28 resultados para sonic boom
本研究重点对云南哀牢山、无量山、永德大雪山以及老挝 Nam Kan 保护区西黑冠 长臂猿(Nomascus concolor)的鸣叫特征进行了分析研究,以探讨长臂猿鸣叫个体特异性 的发生机制及其在地理种群区分或亚种地位划分中的意义;同时对哀牢山平河西黑冠长 臂猿栖息地乔木结构进行了样方调查,揭示西黑冠长臂猿高海拔栖息地的乔木结构特 征,为后续行为学研究提供基础生态数据。 研究表明,云南省哀牢山平河(N 24°20′09.5″, E 101°17′16.1″, 海拔2600m)的黑 长臂猿栖息地有乔木57 种隶属于23 科37 个属;木质藤本植物9 种隶属于6 科8 属。 优势科主要为杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)、木兰科(Magnoliaceae)、山茶科(Theaceae)和 壳斗科(Fagaceae)植物。乔木的多样性指数、均匀度指数在沟底明显降低,而乔木1 层和2 层所占的比例以及木质藤本的平均多度均随着坡位的下降而升高。与其他地区的 长臂猿相比,哀牢山黑长臂猿的活动高度较低(10—22m),果实性食物种类较少。 西黑冠长臂猿的雄性鸣叫包括Boom 音节、aa 音节、弱调节音节、强调节音节和 coda 音节,Boom 音节只是一单独的条带状音节,结构最简单也最稳定;aa 音节、弱调 节音节、强调节音节和coda 音节的稳定性则呈现出依次增大的趋势。强调节音节和coda 部分的稳定性在总体没有显著差异,但在某些变量上coda 音节比强调节音节有显著更 高的稳定性。在此基础上,重点基于对coda 音节的分析,发现同一地点不同群体的雄 性西黑冠长臂猿个体之间存在非常显著的鸣叫特异性,并且同一地点不同群体的雄性个 体之间鸣叫的差异,显著高于不同地点间雄性个体间鸣叫的差异。这一发现表明西黑冠 长臂猿很有可能在有意识地通过鸣叫声音的调节,来增加与邻近群体间鸣叫的差异性, 并依靠这一行为识别邻近群的成年个体和陌生个体或新成年的未配对个体,这对具领域 性、配对的长臂猿来说具有显著的生态适应意义。基于对西黑冠长臂猿所有4 个亚种雌 雄个体鸣叫的逐步判别分析,结果表明西黑冠长臂猿明显分为3 个类群:1) 指名亚种 (N. c. concolor)和景东亚种(N. c. jingdongensis)为同一类群;2)滇西亚种(N. c. furvogaster)类群;3)老挝亚种(N. c. lu)类群,综合我们及前人的研究结果,我们认 为老挝亚种与其它三个亚种之间很可能已经达到了亚种分化的水平,滇西亚种也是如 此,但其有效性还值得进一步研究和探讨,而指名亚种和景东亚种间可能还没有达到亚种分化的水平。
九寨沟自然保护区地处四川盆地北部岷山山脉南段,属川西高原气候中的暖温带。保护区内分布着118 个串珠状排列的高山湖泊,核心景区共有湖泊20 个(组),集中在海拔2000 米到3000 米之间。水资源是九寨沟的灵魂,保护水生生态系统是九寨沟生态旅游可持续发展的立足之本。本研究以九寨沟湿地生物多样性保护项目为依托,于2007 年5 月~2008 年4 月对九寨沟核心景区湖泊水体硅藻植物进行调查,分析了其密度与环境因子的相互关系,旨在为九寨沟湖泊生态系统保护提供科学依据和基础资料。主要有以下几点结论: (1)九寨沟硅藻植物丰富,调查统计为2 纲6 目10 科35 属159 种(包括变种和变型),水体硅藻中真性浮游种类较少,着生种类多,羽纹纲的脆杆藻属、舟形藻属、桥弯藻属、异极藻属、曲壳藻属的种类最多,常为优势属组成湖泊硅藻群落,只在长海是小环藻属占绝对优势。 (2)九寨沟水体中硅藻细胞密度不大,多在4×104~30×104 个/L,长海最高,五花海最低。在年变化上,不同的湖泊水体中硅藻的生长高峰季节不尽相同,在夏季、秋末和冬末春初均有可能出现高密度。在空间上,整体看来密度与海拔有一定的正相关,但由于水温不是单一主导因素,密度受多种环境因子影响,在海拔梯度上呈现一定的波浪状变化。 (3)影响九寨沟湖泊水体硅藻细胞密度较重要的环境因子是海拔、水温和pH。硅藻细胞密度年变化幅度大的湖泊水体,年平均细胞密度大。因此,环境因素不太稳定的湖泊水体,更可能出现高的硅藻细胞密度。11 月份响应于水量剧烈的减少,细齿菱形藻大量出现在五彩池成为优势种群,造成水体硅藻细胞密度的大幅增加。 (4)九寨沟湖泊水体水质几乎达到国家地表水I 类标准,但是,硅藻商指数以及代表多样性的Cairns 指数计算的结果不能反映水质的情况,这是由于水质状况不是决定九寨沟湖泊水体中硅藻生存的种类和数量的主要因素。因此在用各种指数分析水质的时候,都应该先判断计算该指数的参数是否主要由水质状况决定,然后再综合理化性质等其他指标分析和比较。 (5)人类的活动对九寨沟湖泊水生态系统有一定的影响。一方面,在低海拔景点人类活动的干扰比海拔高处相对要大,干扰引起低海拔景点湖泊硅藻Cairns指数较高;另一方面,旺季的影响比淡季大,水体中出现了典型富营养种类。因此,应加强低海拔景点和旺季的管理,并限制淡季的人类活动以保证九寨沟生态系统的自我恢复。 Jiuzhaigou nature reserve is located in north Sichuan, at the south section of Minshan Mountain, having a warm temperate climate which belongs to West Sichuan plateau climate. It includes 118 mountain lakes, and 20 of them between 2000 and 3000 altitude degree constitute the core area of Jiuzhaigou. The water is Jiuzhaigou's soul, so it is the basis of sustainable tourism development of Jiuzhaigou to protect the water ecological environment. Research depends on Jiuzhaigou wetland biodiversity protection program in this paper, invested the diatom plants in 17 lakes