 5 (root 2a/2), where a is the lattice constant. It is found that these three kinds of wires have different quantum confinement properties. For Si wires, the energy gap is pseudodirect, and the wave function of the electronic ground state consists mainly of four bulk Delta states. The optical transition matrix elements are much smaller than that of a direct transition, and increase with decreasing wire width. Where the width of wire is 7.7 Angstrom, the Si wire changes from an indirect energy gap to a direct energy gap due to mixing of the bulk Gamma(15) state. For GaAs wires. the energy gap is also pseudodirect in the width range considered, but the optical transition matrix elements are larger than those of Si wires by two orders of magnitude for the same width. However, there is no transfer to a direct energy gap as the wire width decreases. For ZnSe wires, the energy gap is always direct, and the optical transition matrix elements are comparable to those of the direct energy gap bulk semiconductors. They decrease with decreasing wire width due to mixing of the bulk Gamma(1) state with other states. All quantum confinement properties are discussed and explained by our theoretical model and the semiconductor energy band structures derived. The calculated lifetimes of the Si wire, and the positions of photoluminescence peaks, are in good agreement with experimental results.


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Because of Si-Ge interdiffusion in the Si-SiGe interface during the growth process, the square-wave refractive index distribution of a SiGe-Si multiple-quantum-web (MQW) will become smooth. In order to simulate the actual refractive index profile, a staircase approximation is applied. Based on this approach, the dispersion equation of the MQW waveguide is obtained by using a transfer matrix method, The effects of index changes caused by the interdiffusion on the optical field and the characteristics of the photodetector are evaluated by solving the dispersion equation, It is shown that the Si-Ge interdiffusion can result in a reduction of the effective absorption coefficient and the quantum efficiency.


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The reduction of exciton binding energy induced by a perpendicular electric field in a stepped quantum well is studied. From continuous-wave photoluminescence spectra at 77 K we have observed an obvious blueshift of the exciton peak due to a spatially direct-to-indirect transition of excitons. A simple method is used to calculate the exciton binding energy while the inhomogeneous broadening is taken into account in a simple manner. The calculated result reproduces remarkably well the experimental observation.


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The transfer-matrix method widely used in the calculation of the band structure of semiconductor quantum wells is found to have limitations due to its intrinsic numerical instability. It is pointed out that the numerical instability arises from free-propagating transfer matrices. A new scattering-matrix method is developed for the multiple-band Kane model within the envelope-function approximation. Compared with the transfer-matrix method, the proposed algorithm is found to be more efficient and stable. A four-band Kane model is used to check the validity of the method and the results are found to be in good agreement with earlier calculations.


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Thermally stimulated redistribution and precipitation of excess arsenic in Ge0.5Si0.5 alloy has been studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), cross sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) and X-ray energy disperse spectrometry (EDS). Samples were prepared by the implantation of 6 X 10(6) As+ cm(-2) and 100 keV with subsequent thermal processing at 800 degrees C and 1000 degrees C for 1 h. The XPS depth profiles from the implanted samples before and after the thermal annealing indicate that there is marked redistribution of the elements in heavily arsenic-implanted Ge0.5Si0.5 alloys during the annealing, including: (1) diffusion of As from the implanted region to the surface; (2) aggregation of Ge in the vicinity of the surface. A high density of precipitates was observed near the surface which were by XTEM and EDS identified as an arsenide. It is suggested that most of the implanted As in Ge0.5Si0.5 alloy exists in the form of GeAs.


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We have measured low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) and absorption spectra of In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs multiple quantum wells (MQW's) under hydrostatic pressures up to 8 GPa. In PL, only a single peak is observed below 4.9 GPa corresponding to the n = 1 heavy-hole (HH) exciton in the InxGa1-xAs wells. Above 4.9 GPa, new PL lines related to X-like conduction band states appear. They are assigned to the type-II transition from the X(Z) states in GaAs to the HH subband of the InxGa1-xAs wells and to the zero-phonon line and LO-phonon replica of the type-I transition involving the X(XY) valleys of the wells. In addition to absorption peaks corresponding to direct exciton transitions in the wells, a new strong absorption feature is apparent in spectra for pressures between 4.5 and 5.5 GPa. This absorption is attributed to the pseudodirect transition between the HH subband and the X, state of the wells. This gives clear evidence for an enhanced strength of indirect optical transitions due to the breakdown of translational invariance in MQW structures. From experimental level splittings we determine the valence band offset and the shear deformation potential for X states in the In0.2Ga0.8As layer.


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In the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory, the optical transitions of InAs/GaAs strained coupled quantum dots grown on GaAs (100) oriented substrates are studied. At the Gamma point, the electron and hole energy levels, the distribution of electron and hole wave functions along the growth and parallel directions, the optical transition-matrix elements, the exciton states, and absorption spectra are calculated. In calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons and holes in different materials are included. Our theoretical results are in good agreement with the available experimental data.


