968 resultados para visual management


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Monitor a distribution network implies working with a huge amount of data coining from the different elements that interact in the network. This paper presents a visualization tool that simplifies the task of searching the database for useful information applicable to fault management or preventive maintenance of the network


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This case study examines how the lean ideas behind the Toyota production system can be applied to software project management. It is a detailed investigation of the performance of a nine-person software development team employed by BBC Worldwide based in London. The data collected in 2009 involved direct observations of the development team, the kanban boards, the daily stand-up meetings, semistructured interviews with a wide variety of staff, and statistical analysis. The evidence shows that over the 12-month period, lead time to deliver software improved by 37%, consistency of delivery rose by 47%, and defects reported by customers fell 24%. The significance of this work is showing that the use of lean methods including visual management, team-based problem solving, smaller batch sizes, and statistical process control can improve software development. It also summarizes key differences between agile and lean approaches to software development. The conclusion is that the performance of the software development team was improved by adopting a lean approach. The faster delivery with a focus on creating the highest value to the customer also reduced both technical and market risks. The drawbacks are that it may not fit well with existing corporate standards.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Especialização em Edificações


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Lean strategies have been developed to eliminate or reduce manufacturing waste and thus improve operational efficiency in manufacturing processes. However, implementing lean strategies requires a large amount of resources and, in practice, manufacturers encounter difficulties in selecting appropriate lean strategies within their resource constraints. There is currently no systematic methodology available for selecting appropriate lean strategies within a manufacturer's resource constraints. In the lean transformation process, it is also critical to measure the current and desired leanness levels in order to clearly evaluate lean implementation efforts. Despite the fact that many lean strategies are utilized to reduce or eliminate manufacturing waste, little effort has been directed towards properly assessing the leanness of manufacturing organizations. In practice, a single or specific group of metrics (either qualitative or quantitative) will only partially measure the overall leanness. Existing leanness assessment methodologies do not offer a comprehensive evaluation method, integrating both quantitative and qualitative lean measures into a single quantitative value for measuring the overall leanness of an organization. This research aims to develop mathematical models and a systematic methodology for selecting appropriate lean strategies and evaluating the leanness levels in manufacturing organizations. Mathematical models were formulated and a methodology was developed for selecting appropriate lean strategies within manufacturers' limited amount of available resources to reduce their identified wastes. A leanness assessment model was developed by using the fuzzy concept to assess the leanness level and to recommend an optimum leanness value for a manufacturing organization. In the proposed leanness assessment model, both quantitative and qualitative input factors have been taken into account. Based on program developed in MATLAB and C#, a decision support tool (DST) was developed for decision makers to select lean strategies and evaluate the leanness value based on the proposed models and methodology hence sustain the lean implementation efforts. A case study was conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of these proposed models and methodology. Case study results suggested that out of 10 wastes identified, the case organization (ABC Limited) is able to improve a maximum of six wastes from the selected workstation within their resource limitations. The selected wastes are: unnecessary motion, setup time, unnecessary transportation, inappropriate processing, work in process and raw material inventory and suggested lean strategies are: 5S, Just-In-Time, Kanban System, the Visual Management System (VMS), Cellular Manufacturing, Standard Work Process using method-time measurement (MTM), and Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED). From the suggested lean strategies, the impact of 5S was demonstrated by measuring the leanness level of two different situations in ABC. After that, MTM was suggested as a standard work process for further improvement of the current leanness value. The initial status of the organization showed a leanness value of 0.12. By applying 5S, the leanness level significantly improved to reach 0.19 and the simulation of MTM as a standard work method shows the leanness value could be improved to 0.31. The optimum leanness value of ABC was calculated to be 0.64. These leanness values provided a quantitative indication of the impacts of improvement initiatives in terms of the overall leanness level to the case organization. Sensitivity analsysis and a t-test were also performed to validate the model proposed. This research advances the current knowledge base by developing mathematical models and methodologies to overcome lean strategy selection and leanness assessment problems. By selecting appropriate lean strategies, a manufacturer can better prioritize implementation efforts and resources to maximize the benefits of implementing lean strategies in their organization. The leanness index is used to evaluate an organization's current (before lean implementation) leanness state against the state after lean implementation and to establish benchmarking (the optimum leanness state). Hence, this research provides a continuous improvement tool for a lean manufacturing organization.


