19 resultados para CRIMINALIDADE

em RUN (Repositório da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - FCT (Faculdade de Cienecias e Technologia), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal


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Dissertação de mestrado apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território área de especialização em Detecção remota e Sistema de Informação de Geográfica.


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação


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In an increasingly globalized society, the crime appears as a reality that crosses borders. Globalization has potentiated the emergence of new forms of crime, which have been the subject of more interventional, particularly in terms of political, judicial and police authorities as well as civil society approaches. The media allow rapid expansion of criminal methodologies, which aggregate to the ease of movement of itinerant criminal groups, increases the opportunities for the continuation of the practice of criminal offenses, threatening, increasingly, the tranquility and safety of populations. Criminal organizations are characterized by their complexity, thus contributing to the difficulty in combat, by police and judicial authorities, forcing rapid adaptation to new political and criminal reality, particularly at the level of institutional cooperation, national and international, as exemplified by the creation of the "European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice" and new agencies in the field of police cooperation. It was intended with this paper to answer the central question: Is it possible to define a concept of Itinerant Crime in the European regulatory framework (Police and Judiciary)? To fulfill this aim, we performed the characterization of the concept of itinerant crime including itinerant criminal group, we analyzed the work that is being done by the authorities, police and judiciary, in order to contain the phenomenon. Finally, we studied type of existing cooperation at European level between the Member States and the authorities with responsibilities in this area. At the end, we conclude that efforts are being made towards the enhancement of operational, police and judicial cooperation, between the competent authorities of the European Union by combating this phenomenon. Define, and also proposed, a unique concept of Itinerant Crime, in order to be included in the legal standards, in order to facilitate research, in particular to better fit the itinerant crime and assist the prosecution of offenders.


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Globalization brought some deep changes to the world (dis)order. Nowadays, more than in other moment in history, we are closer to the ones physically far, living in “global village” called by Marshall McLuhan (1962). The concepts and premises built in this new order, have totally broken with the ones that “came out from Westphalia”, which had last to the end of the cold war, like, for example, the concept of security. Since then, security has been facing one of its biggest transformations ever, completely disrupting the state border based idea and starting to be extended to other domains, as human, economic, environmental and IT security, among others. In this global and interdependent environment, “new” threats and risks have raised, which are demanding a comprehensive approach from the States, international organizations and other actors, to allow the analysis and understanding its impacts on the various society sectors and orders. Inside the enormous challenges to the global security, it is important to regard the organized crime, which covers, by itself, a set of threats and risks, enhanced by its connection to other types of criminality, such as terrorism. The goals pursued and the tactics used by criminal organizations during the perpetration of illegal activities, specially the drug smuggling, have impact in an wide spectrum of the social, economic financial and politic dimensions, which should not be underestimated, otherwise our own security may be compromised. Therefore, the current investigation intends to be an important catalyst to the idea debate inside security scope, through the analysis of the organized crime and the drug smuggling, adding to a discussion of this issue, which should be deeper and holistic, aiming a better understanding of the challenges provided by our society.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História da Arte


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O conceito de segurança é cada vez mais polissémico, contestado, ambíguo e complexo. A segurança tem vindo a ser delegada, co-produzida e ―desestatizada‖, gerando-se a convicção de que a noção weberiana de monopólio do uso legitimo da força por parte do Estado está em crise, face a uma diversidade de actores que passaram também a fornecer segurança, quer aos cidadãos, quer ao próprio Estado, nos níveis interno e supranacional, numa perspectiva concorrencial, complementar ou subsidiária. Assim, tem-se verificado a evolução de novos quadros conceptuais para fazer face aos limites constrangentes do vestfalianismo e para o estudo da segurança, procurando abranger o contexto social, cultural, político e económico do ocidente e das latitudes ―não ocidentais‖, num mundo cada vez mais fragmentado, marcado pela desigualdade e por novos fenómenos de (in)segurança. Observa-se uma dupla tendência de internacionalização e de comunitarização da segurança na contemporaneidade. Por um lado, a segurança alarga-se a uma escala global, extravazando as fronteiras físicas dos Estados. Por outro lado, procura adaptar-se e responder às especificidades locais, sendo co-produzida entre diversos actores sociais num esforço colectivo para garantir, manter e aprofundar a segurança. Os Estados procuram fazer face às ameaças e riscos fora das suas fronteiras e, ao mesmo tempo, delegam funções de segurança numa miríade de entidades privadas, locais e nos próprios cidadãos. A dialéctica entre a comunitarização da segurança a uma escala local (soft policing) e uma militarização e musculação das respostas, a um nível internacional e nacional, para enfrentar as ameaças e riscos multiformes (hard policing) é uma das grandes tendências do nosso tempo. No mundo globalizado, complexo e em mutação permanente procura-se assim uma alteração paradigmática superadora da tradicional compartimentação estanque entre segurança interna e externa, entre justiça e administração interna, entre gestão militar e gestão civil de crises, entre segurança pública e segurança privada, entre os conceitos de criminalidade organizada e de criminalidade de massa e entre prevenção e repressão, de forma a encarar novos desafios.


