32 resultados para Questions of Space

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Strictly speaking, space related activities at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos (ETSIA) begun in 1973, when Prof. Ignacio Da Riva got a contract from the European Space Agency (ESA) to compile a handbook on spacecraft thermal control. By the same time, ESA issued an announcement of opportunities offering to the European scientific community the possibility of perform microgravity relevant experiments on board space platform like the European orbital laboratory Spacelab. Prof. Da Riva proposed one of the few selected experiments dealing with fluid physics under microgravity conditions, later flown on Spacelab-1 mission in 1983. These two events were the starting point where Prof. Da Riva, full professor of Aerodynamics at ETSIA, nucleated a small group of young professors and students located at the Laboratorio de Aerodinámica y Mecánica de Fluidos (LAMF) of ETSIA. Such group was leaded by Prof. Da Riva since its creation till 1991, when Prof. Da Riva died, and it was the seed of the more recently created research institute for aerospace science and technology named "Ignacio Da Riva" (IDR) in his honour. In this communication space related activities performed either at LAMF or IDR during the last three decades are briefly described.


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A 3-year Project started on November 1 2010, financed by the European Commision within the FP-7 Space Program, and aimed at developing an efficient de-orbit system that could be carried on board by future spacecraft launched into LEO, will be presented. The operational system will deploy a thin uninsulated tape-tether to collect electrons as a giant Langmuir probe, using no propellant/no power supply, and generating power on board. This project will involve free-fall tests, and laboratory hypervelocity-impact and tether-current tests, and design/Manufacturing of subsystems: interface elements, electric control and driving module, electron-ejecting plasma contactor, tether-deployment mechanism/end-mass, and tape samples. Preliminary results to be presented involve: i) devising criteria for sizing the three disparate tape dimensions, affecting mass, resistance, current-collection, magnetic self-field, and survivability against debris itself; ii) assessing the dynamical relevance of tether parameters in implementing control laws to limit oscillations in /off the orbital plane, where passive stability may be marginal; iii) deriving a law for bare-tape current from numerical simulations and chamber tests, taking into account ambient magnetic field, ion ram motion, and adiabatic electron trapping; iv) determining requirements on a year-dormant hollow cathode under long times/broad emission-range operation, and trading-off against use of electron thermal emission; v) determining requirements on magnetic components and power semiconductors for a control module that faces high voltage/power operation under mass/volume limitations; vi) assessing strategies to passively deploy a wide conductive tape that needs no retrieval, while avoiding jamming and ending at minimum libration; vii) evaluating the tape structure as regards conductive and dielectric materials, both lengthwise and in its cross-section, in particular to prevent arcing in triple-point junctions.


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As a fundamental contribution to limiting the increase of debris in the Space environment, a three-year project started on 1 November 2010 financed by the European Commission under the FP-7 Space Programme. It aims at developing a universal system to be carried on board future satellites launched into low Earth orbit (LEO), to allow de-orbiting at end of life. The operational system involves a conductive tape-tether left bare of insulation to establish anodic contact with the ambient plasma as a giant Langmuir probe. The project will size the three disparate dimensions of a tape for a selected de-orbit mission and determine scaling laws to allow system design for a general mission. It will implement control laws to restrain tether dynamics in/off the orbital plane; and will carry out plasma chamber measurements and numerical simulations of tether-plasma interaction. The project also involves the design and manufacturing of subsystems: electron-ejecting plasma contactors, an electric control and power module, interface elements, tether and deployment mechanisms, tether tape/end-mass as well as current collection plus free-fall, and hypervelocity impact tests.


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In the work, the results of an investigation of GaInP/GaInAs/Ge MJ SCs intended for converting concentrated solar radiation, when operating at low temperatures (down to -190 degrees C) are presented. A kink of the cell I-V characteristic has been observed in the region close to V-oc starting from -20 degrees C at operation under concentrated sunlight. The causes for its occurrence have been analyzed and the reasons for formation of a built-in potential barrier for majority charge carriers at the n-GaInP/n-Ge isotype hetero-interface are discussed. The effect of charge carrier transport in n-GaInP/n-p Ge heterostructures on MJ SC output characteristics at low temperatures has been studied including EL technique.