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[ES] Cuando se habla de LEAN, inmediatamente se piensa en Toyota y en su continuo éxito. De ahí que hayan sido muchas las empresas que han intentado seguir su modelo: el TPS (Sistema de Producción Toyota) o el modelo LEAN, basado en él. Sin embargo, pocas lo han conseguido. El libro titulado «Las claves del éxito de Toyota», creemos que da la respuesta a través de catorce principios que comentaremos en este artículo.


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文章提出了一种新型远程作业管理系统框架.该框架基于JMX架构,融合了基于企业权限映射模型的安全机制、JSF(Java Server Face)的可视化框架等多项技术,有效地改进了传统的作业管理系统的可扩展性差、安全机制不足和缺乏统一、完善的系统管理三点不足.并基于该框架实现了国家863项目“远程作业管理系统”,实现了灵活的系统组件动态配置,基于企业权限映射模型的高安全和可视化管理界面,比较了实现系统和传统系统的优点,讨论了其中涉及到的关键技术.


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The engineering geological properties of Neogene hard clays and related engineering problems are frontiers in the fields of Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics. Recently, it has been recognized that Neogene hard clay is the intermediate type of material between the soil and the rock. Many aspects of them, such as sampling, testing, calculating and engineering process, are special, which could not be researched by means of theories and methods of traditional Soil Mechanics of Rock Mechanics. In order to get real knowledge and instruct the engineering practice, intersect studying of multiple disciplines, including Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics, etc., is necessary. Neogene hard clay is one of the important study objects of regional problem rocks & soils in our country, which extensively distributed in China, especially in Eastern China. Taking the related areas along the middle line of the Project of Transferring Water from the South to the North (e.g. Nanyang basin, Fangcheng-Baofeng area and Handan-Yongnian area), South-west of Shandong, Xu-Huai area and Beijing area, etc. as main study areas, the paper divided Neogene hard clays into reduction environment dominated origin and oxidation environment dominated origin, which distributed on areas western and eastern to Mount Taihangshan respectively. Intermediate types are also existed in some areas, which mainly distribute near the edges of depositional basins; they are usually of transitions between diluvial and lacustrine deposits. As to Neogene hard clays from Eastern China, the clay particle content is high, and montmorillonite or illite/montmorillonite turbostratic mineral is the dominating clay mineral. The content of effective montmorillonite is very high in each area, which is the basis for the undesirable engineering properties of Neogene hard clays. For hard clays from the same area, the content of effective montmorillonite in gray-greenish hard clay is much higher than that in purple-brownish or brown-yellowish hard clay, which is the reason why the gray-greenish hard clay usually has outstanding expansive property. On the other hand, purple-brownish or brown-yellowish hard clay has relatively less montmorillonite, so its property is better. All of these prove that the composition (clay mineral) of Neogene hard clay is the control factor for the engineering properties. Neogene hard clays have obvious properties such as fissured, overconsolidated and expansive, which are the main reasons that many engineering problems and geological harzards usually occur in Neogene hard clays. The paper systematically elaborates the engineering properties of Neogene hard clays from Eastern China, analyses the relationships between engineering properties and basic indexes. The author introduces the ANN method into the prediction of engineering property indexes of hard clays, which provides a new way for quantitatively assessment and prediction of engineering property indexes. During investigation in the field, the author found that there exists obvious seam-sheared zone between different hard clays in Miocene Xiacaowan formation in Xu-Huai area. Similar phenomenon also exists near the borderline between Neogene hard clays and underlying coal measures in the Southwest of Shandong province, which could be observed in the cores. The discovery of seam-sheard zone has important theoretical and practical significance for engineering stability analysis and revealing the origin of fissures in Neogene hard clays. The macrostructure, medium structure and microstructure together control the engineering properties of hard clays. The author analyses and summarizes the structural effects on hard clays in detail. The complex of the strength property of hard clays is mostly related to the characteristics of fissures, which is one of the main factors that affect the choice of shear strength parameters. So structure-control theory must be inseparably combined with composition-control theory during the engineering geological and rock/soil mechanics research of hard clays. The engineering properties, such as fissured, overconsolidated and expansive, control the instability of engineering behaviors of Neogene hard clays under the condition of excavation, i.e. very sensitive to the change of existence environment. Based on test data analysis, the author elaborates the effects of engineering environment change on the engineering properties. Taking Nanyang basin as example, the author utilizes FEM to study the effects of various factors on stability of cutting canal slopes, than sets forth the characteristics, development laws and formation mechanism of the deformation and failure of hard clay canal slopes, summarizes the protection and reinforcement principles, as well as the protection and remedy steps. On the basis of comparison of engineering properties of domestic and foreign Neogene muddy deposits, in the view of whole globe and associated with the geological characteristics of China, the paper demonstrates that the intermediate type of the material between the soil and the rock, named "hard clay/soft rock", which can not be separated abruptly, really exists in China. The author has given a preliminary classification based on its geological origin and distribution law, which is very significant for promoting the mixture of Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics. In the course of large scales engineering construction in China, many engineering experiences and testing data are gained, summarizing these testing results and automatically managing them with computer technology are very necessary. The author develops a software named "Hard Clay-Soft Rock Engineering Geological Information Management and Analysis System (HRGIMS)", realizes the automatic and visual management of geo-engineering information, on the basis of information management, the functions of test data analysis and engineering property prediction are strengthened. This system has well merits for practice and popularization.


