25 resultados para typpi


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A wide range of biotic and abiotic factors, operating over different time perspectives and intensities, cause defoliation and a rapid decrease in the crown size of trees. Scleroderris canker disease [Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet] has caused widespread crown reduction and tree mortality in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L) in forests in Scandinavia during the last three decades. In the 1980's, attempts were made to show, on the basis of the higher foliar N and S concentrations of affected pines in the diseased area, that sulphur and nitrogen deposition predispose trees to G. abietina. Unfortunately, in many studies on defoliated trees, exceptionally high or low needle mineral nutrient concentrations are still often interpreted as one of the causes of tree injury and not, conversely, as the result. In this thesis, three different field experiments, with foliar analysis as the main study method, were conducted in order to asses the possible long-term effects of living crown reduction on the needle nutrient concentrations of Scots pine trees in southern Finland. The crown ratio and length of the living crown were used to estimate the amount of defoliation in the reduced canopies. The material for the partial studies was collected and a total of 968 foliar samples were analysed individually (15-17 elements/sample) on a total of 488 sample trees (140 diseased, 116 pruned and 232 control trees) during the years 1987-1996 in 13 Scots pine stands. All the three experiments of this thesis provided significant evidence that severe, disease-induced defoliation or artificial pruning of the living branches can induce long-lasting nutritional changes in the foliage of the recovering trees under the typical growing conditions for Scots pine. The foliar concentrations of all the 17 mineral nutrients/elements analysed were affected, to a varying degree, by artificial pruning during the following three years. Although Scots pine, as an evergreen conifer, is considered to have low induced chemical responses to defoliation, this study proved experimentally under natural forest conditions that severe artificial pruning or disease-induced defoliation of Scots pine trees may induce biologically significant changes in the concentrations of most of the important macro- and micronutrients, as well as of carbon, in refoliated needles. Concerning the studies in this thesis, I find the results significant in providing new information about the long-term effects of rapid living crown reduction on the foliar nutrient and element status of Scots pine trees. Key words: Foliar analysis, defoliation, needle loss, pruning, nutrients, Pinus sylvestris, Gremmeniella abietina


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Acacia senegal, the gum arabic producing tree, is the most important component in traditional dryland agroforestry systems in the Blue Nile region, Sudan. The aim of the present study was to provide new knowledge on the potential use of A. senegal in dryland agroforestry systems on clay soils, as well as information on tree/crop interaction, and on silvicultural and management tools, with consideration on system productivity, nutrient cycling and sustainability. Moreover, the aim was also to clarify the intra-specific variation in the performance of A. senegal and, specifically, the adaptation of trees of different origin to the clay soils of the Blue Nile region. In agroforestry systems established at the beginning of the study, tree and crop growth, water use, gum and crop yields, nutrient cycling and system performance were investigated for a period of four years (1999 to 2002). Trees were grown at 5 x 5 m and 10 x 10 m spacing alone or in mixture with sorghum or sesame; crops were also grown in sole culture. The symbiotic biological N2 fixation by A. senegal was estimated using the 15N natural abundance (δ15N) procedure in eight provenances collected from different environments and soil types of the gum arabic belt and grown in clay soil in the Blue Nile region. Balanites aegyptiaca (a non-legume) was used as a non-N-fixing reference tree species, so as to allow 15N-based estimates of the proportion of the nitrogen in trees derived from the atmosphere. In the planted acacia trees, measurements were made on shoot growth, water-use efficiency (as assessed by the δ13C method) and (starting from the third year) gum production. Carbon isotope ratios were obtained from the leaves and branch wood samples. The agroforestry system design caused no statistically significant variation in water use, but the variation was highly significant between years, and the highest water use occurred in the years with high rainfall. No statistically significant differences were found in sorghum or sesame yields when intercropping and sole crop systems were compared (yield averages were 1.54 and 1.54 ha-1 for sorghum and 0.36 and 0.42 t ha-1 for sesame in the intercropped and mono-crop plots, respectively). Thus, at an early stage of agroforestry system management, A. senegal had no detrimental effect on crop yield, but the pattern of resource capture by trees and crops may change as the system matures. Intercropping resulted in taller trees and larger basal and crown diameters as compared to the development of sole trees. It also resulted in a higher land equivalent ratio. When gum yields were analysed it was found that a significant positive relationship existed between the second gum picking and the total gum yield. The second