402 resultados para titles
Issued in 1889 under title "The little giant cyclopedia", and in 1893 under title "The marvel cyclopedia". Also issued under titles "The nutshell cyclopedia" and "Armstrong's treasury of ready reference.
Alphabetical list of titles in series printed on covers.
Some issues have also distinctive titles.
On cover series number given as N. 74 ; also given as N. 74 in listing of titles for this series.
Issue for -1819 also called -2. Bd. in Annalen der Physik and physikalischen Chemie
Contents: No.2(1897) - Synoptical index of the reports of the Statistician, 1863 to 1894; no.4(1898) - Index to authors with titles of their publications appearing in documents of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1841 to 1897; no.6(1902) - List by titles of publications of the United States Department of Agriculture from 1840 to June, 1901, inclusive ...; no.7(1902) - Index to the Yearbooks of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1894-1900; no.8(1907) - Index to Farmers' bulletins Nos.1-250.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
On double leaves, oriental style.
[Division I. A to Cak] -- Division II. Cak to Cro -- Division III. Cro to Gri -- Division IV. Gri to Mus -- Division V. Mus to Pin -- Division VI. Pin to Ser -- Division VII. Sha to Tut -- Division VIII. Twe to Zwe.
Mode of access: Internet.
Recipes taken from several cookbooks, including books by Henriette Davidis and Henriette Löffler.
Includes section on napkin folding; cooking glossary of Czech and English language, including English pronuncation with Czech phonetics. Sample recipes: Obyčejná bramborová polévka, Potato soup, Soupe de pommes de terre; Skopová sekanina s vejci, Mutton hash with eggs, Hachis de mouton aux oeufs; Mramorový dort, Marble cake, Gâteau marbre.
Cf. Sabin 40807.
"Serial no. 100-89."
Issued in six part titles with alphabetic designation: A, Hallituksen esitykset; B, Kertomukset; C, Valiokuntien mietinnöt ja lausunnot; D, Eduskunnan vastaukset; E, Lakialoitteet; F, Kirjalliset kysymykset. Each part issued in multiple numbers (e.g., for 2000: A1-A5, B1-B2, C1-C3, D1-D2, E1, F1-F5).