57 resultados para Guiné
Objectives: Because there is scientific evidence that an appropriate intake of dietary fibre should be part of a healthy diet, given its importance in promoting health, the present study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to evaluate the knowledge of the general population about dietary fibres. Study design: The present study was a cross sectional study. Methods: The methodological study of psychometric validation was conducted with 6010 participants, residing in ten countries from 3 continents. The instrument is a questionnaire of self-response, aimed at collecting information on knowledge about food fibres. For exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was chosen the analysis of the main components using varimax orthogonal rotation and eigenvalues greater than 1. In confirmatory factor analysis by structural equation modelling (SEM) was considered the covariance matrix and adopted the Maximum Likelihood Estimation algorithm for parameter estimation. Results: Exploratory factor analysis retained two factors. The first was called Dietary Fibre and Promotion of Health (DFPH) and included 7 questions that explained 33.94 % of total variance ( = 0.852). The second was named Sources of Dietary Fibre (SDF) and included 4 questions that explained 22.46% of total variance ( = 0.786). The model was tested by SEM giving a final solution with four questions in each factor. This model showed a very good fit in practically all the indexes considered, except for the ratio 2/df. The values of average variance extracted (0.458 and 0.483) demonstrate the existence of convergent validity; the results also prove the existence of discriminant validity of the factors (r2 = 0.028) and finally good internal consistency was confirmed by the values of composite reliability (0.854 and 0.787). Conclusions: This study allowed validating the KADF scale, increasing the degree of confidence in the information obtained through this instrument in this and in future studies.
A Sociedade é cada vez mais exigente, e para satisfazer o consumidor quer em qualidade quer em segurança alimentar, a legislação em vigor deve ser cumprida com rigor, de forma a garantir que os produtos da origem até ao consumo sejam alimentos seguros. O presente trabalho aborda a importância da segurança alimentar, desde a origem ao consumo, com destaque nas exigências sanitárias contidas no Regulamento (CE) 852/2004, em vigor desde 1 de janeiro de 2006, tendo sempre em conta as boas práticas de higiene dos manipuladores intervenientes, das instalações, equipamentos, receção das matérias-primas, armazenagem das mesmas e respetivo processamento dos alimentos. Aborda-se ainda a Norma ISO 22000, que especifica os requisitos para um sistema de gestão da segurança alimentar e que combina os elementos-chave geralmente reconhecidos como essenciais, que permitem assegurar a segurança dos géneros alimentícios ao longo da cadeia alimentar até ao seu consumo final. Para além destes temas são abordados ainda dois exemplos práticos relativos à implementação da segurança alimentar desde a origem da matéria-prima, até ao consumo de alimentos em dois setores. O primeiro é o de uma empresa do setor de distribuição, enquadrando-se nesta o fornecedor de origem, onde se realizam as etapas de abate, desmancha e embalamento, e o segundo é do setor da restauração.
This paper presents an experimental study on the evolution of carrot properties along convective drying by hot air at different temperatures (50ºC, 60ºC and 70ºC). The thermo-physical properties calculated were: specific heat, thermal conductivity, diffusivity, enthalpy, heat and mass transfer coefficients. Furthermore, the data of drying kinetics were treated and adjusted according to the three empirical models: Page, Henderson & Pabis and Logarithmic. The sorption isotherms were also determined and fitted using the GAB model. The results showed that, generally, the thermo-physical properties presented a decline during the drying process, and the decrease was faster for the temperature of 70ºC. It was possible to verify that the Page model presented the best prediction ability for the representation of kinetics of the drying process. The GAB model used to fit the sorption isotherms showed a good prediction capacity and, at a given water activity, despite some variations, the amount of water sorbed increased with the decrease of drying temperature.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of different production and conservation factors on some properties of blueberries. Among the production factors considered were cultivar (Duke, Bluecrop and Ozarkblue) and production mode (organic or conventional). Regarding the conservation factors were evaluated temperature (ambient or refrigeration) and storage time (0, 7 and 14 days). The properties under study belong to three categories: physical properties (color and texture); chemical properties (moisture content, sugars and acidity) and phenolic and antioxidant properties (total phenols, anthocyanins, tannins, ABTS antioxidant activity, DPPH antioxidant activity). The results revealed that moisture content was only influenced by cultivar and that both acidity and sugar contents varied according to the production mode used. Also it was evidenced that the antioxidant activity was not statistically different between cultivars, production modes or conservation conditions. Regarding the phenolic compounds, the tannins were significantly higher for the blueberries produced in organic agriculture. Regarding color significant differences were also encountered and the most intense blue was found in blueberries from cv. Duke, produced in organic farming and stored under refrigeration. Textural attributes were also very significantly influenced by all factors at study: cultivar, production mode and conservation, and the berries from cv. Duke stored under refrigeration showed the highest firmness.