gum picking seems to be a decisive factor in gum production and could be used as an indicator for the total gum yield in a particular year. In trees, the concentrations of N and P were higher in leaves and roots, whereas the levels of K were higher in stems, branches and roots. Soil organic matter, N, P and K contents were highest in the upper soil stratum. There was some indication that the P content slightly increased in the topsoil as the agroforestry plantations aged. At a stocking of 400 trees ha-1 (5 x 5 m spacing), A. senegal accumulated in the biomass a total of 18, 1.21, 7.8 and 972 kg ha-1of N, P, K and OC, respectively. Trees contributed ca. 217 and 1500 kg ha-1 of K and OC, respectively, to the top 25-cm of soil over the first four years of intercropping. Acacia provenances of clay plain origin showed considerable variation in seed weight. They also had the lowest average seed weight as compared to the sandy soil (western) provenances. At the experimental site in the clay soil region, the clay provenances were distinctly superior to the sand provenances in all traits studied but especially in basal diameter and crown width, thus reflecting their adaptation to the environment. Values of δ13C, indicating water use efficiency, were higher in the sand soil group as compared to the clay one, both in leaves and in branch wood. This suggests that the sand provenances (with an average value of -28.07 ) displayed conservative water use and high drought tolerance. Of the clay provenances, the local one (Bout) displayed a highly negative (-29.31 ) value, which indicates less conservative water use that resulted in high productivity at this particular clay-soil site. Water use thus appeared to correspond to the environmental conditions prevailing at the original locations for these provenances. Results suggest that A. senegal provenances from the clay part of the gum belt are adapted for a faster growth rate and higher biomass and gum productivity as compared to provenances from sand regions. A strong negative relationship was found between the per-tree gum yield and water use efficiency, as indicated by δ13C. The differences in water use and gum production were greater among provenance groups than within them, suggesting that selection among rather than within provenances would result in distinct genetic gain in gum yield. The relative δ15N values ( ) were higher in B. aegyptiaca than in the N2-fixing acacia provenances. The amount of Ndfa increased significantly with age in all provenances, indicating that A. senegal is a potentially efficient nitrogen fixer and has an important role in t agroforestry development. The total above-ground contribution of fixed N to foliage growth in 4-year-old A. senegal trees was highest in the Rahad sand-soil provenance (46.7 kg N ha-1) and lowest in the Mazmoom clay-soil provenance (28.7 kg N ha-1). This study represents the first use of the δ15N method for estimating the N input by A. senegal in the gum belt of Sudan. Key words: Acacia senegal, agroforestry, clay plain, δ13C, δ15N, gum arabic, nutrient cycling, Ndfa, Sorghum bicolor, Sesamum indicum


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It is essential to have a thorough understanding of the sources and sinks of oxidized nitrogen (NOy) in the atmosphere, since it has a strong influence on the tropospheric chemistry and the eutrophication of ecosystems. One unknown component in the balance of gaseous oxidized nitrogen is vegetation. Plants absorb nitrogenous species from the air via the stomata, but it is not clear whether plants can also emit them at low ambient concentrations. The possible emissions are small and difficult to measure. The aim of this thesis was to analyse an observation made in southern Finland at the SMEAR II station: solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) induced NOy emissions in chambers measuring the gas exchange of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) shoots. Both measuring and modelling approaches were used in the study. The measurements were performed under noncontrolled field conditions at low ambient NOy concentrations. The chamber blank i.e. artefact NOy emissions from the chamber walls, was dependent on the UV irradiance and increased with time after renewing the Teflon film on chamber surfaces. The contribution of each pine shoot to the total NOy emissions in the chambers was determined by testing whether the emissions decrease when the shoots are removed from their chambers. Emissions did decrease, but only when the chamber interior was exposed to UV radiation. It was concluded that also the pine shoots emit NOy. The possible effects of transpiration on the chamber blank are discussed in the summary part of the thesis, based on previously unpublished data. The possible processes underlying the UV-induced NOy emissions were reviewed. Surface reactions were more likely than metabolic processes. Photolysis of nitrate deposited on the needles may have generated the NOy emissions; the measurements supported this hypothesis. In that case, the emissions apparently would consist mainly of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous acid (HONO). Within studies on NOy exchange of plants, the gases most frequently studied are NO2 and NO (=NOx). In the present work, the implications of the emissions for the NOx exchange of pine were analysed with a model including both NOy emissions and NOy absorption. The model suggested that if the emissions exist, pines can act as an NOx source rather than a sink, even under relatively high ambient concentrations.


