81 resultados para Stereographic projection
Electron. Manuf. Packag. Technol. Soc. Chin. Inst. Electron.; IEEE Compon., Packag., Manuf. Technol. Soc. (IEEE-CPMT); Xidian University
Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences [KZCX3-SW-347]; National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar [40225004]
A new equivalent map projection called the parallels plane projection is proposed in this paper. The transverse axis of the parallels plane projection is the expansion of the equator and its vertical axis equals half the length of the central meridian. On the parallels plane projection, meridians are projected as sine curves and parallels are a series of straight, parallel lines. No distortion of length occurs along the central meridian or on any parallels of this projection. Angular distortion and the proportion of length along meridians (except the central meridian) introduced by the projection transformation increase with increasing longitude and latitude. A potential application of the parallels plane projection is that it can provide an efficient projection transformation for global discrete grid systems.
We developed a direct partitioning method to construct a seamless discrete global grid system (DGGS) with any resolution based on a two-dimensional projected plane and the earth ellipsoid. This DGGS is composed of congruent square grids over the projected plane and irregular ellipsoidal quadrilaterals on the ellipsoidal surface. A new equal area projection named the parallels plane (PP) projection derived from the expansion of the central meridian and parallels has been employed to perform the transformation between the planar squares and the corresponding ellipsoidal grids. The horizontal sides of the grids are parts of the parallel circles and the vertical sides are complex ellipsoidal curves, which can be obtained by the inverse expression of the PP projection. The partition strategies, transformation equations, geometric characteristics and distortions for this DGGS have been discussed. Our analysis proves that the DGGS is area-preserving while length distortions only occur on the vertical sides off the central meridian. Angular and length distortions positively correlate to the increase in latitudes and the spanning of longitudes away from a chosen central meridian. This direct partition only generates a small number of broken grids that can be treated individually.
A new index, i.e., the periphery representation of the projection of a molecule from 3D space to a 2D plane is described. The results, correlation with toxicity of substituted nitrobenzenes, obtained by using periphery descriptors are much better than that obtained by using the areas (i.e., shadows) of projections of the compounds. Even better results were achieved by using the combination of periphery descriptors and the projections areas as well as the indicated variable K reflecting the action of group NO position on the benzene ring.
Five variables for phenol derivatives were calculated by molecular projection in three-dimensional space which were combined with eight quantum-chemical parameters and three Am indices. These variables were selected by using leaps-and-bounds regression analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis and artificial neural networks' were performed, and the results obtained by using. artificial neural networks are superior than that obtained by using multiple linear regression.
Numerical simulation of an oil slick spreading on still and wavy surfaces is described in this paper. The so-called sigma transformation is used to transform the time-varying physical domain into a fixed calculation domain for the water wave motions and, at the same time, the continuity equation is changed into an advection equation of wave elevation. This evolution equation is discretized by the forward time and central space scheme, and the momentum equations by the projection method. A damping zone is set up in front of the outlet boundary coupled with a Sommerfeld-Orlanski condition at that boundary to minimize the wave reflection. The equations for the oil slick are depth-averaged and coupled with the water motions when solving numerically. As examples, sinusoidal and solitary water waves, the oil spread on a smooth plane and on still and wavy water surfaces are calculated to examine the accuracy of simulating water waves by Navier-Stokes equations, the effect of damping zone on wave reflection and the precise structures of oil spread on waves.
We propose and analyse a new model of thermocapillary convection with evaporation in a cavity subjected to horizontal temperature gradient, rather than the previously studied model without evaporation. The pure liquid layer with a top free surface in contact with its own vapour is considered in microgravity condition. The computing programme developed for simulating this model integrates the two-dimensional, time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations and energy equation by a second-order accurate projection method. We focus on the coupling of evaporation and thermocapillary convection by investigating the influence of evaporation Biot number and Marangoni number on the interfacial mass and heat transfer. Three different regimes of the coupling mechanisms are found and explained from our numerical results.
介绍了关于蒸汽-冷流体直接接触冷凝流动与传热的数值计算模型与部分研究结果。用Level Set方法确定蒸汽-冷流体接触界面的位置和形状,建立了对蒸汽和冷流体普遍适用的动量、能量和质量守恒方程,在能量和质量寺恒方程中增加了部分项用于计算蒸汽冷凝所产生的影响。用有限差分法在交错网格上离散控制方程,用Runge-Kutta法-五阶WENO组合格式求解Level Set输运方程,用压力修正的迭代Projection方法求解动量方程,而用SIMPLE方法求解温度控制方程。对算例的计算结果表明,本文所建立的数值计算模型能反映物理现象的宏观特性。根据计算结果,分析了本文模型的优缺点,并指出了今后改进的方向。
报道了关于不相溶流体层间界面波演化规律的数值模拟研究及结果,重点考察了重力条件对界面波演化特性的影响。考虑在深度方向无限扩展的互不相容的两个流体层,上层流体比下层的轻,但比下层的运动速度快;两层流体间的界面上存在正弦波形的初始扰动,并随流体流动而不断变化。本文采用Level Set方法来实现对运动的相界面的追踪,用有限差分法来离散控制方程组。为了提高数值算法的稳定性,采用三阶的Runge-Kutta法来离散时间导数,而采用五阶的WENO(Weighted Essentially Non-oscillatory)格式来离散一阶对流输运项,并用压力修正投影法(Pressure Correction Projection Method)来实现离散控制方程组的求解。为了提高对复杂非稳态过程的解的准确度,采用了嵌套的三层迭代循环。本文对一系列工况条件下的界面波演化过程进行了计算;除了研究重力的作用之外,还考察了流体密度、粘性、表面张力、初始界面波频率、振幅及波数对界面波演化特性的影响。其中,上下流体层的最大密度比和粘性比可达3000/1,而重力加速度在0~5g0(g0=9.8m/s^2)之间变化,上下流体层间的最大速度差为8m/s。研究结果表明,随着重力、流体密度比、流体粘性比及表面张力的增加,界面波的演化受到不同程度的抑制,而界面波的传播速度也与重力及流体的密度、粘性和表面张力等因素相关。