16 resultados para Jose Carlos Gómez Villamandos
em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco
Fecha: 20-4-1943 (>1970 reproducción) / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 25 - Expediente 23-3 / Nº de pág.: 1 (mecanografiada)
11 p.
Background: Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder in humans included in the group of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies or prion diseases. The vast majority of sCJD cases are molecularly classified according to the abnormal prion protein (PrPSc) conformations along with polymorphism of codon 129 of the PRNP gene. Recently, a novel human disease, termed "protease-sensitive prionopathy", has been described. This disease shows a distinct clinical and neuropathological phenotype and it is associated to an abnormal prion protein more sensitive to protease digestion. Case presentation: We report the case of a 75-year-old-man who developed a clinical course and presented pathologic lesions compatible with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and biochemical findings reminiscent of "protease-sensitive prionopathy". Neuropathological examinations revealed spongiform change mainly affecting the cerebral cortex, putamen/globus pallidus and thalamus, accompanied by mild astrocytosis and microgliosis, with slight involvement of the cerebellum. Confluent vacuoles were absent. Diffuse synaptic PrP deposits in these regions were largely removed following proteinase treatment. PrP deposition, as revealed with 3F4 and 1E4 antibodies, was markedly sensitive to pre-treatment with proteinase K. Molecular analysis of PrPSc showed an abnormal prion protein more sensitive to proteinase K digestion, with a five-band pattern of 28, 24, 21, 19, and 16 kDa, and three aglycosylated isoforms of 19, 16 and 6 kDa. This PrPSc was estimated to be 80% susceptible to digestion while the pathogenic prion protein associated with classical forms of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease were only 2% (type VV2) and 23% (type MM1) susceptible. No mutations in the PRNP gene were found and genotype for codon 129 was heterozygous methionine/valine. Conclusions: A novel form of human disease with abnormal prion protein sensitive to protease and MV at codon 129 was described. Although clinical signs were compatible with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the molecular subtype with the abnormal prion protein isoforms showing enhanced protease sensitivity was reminiscent of the "protease-sensitive prionopathy". It remains to be established whether the differences found between the latter and this case are due to the polymorphism at codon 129. Different degrees of proteinase K susceptibility were easily determined with the chemical polymer detection system which could help to detect proteinase-susceptible pathologic prion protein in diseases other than the classical ones.
209 p. : il., gráf.
Ondoren aurkezten den lana bi helburu nagusi ditu. Alde batetik, Etika Finantzarioak gaur egun duen egoera aztertzea, eta bestalde analizatzea egin diren ikerketak zertan zentratu diren. Horretarako, lan hau oinarrituko da 205 ISI artikuluetan, Leire San-José (UPV/EHU) irakasleak zuzendutako Delphi baten parte direnak. Beraz lan honen zati adierazgarriena bi bloke nagusitan bananduko da. Lehenengoan, artikuluetatik atera ahal diren datu guztiz teknikoak analizatuko dira, esate baterako: publikazio urtea, zein herrialdeetan idatzi diren, zein hizkuntzetan, etab; batez ere ondorengo galderei erantzuna eman ahal izateko: noiz ikertu da gehien? Zein herrialdeetan? Zein gaiei eman zaie garrantzia handiagoa?... Bigarren atalari dagokionez, Etika Finantzarioa osatzen duten gaien gehiengoei buruz egin diren ikerketen azalpen eta komentarioak jorratuko dira. Baina aurrekoaz aparte, mapa kontzeptual bat aurkeztuko da, gai honen azpi-gai eta kontzeptu klabe bilduz; eta horrela, modu argiago batean ikusi ahal izateko Etika Finantzarioa zertan datzan, zeintzuk diren bere barnean dauden gai garrantzitsuenak, eta zein faktore nagusiak dauden gai honetan. Azkenengoz, ondorio batzuk aurkeztuko dira, horien artean gai honek etorkizunean ikertzeko duen ibilbidea egongo delarik.
60 p. : il.