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The first aim of this thesis was to produce data for evaluating, developing and recommending biologically and economically efficient energy and protein feeding strategies for growing and finishing dairy bulls offered grass silage-based diets. The second aim was to calculate the energy and protein supplies of the dairy bulls fed different grass silage-cereal-based diets and, based on this, to estimate the possible need to revise the current Finnish energy and protein recommendations for growing dairy bulls. The third aim was to demonstrate the phosphorus supply of dairy bulls fed grass silage-cereal-based diets with or without protein supplementation in relation to current feeding recommendations for phosphorus. The results indicate that protein supplement is not needed for finishing dairy bulls (live weight more than 250 kg) when they are fed good-quality grass silage (digestible organic matter more than 650 g/kg dry matter, restricted fermentation with low concentrations of fermentation acids and ammonia N) and grain-based concentrate with a moderate (300-700 g/kg dry matter) concentrate level. The results also suggest that with total mixed ration feeding it is possible to use rather high concentrate proportions (700 g/kg dry matter) in feeding dairy bulls. According to this study, barley fibre is a suitable energy supplement with good-quality silage for growing dairy bulls. The results suggest that 50% of barley grain can be replaced with barley fibre without affecting growth. Also oats is a suitable energy supplement for dairy bulls. However, as a consequence of decreased energy intake, the gain and feed conversion of the bulls were slightly reduced in this study when barley grain was replaced by oats in the diet. Ultimately, the rationality of the use of barley fibre and oats in the future will depend on the price in relation to other concentrates. During the feeding experiments the calculated supply of energy was 10% higher than in the Finnish feeding recommendations for the present growth rate. This indicates that there is a need to update the Finnish feeding recommendations for dairy-breed growing bulls, and further calculations are needed for the energy supply of growing dairy bulls. The calculated supply of AAT (amino acids absorbed from the small intestine) was 38% higher than in the Finnish feeding recommendations for the present growth. Possibly, the present AAT-PBV system is not an optimal protein evaluation system for growing dairy bulls more than 250 kg live weight. The calculations based on the feeding experiments and the Finnish feeding recommendations indicate that in most cases the dairy bulls (live weight more than 250 kg) received enough P from the basic grass silage cereal-based diets without additional mineral feeds. Therefore there is no need to add P in the form of mineral mixtures.


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Volatilization of ammonia (NH3) from animal manure is a major pathway for nitrogen (N) losses that cause eutrophication, acidification, and other environmental hazards. In this study, the effect of alternative techniques of manure treatment (aeration, separation, addition of peat) and application (broadcast spreading, band spreading, injection, incorporation by harrowing) on ammonia emissions in the field and on nitrogen uptake by ley or cereals was studied. The effect of a mixture of slurry and peat on soil properties was also investigated. The aim of this study was to find ways to improve the utilization of manure nitrogen and reduce its release to the environment. Injection into the soil or incorporation by harrowing clearly reduced ammonia volatilization from slurry more than did the surface application onto a smaller area by band spreading or reduction of the dry matter of slurry by aeration or separation. Surface application showed low ammonia volatilization, when pig slurry was applied to tilled bare clay soil or to spring wheat stands in early growth stages. Apparently, the properties of both slurry and soil enabled the rapid infiltration and absorption of slurry and its ammoniacal nitrogen by the soil. On ley, however, surface-applied cattle slurry lost about half of its ammoniacal nitrogen. The volatilization of ammonia from surface-applied peat manure was slow, but proceeded over a long period of time. After rain or irrigation, the peat manure layer on the soil surface retarded evaporation. Incorporation was less important for the fertilizer effect of peat manure than for pig slurry, but both manures were more effective when incorporated. Peat manure applications increase soil organic matter content and aggregate stability. Stubble mulch tillage hastens the effect in surface soil compared with ploughing. The apparent recovery of ammoniacal manure nitrogen in crop yield was higher with injection and incorporation than with surface applications. This was the case for leys as well as for spring cereals, even though ammonia losses from manures applied to cereals were relatively low with surface applications as well. The ammoniacal nitrogen of surface-applied slurry was obviously adsorbed by the very surface soil and remained mostly unavailable to plant roots in the dry soil. Supplementing manures with inorganic fertilizer nitrogen, which adds plant-available nitrogen to the soil at the start of growth, increased the overall recovery of applied nitrogen in crop yields.


