312 resultados para Spin tunneling


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We have fabricated In_0.53Ga_0.47As/AlAs/InP resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) based on the air-bridge technology by using electron beam lithography processing.The epitaxial layers of the RTD were grown on semi-insulating (100) InP substrates by molecular beam epitaxy.RTDs with a peak current density of 24.6 kA/cm~2 and a peak-to-valley current ratio of 8.6 at room temperature have been demonstrated.


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Spin splitting of conduction subbands in Al_(0.3)Ga_(0.7)As/GaAs/Al_xGa_(1-x)As/Al_(0.3)Ga_(0.7)As step quantum wells induced by interface and electric field related Rashba effects is investigated theoretically by the method of finite difference. The dependence of the spin splitting on the electric field and the well structure, which is controlled by the well width and the step width, is investigated in detail. Without an external electric field, the spin splitting is induced by an in terface related Rashba term due to the built-in structure inversion asymmetry. Applying the external electric field to the step QW, the Rashba effect can be enhanced or weakened, depending on the well structure as well as the direction and the magnitude of the electric field. The spin splitting is mainly controlled by the interface related Rashba term under a negative and a stronger positive electric field, and the contribution of the electric field related Rashba term dominates in a small range of a weaker positive electric field.A method to determine the interface parameter is proposed.The results show that the step QWs might be used as spin switches.


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A novel edge-triggered D-flip-flop based on a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) is proposed and used to construct a binary frequency divider. The design is discussed in detail and the performance of the circuit is verified using SPICE. Relying on the nonlinear characteristics of RTD, we reduced the number of components used in our DFF circuit to only half of that required using conventional CMOS SCFL technology.


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This paper proposes a novel single electron random number generator (RNG). The generator consists of multiple tunneling junctions (MTJ) and a hybrid single electron transistor (SET)/MOS output circuit. It is an oscillator-based RNG. MTJ is used to implement a high-frequency oscillator,which uses the inherent physical randomness in tunneling events of the MTJ to achieve large frequency drift. The hybrid SET and MOS output circuit is used to amplify and buffer the output signal of the MTJ oscillator. The RNG circuit generates high-quality random digital sequences with a simple structure. The operation speed of this circuit is as high as 1GHz. The circuit also has good driven capability and low power dissipation. This novel random number generator is a promising device for future cryptographic systems and communication applications.


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A technology for the monolithic integration of resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) and high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) is developed. Molecular beam epitaxy is used to grow an RTD on a HEMT structure on GaAs substrate. The RTD has a room temperature peak-to-valley ratio of 5.2:1 with a peak current density of 22.5kA/cm~2. The HEMT has a 1μm gate length with a-1V threshold voltage. A logic circuit called a monostableto-bistable transition logic element (MOBILE) circuit is developed. The experimental result confirms that the fabricated logic circuit operates successfully with frequency operations of up to 2GHz.


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A high performance AlAs/In0.53 Ga0.47 As/InAs resonant tunneling diode (RTD) on InP substrate is fabricated by inductively coupled plasma etching. This RTD has a peak-to-valley current ratio (PVCR) of 7. 57 and a peak current density Jp = 39.08kA/cm^2 under forward bias at room temperature. Under reverse bias, the corresponding values are 7.93 and 34.56kA/cm^2 . A resistive cutoff frequency of 18.75GHz is obtained with the effect of a parasitic probe pad and wire. The slightly asymmetrical current-voltage characteristics with a nominally symmetrical structure are also discussed.


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A new material structure with Al0.22Ga(>. 78 As/Ino.i5 Gao.ss As/GaAs emitter spacer layer and GaAs/Ino.15-Gao.8ii As/GaAs well for resonant tunneling diodes is designed and the corresponding device is fabricated. RTDs DC characteristics are measured at room temperature. Peak-to-valley current ratio and the available current density for RTDs at room temperature are computed. Analysis on these results suggests that adjusting material structure and optimizing fabrication processes will be an effective means to improve the quality of RTDs.


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The cyclotron resonance (CR) of electrons in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells is investigated theoretically to explain a recent CR experiment, where two CR peaks were observed at high magnetic fields when both spin-up and spin-down states of the lowest Landau level are occupied. Our theoretical model takes into account the conduction band non-parabolicity, the electron bulk longitude-optic-phonon coupling, and the self-consistent subband structure. A good agreement is found.


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A simple photon scanning tunneling microscope (PSTM) is described. Its lateral resolution (similar to 10nm with a maximal scanning range of 10 mu m x 10 mu m ) is much better than that of a conventional optical microscope. Its principle, the fiber optic tip fabrication and PSTM images of different samples such as mica, HDPE and LiNbO3 are presented.


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The spin splitting in GaN-based heterostructures has been investigated by means of circular photogalvanic effect experiments under uniaxial strain. The ratios of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling coefficients (R/D ratios) have been measured in AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures with various Al compositions. It is found that the R/D ratio increases from 4.1 to 19.8 with the Al composition of the AlxGa1-xN barrier varied from 15% to 36%. The Dresselhaus coefficient of bulk GaN is experimentally obtained to be 0.4 eV angstrom(3). The results indicate that the spin splitting in GaN-based heterostructures can be modulated effectively by the polarization-induced electric fields.


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We theoretically study the electronic structure, spin splitting, effective mass, and spin orientation of InAs nanowires with cylindrical symmetry in the presence of an external electric field and uniaxial stress. Using an eight-band k center dot p theoretical model, we deduce a formula for the spin splitting in the system, indicating that the spin splitting under uniaxial stress is a nonlinear function of the momentum and the electric field. The spin splitting can be described by a linear Rashba model when the wavevector and the electric field are sufficiently small. Our numeric results show that the uniaxial stress can modulate the spin splitting. With the increase of wavevector, the uniaxial tensile stress first restrains and then amplifies the spin splitting of the lowest electron state compared to the no strain case. The reverse is true under a compression. Moreover, strong spin splitting can be induced by compression when the top of the valence band is close to the bottom of the conductance band, and the spin orientations of the electron stay almost unchanged before the overlap of the two bands.


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Electron spin relaxation and related mechanisms in heavily Mn-doped (Ga,Mn) As are studied by performing time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements. At low temperature, s-d exchange scattering dominates electron spin relaxation, whereas the Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism and Mn impurity scattering play important roles at high temperature. The temperature-dependent spin relaxation time exhibits an anomaly around the Curie temperature (T(c)) that implies that thermal fluctuation is suppressed by short-range correlated spin fluctuation above T(c). (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3531754]