at the core area from May 2007 to April 2008. The composition and the correlation of diatom density and the environment were studied, which could provide scientific and basic information for the protection of the ecological environment of Jiuzhaigou. The main conclusions were: 1 The diatom species were in abundance, investigation showed that there were 159 species belong to 10 families and 35 genera. Most diatoms were benthos, euplankton were less. Genera Fragilaria, Navicula, Cymbella, Gomphonema and Achnanthes had the most species, which always were the dominant genera. Only in The Long Lake genus Cyclotella possessed a predominant status. 2 The diatom cell density was not very high, always between 4×104 cell/L and 30×104 cell/L, highest in The Long Lake and lowest in The Colorful Lake. In one year's time, diatom in different lakes had different growth type. The maximum could be in summer, late autumn and late winter early spring. The cell density showed a positive correlation to altitude in the whole, but fluctuated in details along altitude because of comprehensive influence by many environmental factors. 3 Altitude, water temperature and pH were the more important factors to determine the cell density. There was a positive correlation between the range of cell density in one year and the average cell density. So high annual cell average density probably will appear in lakes which has an unstable environmental condition. The boom of Denticula elegans in The Jade-Colored Lake in November was corresponding to the large decrease in water quantity. 4 The water quality of Jiuzhaigou was near the National Surface Water Standard rank I, but the Diatom Quotient and the Cairns Index didn't reflect the water quality accordingly. It was because the water quality wasn't the most important factor here which determined the species number and species quantity, so the index based on these items would not reflect it. Therefore, it is recommended that, when we use indices to evaluate the water quality, we should know first whether the water quality is the main determinative factor inflects the items used to compute the indices, and then combined with other chemical indices to analyze and do comparison. 5 The tourists' activities had influenced the water ecosystem of Jiuzhaigou. On the one hand, disturbance was relatively high at the lower altitude, it resulted in higher Cairns index; on the other hand, influence in high season was more severe than in low season, some typical species indicating eutrophication were observed in the water. It is suggested that the management at lower altitude and in high season must be strengthen, and less people activity in low season is necessary to fulfill the recovery of the water ecosystem.