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In agricultural systems which rely on organic sources of nitrogen (N), of which the primary source is biological N fixation (BNF), it is extremely important to use N as efficiently as possible with minimal losses to the environment. The amount of N through BNF should be maximised and the availability of the residual N after legumes should be synchronised to the subsequent plant needs in the crop rotation. Six field experiments in three locations in Finland were conducted in 1994-2006 to determine the productivity and amount of BNF in red clover-grass leys of different ages. The residual effects of the leys for subsequent cereals as well as the N leaching risk were studied by field measurements and by simulation using the CoupModel. N use efficiency (NUE) and N balances were also calculated. The yields of red clover-grass leys were highest in the two-year-old leys (6 700 kg ha-1) under study, but the differences between 2- and 3-year old leys were not high in most cases. BNF (90 kg ha-1 in harvested biomass) correlated strongly with red clover dry matter yield, as the proportion of red clover N derived from the atmosphere (> 85%) was high in our conditions of organically farmed field with low soil mineral N. A red clover content of over 40% in dry matter is targeted to avoid negative N-balances and to gain N for the subsequent crop. Surprisingly, the leys had no significant effect on the yields and N uptake of the two subsequent cereals (winter rye or spring wheat, followed by spring oats). On the other hand, yield and C:N of leys, as well as BNF-N and total-N incorporated into the soil influenced on subsequent cereal yields. NUE of cereals from incorporated ley crop residues was rather high, varying from 30% to 80% (mean 48%). The mineral N content of soil in the profile of 0-90 cm was low, mainly 15-30 kg ha-1. Simulation of N dynamics by CoupModel functioned satisfactorily and is considered a useful tool to estimate N flows in cropping systems relying on organic N sources. Understanding the long-term influence of cultivation history and soil properties on N dynamics remains to be a challenge to further research.


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The goal of this thesis was to examine the ecophysiological responses of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), with an emphasis on the oxidative enzyme peroxidase and plant phenolics to environmental stresses like elevated levels of nickel (Ni) and copper (Cu), and herbivory. The effects of Ni and Cu were studied in a gradient survey at a sulphur dioxide contaminated site in the Kola Peninsula, and with experiments in which seedlings were exposed to Ni mist or to Ni and Cu amended into the soil. In addition, experimental Ni exposure was combined with disturbance of the natural lichen cover of the forest ground layer. Pine sawfly attack was simulated in the early season defoliation experiment, in which mature Scots pine were defoliated (100 %) during two successive years in a dry, nutrient-poor Scots pine stand. In addition, the effect of previous defoliation on the growth of sawfly (Diprion pini L.) larvae was studied. Apoplastic peroxidase activity was elevated in the needles of pine in a Ni- , Cu- and SO2- polluted environment, which indicated an increased oxidative stress. Increased foliar peroxidase activity due to Ni contamination was shown in the experiment, in which Ni was added as mist. No such response was found in peroxidase acitivity of the roots exposed to elevated Ni and/or Cu in the soil. Elevated Ni in the soil increased the concentration of foliar condensed tannins, which are able to bind heavy metals in the cells. Addition of low levels of Ni in the soil appeared to benefit pine seedlings, which was seen as promoted shoot growth and better condition of the roots. Wet Ni deposition of 2000 mg m-2 reduced growth and survival of pine seedlings, whereas deposition levels 200 mg m-2 or 20 mg m-2 caused no effects in a 2-y lasting experiment. The lichen mat on the forest floor did not act as an effective buffer against the adverse impacts of heavy metals on pine seedlings. However, some evidence was found indicating that soil microbes profited from the lichen mat. Artificial defoliation increased peroxidase activity in the Scots pine needles. In addition, defoliation decreased nitrogen, diamine putrescine and glucose concentrations in the needles and increased the concentrations of several phenolic compounds, starch and sucrose. Previous artificial defoliation led to poor growth of sawfly larvae reared on the pines, suggesting delayed induced resistance in Scots pine. However, there was no consistent relationship between inducibility (proportional increase in a compound following defoliation) and adverse effects on the growth of pine sawfly larvae. The observed inducible responses in needle phenolics due to previous defoliation thus appear to represent non-specific responses against sawflies.