The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children is increasing; hence, it was aimed to assess the Body Mass Index (BMI) in school children aged from 10 to 18 years for girls and to 17 for boys, as well as to identify the factors influencing BMI. This study included 742 students who answered a questionnaire previously approved for application in schools. The results showed some sociodemographic factors associated with BMI classes: age, school year, practicing high competition sport, being federate in a sport or having a vegetarian diet. The educational factors associated with BMI classes included only seminars given at school by a nutritionist. Behavioural factors significantly associated with BMI included: learning in classes, playing in the open air, reading books or use of internet. As conclusion, the results demonstrated that several factors affect BMI, and hence some actions could be taken in order to change them so as to reduce the prevalence of overweight, namely reinforcing the role of school and a more active participation of nutritionists in the education of the adolescents.
Introduction: Dietary iber (DF) has been part of human diet since ever, and its beneits for the human health have been well estab-lished and scientiically conirmed. Among these stand improved gastrointestinal functions, prevent cholesterol, diabetes or CVD. Objectives: To study the level of knowledge of people residing in Portugal about the health effects related to an adequate ingestion of DF. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out on a non-probabilistic sample of 382 adults residing in Portugal. The questionnaire included a section about the socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender, level of education and living environ- ment) and another about the relation between dietary iber and possible beneicial effects to treat and prevent diseases. The data was treated using the SPSS software (V22). Results: The results allowed concluding that people were dif- ferently informed about the effects of DF in preventing and/or treating different diseases, being constipation the most recog- nized, followed in decreasing order by obesity, bowel cancer, cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and breast can- cer. The results also showed that signiicant differences were encountered between age groups for most of the diseases evalu- ated, but not between genders, levels of education or living en- vironments. Conclusions: Generally, it was concluded that the participants in this study were relatively well informed about the roles of DF in preventing and/or treating various diseases.
O pão, um dos alimentos mais consumidos a nível mundial, tem como principal função o fornecimento de energia ao organismo. Considerado como um alimento funcional é igualmente dotado de benefícios nutricionais que podem ajudar no combate do excesso de peso e obesidade, sendo indispensável para uma dieta saudável. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste em dar a conhecer os hábitos de consumo de pão e as preferências dos consumidores da região de Viseu, pretendendo-se aferir em que medida os hábitos de consumo, compras e entendimento relativo ao consumo do pão, diferem com base nas variáveis individuais. O estudo foi realizado através de um inquérito por questionário, por entrevista direta. Os dados demográficos, hábitos de consumo, compras e o entendimento relativo ao consumo de pão, foram os parâmetros selecionados para a estruturação do inquérito. A amostra era composta por 500 inquiridos, onde 35,40% pertenciam ao género masculino e 64,06% ao género feminino. A maioria da população em estudo gosta de pão e inclui pão na sua dieta. Observou-se que o pão de mistura era o pão mais consumido e a refeição onde se ingeria mais pão seria ao pequeno-almoço. Os filhos dos inquiridos ao pequeno-almoço consumiam mais leite e o pão era o terceiro alimento mais consumido. De um modo geral, os inquiridos valorizavam mais as características sensoriais no ato de compra do pão. O local mais requisitado para comprar de pão era a pastelaria. No que diz respeito ao nível de conhecimentos, a grande maioria dos inquiridos respondeu corretamente a pelo menos metade das questões. Pode-se concluir que o pão faz, em geral, parte da dieta alimentar da população da amostra em estudo. Comparativamente com um estudo nacional efetuado em 2011 pela Federação Portuguesa de Cardiologia e o Museu do Pão, existem semelhanças nos resultados, no que diz respeito às refeições onde se consome mais pão e ao tipo de pão consumido. Existe uma falha de informação a nível nacional, sobre o tema pão, havendo a necessidade de este tema ser mais estudado/explorado.