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The current crisis, with its particularly severe configuration in Southern European countries, provides an opportunity to probe the interrelation of economic crunches and the production of space, and also to imagine potential paths of sociospatial emancipation from the dictates of global markets. This introductory chapter offers a preliminary interpretive framework exploring the fundamental role of urban and territorial restructuring in the formation, management and resolution of capitalist crises and, conversely, periods of crisis as key stages in the history of urbanization. I will begin by contextualizing the 2007-8 economic slump, the subsequent global recession and its uneven impact on states and cities in the longue durée of capitalist productions of space, studying the transformation of spatial configurations in previous episodes of economic stagnation. This broader perspective will then be used to analyze currently emerging formations of austerity urbanism, showing how the practices of crisis management incorporate a strategy for economic and institutional restructuring that eventually impacts on urban policy, and indeed in the production of urban space itself.


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A Space tether is a thin, multi-kilometers long conductive wire, joining a satellite and some opposite end mass, and keeping vertical in orbit by the gravity-gradient. The ambient plasma, being highly conductive, is equipotential in its own co-moving frame. In the tether frame, in relative motion however, there is in the plasma a motional electric field of order of 100 V/km, product of (near) orbital velocity and geomagnetic field. The electromotive force established over the tether length allows plasma contactor devices to collect electrons at one polarized-positive (anodic) end and eject electrons at the opposite end, setting up a current along a standard, fully insulated tether. The Lorentz force exerted on the current by the geomagnetic field itself is always drag; this relies on just thermodynamics, like air drag. The bare tether concept, introduced in 1992 at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), takes away the insulation and has electrons collected over the tether segment coming out polarized positive; the concept rests on 2D (Langmuir probe) current-collection in plasmas being greatly more efficient than 3D collection. A Plasma Contactor ejects electrons at the cathodic end. A bare tether with a thin-tape cross section has much greater perimeter and de-orbits much faster than a (corresponding) round bare tether of equal length and mass. Further, tethers being long and thin, they are prone to cuts by abundant small space debris, but BETs has shown that the tape has a probability of being cut per unit time smaller by more than one order of magnitude than the corresponding round tether (debris comparable to its width are much less abundant than debris comparable to the radius of the corresponding round tether). Also, the tape collects much more current, and de-orbits much faster, than a corresponding multi-line “tape” made of thin round wires cross-connected to survive debris cuts. Tethers use a dissipative mechanism quite different from air drag and can de-orbit in just a few months; also, tape tethers are much lighter than round tethers of equal length and perimeter, which can capture equal current. The 3 disparate tape dimensions allow easily scalable design. Switching the cathodic Contactor off-on allows maneuvering to avoid catastrophic collisions with big tracked debris. Lorentz braking is as reliable as air drag. Tethers are still reasonably effective at high inclinations, where the motional field is small, because the geomagnetic field is not just a dipole along the Earth polar axis. BETs is the EC FP7/Space Project 262972, financed in about 1.8 million euros, from 1 November 2010 to 31 January 2014, and carrying out RTD work on de-orbiting space debris. Coordinated by UPM, it has partners Università di Padova, ONERA-Toulouse, Colorado State University, SME Emxys, DLR–Bremen, and Fundación Tecnalia. BETs work involves 1) Designing, building, and ground-testing basic hardware subsystems Cathodic Plasma Contactor, Tether Deployment Mechanism, Power Control Module, and Tape with crosswise and lengthwise structure. 2) Testing current collection and verifying tether dynamical stability. 3) Preliminary design of tape dimensions for a generic mission, conducive to low system-to-satellite mass ratio and probability of cut by small debris, and ohmic-effects regime of tether current for fast de-orbiting. Reaching TRL 4-5, BETs appears ready for in-orbit demostration.