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Fungi have a fundamental role in carbon and nutrient transformations in the acids soils of boreal regions, such as peatlands, where high amounts of carbon (C) and nutrients are stored in peat, the pH is relatively low and the nutrient uptake of trees is highly dependent on mycorrhizae. In this thesis, the aim was to examine nitrogen (N) transformations and the availability of dissolved N compounds in forestry-drained peatlands, to compare the fungal community biomass and structure at various peat N levels, to investigate the growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi with variable P and K availability and to assess how the ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) affect N transformations. Both field and laboratory experiments were carried out. The peat N concentration did not affect the soil fungal community structure within a site. Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) deficiency of the trees as well as the degree of decomposition and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentration of the peat were shown to affect the fungal community structure and biomass of ECMs, highlighting the complexity of the below ground system on drained peatlands. The biomass of extrametrical mycorrhizal mycelia (EMM) was enhanced by P and/or K deficiency of the trees, and ECM biomass in the roots was increased by P deficiency. Thus, PK deficiency in drained peatlands may increase the allocation of C by the tree to ECMs. It was also observed that fungi can alter N mineralization processes in the rhizosphere but variously depending on fungal species and fertility level of peat. Gross N mineralization did not vary but the net N mineralization rate significantly increased along the N gradient in both field and laboratory experiments. Gross N immobilization also significantly increased when the peat N concentration increased. Nitrification was hardly detectable in either field or laboratory experiments. During the growing season, dissolved inorganic N (DIN) fluctuated much more than the relatively stable DON. Special methodological challenges associated with sampling and analysis in microbial studies on peatlands are discussed.


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Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are essential elements for all living organisms. However, in excess, they contribute to several environmental problems such as aquatic and terrestrial eutrophication. Globally, human action has multiplied the volume of N and P cycling since the onset of industrialization. The multiplication is a result of intensified agriculture, increased energy consumption and population growth. Industrial ecology (IE) is a discipline, in which human interaction with the ecosystems is investigated using a systems analytical approach. The main idea behind IE is that industrial systems resemble ecosystems, and, like them, industrial systems can then be described using material, energy and information flows and stocks. Industrial systems are dependent on the resources provided by the biosphere, and these two cannot be separated from each other. When studying substance flows, the aims of the research from the viewpoint of IE can be, for instance, to elucidate the ways how the cycles of a certain substance could be more closed and how the flows of a certain substance could be decreased per unit of production (= dematerialization). In Finland, N and P are studied widely in different ecosystems and environmental emissions. A holistic picture comparing different societal systems is, however, lacking. In this thesis, flows of N and P were examined in Finland using substance flow analysis (SFA) in the following four subsystems: I) forest industry and use of wood fuels, II) food production and consumption, III) energy, and IV) municipal waste. A detailed analysis at the end of the 1990s was performed. Furthermore, historical development of the N and P flows was investigated in the energy system (III) and the municipal waste system (IV). The main research sources were official statistics, literature, monitoring data, and expert knowledge. The aim was to identify and quantify the main flows of N and P in Finland in the four subsystems studied. Furthermore, the aim was to elucidate whether the nutrient systems are cyclic or linear, and to identify how these systems could be more efficient in the use and cycling of N and P. A final aim was to discuss how this type of an analysis can be used to support decision-making on environmental problems and solutions. Of the four subsystems, the food production and consumption system and the energy system created the largest N flows in Finland. For the creation of P flows, the food production and consumption system (Paper II) was clearly the largest, followed by the forest industry and use of wood fuels and the energy system. The contribution of Finland to N and P flows on a global scale is low, but when compared on a per capita basis, we are one of the largest producers of these flows, with relatively high energy and meat consumption being the main reasons. Analysis revealed the openness of all four systems. The openness is due to the high degree of internationality of the Finnish markets, the large-scale use of synthetic fertilizers and energy resources and the low recycling rate of many waste fractions. Reduction in the use of fuels and synthetic fertilizers, reorganization of the structure of energy production, reduced human intake of nutrients and technological development are crucial in diminishing the N and P flows. To enhance nutrient recycling and replace inorganic fertilizers, recycling of such wastes as wood ash and sludge could be promoted. SFA is not usually sufficiently detailed to allow specific recommendations for decision-making to be made, but it does yield useful information about the relative magnitude of the flows and may reveal unexpected losses. Sustainable development is a widely accepted target for all human action. SFA is one method that can help to analyse how effective different efforts are in leading to a more sustainable society. SFA's strength is that it allows a holistic picture of different natural and societal systems to be drawn. Furthermore, when the environmental impact of a certain flow is known, the method can be used to prioritize environmental policy efforts.