Objectives Dietary fibre (DF) is one of the components of diet that strongly contributes to health improvements, particularly on the gastrointestinal system. Hence, this work intended to evaluate the relations between some sociodemographic variables such as age, gender, level of education, living environment or country on the levels of knowledge about dietary fibre (KADF), its sources and its effects on human health, using a validated scale. Study design The present study was a cross-sectional study. Methods A methodological study was conducted with 6010 participants, residing in 10 countries from different continents (Europe, America, Africa). The instrument was a questionnaire of self-response, aimed at collecting information on knowledge about food fibres. The instrument was used to validate a scale (KADF) which model was used in the present work to identify the best predictors of knowledge. The statistical tools used were as follows: basic descriptive statistics, decision trees, inferential analysis (t-test for independent samples with Levene test and one-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons post hoc tests). Results The results showed that the best predictor for the three types of knowledge evaluated (about DF, about its sources and about its effects on human health) was always the country, meaning that the social, cultural and/or political conditions greatly determine the level of knowledge. On the other hand, the tests also showed that statistically significant differences were encountered regarding the three types of knowledge for all sociodemographic variables evaluated: age, gender, level of education, living environment and country. Conclusions The results showed that to improve the level of knowledge the actions planned should not be delineated in general as to reach all sectors of the populations, and that in addressing different people, different methodologies must be designed so as to provide an effective health education.
The positive benefits of DF associated with the regulation of the intestinal transit, and the prevention or treatment of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and regulate colon cancer and obesity. The aim of this research was to collect information on knowledge about dietary fibre on citizens’ of Latvia. The questionnaire consists 22 questions, which aim was to evaluate knowledge on three distinct areas: six for knowledge about food fibres; six for the relation between fibres and variety of foods and 12 for the relations between fibres and diseases. The methodological study was conducted with 231 participants, from which 64.9% were female and 35.1% male, aged between 17 and 80 years. The respondents were selected by convenience, although of age, literacy, gender, geographical area of residence, including people from different cities and smaller villages. 67% of respondents consider that the consumption of sufficient amounts of fibres can prevent or treat different diseases. 85% of respondents have noted that legumes (peas, beans) are source of fibres, but more possible take up the fibre with a combination of vegetables and animal products. This research was prepared in the ambit of the multinational project from CI&DETS Research Centre (IPV e Viseu, Portugal) with reference PROJ/CI&DETS/2014/0001.
Problem statement: Dietary fibre (DF) has been recognized as a major determinant for improvement of health. Hence the means of information through which people become aware of its benefits are crucial. Research questions: Where do you usually find information about dietary fibre? What means of communication do you consider the most appropriate to encourage the consumption of dietary fibre? Purpose of the study: This work aimed at studying the sources of information about dietary fibre, as a means to educate people about aspects related to healthy eating. Factors such as gender, level of education, living environment or country were evaluated as to their effect on the selection of sources and preferences. Research Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study by means of a questionnaire, applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 6010 participants from 10 countries in different continents (Europe, Africa and America), answered after informed consent by all participants. For the analysis were used several descriptive statistics tools, crosstabs and chi square test to assess the relations between some of the variables under study. Findings: Mostly the information about DF comes from the internet, but television is recognized as suitable. Differences were found between genders, levels of education, living environments and countries. The internet (preferred source), got highest scores for Hungary, urban areas, university education and female gender. The radio (least scored source) was preferred in Egypt, for men and with lower education (primary school). Conclusions: People get information through the internet due to easy access. However, it is to some extent a risk given the impossibility to control de information made public on the internet. The role of health centres and hospitals as well as schools should definitely be increased, as a responsible way to ensure correct information.