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GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dot arrays with different dot sizes made by different fabrication processes were studied in this work. In comparison with the reference quantum well, photoluminescence (PL) spectra from the samples at low temperature have demonstrated that PL peak positions shift to higher energy side due to quantization confinement effects and the blue-shift increases with decreasing dot size, PL linewidths are broadened and intensities are much reduced. It is also found that wet chemical etching after reactive ion etching can improve optical properties of the quantum dot arrays.


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The transport properties through a quantum dot are calculated using the recursion method. The results show that the electric fields can move the conductive peaks along the high- and low-energies. The electric field changes the intensity of conductance slightly. Our theoretical results should be useful for researching and making low-dimensional semiconductor optoelectronic devices. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introducing the growth interruption between the InAs deposition and subsequent GaAs growth in self-assembled quantum dot (QD) structures, the material transport process in the InAs layers has been investigated by photoluminescence and transmission electron microscopy measurement. InAs material in structures without misfit dislocations transfers from the wetting layer to QDs corresponding to the red-shift of PL peak energy due to interruption. On the other hand, the PL peak shifts to higher energy in the structures with dislocations. In this case, the misfit dislocations would capture the InAs material from the surrounding wetting layer and coherent islands leading to the reduction of the size of these QDs. The variations in the PL intensity and Linewidth are also discussed.


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Within the framework of second-order Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory, the polaronic correction to the first excited state energy of an electron in an quantum dot with anisotropic parabolic confinements is presented. Compared with isotropic confinements, anisotropic confinements will make the degeneracy of the excited states to be totally or partly lifted. On the basis of a three-dimensional Frohlich's Hamiltonian with anisotropic confinements, the first excited state properties in two-dimensional quantum dots as well as quantum wells and wires can also be easily obtained by taking special limits. Calculations show that the first excited polaronic effect can be considerable in small quantum dots.


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A novel phase-type quantum-dot-array diffraction grating (QDADG) is reported. In contrast to an earlier amplitude-type QDADG [C. Wang , Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 053503 (2007)], the new phase-type QDADG would remove the zeroth order diffraction at some certain wavelength, as well as suppressing the higher-order diffractions. In this paper, the basic concept, the fabrication, the calibration techniques, and the calibration results are presented. Such a grating can be applied in the research fields of beam splitting, laser probe diagnostics, and so on.


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We investigate the optical transmission properties of a combined system which consists of two quantum-dot-nanocavity subsystems indirectly coupled to a waveguide in a planar photonic crystal. A Mollow-like triplet and the growth of sidebands are found, reflecting intrinsic optical responses in the complex microstructure.


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By using photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL spectra, the optical properties of single InAs quantum dot (QD) embedded in the p-1-n structure have been studied under an applied electric field With the increasing of electric field, the exciton lifetime increases due to the Stark effect. We noticed that the decrease or quenching of PL intensity with increasing the electric field is mainly due to the decrease of the carriers captured by QD.


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We report the design and fabrication of InAs quantum dot gated transistors, which are normally-on, where the channel current can be switched off by laser illumination. Laser light at 650 nm with a power of 850 pW switches the channel current from 5 mu A to 2 pA, resulting in an on/off ratio of more than 60 dB. The switch-off mechanism and carrier dynamics are analyzed with simulated band structure.


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The gain recoveries in quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers (QD SOAs) are numerically studied by rate equation simulation. Similar to the optical pump-probe experiment, the injection of double 150 fs optical pulses is used to simulate the gain recovery of a weak continuous signal under different injection levels, inhomogeneous broadenings, detuning wavelengths, and pulse signal energies for the QD SOAs. The obtained gain recoveries are then fitted by a response function with multiple exponential terms to determine the response times. The gain recovery can be described by three exponential terms with the time constants, which can be explained as carrier relaxation from the excited state to the ground state, carrier captured by the excited state from the wetting layer, and the supply of the wetting layer carriers. The fitted lifetimes decrease with the increase of the injection currents under gain unsaturation, slightly decrease with the decrease of inhomogeneous broadening of QDs, and increase with the increase of detuning wavelength between continuous signal and pulse signal and the increase of the pulse energy.