An aromatic polyimide was synthesized via a one-step polycondensation reaction between biphenyltetracarboxylic dianhydride (BPDA) and 4,4'-oxydianiline (ODA) in p-chlorophenol. The polyimide (BPDA-ODA) solution dopes were spun into fibers by means of dry-jet wet spinning. The as-spun fibers were drawn and treated in heating tubes for improving the mechanical properties. The thermal treatment on the fibers resulted in a relatively high tensile strength and modulus. Thermal mechanical analysis (TMA) was employed to study the linear coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). Thermal gravimetry analysis (TGA) spectra showed that the BPDA-ODA fibers possessed an excellent property of thermo-oxidative degradation resistance. The sonic modulus E-s of the polyimide fibers was measured.
Using high molecular weight (M-n=80,000) Poly(hexano-6-lactone) (PCL'), tough and high tenacity PCL monofilaments with various draw ratios (undrawn to 9 times drawn) were prepared by melt-spinning. The relationship between microstructure and properties of the PCL fibers is described in this current IUPAC Technical Report. Analysis of microstructure of the drawn PCL fibers by wide-angle X-ray diffraction revealed typical c-axis orientation with an increase in crystallinity. It was also supported by sonic velocity measurements. The thermal, mechanical, and dynamic mechanical properties of the PCL fibers were affected significantly by draw ratio. DSC thermograms showed that the melting temperature and the enthalpy of fusion increased with draw ratio. The temperature dependence curves of dynamic viscoelasticity showed that the temperature at tan delta peak of alpha dispersion corresponding to the glass transition temperature shifted toward higher temperature and the peak value of tan delta decreased with draw ratio. The dynamic storage modulus and the sonic modulus increased with draw ratio. These results are due to the increase in crystallinity and molecular orientation with drawing, and are responsible for an increase in tensile tenacity as well as knot tenacity of the PCL fibers.
Direct air-sea flux measurements were made on RN Kexue #1 at 40 degrees S, 156 degrees E during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Coupled Ocean-Atmospheric Response Experiment (COARE) Intensive Observation Period (IOP). An array of six accelerometers was used to measure the motion of the anchored ship, and a sonic anemometer and Lyman-alpha hygrometer were used to measure the turbulent wind vector and specific humidity. The contamination of the turbulent wind components by ship motion was largely removed by an improvement of a procedure due to Shao based on the acceleration signals. The scheme of the wind correction for ship motion is briefly outlined. Results are presented from data for the best wind direction relative to the ship to minimize flow distortion effects. Both the time series and the power spectra of the sonic-measured wind components show swell-induced ship motion contamination, which is largely removed by the accelerometer correction scheme, There was less contamination in the longitudinal wind component than in the vertical and transverse components. The spectral characteristics of the surface-layer turbulence properties are compared with those from previous land and ocean results, Momentum and latent heat fluxes were calculated by eddy correlation and compared to those estimated by the inertial dissipation method and the TOGA COARE bulk formula. The estimations of wind stress determined by eddy correlation are smaller than those from the TOGA COARE bulk formula, especially for higher wind speeds, while those from the bulk formula and inertial dissipation technique are generally in agreement. The estimations of latent heal flux from the three different methods are in reasonable agreement. The effect of the correction for ship motion on latent heat fluxes is not as large as on momentum fluxes.
给出了以混凝土泵车各臂油缸长度为参变量的布料机构浇筑过程的轨迹规划计算方法。在解决布料机构运动学分析的逆问题时 ,采用了基于多峰值并行搜索的遗传算法来求解最优控制优化目标函数 ,并对施工过程进行了仿真
机器人化是提高工程机械施工控制自动化的关键问题·通过将泵车布料机构的浇筑区域离散为浇筑点集 ,对两浇筑点内轨迹利用冗余度机器人学的最小关节范数法的轨迹规划 ,并将两相临浇筑段自动连接和自动协调 ,从而实现了混凝土泵车布料机构浇筑过程自动轨迹规划·
对混凝土泵车布料机构的运动姿态调整采取了最优控制 ,解决了泵车机器人化的运动分析的臂解问题 ,论述了泵车动态分析中应解决和注意的问题 ,给出了泵车控制自动化的程序流程图和控制系统图 ,从而为提高泵车施工过程的自动化和泵车的机器人化提出了新的思路
Application of long-term exploration for oil and gas shows that the reservoir technology of prediction is one of the most valuable methods. Quantitative analysis of reservoir complexity is also a key technology of reservoir prediction. The current reservoir technologies of prediction are based on the linear assumption of various physical relationships. Therefore, these technologies cannot handle complex reservoirs with thin sands, high heterogeneities in lithological composition and strong varieties in petrophysical properties. Based on the above-mentioned complex reservoir, this paper conducts a series of researches. Both the comprehending and the quantitative analysis of reservoir heterogeneities have been implemented using statistical and non-linear theories of geophysics. At the beginning, the research of random media theories about reservoir heterogeneities was researched in this thesis. One-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) random medium models were constructed. The autocorrelation lengths of random medium described the mean scale of heterogeneous anomaly in horizontal and deep directions, respectively. The