532 resultados para Canned fishery products.


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The fishery products represent one of the most important resources in Vietnam. The paper focuses on distribution, fishing gears, fishing seasons and current use of commercial fish species.


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The fishery products represent one of the most important resources in Vietnam. The paper focuses on distribution, fishing gears, fishing seasons and current use of commercial fish species.


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With a view to constituting a taste panel in the laboratory for detecting the flavor changes in canned and frozen prawn, three methods of panel selection (scalar scoring method, range and deviation method and triangular method) were tried. Out of the three, triangular method was found to be suitable for panel formation in canned and frozen prawn. Using this method a panel of six members was formed for detecting flavor changes in the two products.


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Pieces of catla fish (Catla catla, a major carp of lndian subcontinent) of length 10 to 11 cm and thickness 1.0 to 1.5cm were precooked by two methods; steam precooking and frying. The precooked pieces were packed_in No.1 tall can (30lx411) with various hot filling media like oil, brine, tomato sauce and curry. Cans were seamed by a hand seamer and retorted at 117.2° C (12 psi) for 90 minutes. All the canned products had satisfactory cut-out, biochemical and organoleptic characteristics. Steam precooked canned products had moisture content of 65.6 to 74%, protein content of 20.8 to 22%, fat content of 1.1 to 6.6% and ash content of 2.1 to 2.5%; whereas fried canned products had moisture content of 65.4 to 68.2%, protein content of 21.3 to 22%, fat content of 7 to 10.2% and ash content of 2.1 to 2.7% on wet wt. basis. Salt content in steam precooked and fried canned products varied from 1.2 to 1.9% and 2.0 to 2.5% respectively. All the canned products were organoleptically good. However, degree of preference varied for different products. Canned fried catla in curry was the best product among all types of packs. Among the precooking methods, frying was more efficient than steam precooking in controlling the amount of exudate to a desirable limit in canned products. However, crispness, the characteristic quality for a fried fish, was lost during retorting. There was no change in quality characteristics during a storage period of 3 months at ambient temperature (32±2°C).


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The pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera mazatlanica, was once found around the Archipielago de las Perlas in Panama in abundance and it supported a substantial fishery by hard hat divers. The products were pearls, shells used for making buttons, and meats used locally for food. After the mid 1920’s, the fishery declined due to overfishing, and by the 1940’s it was nearly gone. The oysters began to repopulate the grounds during the 1970’s, but the oysters remain relatively scarce. Fishing has since resumed on a small scale by skin divers using face masks.


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The rate of survival of different types of faecal indicator organisms like Escherichia coli, enterococci etc. during freezing and frozen storage has been studied. Peeled and deveined prawns inoculated with a mixed culture of the above organisms were subjected to freezing and storage at -10̊F and examined for over four months.


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Investigations were conducted to find the variability of processed shrimps with respect to two quality characteristics, namely, the numbers of deteriorated and discoloured pieces. Samples were collected for three days from two arbitrarily selected processing factories from Cochin at the pre-freezing stages. Results show that both the quality characteristics vary significantly between different size-grades, but while the variation in the number of deteriorated pieces between days is not significant, the variation in the number of discoloured pieces between days is significant.


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A general survey carried out on several brands of frozen prawn products has shown that along with the standard plate count (SPC), the numbers of pathogenic organisms like Escherichia coli, enterococci and coagulase positive staphylococci have also to be taken into consideration for the evaluation of the quality of these products. No correlation could be established between the total plate count and the number of E. coli, enterococci or staphylococci. Enumeration of enterococci, however, is advocated as a better index of faecal contamination of the products than E. coli.


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The paper presents the results of a bacteriological survey carried out on 2,917 samples of frozen prawn, 55 samples of raw material, 35 samples of water, 4 samples of ice and 42 samples of various equipment used for processing. The survey covered a period of three years (1960-63) and comprised of samples collected from five of the leading processing factories in Cochin. Frozen products tested consisted of headless (marine and fresh water), peeled and deveined and cooked frozen samples. Statistical analysis of the data shows that there is no significant variation between samples and between factories with respect to product quality. The standard plate count varied between 1.0x10(4 superscript) and 1.0x10(6 superscript) per gram for headless and between 1.0x10(4 superscript) and 1.0x10(7 superscript) for peeled and deveined and cooked frozen samples. Majority of the samples had bacterial load well within the limits prescribed for such products.


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This note gives details of experiments conducted on the canning of certain species of sardines viz. Sardinella fimbriata, Sardinella gibbosa and Sardinella sirm which are landed in commercial quantities in the East Coast of Madras State and which have not so far been tried for canning. The experiments conclusively prove that these species of sardines can also be canned in oil pack and good canned products manufactured out of them.


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A linear relationship was observed between the copper content and intensity of blackening in commercially canned prawn meat. Average copper and iron contents of non-blackened canned prawn meat were 9.6 and 32.5 ppm on dry weight basis respectively. In the blackened product copper content ranged from 15.8 to 63.9 ppm and iron content between 43.7 and 71.45 ppm depending on the intensity of blackening. But incorporation of copper in the above range to experimental cans produced blackening while iron up to 250 ppm did not impart any blackening under standard conditions of canning.


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The paper gives an account of factors controlling the drained weight in canned prawn. The most important among them are concentration of brine used for blanching and blanching time which are found to be fixed and specific for different sizes of prawn irrespective of the quality of the material used. Other factors such as, acidity of brine used for filling the can, volume of brine, time of sterilization and time of cooling the blanched meat are also to some extent found responsible for fluctuations in drained weight.


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Fresh silver pomfret, black pomfret and hilsa were canned at absolutely fresh and iced conditions and the qualities of the final products were studied comparatively in relation to the initial quality of the raw materials. Under identical conditions a maximum quantity of cook-drip and nitrogen contents were found to be lost in black pomfret and minimum in hilsa. Silver pomfret and black pomfret iced for 3 days gave fairly good products on canning while hilsa came out only as a satisfactory product on canning after the same ice storage period of the raw material.


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Probable sources of contamination of raw, blanched and processed meat at various stages of handling and methods for their rectification have been described in the paper. Inter-relationship between absolute sterility and commercial sterility with particular reference to the sanitation of the factory has been discussed.


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An elaborate survey was carried out to ascertain the common types of micro-organisms responsible for spoilage in canned prawns. Among nearly 1.500 strains isolated from bacteriologically defective cans, 60% were Gram positive spore formers of the Bacillus type. Other types isolated belonged to Gram positive cocci, Gram negative rods, Gram positive non-spore forming rods, Gram negative cocci and coccoids. No anaerobe could be isolated. The predominant Gram positive spore formers were identified as Bacillus pantothenticus, B. firmus, B. brevis and B. Pumilus species.