224 resultados para topological insulator


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In this paper, we construct (d, r) networks from sequences of different irrational numbers. In detail, segment an irrational number sequence of length M into groups of d digits which represent the nodes while two consecutive groups overlap by r digits (r = 0,1,...,d-1), and the undirected edges indicate the adjacency between two consecutive groups. (3, r) and (4, r) networks are respectively constructed from 14 different irrational numbers and their topological properties are examined. By observation, we find that network topologies change with different values of d, r and even sequence length M instead of the types of irrational numbers, although they share some similar features with traditional random graphs. We make a further investigation to explain these interesting phenomena and propose the identical-degree random graph model. The results presented in this paper provide some insight into distributions of irrational number digits that may help better understanding of the nature of irrational numbers.


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We investigate the dispersion properties of nanometer-scaled silicon waveguides with channel and rib cross section around the optical fiber communication wavelength and systematically study their relationship with the key structural parameters of the waveguide. The simulation results show that the introduction of an extra degree of freedom in the rib depth enables the rib waveguide more flexible in engineering the group velocity dispersion (GVD) compared with the channel waveguide. Besides, we get the structural parameters of the waveguides that can realize zero-GVD at 1550 nm.


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The optical properties of Au nanoparticles deposited on thermochromic thin films of VO2 are investigated using spectroscopy. A localized modification on the transmittance spectrum of VO2 film is formed due to the presence of Au nanoparticles which exhibit localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in the visible-near IR region. The position of the modification wavelength region shows a strong dependence on the Au mass thickness and shifts toward the red as it increases. On the other hand, it was found that the LSPR of Au nanoparticles can be thermally tunable because of the thermochromism of the supporting material of VO2. The LSPR wavelength, lambda(SPR), shifts to the blue with increasing temperature, and shifts back to the red as temperature decreases. A fine tuning is achieved when the temperature is increased in a stepwise manner.


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The semiconductor-metal transition of vanadium dioxide (VO2) thin films epitaxially grown on C-plane sapphire is studied by depositing Au nanoparticles onto the thermochromic films forming a metal-semiconductor contact, namely, a nano-Au-VO2 junction. It reveals that Au nanoparticles have a marked effect on the reduction in the phase transition temperature of VO2. A process of electron injection in which electrons flow from Au to VO2 due to the lower work function of the metal is believed to be the mechanism. The result may support the Mott-Hubbard phase transition model for VO2.