characteristic of random medium models were analyzed. We also studied the corresponding relationship between the reservoir heterogeneities and autocorrelation lengths. Because heterogeneity of reservoir has fractal nature, we described heterogeneity of reservoir by fractal theory based on analyzing of the one-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) random medium models. We simulated two-dimensional (2-D) random fluctuation medium in different parameters. From the simulated results, we can know that the main features of the two-dimensional (2-D) random medium mode. With autocorrelation lengths becoming larger, scales of heterogeneous geologic bodies in models became bigger. In addition, with the autocorrelation lengths becoming very larger, the layer characteristic of the models is very obvious. It would be difficult to identify sandstone such as gritstone, clay, dense sandstone and gas sandstone and so on in the reservoir with traditional impedance inversion. According to the obvious difference between different lithologic and petrophysical impedance, we studied multi-scale reservoir heterogeneities and developed new technologies. The distribution features of reservoir lithological and petrophysical heterogeneities along vertical and transverse directions were described quantitatively using multi-scale power spectrum and heterogeneity spectrum methods in this paper. Power spectrum (P spectrum) describes the manner of the vertical distribution of reservoir lithologic and petrophysical parameters and the large-scale and small-scale heterogeneities along vertical direction. Heterogeneity spectrum (H spectrum) describes the structure of the reservoir lithologic and petrophysical parameters mainly, that is to say, proportional composition of each lithological and petrophysical heterogeneities are calculated in this formation. The method is more reasonable to describe the degree of transverse multi-scale heterogeneities in reservoir lithological and petrophysical parameters. Using information of sonic logs in Sulige oil field, two spectral methods have been applied to the oil field, and good analytic results have been obtained. In order to contrast the former researches, the last part is the multi-scale character analysis of reservoir based on the transmission character of wave using the wavelet transform. We discussed the method applied to demarcate sequence stratigraphy and also analyzed the reservoir interlayer heterogeneity.
Since physical properties and resistivity of mixed formation fluid change after polymer and water flood reservoir, transformational electric properties of water and polymer flooded zones challenges log interpretation. Conventional log interpretation methods to water flooded reservoirs cannot be employed to water and polymer flooded zones. According to difficulties in water and polymer flooded zones interpretation, we analyzed the variation of electric properties of mixed formation fluid, reservoir parameters and log correspondences, then got further understanding of the applicability of Archie Equations. As the results, we provided reservoir parameter evaluation model in water and polymer flooded zones in this paper. This research shows that micro pore structure, physical parameters and electric correspondence of reservoirs change after being flooded by water and polymer. The resistivity variation of mixed formation fluid depends mainly on affixation conductivity of polymer and salinity of formation water, which is the key to log interpretation and evaluation. Therefore, we summerized the laws of log correspondence in different polymer injection ways, developed electric discrimination model for water and polymer flooded zones, as well as charts to identify flooding conditions with resistivity and sonic logs. Further rock-electric tests and conductive mechanism analysis indicate that the resistivity increasing coefficient(I) and water saturation(Sw) are still in concordance with classical Archie Equations, which can be utilized in quantitative evaluation on water and polymer flooded reservoirs. This sets of methods greatly improved accuracy in water and polymer flooded zone evaluation.
Basin-scale heterogeneity contains information about the traces of the past sedimentary cycle and tectonic process, and has been a major concern to geophysicists because of its importance in resource exploration and development. In this paper, the sonic data of 30 wells of Sulige field are used to inverse the power-law spectra slope and correlation length which are measures of the heterogeneity of the velocity of the log using fractal and statistic correlation methods. By taking the heterogeneity parameters of different wells interpolated, we get power law spectra slope and correlation length contours reflecting the stratum heterogeneity. Then using correlation and gradient, we inverse the transverse heterogeneity of Sulige field. Reservior-scale heterogeneity influnce the distribution of remaining oil and hydrocarbon accumulation. Using wavelet modulus maximum method to divide the sedimentary cycle using Gr data, therefore we can calculate the heterogeneity parameter in each layer of each log. Then we get the heterogeneity distribution of each layer of Sulige field. Finally, we analyze the relation between the signal sigularity and the strata heterogeneity, and get two different sigularity profiles in different areas.
