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The Politics of Pulp Investment and the Brazilian Landless Movement (MST) The paper industry has been moving more heavily to the global South at the beginning of the 21st century. In a number of cases the rural populations of the global South have engaged in increasingly important resistance in their scuffle with the large-scale tree plantation-relying pulp investment model. The resistance had generally not yet managed to slow down Southern industrial tree plantation expansion until 2004. After all, even the MST, perhaps the strongest of the Southern movements, has limited power in comparison to the corporations pushing for plantation expansion. This thesis shows how, even against these odds, depending on the mechanisms of contention and case-specific conflict dynamics, in some cases the movements have managed to slow and even reverse plantation expansion. The thesis is based on extensive field research in the Brazilian countryside. It outlines a new theory of contentious agency promotion, emphasizing its importance in the shaping of corporate resource exploitation. The thesis includes a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of resistance influence on the economic outcomes of all (14) Brazilian large-scale pulp projects between 2004-2008. The central hypothesis of the thesis is that corporate resource exploitation can be slowed down more effectively and likely when the resistance is based on contentious agency. Contentious agency is created by the concatenation of five mutually supporting mechanisms of contention: organizing and politicizing a social movement; heterodox framing of pulp projects; protesting; networking; and embedding whilst maintaining autonomy. The findings suggest that contentious agency can slow or even reverse the expansion of industrial plantations, whereas when contentious agency promotion was inactive, fast or even unchecked plantation expansion was always the outcome. The rule applied to all the assessed 14 pulp conflict cases. The hypothesis gained strong support even in situations where corporate agency promotion was simultaneously active. In previous studies on social movements, there has been a lack of contributions that help us understand the causal mechanisms of contention influencing economic outcomes. The thesis answers to the call by merging a Polanyian analysis of the political economy with the Dynamics of Contention research program and making a case for the impact of contentious agency on capital accumulation. The research concludes that an efficient social movement can utilize mechanisms of contention to promote the potential of activism among its members and influence investment outcomes. Protesting, for example via pioneering land occupations, seemed to be particularly important. Until now, there has been no comprehensive theory on when and how contentious agency can slow down or reverse the expansion of corporate resource exploitation. The original contribution of this research is to provide such a theory, and utilize it to offer an extensive explanation on the conflicts over pulp investment in Brazil, the globalization of the paper industry, and slowing of industrial plantation expansion in the global South.


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Action, Power and Experience in Organizational Change - A Study of Three Major Corporations This study explores change management and resistance to change as social activities and power displays through worker experiences in three major Finnish corporations. Two important sensitizing concepts were applied. Firstly, Richard Sennett's perspective on work in the new form of capitalism, and its shortcomings - the lack of commitment and freedom accompanied by the disruption to lifelong career planning and the feeling of job insecurity - offered a fruitful starting point for a critical study. Secondly, Michel Foucault's classical concept of power, treated as anecdotal, interactive and nonmeasurable, provided tools for analyzing change-enabling and resisting acts. The study bridges the gap between management and social sciences. The former have usually concentrated on leadership issues, best practices and goal attainment, while the latter have covered worker experiences, power relations and political conflicts. The study was motivated by three research questions. Firstly, why people resist or support changes in their work, work environment or organization, and the kind of analyses these behavioural choices are based on. Secondly, the kind of practical forms which support for, and resistance to change take, and how people choose the different