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本文建立了一个能用于含N、P、O、S、Si及卤素等多种杂原子的有机化合物结构自动解析专家系统ESESOC(Expert System for the Elucidation of the Structure of Orsanic Compounds)。它可从未知化合物的分子式、光谱数据(包括IR, MS,~1HNMK ~(13)CNMR, 2D-NMR等)及其它化学信息自动地推衍出与己知信息相一致的候选化合物结构。ESESOC系统由三个部分组成:(1)光谱知识库及其光谱解释模块;(2)结构产生器;(3)结构验证模块。其结构解析基本过程为:从分子式、光谱数据或其它化学信息出发,由未知化合物的光谱数据去检索光谱知识库,即进行数据分析并推断出该未知化合物中可能含有的结构碎片,然后由结构产生器从这些结构碎片进行候选化合物结构的穷举生成,最后对候选结构进行验证并输出结果。从而实现由化合物光谱数据鉴别未知化合物结构的自动化。结构产生器是系统的核心模块。对一个结构产生器的基本要求是:穷举性,非冗余性,有效性。要完成一个能实际使用的结构产生器,效率则是至关重要的。ESESOC系统生成结果的穷举和非冗余性己通过与图论计算结果及著名的DENDRAL系统的生成结果相比较得以证明。如由本系统生成的烷烃系列C_nH_(2n+2),及醇、醚系列C_nH_(2n+2)0的异构体数目与图论理论计算的数目相同;对C_5H_n n = 12,10,8,6,4,2,O;C_6H_n n = 14,12,lO,8,6,4,2,O系列,及含多种杂原子(O、N、S等)的复杂体系,其异构体生成结果则与DENDRAL系统的生成结果完全一致(DENDRAL系统的结构生成算法是经数学证明了是正确的,其结果已被很多系统引为穷举和非冗余性的例证)。关于ESESOC系统的有效性,在同一计算机上测试结果表明ESESOC系统的结构生成效率比著名的日本的CHEMICS系统高很多倍。结构解析专家系统另一重要组成部分为谱图知识库,它是逻辑推理的基础。专家系统的效能取决于其子结构一子光谱相关的知识库的有效性,所以要建造一个有效的~(13)CNMR知识库,关键在于建立一个好的子结构模型.在~(13)CNMR知识库中,子结构的概念与常规的子结构概念有所不同,它包括两个组成部分,(1)中心原子,它对应于一个化学位移;(2)环境部分,结构环境决定了中心原子的化学位移峰的位置。子结构模型的选择要适当兼顾信息全面和防止“组合爆炸”两个因素。ESESOC系统从~(13)CNMR本身的特征出发,提出了不确定层数的子结构模型。即以共振碳原子为中心,以与之相连的完整的官能团为外围环境,对这样的子结构,其外围环境根据官能团的不同可以是一层、或二层乃至多层,即环境层数是可变的。此即为ESESOC系统的广义-层子结构模型,它具有包含结构信息全,所有可能存在的子结构数量适中等优点。在此子结构模型的基础上,从CIAC-~(13)CNMR谱图数据库统计出。~(13)CNMR知识库,即子结构-~(13)CNMR化学位移相关表。ESESOC系统中结构验证方法有: ~(13)CNMR谱峰数预测,~(13)CNMR波谱模拟,应力能计算等。在结构解析专家系统研究中还涉及到如下三个问题:(1)结构编码;(2)结构之间相互比较;(3)结构中原子的对称性分析。在本研究中,对这些问题都提出了新的方案,并均获得较好结果。(1)在建造化合物结构信息系统时,首先要解决化合物结构的计算描述,即结构编码问题,以进行化合物结构的计算机存储和管理。为此我们提出了两种新的拓扑指数编码方案,即ID指数和EAID指数。由ESESOC结构产生器穷生成了含1-22个碳原子的380多万个链烷烃异构体,含1-12四价碳原子的20多万仑复杂多环异构体及40多万个含杂原子的化合物,通过对这3个系列共440多万个化合物结构的验证,结果表明,ID和EAID指数对这440多万个化合物结构均能唯一地区分,即没有出现简并(简并是指两个或多个不同的结构具有相同的拓扑指数值)。这是迄今未见报道的。(2)在计算机结构信息处理中,最常遇到的一个问题就是确认一个结构是新结构还是为已知结构,这就要把该结构与库中的结构进行逐个比较。为了结构的比较,我们以二维连接表描述化合物的结构,因连接表随化合中原子的编序的变化而变化,因而就需要有一套序号赋值规则,无论结构图在画法或形状以及原子的序号上如何变化,都可使得结构图中的各原子按该规则得到唯一的排序方案。ESESOC系统的唯一性序号方案集中了Morgan算法及其改进方案之所长,并加入新的图的不变量,如最小环指数等以正确地划分分子中的原子,从而得到一个新的唯一性排序方案,该方案效率较高,可适用于各类复杂化合物。在ESESOC系统中,我们还以一维的整数数组来存贮和管理二维连接表,即得到压缩连接表,这在结构比较时大大地节省了系统开销,提高了比较速度。在同一结构中,若各原子由两种不同编序方案得到同一连接矩阵,则与某一序号所对应的两个原子所在结构图中的拓扑环境是等价的,也就是说两个节点是拓扑等价的,或具有拓扑对称性(Topological Symmetry)。化合物结构中原子的唯一性排序算法,有机化物结构异构体穷举生成过程中冗余对接的消除,NMR谱模拟等都与拓扑对称性密切相关。在ESESOC系统建造过程中,我们提出了三个新的拓扑等价性分析算法,它们是基于节点矩阵的拓扑等价性算法,基于全通道算法的拓扑等价性算法,以及基于扩展连接矩阵算法的拓扑等价性算法。这些算法结果准确,效率高,适用于各类化合物。