Índice: Bloque I (coordinadora: María Isabel Bonachera Ledro): - A. Evolución histórica del doctorado (Daniel Pastor Javaloyes). - B. Análisis de las principales novedades del RD 99/2011, de 28 de enero, por el que se regulan las enseñanzas oficiales de Doctorado (Araceli García Sánchez). - C. Análisis de la adaptación normativa en materia de estudios de Doctorado llevada a cabo por las universidades tras el Real Decreto 99/2011, de 28 de enero (Amaya Rosa Ruiz-Alejos). - D. Las escuelas de Doctorado. Nueva estructura de soporte de los estudios de doctorado (María Isabel Bonachera Ledro). - E. Aproximación a la organización de los estudios de Doctorado en el entorno EEES (Manuel Fabián Martín-Arroyo). - Anexo I. Reglamento de régimen interno de la Escuela de Doctorado de la Universidad de Cantabria (EDUC). Bloque II. Educación y formación superior: puntos de encuentro (coordinadora: Ana I. Caro Muñoz): - 1. Encuadre normativo de la correspondencia de enseñanzas: educación superior, formación profesional y enseñanzas artísticas superiores (Elena de la Fuente García). - 2. Convergencias en la consecución del EEES, el EEI y el Proceso de Copenhague (José Plana Plana). - 3. Realidades y perspectivas de los entornos de formación superior (Juan Cayón Peña). - 4. Análisis de una experiencia: universidad privada y formación profesional (Fernando Lostao Crespo). - 5. Diseño y evaluación de competencias: definición, clasificación y perfiles competenciales (David Martínez Victorio). - 6. Envejecimiento activo: educación a lo largo de la vida (Ana I. Caro Muñoz). Bloque III. La gestión de recursos humanos en las universidades y sus implicaciones jurídicas (coordinador: Fernando Palencia Herrejón): - Introducción (Fernando Palencia Herrejón). - 1. Incidencia de los Decretos leyes 20/2011 y 3/2012 en la gestión de personal de las universidades (Beatriz Vozmediano Ares). - 2. Tres aspectos de la aplicación del EBEP a las universidades (Elena Martínez Nieto). - 3. El régimen jurídico del personal directivo profesional (Juan Eduardo González González). - 4. Sobre la negociación colectiva (María de Rivera Parga). 5. La evaluación del desempeño (Jesús Lobato de Ruiloba). 6. El desarrollo legislativo del EBEP en las Comunidades Autónomas (M.ª Mercedes Sánchez Castillo). Bloque IV. Propiedad intelectual e industrial: desafíos (coordinador: Emiliano Garmendia Ferrer): - 1. Propiedad intelectual, propiedad industrial, conocimiento y su protección: - 1.1. Notas sobre la propiedad intelectual, la propiedad industrial, el conocimiento científico y su protección (Emiliano Garmendia Ferrer). - 1.2. Normativa específica de protección de determinadas invenciones (Elena Meaños Melón). - 1.3. La gestión colectiva en el sector del libro: entidades de gestión colectiva de derechos de autor y las universidades (Miguel Ángel Davara F. de Marcos). - 2. Algunas producciones en el ámbito universitario: - 2.1. La actividad del Personal de Administración y Servicios: programas de ordenador y bases de datos (Soledad Béthencourt Zamora). - 2.2. Tesis Doctorales y Propiedad Intelectual (Isabel-Cecilia del Castillo). - 3. Ejemplos a partir de las nuevas tecnologías: - 3.1. El e-book. Implicaciones jurídicas para las universidades de un nuevo modelo de aprendizaje (Soledad Béthencourt Zamora). - 3.2. La difusión de obras de la propiedad intelectual» Susana Martínez Fernández). - 4. Los Agentes de la creación del conocimiento en la Universidad: - 4.1. Los agentes universitarios de la creación del conocimiento (Elena Meaños Melón). - 4.2. La incidencia de la Ley de Economía Sostenible y de la Ley de la Ciencia en el tratamiento de autor en las universidades públicas (Jerónimo D. Reynés Vives). - 5. La transferencia de los resultados de la investigación: - 5.1. El tratamiento de la transferencia en las Leyes de Economía Sostenible y de la Ciencia (Carlos A. Gómez Otero). - 5.2. La transferencia inversa (Javier Such Martínez). - 5.3. Naturaleza jurídica de los negocios relativos a la propiedad intelectual e industrial. La problemática de los sistemas de adjudicación al amparo de la Ley de Economía Sostenible y de la Ley de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación (Carlos A. Gómez Otero). - 5.4. La valorización y gestión de la transferencia. El caso UNIVALUE (Jerónimo D. Reynés Vives). - Ponencia final: La reforma laboral de 2012. RDL 3/2012, de 10 de febrero, de medidas urgentes para la reforma del mercado laboral (Garbiñe Biurrun Mancisidor). - Comunicación: El nuevo marco normativo de las prácticas académicas externas de los estudiantes universitarios (Josep Moreno Gené).