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Synthetic Geology Information System (SGIS) is an important constituent part of the theory of Engineering Geomechanics Mate-Synthetic (EGMS), and is the information system more suited for the collection, storage, management, analysis and processing to the information coming from engineering geology,' geological engineering and geotechnical engineering. Its contents involve various works and methods of the investigation, design, and construction in different stages of the geological engineering. Engineering geological and three-dimensional modeling and visualization is the fundamental part of the SGIS, and is a theory, method and technique by which, adopting the computer graphics and image processing techniques, the data derived from engineering geological survey and the calculated results obtained from the geomechanical numerical simulation and analysis are converted to the graphics and images displayed on the computer screen and can be processed interactively. In this paper, the significance and realizing approaches of the three-dimensional modeling and visualization for the complex geological mass in the engineering geology are discussed and the methods of taking advantage of the interpolation and fitting for the scattered and field-surveyed data to simulate the geological layers, such as the topography and earth surface, the groundwater table and the stratum boundary, are researched into. At the mean time, in mind the characteristics of the structure of the basic data for three-dimensional modeling, its visual management can be resolved into the engineering surveyed database management module, plot parameter management module and data output module and the requirement for basic data management can be fulfilled. In the paper, the establishment and development of the three-dimensional geological information system are probed tentatively, and an instance of three-dimensional visual Engineering Distribution Information System (EDIS), theConstruction Management Information System for an airport, in which the functions, such as the real-time browse among the three-dimensional virtual-reality landscapes of the airport construction from start to finish, the information query to the airport facility and the building in the housing district and the recording and playback of the animation sets for the browse and the takeoff and landing of the planes, is developed by applying the component-mode three-dimensional virtual-reality geological information system (GIS) software development kits (SDK), so the three-dimensional visual management platform is provided for the airport construction. Moreover, in the gaper, integrated with the three-dimensional topography visualization and its application in the Sichuan-Tibet Highways, the method of the digital elevation model (DEM) data collection from the topographic maps is described, and the three-dimensional visualization and the roaming about the terrain along the highway are achieved through computer language programming. Understanding to the important role played by the varied and unique topographical condition in the gestation and germination of the highly-dense, frequently-arising and severely-endangered geological hazards can be deepened.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas. Orientada por Prof. Dra. Maria Rosário Moreira e Prof. Dr. Paulo Sousa


