39 resultados para Actuator
Tunable biaxial stresses, both tensile and compressive, are applied to a single layer graphene by utilizing piezoelectric actuators. The Gruneisen parameters for the phonons responsible for the D, G, 2D and 2D' peaks are studied. The results show that the D peak is composed of two peaks, unambiguously revealing that the 2D peak frequency (omega(2D)) is not exactly twice that of the D peak (omega(D)). This finding is confirmed by varying the biaxial strain of the graphene, from which we observe that the shift of omega(2D)/2 and omega(D) are different. The employed technique allows a detailed study of the interplay between the graphene geometrical structures and its electronic properties.
Complexes of vacancy at indium site with one to four hydrogen atoms and isolated hydrogen or hydrogen dimer and other infrared absorption lines, tentatively be assigned to hydrogen related defects were investigated by FTIR. Hydrogen cam passivate imperfections, thereby eliminating detrimental electronic states from the energy bandgap. Incorporated hydrogen can introduce extended defects and generate electrically-active defects. Hydrogen also can acts as an actuator for creating of antistructure defects. Isolated hydrogen related defects(e.. H-2*) may play an important role in the conversion of the annealed wafers from semiconducting to the semi-insulating behavior. H-2* may be a deep donor, whose energy level is very near the iron deep acceptor level in the energy gap.
Dynamical formation mechanism of defects in the annealed nominally undoped semi-insulating InP obtained by high pressure, high temperature annealing of high purity materials is proposed. Local vibrational modes in tenths of InP samples reveal clearly existence of complexes related to hydrogen. Complexes of vacancy at indium site with one to four hydrogen atoms and isolated hydrogen or hydrogen dimers, complexes of hydrogen with various impurities are investigated by FTIR. Hydrogen can acts as an actuator for generation of antistructure defects. Fully hydrogenated indium vacancy dissociates leaving large lattice relaxation behind, deep donors, mainly larger complexes involving phosphorus at indium site and isolated hydrogen defects are created in nominally undoped InP after annealing. Also created are acceptor levels such as vacancy at indium site. Carrier charge compensation mechanism in nominally undoped InP upon annealing at high temperature is given. Microscopic models of hydrogen related defects are given. Structural, electronic and vibrational properties of LVMs related to hydrogen as well as their temperature effect are discussed.
Local vibrational modes(LVMs) in tenths of InP samples reveal clearly existence of complexes related to hydrogen. Complexes of vacancy at indium site with one to four hydrogen atom(s) and isolated hydrogen or hydrogen dimers and complexes of hydrogen with various impurities and intrinsic defects are investigated by FTIR. Especially hydrogen related complexes between various transition metals and hydrogen or hydrogen related complexes between hydrogen with point defects. New LVMs related to hydrogen will be reported in this paper. Dynamical formation mechanism of defects in the annealed nominally undoped semiinsulating InP obtained by high pressure, high temperature annealing of ultra purity materials is proposed. Hydrogen can acts as actuator for antistructure defects production. Structural, electronic and vibrational properties of LVMs related to hydrogen as well as their temperature effects are discussed.
Two important factors that influence the force accuracy of the electromagnet-based nano-indenters but have not yet attracted much attention are analyzed, and a more reasonable way to estimate the force accuracy is presented in this paper. MTS Nano Indenter (R), with the characteristics of a coil suspended in a uniform magnetic field by two sets of springs acting as an actuator and force measuring unit, is used as an example. One of the two factors is the uniformity of the magnetic field. The other is the stiffness of the supporting spring. Consequently, the practical force accuracy varies considerably from test to test because it firmly depends on the working position of the coil and the displacement stroke. A reasonable estimated accuracy value is of the order of 10 degrees mu N for typical indentation tests with a 10(2) nm indentation depth or a 10 degrees mN test force. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An arch-shaped beam with different configurations under electrostatic loading experiences either the direct pull-in instability or the snap-through first and then the pull-in instability. When the pull-in instability occurs, the system collides with the electrode and adheres to it, which usually causes the system failure. When the snap-through instability occurs, the system experiences a discontinuous displacement to flip over without colliding with the electrode. The snap-through instability is an ideal actuation mechanism because of the following reasons: (1) after snap-through the system regains the stability and capability of withstanding further loading; (2) the system flips back when the loading is reduced, i.e. the system can be used repetitively; and (3) when approaching snap-through instability the system effective stiffness reduces toward zero, which leads to a fast flipping-over response. To differentiate these two types of instability responses for an arch-shaped beam is vital for the actuator design. For an arch-shaped beam under electrostatic loading, the nonlinear terms of the mid-plane stretching and the electrostatic loading make the analytical solution extremely difficult if not impossible and the related numerical solution is rather complex. Using the one mode expansion approximation and the truncation of the higher-order terms of the Taylor series, we present an analytical solution here. However, the one mode approximation and the truncation error of the Taylor series can cause serious error in the solution. Therefore, an error-compensating mechanism is also proposed. The analytical results are compared with both the experimental data and the numerical multi-mode analysis. The analytical method presented here offers a simple yet efficient solution approach by retaining good accuracy to analyze the instability of an arch-shaped beam under electrostatic loading.
提出并研制一种基于自适应移动机构的管内探查机器人。通过对机器人传动机构的设计,实现了在不增加驱动电动机数量的前提下,机器人具有适应不同管道直径的能力。机器人的传动机构能够在管道直径改变时,自动地改变行走部件的输出形式以克服障碍,完成越障任务。在没有应用链式多节构型的情况下,机器人配备一个驱动电动机就能够完成越障任务,改善了传统螺旋驱动式机器人越障能力不高的问题,同时也提高了对驱动电动机的使用效率。为了分析试验中发现的机器人保持架自转现象,对机器人进行运动分析,并由分析结果对相关部分进行改进。试验结果表明,该机器人能够在内径为190 mm和180 mm的管道中行进,并能够顺利通过两节管道间形成的同心台阶障碍,验证了自适应移动机构的行走能力。
提出一种新颖的基于MIT规则的自适应Unscented卡尔曼滤波(Unscented Kalman filter,UKF)算法,用来进行参数以及状态的联合估计。针对旋翼飞行机器人执行器提出一种执行器健康因子(Actuator health coefficients,AHCs)的故障模型结构,应用自适应UKF对AHCs参数进行在线估计,将联合估计的状态以及故障参数引入基于模型的反馈线性化控制结构,组成完整的容错控制系统。提出的自适应UKF算法以及容错控制结构经过中科院沈阳自动化研究所ServoHeli-20旋翼无人智能平台数学模型进行仿真试验验证,效果良好。
基于可重构思想设计了一种可重构星球探测机器人系统。系统由一个母体和几个子机器人组成,其中子机 器人包括车轮和手臂两部分,可以作为独立作业的机器人,具有移动状态和工作状态两种模式。子机器人具有在 一个驱动力作用下处于不同约束环境中时,表现为不同形式输出的特点,容易实现两种模式下的灵活运动。并深 入研究了机构参数对子机器人运动的影响,用试验和仿真进行了验证,这为机器人的参数化设计及运动中的参数 化调整提供了重要的理论依据。