ways of acting. Thirdly, how the people involved experience and describe their own subject position and actions in changing environments. The examination focuses on practical interpretations and action descriptions given by the members of three major Finnish business organizations. The empirical data was collected during a two-year period in the Finnish Post Corporation, the Finnish branch of Vattenfal Group, one of the leading European energy companies, and the Mehiläinen Group, the leading private medical service provider in Finland. It includes 154 non-structured thematic interviews and 309 biographies concentrating on personal experiences of change. All positions and organizational levels were represented. The analysis was conducted using the grounded theory method introduced by Straus and Corbin in three sequential phases, including open, axial and selective coding processes. As a result, there is a hierarchical structure of categories, which is summarized in the process model of change behaviour patterns. Key ingredients are past experiences and future expectations which lead to different change relations and behavioural roles. Ultimately, they contribute to strategic and tactical choices realized as both public and hidden forms of action. The same forms of action can be used in both supporting and resisting change, and there are no specific dividing lines either between employer and employee roles or between different hierarchical positions. In general, however, it is possible to conclude that strategic choices lead more often to public forms of action, whereas tactical choices result in hidden forms. The primary goal of the study was to provide knowledge which has practical applications in everyday business life, HR and change management. The results, therefore, are highly applicable to other organizations as well as to less change-dominated situations, whenever power relations and conflicting interests are present. A sociological thesis on classical business management issues can be of considerable value in revealing the crucial social processes behind behavioural patterns. Keywords: change management, organizational development, organizational resistance, resistance to change, change management, labor relations, organization, leadership


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan erilaisia tapoja, joilla potilas osoittaa erimielisyyttä terapeutin hänen puheestaan tekemiä formulaatioita ja tulkintoja kohtaan. Pyrkimyksenä on edistää psykoterapiavuorovaikutuksen kokonaisvaltaista ymmärtämistä. Tutkimusten kumuloitumattomuuden puutetta korjataan tarjoamalla jo tutkituista ilmiöistä uutta tietoa uusista näkökulmista sekä toisaalta yhdistämällä samaa ilmiötä eri näkökulmista tarkastelleiden tutkimusten tulokset yhteen loogiseen kokonaisuuteen. Tutkielmassa yhdistyvät nykyisessä psykoterapiaa koskevassa keskustelunanalyyttisessä tutkimuksessa vallitsevat kaksi eri näkökulmaa: sekventiaalisesti järjestyneet terapiakäytännöt sekä vuorovaikutuksessa ilmenevät potilaan ja terapeutin välisen suhteen piirteet. Aineistona tutkimuksessa käytetään ääninauhoitteita kognitiivisista psykoterapiaistunnoista. Se koostuu 19 terapiaistunnosta. Yhden istuntonauhoitteen kesto on noin tunti, jolloin aineistoa on kokonaisuudessaan noin 19 tuntia. Litteroituna yhden nauhoitteen pituus on noin 40–50 liuskaa, eli yhteensä aineistoa on lähes 1000 liuskaa. Kaikissa istunnoissa on saman terapeutin ja potilaan muodostama dyadi, mikä mahdollistaa hyvinkin syvällinen kuvan muodostamisen tästä kyseisestä terapiasta. Metodina tutkielmassa käytetään keskustelunanalyysiä. Keskustelunanalyysissä keskitytään kompetensseihin, joita puhujat hyödyntävät osallistuessaan ymmärrettävään ja loogiseen keskusteluun. Sen perustehtävä on kuvata menettelytapoja ja olettamuksia, joiden varassa puhujat tuottavat oman käyttäytymisensä ja tulkitsevat toistensa käytöstä. Tutkimusote on siten tiukan induktiivinen: yksittäisiä vuorovaikutustapahtumia analysoimalla pyritään löytämään niille kaikille yhteisiä yleisiä muotoja. Potilaan tavat osoittaa erimielisyyttään terapeutin tekemiä formulaatioita ja tulkintoja kohtaan jakautuvat tiettyihin kategorioihin, joissa toistuvat samanlaiset toimintatavat ja käyttäytymispiirteet, jotka puolestaan eroavat muiden kategorioiden vastaavista; erimielisyyden muodot eroavat toisistaan myös erimielisyyden määrän suhteen. Yhteensä aineistonani olleesta 19 terapiaistunnosta löytyi 52 erimielisyystilannetta, jotka jakaantuivat yleisluonteensa mukaisesti kolmeen pääkategoriaan (osittainen myöntyminen, epävarmuuteen vetoaminen ja suoraan osoitettu erimielisyys) sekä yksityiskohtien kuten sanavalintojen