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Perfil de Manutenção e Produção


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Face à atual crise económica, cada vez mais as empresas procuram ganhar vantagens competitivas através da implementação da sua melhoria contínua. Uma das vertentes deste processo consiste na melhoria da gestão de stocks. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um projeto que visa a melhoria do sistema de gestão de stocks da FUTE – Fábrica de Utilidades de Tubo, SA. A principal motivação para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho teve como base as lacunas e falhas constatadas num departamento que é crítico para o desenvolvimento de todo o processo produtivo. O trabalho envolveu a utilização de modelos de gestão de stocks o que fez com que, através de cálculos efetuados, diminuísse o risco de rutura de materiais. Além disso, envolveu as várias etapas da técnica dos 5S’s, bem como a Gestão Visual garantindo, assim, os locais arrumados, limpos, seguros e devidamente identificados. Estas técnicas foram aplicadas em diferentes locais da empresa e, após essa implementação, verificou-se, por parte dos trabalhadores, uma redução de tempos no que toca à procura e identificação de materiais necessários para a linha de montagem. Essa redução de tempos foi também sentida por parte do responsável pelos stocks pois, com estas alterações, os materiais ficam mais acessíveis e mais fáceis de identificar aquando da sua verificação. Os resultados alcançados traduziram-se num aumento dos níveis de produtividade e qualidade, bem como um aumento da satisfação dos trabalhadores, que se traduz numa alteração de mentalidades e comportamentos.


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Para conseguir responder às exigências atuais dos mercados, as indústrias necessitam de ser flexíveis, ou seja, é necessário terem a capacidade de adaptar o seu funcionamento e os seus produtos às alterações que se sucedem. Como forma de responder a este facto, o funcionamento da empresa assenta numa produção flexível para conseguir que os seus produtos que abranjam diferente o maior número possível de clientes. No entanto esta metodologia tem apresentado alguns problemas na sua implementação, por isso com o objetivo de obter uma produção mais eficaz e eficiente, a empresa tem canalizado esforços para a melhoria contínua das linhas de montagem. O trabalho desenvolvido na FUTE está enquadrado com a melhoria contínua e visa o processo de abastecimento dos diversos materiais necessários para a produção, característica fundamental para que as linhas possam produzir de forma contínua. Este estudo iniciou-se por analisar o método de abastecimento e identificar os seus problemas e causas, para que posteriormente com o auxílio dos conhecimentos adq uiridos, fosse possível conceber soluções. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho demonstram que as melhorias implementadas a nível de organização de armazéns, métodos de trabalho e meios de transporte de materiais permitem diminuir o tempo e os recursos necessários durante o processo de abastecimento, além de melhorar condições de trabalho dos operários.


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O presente projeto tem como objetivo a aplicação de ferramentas do universo Lean Thinking na indústria corticeira de forma a identificar e eliminar fontes de desperdício, criar valor e envolver a organização numa cultura de melhoria contínua focada na satisfação do cliente. A Unidade Industrial de Lamas encontra-se a passar por uma fase de mudança e carece da aplicação de ferramentas 5S, Gestão Visual, Kaizen Diário e Standard Work, contempladas no seu programa de melhoria contínua intitulado de Cork.MAIS. A aplicação das ferramentas comprovam o sucesso em termos de qualidade e eficiência operacional. Os 5S conduzem à eficiência, segurança e organização dos postos de trabalho e quando implementados despoletam de forma natural a necessidade de implementação da ferramenta Gestão Visual que acarreta inúmeros benefícios visto que visa sistemas simples e intuitivos. A ferramenta Kaizen Diário contribuiu para aumentar a comunicação entre os diferentes turnos, alinhar os colaboradores com a estratégia da Unidade Industrial de Lamas e identificar oportunidades de melhoria fomentando o trabalho em equipa. A ferramenta Standard Work contribuiu para a redução dos encravamentos dos equipamentos SVE obtendo-se um aumento de 11% do Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Realizar uma retrospetiva de todos os processos e fluxos de produção tornou-se oportuno e, para tal, recorreu-se à ferramenta Value Stream Mapping. Todo o trabalho em equipa serviria para analisar o estado atual da cadeia de valor da Unidade Industrial de Lamas no que respeita ao planeamento e fluxos de material e informação, metodologia do controlo de produto e processo e eficiência operacional. Todas as oportunidades de melhoria identificadas e implementadas acrescentam valor à cadeia da organização mas dá-se destaque às ações de melhoria implementadas no âmbito do projeto de planeamento e fluxos de informação e material. Todas as novas ferramentas implementadas contempladas no sistema pull da organização conduziram a uma redução de 11% do material em work in process e um aumento de 25% da taxa de satisfação de encomendas.


