5 resultados para Qu (Chinese literature)
em Universidade dos Açores - Portugal
La traduction est un moyen d'invasion culturelle dont le pouvoir est souvent sous-estimé. Elle permet, pourtant, l'introduction, dans une culture nationale, d'éléments appartenant à une culture étrangère. Ce pouvoir de la traduction est toutefois potentiel. Pour qu'il y ait effectivement invasion culturelle par le biais de la traduction, il faut la contribution des entités du pays envahisseur (les organismes qui font la promotion de la littérature à l’étranger) et de celles du pays envahi (maisons d'édition, traducteurs et lecteurs). Les traductions de Je m'en vais de Jean Echenoz et de História do cerco de Lisboa de José Saramago, en portugais et en français respectivement, fonctionneront comme le point de départ pour une réflexion sur le rôle de la traduction dans le rapport entre le Portugal et la France à l'époque contemporaine.
"[...]. É imprescindível o desenvolvimento das competências em Estatística durante a formação escolar, para que o aluno/cidadão adquira uma capacidade de análise crítica em relação às informações que o rodeiam no dia-a-dia. Nesse sentido, cada vez mais, os currículos escolares deverão abranger os conceitos estatísticos, de forma a proporcionarem aos alunos uma aprendizagem relevante para a sua formação. Para que o processo ensino-aprendizagem da Estatística seja valorizado e reconhecido por todos os intervenientes na formação (alunos/professores/comunidade), tem de ser devidamente integrado e trabalhado em contextos reais. [...]"
Fórum Internacional de Pedagogia, FIPED Portugal IV, Angra do Heroísmo, 4 e 5 de Abril de 2014.
Bullying is one of today’s biggest problems. Bullying is the intentional repeated aggression directed at a target individual. There is substantial evidence of the negative psychological and health outcomes associated with bullying. It occurs very frequently, especially in adolescence, and action is needed to lessen its causes and alleviate its consequences. Research has shown that behavior problems usually interact with other risk and protection factors, as well as with factors of etiological development. This book discusses the prevalence, psychological impacts and intervention strategies of bullying.
In the business world, employees can contribute with information, ideas, concerns, opinions and proposals to their managers in respect of: (1) the way work could be performed, (2) what should / should not be done in the workplace, (3) how a particular decision can be implemented, and (4) how an organizational policy should be formed and executed (Rego, 2013). However, due to a diverse set of factors, employees often choose to remain silent in the workplace. One of these factors is psychological safety, which describes employees’ perceptions of the consequences of taking interpersonal risks in the workplace (Edmondson, 2014). The following paper is essentially a literature review and its aim is to, firstly, make a brief approach to factors reported in the literature that may affect employee voice and silence, followed up by an explanation of the types of silence that can be engaged by employees. Besides that, the authors will also make an approach to physical and psychological safety. Lastly, it will be reported some links, mentioned in the literature, between employee silence and psychological safety.