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação das propriedades da cenoura (Daucus carota L.), da variedade Nantes, antes, durante e após a secagem por convecção a três temperaturas diferentes (50, 60 e 70 ºC).De forma a verificar as alterações ao nível de diferentes propriedades, tais como: propriedades químicas (humidade, proteínas, fibras, cinzas, açúcares e 'aw') propriedades físicas (textura, cor, porosidade e densidade) e propriedades termofísicas (calor específico, condutividade térmica, difusividade e entalpia). Dos resultados obtidos foi possível concluir que a temperatura de secagem de 70 º C foi a que mais afetou as propriedades químicas analisadas, tais como a humidade, proteínas e açúcares redutores, onde estes sofreram uma diminuição ao longo das secagens. A 'aw' também apresentou uma diminuição ao longo das secagens, onde apresentou um menor valor na secagem a 70 ºC, tendo passado de 0,97 para 0,69, enquanto as temperaturas de 50 ºC e 60 ºC apresentaram um valor final igual, de 0,74. No que diz respeito às propriedades físicas, verificou-se que em relação à textura registaram-se evoluções semelhantes em termos de dureza, mastigabilidade e gomosidade, na medida em que sofreram uma acentuada diminuição nas primeiras horas de secagem, e a temperatura de 70 ºC foi a que mais afetou estas propriedades. No caso da cor a temperatura de 60 ºC foi a que provocou uma maior diferença de cor, a qual ao longo da secagem esta foi aumentando. A porosidade sofreu um aumento com as secagens devido à diminuição da humidade, no entanto a temperatura de 70 ºC foi a que obteve uma menor porosidade, e as temperaturas de 50 ºC e 60 ºC apresentaram valores de porosidade semelhantes. As propriedades termofísicas registaram uma diminuição ao longo da secagem, onde o calor específico sofreu uma maior diminuição com a temperatura de 70 ºC, passando de 3,90 kJ/kg.K para 1,99 kJ/kg.K. A condutividade térmica também sofreu uma maior diminuição com a temperatura de 70 ºC, diminuindo de 0,5243 W/m.K para 0,2782 W/m.K. A difusividade foi de igual forma afetada pela temperatura de 70 ºC, tendo diminuído de 1,50×10-7 m2/s para 1,06×10-7 m2/s. No caso da entalpia, esta sofreu uma maior diminuição com a temperatura de 50 ºC, passando de 233 J/kg para 96,7 J/kg. As isotérmicas de sorção foram ajustadas ao modelo de GAB, onde se verificou que apesar de algumas oscilações a quantidade de água sorvida a uma determinada aw, aumentou com a diminuição da temperatura.Os dados da cinética de secagem foram tratados e ajustados de acordo com três modelos: Page, Henderson & Pabis e Logarítmico, tendo-se verificado que o modelo de Page foi o que mostrou melhor descrever os processos em estudo, enquanto o pior modelo para descrever a cinética de secagem foi o Logarítmico.
In this study 15 hazelnut varieties existing in a collection of Viseu Agricultural Station were evaluated. The nuts were studied in respect of their morphological characteristics, such as fruit and kernel weight, index of compression and of shape and shell thickness. The study was complemented with analysis of physical properties such as colour and texture, and the determination of moisture content and water activity, given the importance that these parameters take in the conservation capacity of the fruits. All experiments followed standard methods, being also used the following equipment: texturometer, colorimeter and hygrometer. The results obtained allowed to know the expectable ranges for each color parameters in the shell, film and kernels: L*, a*, b* chroma and hue, having been found statistically significant differences among the cultivars studied. As regards the textural parameters evaluated by crust crushing and crumb cutting tests (hardness, friability and resilience) there were also significant differences. Evaluation of moisture was of great importance because confirmed that the solar drying, used to extract the excess of moisture from the fruits, was sufficient to reach low values, between 1.66% and 4.52%, being so a guarantee of preservation.