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The Space Situational Awareness (SSA) program from the European Space Agency (ESA) protects Europe's citizens and their satellite-based services by detecting space hazards. ESA Ground Systems (GS) division is currently designing a phased array radar composed of thousands of radiating elements for future stages of the SSA program [1]. The radar shall guarantee the detection of most of the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) space debris, providing a general map of space junk. While range accuracy is mainly dictated by the radar waveform, the detection and tracking of small objects in LEO regimes is highly dependent on the angular accuracy achieved by the smart phased array antenna, demonstrating the important of the performance of this architecture.


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Several boost-derived topologies are analyzed and compared for an aerospace application that uses a 100 V voltage bus. All these topologies have been designed and optimized considering the electrical requirements and the reduced number of space-qualified components. The comparison evaluates the power losses, mass, and dynamic response. Special attention has been paid to those topologies that may cancel the inherent right half plane zero (RHP) zero of the boost topology. Experimental results of the less common topologies are presented.


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This poster raises the issue of a research work oriented to the storage, retrieval, representation and analysis of dynamic GI, taking into account The ultimate objective is the modelling and representation of the dynamic nature of geographic features, establishing mechanisms to store geometries enriched with a temporal structure (regardless of space) and a set of semantic descriptors detailing and clarifying the nature of the represented features and their temporality. the semantic, the temporal and the spatiotemporal components. We intend to define a set of methods, rules and restrictions for the adequate integration of these components into the primary elements of the GI: theme, location, time [1]. We intend to establish and incorporate three new structures (layers) into the core of data storage by using mark-up languages: a semantictemporal structure, a geosemantic structure, and an incremental spatiotemporal structure. Thus, data would be provided with the capability of pinpointing and expressing their own basic and temporal characteristics, enabling them to interact each other according to their context, and their time and meaning relationships that could be eventually established


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The ontologies of space and territory, our experience of them and the techniques we use to govern them, the very conception of the socio-spatial formations that we inhabit, are all historically specific: they depend on a genealogy of practices, knowledges, discourses, regulations, performances and representations articulated in a way that is extremely complex yet nevertheless legible over time. In this interview we look at the logic and the patterns that intertwine space and time — both as objects and tools of inquiry — though a cross-disciplinary dialogue. The discussion with Stuart Elden and Derek Gregory covers the place of history in socio-spatial theory and in their own work, old and new ways of thinking about the intersection between history and territory, space and time, the implications of geography and history for thinking about contemporary politics, and the challenges now faced by critical thought and academic work in the current neo-liberal attack on public universities and the welfare state


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This poster raises the issue of a research work oriented to the storage, retrieval, representation and analysis of dynamic GI, taking into account the semantic, the temporal and the spatiotemporal components. We intend to define a set of methods, rules and restrictions for the adequate integration of these components into the primary elements of the GI: theme, location, time [1]. We intend to establish and incorporate three new structures (layers) into the core of data storage by using mark-up languages: a semantictemporal structure, a geosemantic structure, and an incremental spatiotemporal structure. The ultimate objective is the modelling and representation of the dynamic nature of geographic features, establishing mechanisms to store geometries enriched with a temporal structure (regardless of space) and a set of semantic descriptors detailing and clarifying the nature of the represented features and their temporality. Thus, data would be provided with the capability of pinpointing and expressing their own basic and temporal characteristics, enabling them to interact each other according to their context, and their time and meaning relationships that could be eventually established