Cross well seismic technique is a new type of geophysical method, which observes the seismic wave of the geologic body by placing both the source and receiver in the wells. By applying this method, it averted the absorption to high-frequency component of seismic signal caused by low weathering layers, thus, an extremely high-resolution seismic signal can be acquired. And extremely fine image of cross well formations, structure, and reservoir can be achieved as well. An integrated research is conducted to the high-frequency S-wave and P-wave data and some other data to determine the small faults, small structure and resolving the issues concerning the thin bed and reservoir's connectivity, fluid distribution, steam injection and fracture. This method connects the high-resolution surface seismic, logging and reservoir engineering. In this paper, based on the E & P situation in the oilfield and the theory of geophysical exploration, a research is conducted on cross well seismic technology in general and its important issues in cross well seismic technology in particular. A technological series of integrated field acquisition, data processing and interpretation and its integrated application research were developed and this new method can be applied to oilfield development and optimizing oilfield development scheme. The contents and results in this paper are as listed follows: An overview was given on the status quo and development of the cross well seismic method and problems concerning the cross well seismic technology and the difference in cross well seismic technology between China and international levels; And an analysis and comparison are given on foreign-made field data acquisition systems for cross-well seismic and pointed out the pros and cons of the field systems manufactured by these two foreign companies and this is highly valuable to import foreign-made cross well seismic field acquisition system for China. After analyses were conducted to the geometry design and field data for the cross well seismic method, a common wave field time-depth curve equation was derived and three types of pipe waves were discovered for the first time. Then, a research was conducted on the mechanism for its generation. Based on the wave field separation theory for cross well seismic method, we believe that different type of wave fields in different gather domain has different attributes characteristics, multiple methods (for instance, F-K filtering and median filtering) were applied in eliminating and suppressing the cross well disturbances and successfully separated the upgoing and downgoing waves and a satisfactory result has been achieved. In the area of wave field numerical simulation for cross well seismic method, a analysis was conducted on conventional ray tracing method and its shortcomings and proposed a minimum travel time ray tracing method based on Feraiat theory in this paper. This method is not only has high-speed calculation, but also with no rays enter into "dead end" or "blinded spot" after numerous iterations and it is become more adequate for complex velocity model. This is first time that the travel time interpolation has been brought into consideration, a dynamic ray tracing method with shortest possible path has been developed for the first arrivals of any complex mediums, such as transmission, diffraction and refraction, etc and eliminated the limitation for only traveling from one node to another node and increases the calculation accuracy for minimum travel time and ray tracing path and derives solution and corresponding edge conditions to the fourth-order differential sonic wave equation. The final step is to calculate cross well seismic synthetics for given source and receivers from multiple geological bodies. Thus, real cross-well seismic wave field can be recognized through scientific means and provides important foundation to guide the cross well seismic field geometry designing. A velocity tomographic inversion of the least square conjugated gradient method was developed for cross well seismic velocity tomopgraphic inversion and a modification has been made to object function of the old high frequency ray tracing method and put forward a thin bed oriented model for finite frequency velocity tomographic inversion method. As the theory model and results demonstrates that the method is simple and effective and is very important in seismic ray tomographic imaging for the complex geological body. Based on the characteristics of the cross well seismic algorithm, a processing flow for cross well seismic data processing has been built and optimized and applied to the production, a good section of velocity tomopgrphic inversion and cross well reflection imaging has been acquired. The cross well seismic data is acquired from the depth domain and how to interprets the depth domain data and retrieve the attributes is a brand new subject. After research was conducted on synthetics and trace integration from depth domain for the cross well seismic data interpretation, first of all, a research was conducted on logging constraint wave impedance of cross well seismic data and initially set up cross well seismic data interpretation flows. After it applied and interpreted to the cross well seismic data and a good geological results has been achieved in velocity tomographic inversion and reflection depth imaging and a lot of difficult problems for oilfield development has been resolved. This powerful, new method is good for oilfield development scheme optimization and increasing EOR. Based on conventional reservoir geological model building from logging data, a new method is also discussed on constraining the accuracy of reservoir geological model by applying the high resolution cross well seismic data and it has applied to Fan 124 project and a good results has been achieved which it presents a bight future for the cross well seismic technology.