Dietary fi bres (DFs) are essential components of the balanced diet. Even though the adequate level of their consumption can be ensured from several natural (e.g. fruit, vegetables, legumes) and ‘artifi cial’ sources (e.g. functional foods), the consumed levels are below the recommendations. To analyse the Hungarian and Romanian consumers’ knowledge level, their perceptions of the health benefi ts associated with fi bre, as well as the recognition of the potential information sources, a survey questionnaire was conducted with the total of 713 consumers. Results showed that the level of knowledge about DFs was not adequate. Internet was found to be widely used and identifi ed as one of the most appropriate information sources to encourage the consumption of DF. It was a favourable result that three-quarter of the respondents was interested in the topic of healthy food consumption; however, just less than half of them took into consideration the label information during their shopping decisions. To increase the consumption of DF and to support the responsibility and conscious consumer decisions steps must to be done (e.g. education of children, pointing out of the sources). For this purpose, modern information technology and communication channels fi tting to the consumers’ cultural and personal particularities can be utilized.
O cardo é uma planta que encontra-se associada ao fabrico de queijo, pois é responsável pelo fenómeno da coagulação do leite. No entanto, têm aumentado o número de estudos realizados nesta planta, relacionados com a composição química, de forma a perceber os benefícios para a saúde. O objetivo desta dissertação foi caracterizar a flor de cardo relativamente à sua atividade antioxidante, composição em compostos fenólicos e avaliar a sua estabilidade ao longo do trato digestivo. Para tal, foram estudas amostras de flor de cardo da espécie C. cardunculus spp flavescens, após liofilização e secagem em estufa com convecção forçada a diferentes temperaturas (40ºC, 50ºC e 60ºC). Após cada tratamento, efetuaram-se duas extrações sucessivas com soluções de metanol (98% v/v) e de acetona (60% v/v). Os extratos obtidos foram depois utilizados para quantificar os teores em compostos fenólicos totais, em orto-difenois e em flavonóides. A atividade antioxidante foi determinada utilizando os métodos DPPH e ABTS. Por fim, procedeu-se à avaliação da bioacessibilidade dos compostos presentes submetendo os vários extratos a condições simulantes do trato digestivo. Pela análise dos resultados obtidos foi possível constatar que a quantidade de compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante na flor de cardo varia consoante a temperatura de secagem, ocorrendo a diminuição à medida que se aumenta a temperatura. Os resultados obtidos para a bioacessibilidade mostraram um comportamento distinto dos extratos de metanol e de acetona. No entanto, em ambos os casos ocorreu uma diminuição na quantidade de compostos disponíveis para absorção intestinal.
Kiwi fruit is a highly nutritional fruit due to the high level of vitamin C and its strong antioxidant capacity due to a wide number of phytonutrients including carotenoids, lutein, phenolics, flavonoids and chlorophyll [1]. Drying consists of a complex process in which simultaneous heat and mass transfer occur. Several alterations occur during the drying of foods at many levels (physical, chemical, nutritional or sensorial) which are influenced by a number of factors, including processing conditions [2]. Temperature is particularly important because of the effects it produces at the chemical and also at the physical level, particularly colour and texture [3]. In the present work were evaluated the changes in sliced kiwi when exposed to air drying at different temperatures (50, 60, 70, 80 ºC), namely in terms of some chemical properties like ascorbic acid or phenolic compounds, physical characteristics like colour and texture and also at the sensorial level. All experiments followed standard established procedures and several replicates were done to assess each property. The results obtained indicated that moisture was reduced with drying by 74 to 87%, depending on the temperature. Also ascorbic acid decreased with drying, being 7% for 50 ºC and increasing up to 28% for the highest temperature (80 ºC). The phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity were also very much affected by the drying temperature. The water activity of the dried samples varied from 0.658 to 0.753, being compatible with a good preservation. Regarding colour, the total colour difference between the dried samples and the fresh sample was found to vary in the range 9.45 – 17.17. The textural parameters were also much affected by drying, namely hardness which decreased by 45 to 72 %, and all other parameters increased: cohesiveness (approximately doubled), springiness (increased 2 to 3 times) and chewiness which increased up to 2.5 times that off the fresh sample. Adhesiveness, which was observed for the fresh samples (-4.02 N.s) disappeared in all the dried samples. The sensorial analysis made to the dried samples allowed establishing the sensorial profiles as shown in Figure 1.