58 resultados para Biochemical markers


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Long-term sustainable management of wild populations should be based on management actions that account for the genetic structure among populations. Knowledge of genetic structure and of the degree of demographic exchange between discreet [sic] populations allows managers to better define management units. However, adequate gene loci for population assessments are not always available. In this study, variable co-dominant DNA loci in the heavily exploited marine genus Brevoortia were developed with a microsatellite-enriched DNA library for the Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus). Microsatellite marker discovery was followed by genetic characterization of 4 endemic North American Brevoortia species, by using 14 novel loci as well as 5 previously described loci. Power analysis of these loci for use in species identification and genetic stock structure was used to assess their potential to improve the stock definition in the menhaden fishery of the Gulf of Mexico. These loci could be used to reliably identify menhaden species in the Gulf of Mexico with an estimated error rate of α=0.0001. Similarly, a power analysis completed on the basis of observed allele frequencies in Gulf Menhaden indicated that these markers can be used to detect very small levels of genetic divergence (Fst≈0.004) among simulated populations, with sample sizes as small as n=50 individuals. A cursory analysis of genetic structure among Gulf Menhaden sampled throughout the Gulf of Mexico indicated limited genetic structure among sampling locations, although the available sampling did not reach the target number (n=50) necessary to detect minimal values of significant structure.


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Independent molecular markers based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA were developed to provide positive identification of istiophorid and xiphiid billfishes (marlins, spearfishes, sailfish, and swordfish). Both classes of markers were based on amplification of short segments (<1.7 kb) of DNA by the polymerase chain reaction and subsequent digestion with informative restriction endonucleases. Candidate markers were evaluated for their ability to discriminate among the different species and the level of intraspecific variation they exhibited. The selected markers require no more than two restriction digestions to allow unambiguous identification, although it was not possible to distinguish between white marlin and striped marlin with any of the genetic characters screened in our study. Individuals collected from throughout each species’ range were surveyed with the selected markers demonstrating low levels of intraspecific character variation within species. The resulting keys provide two independent means for the forensic identification of fillets and for specific identification of early life history stages.


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Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) are migratory, long-lived, and slow maturing. They are difficult to study because they are seen rarely and their habitats range over vast stretches of the ocean. Movements of immature turtles between pelagic and coastal developmental habitats are particularly difficult to investigate because of inadequate tagging technologies and the difficulty in capturing significant numbers of turtles at sea. However, genetic markers found in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) provide a basis for predicting the origin of juvenile turtles in developmental habitats. Mixed stock analysis was used to determine which nesting populations were contributing individuals to a foraging aggregation of immature loggerhead turtles (mean 63.3 cm straight carapace length [SCL]) captured in coastal waters off Hutchinson Island, Florida. The results indicated that at least three different western Atlantic loggerhead sea turtle subpopulations contribute to this group: south Florida (69%), Mexico (20%), and northeast Florida-North Carolina (10%). The conservation and management of these immature sea turtles is complicated by their multinational genetic demographics.


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Studies were taken up biochemical composition of Chirocentrus dorab and Opisthopterus sp. The seasonal changes, yield of mince and energy value of the meat were also reported.


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Some biochemical variations during ovarian vitellogenic growth in hill-stream teleost Garra mullya due to sublethal concentration of cadmium has been discussed. Total protein, cholesterol and glycogen in ovary and liver along with gonadosomatic index (GSI) and hepatosomatic index (HSI) in Cd-treated fish exhibited significant decrease while liver glycogen remained unaltered.


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Change in the proximate composition and energy value of Tellina angulata from Bombay were studied for a period of 15 months. Irrespective of sex protein as percentage at dry weight ranged from 39.04 to 75.72, carbohydrate 4.83 to 24. 89, lipid 7.41 to 19.81, carbon 21.99 to 39.89 and ash 4.01 to 27.56. Sexwise protein and lipid were maximum in male and carbohydrate in female. Seasonal variation in the proximate composition of the species was well defined.


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Zooplankton standing crop and proximate principals were estimated for 8 coastal and 13 oceanic stations of the northern Arabian Sea during March 1991. Biomass did not show any significant difference (p < 0.05) between coastal and oceanic waters. Protein was the principal biochemical component among proximate principals with an average value of 29.6% in coastal and 34.2% in the oceanic zone, suggesting that protein form a major metabolic reserve. Other components such as lipids and carbohydrate seem to be low in tropical zooplankton. The organic carbon and caloric density did not show significant correlation. Average caloric density was 2.5 k.cal super(-1). The average standing stock was 9.25 mg m super(-3) and 5.90 mg m super(-3) for coastal and oceanic water, respectively. Coastal region is more productive than oceanic region in terms of standing crop, as expected.


