280 resultados para Well


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Polaron cyclotron resonance (CR) has been studied in three modulation-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As multiple quantum well structures in magnetic field up to 30 T. Large avoided-level-crossing splittings of the CR near the GaAs reststrahlen region, and smaller splittings in the region of the AlAs-like optical phonons of th AlGaAs barriers, are observed. Based on a comparison with a detailed theoretical calculation, the high frequency splitting, the magnitude of which increases with decreasing well width, is assigned to resonant polaron interactions with AlAs-like interface phonons.


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An asymmetrically coupled (GaAs/AlAs/GaAs/AlAs)/GaAs (001) double-well supperlattice is studied by HRDCD (high resolution double-crystal X-ray diffractometry). The intensity of satellite peaks is modulated by wave packet of different sublayers. In the course of simulation, the satellite peaks in the vicinity of the node points of wave packet are very informative for precise determination of sublayer thickness and for improving accuracy.


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The EER spectra of a single quantum well GaAs\AlxGa1-xAs electrode were studied as a function of applied reverse bias in ferrocene, p-methyl nitrobenzene and hydroquinone+benzoquinone non-aqueous solutions. EER spectra were compared for different redox species and showed that a pronounced quantum-confined Stark effect and a Franz-Keldysh oscillation for a single quantum well electrode were obtained in the p-methyl-nitrobenzene- and hydroquinone+benzoquinone-containing solutions. A surface interaction of the single quantum well electrode with ferrocene led to fewer changes in the electric field of the space charge layer for reverse bias; this was suggested to explain the weak quantum-confined Stark effect and Franz-Keldysh oscillation effect observed for the single quantum well electrode in the ferrocene-containing solution. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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The photoelectric properties of the lattice-matched GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum well electrodes and the influence of the electrode structure such as well width, the thickness of outer barrier and the number of period were studied in a nonaqueous electrolyte. A new kind of structure of multiple quantum well electrode with varied well width, possessing the quantum yield three times that of GaAs bulk materials, was designed and fabricated.


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The magnetophonon resonance effect in the energy relaxation rate is studied theoretically for a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas in a semiconductor quantum well. An electron-temperature model is adopted to describe the coupled electron-phonon system. The energy relaxation time, derived from the energy relaxation rate, is found to display an oscillatory behavior as the magnetic-field strength changes, and reaches minima when the optical phonon frequency equals integer multiples of the electron cyclotron frequency. The theoretical results are compared with a recent experiment, and a qualitative agreement is found.


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By considering all possible high order diffracted waves, the authors investigate the spectral response of two-dimensional gratings for quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs). A new method is proposed that using long period gratings may improve grating quality and reduce the resulting cross talk in grating-coupled QWIPs. A sensitivity analysis indicates that the influence of variation of the grating constant on the coupling efficiency is less sensitive for the long period gratings than for the short ones. A large coupling efficiency has been demonstrated for long period gratings. The calculated wide grating response spectra are in good agreement with the experiment result. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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The magnetotransport properties of the two-dimensional (2D) electron gas confined in a modulation-doped Zn0.80Cd0.20Se/ZnS0.06Se0.94 single quantum well structure were studied at temperatures down to 0.35 K in magnetic fields up to 7.5 T. Well resolved 2D Shubnikovde Haas (SdH) oscillations were observed, although the conductivity of the sample in the as grown state was dominated by a bulk parallel conduction layer. After removing most of the parallel conduction layer by wet chemical etching the amplitude and number of SdH oscillations increased. From the temperature dependence of the amplitude the effective mass of the electrons was estimated as 0.17 m(0). Copyright (C) 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd


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Photo-luminescence and electro-luminescence from step-graded index SiGe/Si quantum well grown by molecular beam epitaxy is reported. The SiGe/Si step-graded index quantum well structure is beneficial to the enhancing of electro-luminescence. The optical and electrical properties of this structure are discussed.


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The interfacial behavior of the single quantum well (SQW) GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs electrode in HQ/BQ and Fc/Fc(+) electrolytes was characterized respectively by studying the quantum confined Stark effect and Franz-Keldysh oscillation with electrolyte electroreflectance spectroscopy. The interaction of the surface state of the SQW electrode with redox species and its effects on the distribution of external bias at the interface of the SQW electrode are discussed.