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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os principais desafios à segurança marítima na subregião da África Ocidental, particularmente nas ilhas de Cabo Verde. Incidir-se-á, igualmente, sob as principais iniciativas adotadas a nível regional e nacional, bem como, as implicações desses novos desafios na estratégia de segurança nacional de Cabo Verde e os efeitos das ações cooperativas na segurança marítima deste arquipélago. Argumenta-se que apesar dos vários benefícios e potencialidades de exploração do espaço marítimo, existem, atualmente, diversas ameaças e vulnerabilidades, como a criminalidade organizada transnacional, mormente, o tráfico ilícito de drogas e de armas. De igual modo, a pirataria marítima, o terrorismo marítimo, a pesca ilegal e a poluição marítima colocam sérios problemas securitários aos Estados costeiros. No contexto dessas novas ameaças e face às limitações atuais do Direito Internacional Marítimo e à falta de pragmatismo de políticas nacionais e regionais, um possível caminho para combater as atividades ilícitas no mar é através de uma visão partilhada de interesses comuns e a tomada de decisões compartilhadas a todos os níveis. Para se atingir o desiderato proposto, além de se apoiar numa ampla revisão de bibliografia existente sobre a segurança marítima e relatórios elaborados por organismos regionais e internacionais, baseia-se também em leis e documentos oficiais de Cabo Verde relativos à segurança marítima.


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This master dissertation is to bring a contribution to the reflection on the need to strengthen cross-border cooperation, among the various entities applying the law with a view to building a European security culture through police training. On this basis, it proposes a reflection on the new security paradigm, focused on the demanding and informed security needs by the citizen due to an increasingly transnational crime throughout the different States. This development, coupled with globalization itself, led to the definition of strategies to gear the work of the police in preventing and combating new criminal phenomena such as the European Internal Security Strategy. However, without a true safety culture, which fosters trust among the various actors and ensures a coordinated and uniform action of the police, it will not be easy to achieve the desired effectiveness in protecting the fundamental rights that underpin European integration. Against this background, attempts to explain that the implementation of a common European training program for the police (LETS) is the way forward, with a view to a more effective security in the Union, based on values that embody a genuine European security culture, coveted by all, based on an idea of governance held at different levels of intervention, European, regional and national levels.


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Cooperation between police forces is a topic that is increasingly relevant. The emergence of new threats, as well as looking for new ways to fight crime, require from the, careful monitoring and strict sharing of all relevant information. This Work is entitled “The GNR and cooperation between Criminal Police Bodies in the Risk Society. Case Study: District of Lisbon” and aims to study the cooperation and coordination between police forces in Lisbon district, and verify if there is an parallel between the rule of law and the police procedures. The work is organized in four chapters. The first consists in a theoretical framework to perceive the context and objectives of this work. The second addresses the role of the, the different types of cooperation and instruments that promote cooperation between them. The third presents and analyzes the results. Finally, the fourth and last chapter the conclusions are woven answered the questions derived and starting question, tested hypotheses, and those limitations and future recommendations. In conclusion, the District of Lisbon, there is cooperation, materialized in a constant exchange of information, based on personal and informal relationship between the elements of the various Police Forces.


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The present work aims to develop the theme "The summary procedure and the reform of 2013". The purpose of its analysis serves the interest to understand the virtues and disadvantages of the changes introduced by Act n.º 20/2013 to our Code of Criminal Procedure, and the main focus of the present reflection is to further the impact of the measures taken by the legislator to the summary proceedings. The opening of the most serious crimes to summary procedure is a reform measure duly highlighted because it is a true innovation in the Portuguese penal system. Therefore, it urges to analyse not only the consequences of this measure, as well as if the objectives of its introduction in the summary procedure system are met. It should be noted that the legislator intends to promote speedy trial, and at the same time, ensure compliance with the Constitutional rights associated to the accused. At this point it is important to realize if there is a restriction of the accused essential guarantees. On the other hand, it should be noted that the typical characteristics of summary proceedings might have been invariably modified, due to the innovative aspect of the reform. That said, the changes might have fostered a mischaracterization of the typical format of the summary procedure, both in terms of the nature of the proceedings and in terms of its space and objectives within the penal system. Reflecting on the above will provide a deeper understanding of the volatile balance between the Portuguese governing prosecution efficiency and the Constitution, as well as the future of the criminal policy in Portugal.