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Twenty five different species belonging to 16 genera of freshwater fishes were analysed for protein, fat, moisture, ash, carbohydrate, phosphorus, calcium and total iron content in their muscle. Calorific value for protein, fat and carbohydrate fractions and total calories for each species were also calculated.


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Certain features characterise spoilage of sea foods, as distinct from spoilage of protein foods in general. Among sea foods spoilage differs in the crustaceans, teleosts, or elasmobranchs respectively. High levels of free amino acids concentrations are characteristic of prawns and other crustacean muscle. Changes occurring in these influence pattern of spoilage. Differences also exist in the sea prawns and prawns taken from the backwaters. Melanosis is a characteristic feature of spoilage in prawns. Observations have shown that prawns are very susceptible to spoilage at ordinary temperature, the period of absolute freshness not exceeding 4 hours, while prompt icing extends the period to 3-5 days.


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Although considerable work has been done on the composition of fish liver oils, most of which includes the study of various vitamins and fatty acids, little attention has been paid towards the composition of fish liver as a whole.


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Biochemical composition of the spent ovaries of 23 different species of freshwater fishes showed a much lower value for protein and fat with higher moisture content than those of the ripe eggs, suggesting an inverse relationship between fat and moisture. Ovaries during the recovering phase showed fairly high values of phosphorus, but lower than those for the ripe eggs. Higher values of calcium and iron in spent ovaries than those in ripe eggs probably suggest that there is a greater requirement of calcium and iron during the spent phase of the gonads.


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Twenty five different species belonging to l6 genera of freshwater fishes were analyzed for protein, fat, moisture, ash, carbohydrate, phosphorus, calcium and total iron content in their muscle. Calorific value for protein, fat and carbohydrate actions and total calories for each species were also calculated.


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Biochemical composition of the muscle of juveniles belonging to 18 different species of freshwater fishes showed that the protein percentage in juveniles was higher than the adults. The fat, on the other hand, was much lower. This suggests that the body fat increases with the onset of maturity. No clear inverse relationship was found between fat and protein in juveniles. Moisture percentage was very high in juveniles. This was probably because of low fat content. In most species the sum of fat and water contents (F + W) was found to be constant. The percentages of ash, calcium and phosphorus were higher in juveniles than those of adults. Dry matter percentage varied inversely with the moisture and in most species carbohydrate was generally low. In juveniles although the calorific value of protein-fraction was high the total calorific value was lower than the adults.


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The sublethal exposure (0.24 ppm) of Nuvan on some biochemical compositions such as serum protein, blood glucose, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (AST) and glutamate pyruvate transaminase (ALT) and on some hematological parameters such as red blood corpuscles (RBC), white blood corpuscles (WBC), hemoglobin content (Hb), mean corpuscular concentration (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) of Catla catla fingerlings were studied. The hematological and biochemical parameters evoked a significant reduction (excepting MCV, ALT and AST which is significantly increased) with increasing days of Nuvan exposure.


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Studies were conducted on biochemical changes in P. monodon and M. rosenbergii during ice storage. At the end of 10 days of ice storage, moisture and protein content of freshwater prawn slightly decreased from 78.34 to '77.35% and 18.46 to 17.10, respectively, while lipid and ash content slightly increased. The moisture, crude protein, lipid and ash content of one day ice stored tiger shrimp samples were 78.07, 18.06, 1.3 and 1.29% respectively. The protein composition of freshwater prawn immediately after killed were 36.51% sarcoplasmic, 44.63% myofibrillar, 8.12% stroma and 6.44% alkali soluble protein. At the end of 10 days of ice storage, sarcoplasmic and stroma protein slightly decreased while there was little or no changes observed in myofibrillar and alkali soluble protein. In case of one day ice stored tiger shrimp, the composition of protein were 35.32% sarcoplasmic, 46.29% myofibrillar, 7.86% stroma protein and 7.08% alkali soluble protein. At the end of 10 days in ice, sarcoplasmic protein decreased from 35.32% to 32.16% while there was slight change in other protein fractions. The TVB-N value of 1 day ice stored shrimp was 10.5 mg/100g of sample. It increased gradually with the lapse of storage period and at the end of 10 days storage in ice, the value increased up to 60 mg/100g sample. The tiger head on shrimp in ice storage were found organoleptic acceptable condition for 8 days and at that time the TVB-N values were 32.2 mg/100g which is slightly above the recommended limit for TVB-N for export.