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We have investigated the optical properties of single CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals by conducting combinations of experiments on antibunching and photoluminescence intermittence under different experimental conditions. Based on photoluminescence in an antibunching experiment, we analyzed the emission lifetime of QDs by using stretched exponentials. The difference between the parameters obtained from average lifetimes and stretched exponents were analyzed by considering the effect of nonradiative emission. An Auger-assisted tunneling model was used to explain the power law exponents of off time distribution. The power law exponent under high excitation power was correlated with a higher Auger ionization rate. Using the parameters obtained from stretched exponential function and power law, the antibunching phenomena at different time and under different excitation intensity were analyzed.


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We investigate theoretically CdTe quantum dots containing a single Mn2+ impurity, including the sp-d exchange interaction between carriers and the magnetic ion and the short-range exchange interaction between electron and hole. We find anticrossing behaviors in the energy spectrum of the electron-hole (e-h) pair that arise from the interplay between exchange interactions and the magnetic field. In addition to the s-d exchange interaction, we find that other mechanisms inducing the anticrossings become important in the strong heavy hole-light hole (hh-lh) mixing regime. The transition strengths between the states with spin projection of Mn2+ ion S-z not equal -5/2 (S-z = -5/2) decrease (increase) with increasing magnetic fields due to the alignment of the Mn2+ spin. The spin splitting of the e-h pair states depends sensitively on the external magnetic and electric field, which reveals useful information about the spin orientation and position of the magnetic ion. Meanwhile, the manipulation of the position of the magnetic ion offers us a way to control the spin splitting of the carriers. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The transmiss on time and tunneling probability of an electron through a double quantum dot are studied using the transfer matrix technique. The time-dependent Schrodinger equation is applied for a Gaussian wave packet passing through the double quantum clot. The numerical calculations are carried out for a double quantum clot consisting of GaAs/InAs material. We find that the electron tunneling resonance peaks split when the electron transmits through the double quantum dot. The splitting energy increases as the distance between the two quantum dots decreases. The transmission time can be elicited from the temporal evolution of the Gaussian wave packet in the double quantum dot. The transmission time increases quickly as the thickness of tire barrier increases. The lifetime of the resonance state is calculated tram the temporal evolution of the Gaussian-state at the centers of quantum dots.


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We report on the single photon emission from single InAs/GaAs self-assembled Stranski-Krastanow quantum dots up to 80K under pulsed and continuous wave excitations. At temperature 80 K, the second-order correlation function at zero time delay, g((2))(0), is measured to be 0.422 for pulsed excitation. At the same temperature under continuous wave excitation, the photon antibunching effect is observed. Thus, our experimental results demonstrate a promising potential application of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots in single photon emission at liquid nitrogen temperature.


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We report a bias voltage tunable two-color InAs/GaAs quantum dot infrared photodetector working under the normal incidence infared irradiation. The two-color detection of our device is realized by combining a photovoltaic and a photoconductive response by bias voltage tuning. The photovoltaic response is attributed to the transition of electron from the ground state to a high continuum state. The photoconductive response arises from the transition of electron from the ground state to the wetting layer state through the barrier via Fowler-Nordheim tunneling evidenced by a broad feature of the photocurrent peak on the high energy side. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Using analytical expressions for the polarization field in GaN quantum dot, and an approximation by separating the potential into a radial and an axial, we investigate theoretically the quantum-confined Stark effects. The electron and hole energy levels and optical transition energies are calculated in the presence of an electric field in different directions. The results show that the electron and hole energy levels and the optical transition energies can cause redshifts for the lateral electric field and blueshifts for the vertical field. The rotational direction of electric field can also change the energy shift.