114 resultados para Ferrari, Marta


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Published as an article in: Economics Letters, 2010, vol. 107, issue 2, pages 284-287.


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This paper analyzes the stationarity of this ratio in the context of a Markov-switching model à la Hamilton (1989) where an asymmetric speed of adjustment is introduced. This particular specification robustly supports a nonlinear reversion process and identifies two relevant episodes: the post-war period from the mid-50’s to the mid-70’s and the so called “90’s boom” period. A three-regime Markov-switching model displays the best regime identification and reveals that only the first part of the 90’s boom (1985-1995) and the post-war period are near-nonstationary states. Interestingly, the last part of the 90’s boom (1996-2000), characterized by a growing price-dividend ratio, is entirely attributed to a regime featuring a highly reverting process.


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Duración (en horas): De 41 a 50 horas. Nivel educativo: Grado


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Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas. Nivel educativo: Grado


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Revised: 2006-05


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Published as an article in: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2004, vol. 44, issue 2, pages 224-236.


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[EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):


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Background: Statins may have therapeutic effects on hepatocarcinoma (HCC). This type of disorder is the most common malignant primary tumour in the liver. Our objective was to determine whether pravastatin had a therapeutic effect in vitro and in vivo models. Method: We design in vitro and in vivo model. In vitro we used PLC and determine cell proliferation. In vivo, we used and animal model to determined, PCNA and MAT1A expression and transaminases levels. Results: We found that pravastatin decreases cell proliferation in vitro (cell proliferation in pravastatin group was 82%, in sorafenib group 51% and in combined group 40%) and in vivo (in pravastatin group 80%, in sorafenib group 76.4% and in combined group 72.72%). The MAT1A levels, was significantly higher in Pravastatin group (D 62%, P 94%, S 71%, P + S 91%). The transaminases levels, decreased significantly in Pravastatin group (GOT and GPT levels D 619.5 U/L; 271 U/L) (P 117.5 U/L; 43.5 U/L) (S 147 U/L; 59 U/L) (P + S 142 U/L; 59 U/L). Conclusion: The combination of pravastatin + sorafenib were more effective than Sorafenib alone.


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[ES] El entorno en el que desarrollan sus actividades las instituciones universitarias está poniendo de manifiesto algunas debilidades en la formación impartida a sus egresados. Entre ellas destaca la falta de adecuación entre las competencias potenciadas por las universidades en sus alumnos y las demandadas por las organizaciones. Ante esta situación, este artículo pretende analizar el estado de la cuestión, concretamente centrándonos en el caso de los ingenieros y para el contexto de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón. Para ello, se analizan las opiniones manifestadas, a través de un cuestionario, a un grupo de empleadores.


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[ES] A pesar de que los economistas han dedicado enorme esfuerzo a examinar la racionalidad de los contratos en agricultura, pocos estudios se han llevado a cabo en viticultura. Sin embargo, se observan diferencias contractuales en la producción de uva y vino. En el presente trabajo se analizan las estructuras contractuales actualmente utilizadas en varias regiones vitivinícolas. Independientemente de las características inherentes en los contratos, se obtiene que estos mecanismos permiten a las bodegas articular sus requisitos con respecto a la calidad de las uvas producidas por los agricultores.


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Most of the patent licensing agreements that are observed include royalties, in particular per-unit or ad valorem royalties. This paper shows that in a differ entiated duopoly that competes á la Cournot the optimal contract for an internal patentee always includes a positive royalty. Moreover, we show that the patentee would prefer to use ad valorem royalties rather than per-unit royalties when goods are complements or when they are substitutes and the degree of differentiation is suffciently low. The reason is that by including an ad valorem royalty in the licensing contract the patentee can commit strategically to be more (less) aggressive when goods are complements (substitutes) since his licensing revenues become increasing with the price of output of his rival. As a result, licensing may hurt consumers although it always increases social welfare.


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Duración (en horas): De 21 a 30 horas. Destinatario: Estudiante y Docente


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Idioma: Euskera Helburuak: 1) hipertentsio arterialaren tratamenduarekiko atxikidura baxuaren faktore eragileak identifikatzea eta 2) tratamenduarekiko atxikiduran erizaintza gomendio eta interbentzioen aztertzea Metodologia: PubMed eta Cochrane Library izan dira erabilitako datu base nagusiak. Inklusio kriterioen barne daude HTA pairatzen duten 18 urtetik gorako gizon eta emakumeak Konklusioa: HTAren tratamenduarekiko atxikidura falta magnitude handiko arazoa da. Horren gain eragina duten faktoreei dagokionez, faktore sozioekonomikoak, terapia eta pazientearen baldintzekin erlazionaturiko faktoreekin batera, funtsezko garrantzia izango dute HTAren tratamenduaren atxikiduran. Erizaintza gomendioak funtsezko papera dute atxikiduran. Erizaintza interbentzioei dagokionez, aurrerapen teknologikoekin erlazionaturiko entseguak, auto-zainketak, eredu biopsikosozialaren aplikazioak, pilula kopurua gutxitzeak eta tratamendu indibidualizatuak atxikiduraren gaineko hobekuntza frogatu dute.