ja rakenteiden mukaisesti yhteensä yhdeksään alakategoriaan (”kyllä ja”, ”kyllä mutta”, ”kyllä tai”, osittainen erimielisyys, lievennetysti esitetty täysi erimielisyys, pitkään jatkunut voimakas erimielisyys, osittainen erimielisyys: kyllä ja ei -rakenne, suoraan osoitettu mutta ei aggressiivinen erimielisyys ja suoraan osoitettu voimakas erimielisyys: päällekkäispuhunta). Lisäksi laajimmassa, osittaisen myöntymisen kategoriassa alakategoriat jakaantuvat edelleen omiin alakategorioihinsa, joita on yhteensä kymmenen (lisäys, tarkennus, korjaava tarkennus; paitsi-muotoinen rajaus, lievennys, lisänäkökulma, tarkennus, tarkennus ”kyllä”- ja ”mutta”-osien välissä; tarkennus, tai ei -rakenne). Työn tärkein johtopäätös on, että mitä enemmän potilas on eri mieltä terapeutin esittämästä formulaatiosta tai tulkinnasta, sitä vähemmän hän suuntautuu preferenssijäsennyksen mukaisiin odotuksiin muotoillessaan vastaustaan. Myös keskustelusta välittyvä kuva potilaan mielentilasta ja hänen yleisestä vastarinnastaan noudattaa tätä samaa periaatetta. Erimielisyys ja nimenomaan negatiivisina tunteina ilmenevä vastarinta vaikuttaisivat olevan tiiviisti toisiinsa kietoutuneita ja kasvavan samassa suhteessa. Mitä voimakkaampi erimielisyys on, sitä enemmän potilas vaikuttaa affektiiviselta ja vastarintaiselta, ja mitä enemmän potilas on erimielinen ja vastarintainen, sitä vähemmän vuorovaikutukselliset normit ohjaavat erimielisyyden ja vastarinnan ilmaisemista. Lisäksi aineistosta oli havaittavissa, että keskustelunanalyyttisen teorian käsityksistä poiketen formulaatioihin annettuja vastauksia elaboroitiin jopa laajasti ja että tämä oli ennemmin sääntö kuin poikkeus. Aineiston rajoitteista johtuen tästä ei voida tehdä riittävän perusteltuja johtopäätöksiä nykyisen teorian puolesta tai vastaan, joten aiheen jatkotutkimus olisi erittäin tarpeellista.


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Hong Kong was once a British colony and has been under the sovereignty of People’s Republic of China (PRC) since 1997. However, some of the unjust practices and colonial legacies are infiltrated into the development ideology as well as the social structures. The construction of intercity express railway project announced in 2008 causing the demolishment of Tsoi Yuen Tsuen, a “non-indigenous” agricultural village in Hong Kong, was one of the current examples. Tsoi Yuen village was established under the former colonial sovereignty sixty years ago. Approximately 450 populations were affected that they had to relocate their homeland involuntarily. However, these villagers were very attached to their homelands and were unwilling to move, and meanwhile they found that they were absent in the government’s consultation and decision-making process. Soon they began their resistance and demanded for “No Move! No Demolish!”. Their movement was strongly supported by a group of “Post-80s generation” and turned into the most important social movement of the city in recent years. In fact, demolition of Tsoi Yuen Village for city development is not an isolated case in the city. Meanwhile the situation is getting worse in Mainland China. I chose the case study of Tsoi Yuen Resistance from 2008 to 2011 for revelation of the complicated colonial history and postcolonial era of Hong Kong. I focused on discussing the Tsoi Yuen Resistance and the Post-80s movement, and how they have exposed the tension between top-down urban planning and development and public movements fighting for a more democratic process in choosing their way of living. Through the study of a village movement which as well as the rationale behind the Post-80s’ support, I hoped to illustrate how this movement has awaken a different sense of living for the new generations in the midst of the high-sounding urban development. It is an opportunity to examine Hong Kong’s colonial epoch in a different perspective: through studying the Tsoi Yuen Village, let them (subalterns) speak for themselves. Furthermore, the significance of this resistance, taking place eleven years after the handover to the PRC, is an important fact that I shall not miss in later discussion. Last but not least, during the resistance, advanced technology and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, iPhone were used by Post 80s generation to spread the latest information in order to attract public’s concern and participation. Therefore, apart from studying Tsoi Yuen Resistance as a local social movement, I also regard it as a part of the global movement in perusing ecological lifestyle and civil society. How Post 80s’ generation manipulates the global idea in a local context will also be examined.