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Sediment resuspension, the return of the bottom material into the water column, is an important process that can have various effects on a lake ecosystem. Resuspension caused by wind-induced wave disturbance, currents, turbulent fluctuations and bioturbation affects water quality characteristics such as turbidity, light conditions, and concentrations of suspended solids (SS) and nutrients. Resuspension-mediated increase in turbidity may favour the dominance of phytoplankton over macrophytes. The predator-prey interactions contributing to the trophic state of a lake may also be influenced by increasing turbidity. Directly, the trophic state of a lake can be influenced by the effect of sediment resuspension on nutrient cycling. Resuspension enhances especially the cycling of phosphorus by bringing the sedimentary nutrients back into the water column and may thereby induce switches between phosphorus and nitrogen limitation. The contribution of sediment resuspension to gross sedimentation, turbidity, and concentration of SS and nutrients was studied in a small, deep lake as well as in a multibasin lake with deep and shallow areas. The effect of ice cover on sediment resuspension and thereby on phosphorus concentrations was also studied. The rates of gross sedimentation and resuspen¬sion were estimated with sediment traps and the associations between SS and nutrients were considered. Sediment resuspension, caused by wind activity, comprised most of the gross sedimenta¬tion and strongly contributed to the concentration of SS and turbidity in the lakes studied. Additionally, via the influence on SS, resuspension affected the concentration of total phosphorus (TP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), as well as the total nitrogen to total phosphorus (TN:TP) ratio. Although contrasting results concerning the dependence between the SS and SRP concentrations were observed, it could be concluded that sediment resuspension during strong algal blooms (pH > 9) led to aerobic release of P. The main findings of this thesis were that in the course of the growing season, sediment resuspension coupled with phytoplankton succession led to liberation of P from resuspended particles, which in turn resulted in high TP concentrations and low TN:TP ratios. This development was likely a cause of strong cyanobacterial blooms in midsummer.


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Industrial ecology is an important field of sustainability science. It can be applied to study environmental problems in a policy relevant manner. Industrial ecology uses ecosystem analogy; it aims at closing the loop of materials and substances and at the same time reducing resource consumption and environmental emissions. Emissions from human activities are related to human interference in material cycles. Carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are essential elements for all living organisms, but in excess have negative environmental impacts, such as climate change (CO2, CH4 N2O), acidification (NOx) and eutrophication (N, P). Several indirect macro-level drivers affect emissions change. Population and affluence (GDP/capita) often act as upward drivers for emissions. Technology, as emissions per service used, and consumption, as economic intensity of use, may act as drivers resulting in a reduction in emissions. In addition, the development of country-specific emissions is affected by international trade. The aim of this study was to analyse changes in emissions as affected by macro-level drivers in different European case studies. ImPACT decomposition analysis (IPAT identity) was applied as a method in papers I III. The macro-level perspective was applied to evaluate CO2 emission reduction targets (paper II) and the sharing of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets (paper IV) in the European Union (EU27) up to the year 2020. Data for the study were mainly gathered from official statistics. In all cases, the results were discussed from an environmental policy perspective. The development of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions was analysed in the Finnish energy sector during a long time period, 1950 2003 (paper I). Finnish emissions of NOx began to decrease in the 1980s as the progress in technology in terms of NOx/energy curbed the impact of the growth in affluence and population. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions related to energy use during 1993 2004 (paper II) were analysed by country and region within the European Union. Considering energy-based CO2 emissions in the European Union, dematerialization and decarbonisation did occur, but not sufficiently to offset population growth and the rapidly increasing affluence during 1993 2004. The development of nitrogen and phosphorus load from aquaculture in relation to salmonid consumption in Finland during 1980 2007 was examined, including international trade in the analysis (paper III). A regional environmental issue, eutrophication of the Baltic Sea, and a marginal, yet locally important source of nutrients was used as a case. Nutrient emissions from Finnish aquaculture decreased from the 1990s onwards: although population, affluence and salmonid consumption steadily increased, aquaculture technology improved and the relative share of imported salmonids increased. According to the sustainability challenge in industrial ecology, the environmental impact of the growing population size and affluence should be compensated by improvements in technology (emissions/service used) and with dematerialisation. In the studied cases, the emission intensity of energy production could be lowered for NOx by cleaning the exhaust gases. Reorganization of the structure of energy production as well as technological innovations will be essential in lowering the emissions of both CO2 and NOx. Regarding the intensity of energy use, making the combustion of fuels more efficient and reducing energy use are essential. In reducing nutrient emissions from Finnish aquaculture to the Baltic Sea (paper III) through technology, limits of biological and physical properties of cultured fish, among others, will eventually be faced. Regarding consumption, salmonids are preferred to many other protein sources. Regarding trade, increasing the proportion of imports will outsource the impacts. Besides improving