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- Resumen La hipótesis que anima esta tesis doctoral es que algunas de las características del entorno urbano, en particular las que describen la accesibilidad de su red de espacio público, podrían estar relacionadas con la proporción de viajes a pie o reparto modal, que tiene cada zona o barrio de Madrid. Uno de los puntos de partida de dicha hipótesis que el entorno urbano tiene una mayor influencia sobre los viaje a pie que en sobre otros modos de transporte, por ejemplo que en los viajes de bicicleta o en transporte público; y es que parece razonable suponer que estos últimos van a estar más condicionadas por ejemplo por la disponibilidad de vías ciclistas, en el primer caso, o por la existencia de un servicio fiable y de calidad, en el segundo. Otra de las motivaciones del trabajo es que la investigación en este campo de la accesibilidad del espacio público, en concreto la denominada “Space Syntax”, ha probado en repetidas ocasiones la influencia de la red de espacio público en cómo se distribuye la intensidad del tráfico peatonal por la trama urbana, pero no se han encontrado referencias de la influencia de dicho elemento sobre el reparto modal. De acuerdo con la hipótesis y con otros trabajos anteriores se propone una metodología basada en el análisis empírico y cuantitativo. Su objetivo es comprobar si la red de espacio público, independientemente de otras variables como los usos del suelo, incluso de las variables de ajenas entorno no construido, como las socioeconómicas, está o no relacionada estadísticamente con la proporción de peatones viajes en las zonas urbanas. Las técnicas estadísticas se utilizan para comprobar sistemáticamente la asociación de las variables del entorno urbano, denominadas variables independientes, con el porcentaje de viajes a pie, la variable dependiente. En términos generales, la metodología es similar a la usada en otros trabajos en este campo como los de CERVERÓ y KOCKLEMAN (1997), CERVERÓ y DUNCAN (2003), o para los que se utilizan principalmente en la revisión general de TRB (2005) o, más recientemente, en ZEGRAS (2006) o CHATMAN (2009). Otras opciones metodológicas, como los métodos de preferencias declaradas (ver LOUVIERE, HENSHER y SWAIT, 2000) o el análisis basado en agentes (PENN & TURNER, 2004) fueron descartados, debido a una serie de razones, demasiado extensas para ser descritas aquí. El caso de estudio utilizado es la zona metropolitana de Madrid, abarcándola hasta la M-50, es decir en su mayor parte, con un tamaño aproximado de 31x34 Km y una población de 4.132.820 habitantes (aproximadamente el 80% de la población de la región). Las principales fuentes de datos son la Encuesta Domiciliaria de Movilidad de 2004 (EDM04), del Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid que es la última disponible (muestra: > 35.000 familias,> 95.000 personas), y un modelo espacial del área metropolitana, integrando el modelo para calcular los índices de Space Syntax y un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG). La unidad de análisis, en este caso las unidades espaciales, son las zonas de transporte (con una población media de 7.063 personas) y los barrios (con una población media de 26.466 personas). Las variables del entorno urbano son claramente el centro del estudio. Un total de 20 índices (de 21) se seleccionan de entre los más relevantes encontrados en la revisión de la producción científica en este campo siendo que, al mismo tiempo, fueran accesibles. Nueve de ellos se utilizan para describir las características de los usos del suelo, mientras que otros once se usan para describir la red de espacios públicos. Estos últimos incluyen las variables de accesibilidad configuracional, que son, como se desprende de su título, el centro del estudio propuesto. La accesibilidad configuracional es un tipo especial de accesibilidad que se basa en la configuración de la trama urbana, según esta fue definida por HILLIER (1996), el autor de referencia dentro de esta línea de investigación de Space Syntax. Además se incluyen otras variables de la red de espacio público más habituales en los estudios de movilidad, y que aquí se denominan características geométricas de los elementos de la red, tales como su longitud, tipo de intersección, conectividad, etc. Por último se incluye además una variable socioeconómica, es decir ajena al entorno urbano, para evaluar la influencia de los factores externos, pues son varios los que pueden tener un impacto en la decisión de caminar (edad, género, nivel de estudios, ingresos, tasa de motorización, etc.). La asociación entre las variables se han establecido usando análisis de correlación (bivariante) y modelos de análisis multivariante. Las primeras se calculan entre por pares entre cada una de las 21 variables independientes y la dependiente, el porcentaje de viajes a pie. En cuanto a los segundos, se han realizado tres tipos de estudios: modelo multivariante general lineal, modelo multivariante general curvilíneo y análisis discriminante. Todos ellos son capaces de generar modelos de asociación entre diversas variables, pudiéndose de esta manera evaluar con bastante precisión en qué medida cada modelo reproduce el comportamiento de la variable dependiente, y además, el peso o influencia de cada variable en el modelo respecto a las otras. Los resultados fundamentales del estudio se expresan en dos modelos finales alternativos, que demuestran tener una significativa asociación con el porcentaje de viajes a pie (R2 = 0,6789, p <0,0001), al explicar las dos terceras partes de su variabilidad. En ellos, y en general en todo el estudio realizado, se da una influencia constante de tres índices en particular, que quedan como los principales. Dos de ellos, de acuerdo con muchos de los estudios previos, corresponden a la densidad y la mezcla de usos del suelo. Pero lo más novedoso de los resultados obtenidos es que el tercero es una medida de la accesibilidad de la red de espacio público, algo de lo que no había referencias hasta ahora. Pero, ¿cuál es la definición precisa y el peso relativo de cada uno en el modelo, es decir, en la variable independiente? El de mayor peso en la mayor parte de los análisis realizados es el índice de densidad total (n º residentes + n º puestos de trabajo + n º alumnos / Ha). Es decir, una densidad no sólo de población, sino que incluye algunas de las actividades más importantes que pueden darse una zona para generar movilidad a pie. El segundo que mayor peso adquiere, llegando a ser el primero en alguno de los análisis estadísticos efecturados, es el índice de accesibuilidad configuracional denominado integración de radio 5. Se trata de una medida de la accesibilidad de la zona, de su centralidad, a la escala de, más un menor, un distrito o comarca. En