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The electronic structures of quantum spheres and quantum wires are studied in the framework of the effective-mass theory. The spin-orbital coupling (SOC) effect is taken into account. On the basis of the zero SOC limit and strong SOC limit the hole quantum energy levels as functions of SOC parameter lambda are obtained. There is a fan region in which the ground and low-lying excited states approach those in the strong SOC limit as lambda increases. Besides, some theoretical results on the corrugated superlattices (CSL) are given.


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The valence hole subbands, TE and TM mode optical gains, transparency carrier density, and radiative current density of the zinc-blende GaN/Ga0.85Al0.15N strained quantum well (100 Angstrom well width) have been investigated using a 6 X 6 Hamiltonian model including the heavy hole, Light hole, and spin-orbit split-off bands. At the k = 0 point, it is found that the light hole strongly couples with the spin-orbit split-off hole, resulting in the so+lh hybrid states. The heavy hole does not couple with the light hole and the spin-orbit split-off hole. Optical transitions between the valence subbands and the conduction subbands obey the Delta n=0 selection rule. At the k not equal 0 points, there is strong band mixing among the heavy hole, light hole, and spin-orbit split-off hole. The optical transitions do not obey the Delta n=0 selection rule. The compressive strain in the GaN well region increases the energy separation between the so1+lh1 energy level and the hh1 energy level. Consequently, the compressive strain enhances the TE mode optical gain, and strongly depresses the TM mode optical gain. Even when the carrier density is as large as 10(19) cm(-3), there is no positive TM mode optical gain. The TE mode optical gain spectrum has a peak at around 3.26 eV. The transparency carrier density is 6.5 X 10(18) cm(-3), which is larger than that of GaAs quantum well. The compressive strain overall reduces the transparency carrier density. The J(rad) is 0.53 kA/cm(2) for the zero optical gain. The results obtained in this work will be useful in designing quantum well GaN laser diodes and detectors. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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The authors report for the first time, normal incident infrared absorption around the wavelength of 13-15 mu m from a 20 period InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot supperlatice (QDS). The structure of a QDS has been-confirmed by cross-section transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and by a photoluminescence spectrum (PL). This opens the way to high performance 8-14 mu m quantum dot infrared detectors.


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Ultrathin single quantum well (about one monolayer) grown on GaAs(001) substrate with GaAs cap layer has been studied by high resolution x-ray diffractometer on a beamline of the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The interference fringes on both sides of the GaAs(004) Bragg peak are asymmetric and a range of weak fringes in the higher angle side of the Bragg peak is observed. The simulated results by using the kinematical diffraction method shows that the weak fringe range appears in the higher angle side when the phase shift introduced by the single quantum well is very slightly smaller than m pi (m:integer), and vice versa. After introducing a reasonable model of single quantum well, the simulated pattern is in good agreement with the experiment. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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The electronic properties of wide energy gap zinc-blende structure GaN, AlN and their alloys Ga1-xAlxN are investigated using the empirical pseudopotential method. Electron and hole Effective mass parameters, hydrostatic and shear deformation potential constants of the valence band at Gamma and those of the conduction band at Gamma and X are obtained. The energies of Gamma, X, L conduction valleys of Ga1-xAlxN alloy versus Al fraction x are also calculated. The information will be useful for the design of lattice mismatched heterostructure optoelectronic devices in the blue light range.


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Growth interruption-induced microroughness is studied by photoluminescence (PL) of single quantum wells with different well widths and interruption times. Analysis of the peak splitting in the PL spectra shows that the adjacent peak splittings correspond to well width differences smaller than one monolayer. The number of split peaks increases with increasing well width, saturating when the well width exceeds 11 monolayers. This trend correlates well with the decrease in the lateral dimension of the exciton, which corresponds roughly to the minimum optically sampled area of the interface. For a given quantum well, a plot of the normalized integrated intensities of the split PL peaks versus the well width fluctuation is well described by a Gaussian distribution with an average fluctuation smaller than one monolayer. These results are consistent with the microroughness model.


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The dynamic effect of electrons in a double quantum well under the influence of a monochromatic driving laser field is investigated. Closed-form solutions for the quasienergy and Floquet states are obtained with the help of SU(2) symmetry. For the case of weak interlevel coupling, explicit expressions of the quasienergy are presented by the use of perturbation theory, from which it is found that as long as the photon energy is not close to the tunnel splitting, the electron will be confined in an initially occupied eigenstate of the undriven system during the whole evolution process. Otherwise, it will transit between the lowest two levels in an oscillatory behavior.


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By photoluminescence measurements we find that at low temperature the linewidth of the excitonic luminescence broadens with increasing electron density in the wider well from a photoexcited type-I-type-II mixed GaAs/AlAs asymmetric double quantum well structure, which even makes the excitonic linewidth at 77 K larger than at 300 K above a certain excitation intensity. We verify that the broadening is due to the scattering of two-dimensional carriers to excitonic states. Based on the theory of the scattering of carriers to excitonic states, we calculate the broadening of the excitonic linewidth. Our experimental results are convincing for verifying the theoretical prediction. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.