technology and dematerialization, other viewpoints may also be needed. Reducing the total amount of nutrients cycling in energy systems and eventually contributing to NOx emissions needs to be emphasized. Considering aquaculture emissions, nutrient cycles can be partly closed through using local fish as feed replacing imported feed. In particular, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the future is a very challenging task when considering the necessary rates of dematerialisation and decarbonisation (paper II). Climate change mitigation may have to focus on other greenhouse gases than CO2 and on the potential role of biomass as a carbon sink, among others. The global population is growing and scaling up the environmental impact. Population issues and growing affluence must be considered when discussing emission reductions. Climate policy has only very recently had an influence on emissions, and strong actions are now called for climate change mitigation. Environmental policies in general must cover all the regions related to production and impacts in order to avoid outsourcing of emissions and leakage effects. The macro-level drivers affecting changes in emissions can be identified with the ImPACT framework. Statistics for generally known macro-indicators are currently relatively well available for different countries, and the method is transparent. In the papers included in this study, a similar method was successfully applied in different types of case studies. Using transparent macro-level figures and a simple top-down approach are also appropriate in evaluating and setting international emission reduction targets, as demonstrated in papers II and IV. The projected rates of population and affluence growth are especially worth consideration in setting targets. However, sensitivities in calculations must be carefully acknowledged. In the basic form of the ImPACT model, the economic intensity of consumption and emission intensity of use are included. In seeking to examine consumption but also international trade in more detail, imports were included in paper III. This example demonstrates well how outsourcing of production influences domestic emissions. Country-specific production-based emissions have often been used in similar decomposition analyses. Nevertheless, trade-related issues must not be ignored.


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The ever-increasing demand for faster computers in various areas, ranging from entertaining electronics to computational science, is pushing the semiconductor industry towards its limits on decreasing the sizes of electronic devices based on conventional materials. According to the famous law by Gordon E. Moore, a co-founder of the world s largest semiconductor company Intel, the transistor sizes should decrease to the atomic level during the next few decades to maintain the present rate of increase in the computational power. As leakage currents become a problem for traditional silicon-based devices already at sizes in the nanometer scale, an approach other than further miniaturization is needed to accomplish the needs of the future electronics. A relatively recently proposed possibility for further progress in electronics is to replace silicon with carbon, another element from the same group in the periodic table. Carbon is an especially interesting material for nanometer-sized devices because it forms naturally different nanostructures. Furthermore, some of these structures have unique properties. The most widely suggested allotrope of carbon to be used for electronics is a tubular molecule having an atomic structure resembling that of graphite. These carbon nanotubes are popular both among scientists and in industry because of a wide list of exciting properties. For example, carbon nanotubes are electronically unique and have uncommonly high strength versus mass ratio, which have resulted in a multitude of proposed applications in several fields. In fact, due to some remaining difficulties regarding large-scale production of nanotube-based electronic devices, fields other than electronics have been faster to develop profitable nanotube applications. In this thesis, the possibility of using low-energy ion irradiation to ease the route towards nanotube applications is studied through atomistic simulations on different levels of theory. Specifically, molecular dynamic simulations with analytical interaction models are used to follow the irradiation process of nanotubes to introduce different impurity atoms into these structures, in order to gain control on their electronic character. Ion irradiation is shown to be a very efficient method to replace carbon atoms with boron or nitrogen impurities in single-walled nanotubes. Furthermore, potassium irradiation of multi-walled and fullerene-filled nanotubes is demonstrated to result in small potassium clusters in the hollow parts of these structures. Molecular dynamic simulations are further used to give an example on using irradiation to improve contacts between a nanotube and a silicon substrate. Methods based on the density-functional theory are used to gain insight on the defect structures inevitably created during the irradiation. Finally, a new simulation code utilizing the kinetic Monte Carlo method is introduced to follow the time evolution of irradiation-induced defects on carbon nanotubes on macroscopic time scales. Overall, the molecular dynamic simulations presented in this thesis show that ion irradiation is a promisingmethod for tailoring the nanotube properties in a controlled manner. The calculations made with density-functional-theory based methods indicate that it is energetically favorable for even relatively large defects to transform to keep the atomic configuration as close to the pristine nanotube as possible. The kinetic Monte Carlo studies reveal that elevated temperatures during the processing enhance the self-healing of nanotubes significantly, ensuring low defect concentrations after the treatment with energetic ions. Thereby, nanotubes can retain their desired properties also after the irradiation. Throughout the thesis, atomistic simulations combining different levels of theory are demonstrated to be an important tool for determining the optimal conditions for irradiation experiments, because the atomic-scale processes at short time scales are extremely difficult to study by any other means.