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This study analyses the principle of presumption of innocence in the preliminary stages of the Portuguese criminal process, its procedural aspect related with the principle of in dubio pro reo and its material aspect concerning the treatment of the defendant during the proceedings. The consequences and manifestations of the principle of presumption of innocence are analysed in the decisions of the closing stages of the preliminary criminal procedure and the application of the principle of in dubio pro reo is analysed in the judgement of sufficiency of evidence for the procedure to continue. It addresses the question of circumstantial evidence, its particular relevance in economic and financial crime, highly organized crime, the grounds for the indictment in general and when the sufficiency of evidence criteria is based on that evidence. It analyses the scope of the principle of presumption of innocence in the application of coercive measures, with reference to the arrest, first interrogation of the accused under detention and reasons for the subsequent dispatch about the measures. The asset assurance measures of preventive seizure and the preventive seizure to ensure confiscation are analysed and principle of presumption of innocence is considered non applicable to those measures.


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The means of obtaining evidence, the amount of evidence obtained, the number of defendants related to each criminal case and the gravity of the crimes for which the magistrates of the Department are holders of penal action, define its real importance to the Rule of Law. I have deeply studied the subject of the institution of hierarchical intervention required by the assistant and the application of an opening statement by the defendant, starting from a hypothetical case, provided when the query of an investigation with the subject of the crime of active corruption, where this institution was called as a reaction to the archiving dispatch delivered by the Public Ministry. I have study about the implementation of the institution of provisional suspension of the process, specifically in the scope of fiscal criminality, analyzing the effective satisfaction of the purposes of the sentences in two slopes: general prevention and special prevention. I went for my first time to a Central Court of Criminal Instruction, where I attended the measures of inquiry and instructive debate of a process that culminated with the prosecution and pronunciation of the defendants. In addition to this criminal experience, I have deepened and consolidated the academic knowledge with the study of various criminal cases from various fields in the scope of criminality investigated by the Department. I could therefore check the basis of procedural delays, regarding to our legal system, especially in this type of crime, raising issues that I analyzed and discussed, always in a critical and academic way. I had the opportunity to attend and witness a seminar in the Lisbon Directorate of Finance as well of entering the Centre for Judicial Studies to attend a conference on the International Anti-Corruption Day. Focus on the investigatory importance of the international judicial cooperation, through the various organs, with special interest to EUROJUST. I comprehended the organization and functioning of these communitarian organs and means of communication of procedural acts, in particular, the rogatory letters and european arrest warrants. This involvement is motivated by the moratorium factor of the investigations where rogatory letters are necessary for the acquisition of evidence or information relevant to the good continuation of the process. For this reason the judicial cooperation through the relevant communitarian organs, translates a streamlined response between the competent judicial authorities of the Member States, through the National Member that integrates EUROJUST. This report aims to highlight some of the difficulties and procedural issues that Public Prosecutors of DCIAP and criminal police bodies that assist them, face in combating violent and organized crime, of national and transnational nature, of particular complexity, according to the specifics of criminal types.


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Nowadays, safety and security regarding the tourism and events industries are a fundamental subject to society. Portugal’s tourism has significantly increased its number of visitors, whether due to the increasing number of cruisers docking in Lisbon, or due to visitors arriving by air, travelling the country from North to South and staying in the most varied accommodation units. Issues like human security and internal security of the different countries, even the security in the world, as development factors of a modern society, are discussed on a daily basis. On the contrary, few deal with tourism and major events security as being part of internal security, as well as the existing barriers tourism encounters to integrate the system for fighting terrorism. Although two distinct activities, they are complementary and may influence the country’s economy, provided that they can offer certainty to all actors involved. It is this substance that organised crime groups look for when planning terror acts. Therefore, as tourism can offer deception and shelter opportunities and events the theatre of a possible attack, those events assemble all the necessary conditions for an attack to achieve its goals.


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This master dissertation is a small and humble contribution to a better assumption of the national position on the provisions of Article 40 of the Schengen Implementing Convention, particularly regarding authorities responsible for the implementation of border surveillance. And, above all, aims to be an asset to the strategic definition of this matter within the Public Security Police. To fulfill this aim, we tried to reconcile, against the almost non-existent bibliographic support frame, the professional experience of the several roles in the criminal area of Public Security Police and as a Group 7 National Expert (Mobile Organised Crime Groups) for EU Policy Cicle 2011-2013 – EMPACT Projects (European Platform Against Threats criminal Multidisciplinary) –, with the opinion conveyed by commanders, who perform management functions in the criminal structure of the Public Security Police or, not exercising, to be recognized with high merit in the criminal area.


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In actual context of multidimensional and complex interactions, public safety has been occupying more and more both rhetorical and political agendas and citizen’s concerns. People discuss the causes, crime combat, question the punishment and its implementation as a way of stop the the increasing criminality. Such as public safety, also prisons and prision systems as integral parts in coproduction safety have been taking the center of the discussions, which seeks to realize the preponderance of the portuguese prision system in the context of public safety.