139 p.
[EN] The aim of this paper is to determine to what extent globalization pressures are changing interlocking directorate networks modeled on continental capitalism into Anglo-Saxon models. For this purpose we analyse the Spanish network of interlocks, comparing the present structure (2012) with that of 1993 and 2006. We show how, although Spanish corporative structure continues to display characteristics of the continental economies, some major banks are significantly reducing industrial activity. Nevertheless, the financial organizations continue to maintain a close relationship with sectors such as construction and services. The analysis of the network of directorates shows a retreat in activity of industrial banking in Spain. Two large Spanish financial institutions, BSCH and La Caixa, continue to undertake activities of industrial banking in 2006, but this activity is significantly reduced in 2012. According to the theories on the role of the interlocking directorates, the companies in these sectors assure their access to banking credit by incorporating advisors from financial organizations to their board of directors. We cannot conclude that the structure of the Spanish corporate network has become a new case of Anglo-Saxon structure, but we got indications that are becoming less hierarchic as banks seem to slowly abandon centrality positions. This is especially salient if we compare the networks of 2006 and 2012, which show a continuing decrease of the role of banks and insurance companies in the network.
Background: 5'-deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine (MTA) is an endogenous compound produced through the metabolism of polyamines. The therapeutic potential of MTA has been assayed mainly in liver diseases and, more recently, in animal models of multiple sclerosis. The aim of this study was to determine the neuroprotective effect of this molecule in vitro and to assess whether MTA can cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) in order to also analyze its potential neuroprotective efficacy in vivo. Methods: Neuroprotection was assessed in vitro using models of excitotoxicity in primary neurons, mixed astrocyte-neuron and primary oligodendrocyte cultures. The capacity of MTA to cross the BBB was measured in an artificial membrane assay and using an in vitro cell model. Finally, in vivo tests were performed in models of hypoxic brain damage, Parkinson's disease and epilepsy. Results: MTA displays a wide array of neuroprotective activities against different insults in vitro. While the data from the two complementary approaches adopted indicate that MTA is likely to cross the BBB, the in vivo data showed that MTA may provide therapeutic benefits in specific circumstances. Whereas MTA reduced the neuronal cell death in pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus and the size of the lesion in global but not focal ischemic brain damage, it was ineffective in preserving dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-pyridine (MPTP)-mice model. However, in this model of Parkinson's disease the combined administration of MTA and an A(2A) adenosine receptor antagonist did produce significant neuroprotection in this brain region. Conclusion: MTA may potentially offer therapeutic neuroprotection.
Purpose. To review the proposed pathogenic mechanisms of age macular degeneration (AMD), as well as the role of antioxidants (AOX) and omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3) supplements in AMD prevention. Materials and Methods. Current knowledge on the cellular/molecular mechanisms of AMD and the epidemiologic/experimental studies on the effects of AOX and omega-3 were addressed all together with the scientific evidence and the personal opinion of professionals involved in the Retina Group of the OFTARED (Spain). Results. High dietary intakes of omega-3 and macular pigments lutein/zeaxanthin are associated with lower risk of prevalence and incidence in AMD. The Age-Related Eye Disease study (AREDS) showed a beneficial effect of high doses of vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, and zinc/copper in reducing the rate of progression to advanced AMD in patients with intermediate AMD or with one-sided late AMD. The AREDS-2 study has shown that lutein and zeaxanthin may substitute beta-carotene because of its potential relationship with increased lung cancer incidence. Conclusion. Research has proved that elder people with poor diets, especially with low AOX and omega-3 micronutrients intake and subsequently having low plasmatic levels, are more prone to developing AMD. Micronutrient supplementation enhances antioxidant defense and healthy eyes and might prevent/retard/modify AMD.
