2 resultados para yhteissuunnittelu


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Home Economics Classrooms as Part of Developing the Environment Housing Activities and Curriculums Defining Change --- The aim of the research project was to develop home economics classrooms to be flexible and versatile learning environments where household activities might be practiced according to the curriculum in different social networking situations. The research is based on the socio-cultural approach, where the functionality of the learning environment is studied specifically from an interactive learning viewpoint. The social framework is a natural starting point in home economics teaching because of the group work in classrooms. The social nature of learning thus becomes a significant part of the learning process. The study considers learning as experience based, holistic and context bound. The learning environment, i.e. home economics classrooms and the material tools there, plays a significant role in developing students skills to manage everyday life. --- The first research task was to analyze the historical development of household activities. The second research task was to develop and test criteria for functional home economics classrooms in planning both the learning environment and the students activities during lessons. The third research task was to evaluate how different professionals (commissioners, planners and teachers) use the criteria as a tool. The research consists of three parts. The first contains a historical analysis of how social changes have created tension between traditional household classrooms and new activities in homes. The historical analysis is based on housing research, regulations and instructions. For this purpose a new theoretical concept, the tension arch, was introduced. This helped in recognizing and solving problems in students activities and in developing innovations. The functionality criteria for home economics classrooms were developed based on this concept. These include technical (health, safety and technical factors), functional (ergonomic, ecological, aesthetic and economic factors) and behavioural (cooperation and interaction skills and communication technologies) criteria. --- The second part discusses how the criteria were used in renovating school buildings. Empirical data was collected from two separate schools where the activities during lessons were recorded both before and after classrooms were renovated. An analysis of both environments based on video recordings was conducted. The previously created criteria were made use of, and problematic points in functionality looked for particularly from a social interactive viewpoint. The results show that the criteria were used as a planning tool. The criteria facilitated layout and equipment solutions that support both curriculum and learning in home economics classrooms taking into consideration cooperation and interaction in the classroom. With the help of the criteria the home economics classrooms changed from closed and complicated space into integrated and open spaces where the flexibility and versatility of the learning environment was emphasized. The teacher became a facilitator and counselor instead a classroom controller. --- The third part analyses the discussions in planning meetings. These were recorded and an analysis was conducted of how the criteria and research results were used in the planning process of new home economics classrooms. The planning process was multivoiced, i.e. actors from different interest groups took part. All the previously created criteria (technical, functional and behavioural) emerged in the discussions and some of them were used as planning tools. Planning meetings turned into planning studios where boundaries between organizations were ignored and the physical learning environments were developed together with experts. The planning studios resulted in multivoiced planning which showed characteristics of collaborative and participating planning as well as producing common knowledge and shared expertise. --- KEY WORDS: physical learning environment, socio-cultural approach, tension arch, boundary crossing, collaborative planning.


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Ympäristöllinen kestävyys on ajankohtaisempi asia kuin koskaan ja sen merkitys yritysten yhtenä kestävyyden osa-alueena kasvaa jatkuvasti. Erityisesti suuret yritykset pyrkivät erottumaan kilpailijoistaan ympäristöllisen kestävyyden avulla, mutta myös pk-yritykset olisi tärkeää saada mukaan toiminnan kehittämiseen. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset yritysten ympäristöllisestä kestävyydestä ovat keskittyneet pääosin käytössä oleviin menetelmiin ja kestävyyden kehittämisen suurimpiin haasteisiin. Tärkeää olisi tutkia myös sitä, miten pk-yritykset saataisiin mukaan kehittämään toimintaansa ympäristöllisesti kestävämmäksi. Tähän pyritään löytämään vastauksia tässä diplomityössä. Diplomityön tarkoituksena on tutkia sitä, millä tavoin pk-yritykset haluavat kehittää toimintaansa ympäristöllisesti kestävämmäksi. Työn tavoitteena on suunnitella pk-yritysten tarpeita vastaava palvelukonsepti niiden ympäristöllisen kestävyyden kehittämiseksi. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään palvelumuotoilua ja sen prosessin kolmea ensimmäistä vaihet-ta: asiakasymmärryksen hankintaa, luovaa ideointia sekä palvelukonseptin kehittämistä. Tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus, jonka tutkimusmetodina toimii palvelumuotoilun tärkein osa-alue eli yhteissuunnittelu. Yhteissuunnittelu toteutettiin visuaalisten työpajojen avulla suunnitteluun osallistuvien pk-yritysten kanssa. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin suunniteltua pk-yritysten tarpeisiin räätälöity palvelukonsepti niiden ympäristöllisen kestävyyden kehittämiseksi. Palvelun tärkeimpiä ominaisuuksia ovat jatkuva tiedon lisääminen, kokonaisuuden hahmottamista helpottava visuaalisuus sekä palvelun virallisiin standardeihin pohjautuva kokonaisuus. Lisäksi palvelu mahdollistaa toiminnan kehittämisen pienin askelin sen porrastetun menetelmän ansiosta. Yksi tärkeä ominaisuus on myös palvelun tarjoama mahdollisuus tietojen helppoon ja nopeaan doku-mentointiin sekä jalostamiseen.