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Ge-on-silicon-on-insulator p-i-n photodetectors were fabricated using an ultralow-temperature Ge buffer by ultrahigh-vacuum chemical vapor deposition. For a detector of 70-mu m diameter, the 1-dB small-signal compression power was about 110.5 mW. The 3-dB bandwidth at 3-V reverse bias was 13.4 GHz.


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The microstructure of silicon on defect layer, a new type of silicon-on-insulator material using proton implantation and two-step annealing to obtain a high resistivity buried layer beneath the silicon surface, has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Implantation induced a heavily damaged region containing two types of extended defects involving hydrogen: {001} platelets and {111} platelets. During the first step annealing, gas bubbles and {111} precipitates formed. After the second step annealing, {111} precipitates disappeared, while the bubble microstructure still remained and a buried layer consisting of bubbles and dislocations between the bubbles was left. This study shows that the dislocations pinning the bubbles plays an important role in stabilizing the bubbles and in the formation of the defect insulating layer. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) combined with Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) have been used to study the oxides from a Si0.5Ge0.5 alloy grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The oxidation was performed at 1000 degrees C wet atmosphere. The oxide consists of two layers: a mixed (Si,Ge)O-x layer near the surface and a pure SiOx layer underneath. Ge is rejected from the pure SiOx and piles up at the SiOx/SiGe interface. XPS analysis demonstrates that the chemical shifts of Si 2p and Ge 3d in the oxidized Si0.5Ge0.5 are significantly larger than those in SiO2 and GeO2 formed from pure Si and Ge crystals.


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In this article, the MCs(+)-SIMS technique has been used to characterize Ti/Al2O3 metal/insulator interfaces. Our experiment shows that by detecting MCs(+) secondary ions, the matrix and interface effects are reduced, and good depth profiles have been obtained. The experimental result also shows that with the increase of the annealing temperature (RT, 300 degrees C, 600 degrees C, 850 degrees C), the interface gets broadened gradually, indicating diffusion and reaction take place at the interface, and the interface reaction is enhanced with the increase in annealing temperature. When the temperature increases, the AlCs+ signal forms two plateaus in the Ti layer, indicating Al from the decomposition of Al2O3 diffuses into the Ti layer and exists as two new forms (phases). Also, with the increase of the annealing temperature, oxygen diffuses into the Ti layer gradually, and makes the O signal in the Ti layer increase significantly in the 850 degrees C annealed sample.


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设计并制作了阻塞型和完全无阻塞型4×4热光SOI(silicon-on-insulator)波导开关阵列.开关单元采用了多模干涉耦合器(MMI)-MZI(Mach-Zehnder intederometer)结构的2×2光开关.阻塞型光开关附加损耗为4.8~5.4 dB,串扰为-21.8 dB~-14.5 dB.完全无阻塞型光开关阵列附加损耗为6.6~9.6 dB,串扰为-25.8~-16.8 dB.两者的消光比都在17~25 dB内变化,开关单元功耗小于230 mW.器件的开关时间小于3μs.功耗和开关速度都明显优于SiO_2基和聚合物基的开关阵列.


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基于SOI(silicon on insulator)材料的亚微米尺度电光调制器成为了研究Si光电子学的重点.评述了亚微米尺度下SOI脊型光波导实现单模条件、偏振无关、低耦合损耗的技术要求,分析并比较了几种基于不同光学结构和电学结构的电光调制器的原理和特性,讨论了达到高速电光调制的方式.


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