cuanto al tercero, obtiene una importancia bastante menor que los anteriores, y es que representa la mezcla de usos. En concreto es una medida del equilibrio entre los comercios especializados de venta al por menor y el número de residentes (n º de tiendas especializadas en alimentación, bebidas y tabaco / n º de habitantes). Por lo tanto, estos resultados confirman buena parte de los de estudios anteriores, especialmente los relativas a los usos del suelo, pero al mismo tiempo, apuntan a que la red de espacio público podría tener una influir mayor de la comprobada hasta ahora en la proporción de peatones sobre el resto de modos de transportes. Las razones de por qué esto puede ser así, se discuten ampliamente en las conclusiones. Finalmente se puede precisar que dicha conclusión principal se refiere a viajes de una sola etapa (no multimodales) que se dan en los barrios y zonas del área metropolitana de Madrid. Por supuesto, esta conclusión tiene en la actualidad, una validez limitada, ya que es el resultado de un solo caso — Abstract The research hypothesis for this Ph.D. Thesis is that some characteristics of the built environment, particularly those describing the accessibility of the public space network, could be associated with the proportion of pedestrians in all trips (modal split), found in the different parts of a city. The underlying idea is that walking trips are more sensitive to built environment than those by other transport modes, such as for example those by bicycle or by public transport, which could be more conditioned by, e.g. infrastructure availability or service frequency and quality. On the other hand, it has to be noted that the previously research on this field, in particular within Space Syntax’s where this study can be referred, have tested similar hypothesis using pedestrian volumes as the dependent variable, but never against modal split. According to such hypothesis, research methodology is based primarily on empirical quantitative analysis, and it is meant to be able to assess whether public space network, no matter other built environment and non-built environment variables, could have a relationship with the proportion of pedestrian trips in urban areas. Statistical techniques are used to check the association of independent variables with the percentage of walking in all trips, the dependent one. Broadly speaking this methodology is similar to that of previous studies in the field such as CERVERO&KOCKLEMAN (1997), CERVERO & DUNCAN (2003), or to those used mainly in the general review of T.R.B. (2005) or, more recently in ZEGRAS (2006) or CHATMAN (2009). Other methodological options such as stated choice methods (see LOUVIERE, HENSHER & SWAIT, 2000) or agent based analysis (PENN & TURNER, 2004), were discarded, due to a number of reasons, too long to be described here. The case study is not the entire Madrid’s metropolitan area, but almost (4.132.820 inhabitants, about 80% of region´s population). Main data sources are the Regional Mobility Home Based Survey 2004 (EDM04), which is the last available (sample: >35.000 families, > 95.000 individuals), and a spatial model of the metropolitan area, developed using Space Syntax and G.I.S. techniques. The analysis unit, in this case spatial units, are both transport zones (mean population = 7.063) and neighborhoods (mean population = 26.466). The variables of the built environment are clearly the core of the study. A total of 20 (out of 21) are selected from among those found in the literature while, at the same time, being accessible. Nine out of them are used to describe land use characteristics while another eleven describe the network of public spaces. Latter ones include configurational accessibility or Space Syntax variables. This is a particular sort of accessibility related with the concept of configuration, by HILLIER (1996), one of the main authors of Space Syntax, But it also include more customary variables used in mobility research to describe the urban design or spatial structure (here public space network), which here are called geometric characteristics of the such as its length, type of intersection, conectivity, density, etc. Finally a single socioeconomic variable was included in order to assess the influence non built environment factors that also may have an impact on walking (age, income, motorization rate, etc.). The association among variables is worked out using bi-variate correlation analysis and multivariate-analysis. Correlations are calculated among the 21 independent variables and the dependent one, the percentage of walking trips. Then, three types of multi-variate studies are run: general linear, curvilinear and discriminant multi-variate analysis. The latter are fully capable of generating complex association models among several variables, assessing quite precisely to what extent each model reproduces the behavior of the dependent variable, and also the weight or influence of each variable in the model. This study’s results show a consistent influence of three particular indexes in the two final alternative models of the multi-variate study (best, R2=0,6789, p<0,0000). Not surprisingly, two of them correspond to density and mix of land uses. But perhaps more interesting is that the third one is a measure of the accessibility of the public space network, a variable less important in the literature up to now. Additional precisions about them and their relative weight could also be of some interest. The density index is not only about population but includes most important activities in an area (nº residents + nº jobs+ nº students/Ha). The configurational index (radius 5 integration) is a measure of the accessibility of the area, i.e. centrality, at the scale of, more a less, a district. Regarding the mix of land uses index, this one is a measure of the balance between retail, in fact local basic retail, and the number of residents (nº of convenience shops / nº of residents). Referring to their weights, configurational index (radius 5 integration) gets the higher standardized coefficient of the final equation. However, in the final equations, there are a higher number of indexes coming from the density or land use mix categories than from public space network enter. Therefore, these findings seem to support part of the field’s knowledge, especially those concerning land uses, but at the same time they seem to bring in the idea that the configuration of the urban grid could have an influence in the proportion of walkers (as a part of total trips on any transport mode) that do single journey trips in the neighborhoods of Madrid, Spain. Of course this conclusion has, at present, a limited validity since it’s the result of a single case. The reasons of why this can be so, are discussed in the last part of the thesis.