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Num mercado cada vez mais exigente e competitivo, torna-se imprescindível que as organizações otimizem continuamente os seus sistemas produtivos. Muitas têm visto nas filosofias e práticas Lean e Kaizen as respostas para conseguirem produzir mais sem acrescentar recursos, e de forma mais rápida, mais eficaz e mais eficiente. O envolvimento da empresa numa cultura de melhoria contínua orientada para o cliente permite a criação de valor em todas as etapas, tornando-a mais flexível e competitiva. Essa transformação cultural, aliada à aplicação de ferramentas Lean e Kaizen, permitem melhorar o desempenho global da organização, reduzindo os custos através do combate aos inibidores de performance: os desperdícios, os paradigmas, a inflexibilidade e a variabilidade. No presente trabalho pretende-se mostrar a aplicabilidade de algumas destas ferramentas no processo produtivo de um componente metálico para a indústria mobiliária, assim como os ganhos alcançados com esta abordagem. Ao longo de todo o projeto foram usadas diversas ferramentas Lean Manufacturing como organização do posto de trabalho (5S), Gestão Visual, troca rápida de ferramentas (SMED), mapeamento da cadeia de valor (VSM) e alterações de layouts (com recurso ao software Arena e AutoCad para estudar a alteração mais eficiente que permitisse uma maior produtividade com menor quantidade de recursos). Também se mostra igualmente a importância dos colaboradores no processo de mudança, através das iniciativas Kaizen, do programa de sugestões, dos inquéritos de satisfação e das ações de formação, para que eles se sintam parte integrante da organização.


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Esta dissertação, elaborada no âmbito da obtenção do grau de mestre em Arquitetura Paisagista, tem como tema a “Integração e Recuperação Paisagística em Pedreiras”, a qual foi desenvolvida com base no trabalho de investigação desenvolvido, enquanto colaborador no Centro Tecnológico da Pedra Natural de Portugal (CEVALOR) localizado em Borba, desde o ano 2000, até à atualidade. A recuperação de pedreiras pode ser caracterizada, como um processo de intervenção local, inserido no âmbito da gestão visual, da conservação e de valorização da paisagem. Para realizar o processo de recuperação, não só é necessário o correto enquadramento legal, como entender o contexto paisagístico, que permite avaliar os impactes visuais potenciais e propor medidas de mitigação adequadas. O conteúdo metodológico desta dissertação apresenta a análise, interpretação e caracterização estrutural da paisagem assim como da avaliação do impacte visual, assim como as opções de recuperação com vista à sua integração das pedreiras na paisagem; Abstract: Integration and landscape reclamation in quarries This dissertation concerning the theme “landscape integration and rehabilitation of quarries” aims to obtain the master degree in landscape architecture, as the result of my research as a collaborator at CEVALOR since the year of 2000. The integration and rehabilitation of quarries can be described has a process of local intervention within the fields of visual management, conservation and amelioration of the landscape. In order to accomplish the rehabilitation process, not only is necessary to consider all legal obligations but understand the landscape context, through the analysis of the visual quality and the assessment of the visual impacts in order to propose the most adequate mitigation measures. This dissertation presents a methodological approach that describes the process of landscape analysis, landscape visual impact assessment and the feasible rehabilitation options regarding the visual integration of quarries in the landscape.