The stone marten is a widely distributed mustelid in the Palaearctic region that exhibits variable habitat preferences in different parts of its range. The species is a Holocene immigrant from southwest Asia which, according to fossil remains, followed the expansion of the Neolithic farming cultures into Europe and possibly colonized the Iberian Peninsula during the Early Neolithic (ca. 7,000 years BP). However, the population genetic structure and historical biogeography of this generalist carnivore remains essentially unknown. In this study we have combined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing (621 bp) and microsatellite genotyping (23 polymorphic markers) to infer the population genetic structure of the stone marten within the Iberian Peninsula. The mtDNA data revealed low haplotype and nucleotide diversities and a lack of phylogeographic structure, most likely due to a recent colonization of the Iberian Peninsula by a few mtDNA lineages during the Early Neolithic. The microsatellite data set was analysed with a) spatial and non-spatial Bayesian individual-based clustering (IBC) approaches (STRUCTURE, TESS, BAPS and GENELAND), and b) multivariate methods [discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) and spatial principal component analysis (sPCA)]. Additionally, because isolation by distance (IBD) is a common spatial genetic pattern in mobile and continuously distributed species and it may represent a challenge to the performance of the above methods, the microsatellite data set was tested for its presence. Overall, the genetic structure of the stone marten in the Iberian Peninsula was characterized by a NE-SW spatial pattern of IBD, and this may explain the observed disagreement between clustering solutions obtained by the different IBC methods. However, there was significant indication for contemporary genetic structuring, albeit weak, into at least three different subpopulations. The detected subdivision could be attributed to the influence of the rivers Ebro, Tagus and Guadiana, suggesting that main watercourses in the Iberian Peninsula may act as semi-permeable barriers to gene flow in stone martens. To our knowledge, this is the first phylogeographic and population genetic study of the species at a broad regional scale. We also wanted to make the case for the importance and benefits of using and comparing multiple different clustering and multivariate methods in spatial genetic analyses of mobile and continuously distributed species.
178 p.
Rio del Rio Hortega (1882-1945) discovered microglia and oligodendrocytes (OLGs), and after Ramon y Cajal, was the most prominent figure of the Spanish school of neurology. He began his scientific career with Nicolas Achucarro from whom he learned the use of metallic impregnation techniques suitable to study non-neuronal cells. Later on, he joined Cajal's laboratory. and Subsequently, he created his own group, where he continued to develop other innovative modifications of silver staining methods that revolutionized the study of glial cells a century ago. He was also interested in neuropathology and became a leading authority on Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors. In parallel to this clinical activity, del Rio Hortega rendered the first systematic description of a major polymorphism present in a subtype of macroglial cells that he named as oligodendroglia and later OLGs. He established their ectodermal origin and suggested that they built the myelin sheath of CNS axons, just as Schwann cells did in the periphery. Notably, he also suggested the trophic role of OLGs for neuronal functionality, an idea that has been substantiated in the last few years. Del Rio Hortega became internationally recognized and established an important neurohistological school with outstanding pupils from Spain and abroad, which nearly disappeared after his exile due to the Spanish civil war. Yet, the difficulty of metal impregnation methods and their variability in results, delayed for some decades the confirmation of his great insights into oligodendrocyte biology until the development of electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. This review aims at summarizing the pioneer and essential contributions of del Rio Hortega to the current knowledge of oligodendrocyte structure and function, and to provide a hint of the scientific personality of this extraordinary and insufficiently recognized man.
World Conference on Psychology and Sociology 2012