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This paper seeks to analyze the political dimension of the body, and consequently the inherently political dimension of space, through the instrumental notion of situation, understood as an spatio-temporal mesh configured by bodies, practices and discourses. The political understood as the potential for action (or non-action) underlying the individual body, implies a renewed definition of a landscape that results from the body’s doing. Landscape becomes a multiple corporeality, a field of relations in which we discover ourselves enmeshed, not just placed; a field in which the limit is not frontier but bond and common dimension. A disquieting ambiguous zone appears there where the individual spatiality is born out of the body through the actualization of its political potential and entangles with others to constitute a common spatiality, political action of the multitude. The article is organized through the description of a back-and-forth movement between the revolts of Tehran in 2009 and the Iranian revolution of 1979. Also, a detour into the works of Robert Morris and Trisha Brown is required in order to understand the link between the body and the constitution of a common spatiality.


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A study supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), in the context of its General Studies Programme, performed an investigation of the possible use of space for studies in pure and applied plasma physics, in areas not traditionally covered by ‘space plasma physics’. A set of experiments have been identified that can potentially provide access to new phenomena and to allow advances in several fields of plasma science. These experiments concern phenomena on a spatial scale (101–104 m) intermediate between what is achievable on the ground and the usual solar system plasma observations. Detailed feasibility studies have been performed for three experiments: active magnetic experiments, largescale discharges and long tether–plasma interactions. The perspectives opened by these experiments are discussed for magnetic reconnection, instabilities, MHD turbulence, atomic excited states kinetics, weakly ionized plasmas,plasma diagnostics, artificial auroras and atmospheric studies. The discussion is also supported by results of numerical simulations and estimates.