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Saaristomeren pinnanalaisen ravintoverkon rakennetta sekä ravinteiden alkuperää ja kulkeutumista tutkittiin hiilen ja typen pysyviä isotooppeja hyväksi käyttäen. Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat suspendoitunut partikkeliaines (SPM), sedimentin pintakerros, pohjaeläimet, kalat ja makrolevät. Näytteitä otettiin toukokuussa, kesäkuussa ja lokakuussa. Ravinnelähteiden arvioinnin ohella tutkittiin voiko sisäsaariston kalankasvatuksen vaikutusta määritellä analysoimalla kalanrehupellettejä. Lisäksi arvioitiin joidenkin lajikohtaisten tai lajien välisten ominaisuuksien erojen vaikutusta (esimerkiksi eläimen koko ja kudosten C:N –suhde rasvapitoisuuden kuvaajana) /-arvojen määräytymiseen. Myös joitain tarkennuksia tehtiin lajien ravinnonkäyttöluokituksiin. Sisäsaaristossa toukokuussa pian lumien sulamisen aiheuttaman kasvaneen jokivirtaaman jälkeen SPM:stä havaittiin korkeita /13C- ja /15N-arvoja (keskimäärin -16 ‰ ja 9 ‰, vastaavasti). Ulkosaariston asemilta saatiin paljon alempia arvoja (-24 ‰ ja 4 ‰, vastaavasti). Sisäsaaristossakin arvot laskivat kesäkuuhun mennessä (-26 ‰ ja 5 ‰, vastaavasti) ollen kuitenkin hieman korkeampia kuin samaan aikaan tutkituilla ulommilla välisaariston asemilla. Kasviplanktonin lajistokoostumusta tutkittiin touko- ja kesäkuussa, mutta suuria eroja ei ajankohtien välillä havaittu. Lokakuussa sateisen loppukesän jälkeen /13C oli tasainen (-23 ‰ - -24 ‰) koko tutkimusalueella, mutta /15N oli taas huomattavasti korkeampi sisäsaaristossa (8 ‰) kuin ulkosaaristossa (4 ‰). Päinvastoin kuin yleensä tutkimuksissa on esitetty, tässä tutkimuksessa korkeat /13Cja/ tai /15N-arvot kuvannevat lisääntynyttä jokien tuomaa terrestristä alkuperää olevaa ravinnekuormaa. Lisäksi kauden aikana suuresti vaihtelevat, mutta silti voimakkaasti korreloivat /13C ja /15N indikoivat hiilen ja typen olevan pääosin samaista alkuperää. Kirjallisuudessa ravinnepulssien yhtäaikaisesti korkeat /13C ja /15N katsotaan alkuperältään ihmis- tai eläinperäisiksi ja yleensä liitetään karjanlannan käyttöön lannoitteena. Tätä ei kuitenkaan voitu Saaristomerellä osoittaa, koska terrestrisiä ravinnelähteitä ei tutkittu. Kuitenkin muista tunnetuista SPM:n /-arvoja voimakkaasti muokkaavista tekijöistä voitiin poissulkea ravinnerajoitteisuudesta johtuva fraktionaation muutos sekä synteettisten lannoitteiden käyttö ja kalankasvatus ravinnelähteinä. Pintasedimentistä saatiin paljon tasaisempia /13C- ja /15N-arvoja kaikilla näytteenotoilla (keskimäärin -24 ‰ ja 4 ‰, vastaavasti), jotka kuvannevat sedimentoituvan aineksen pitkäaikaisia keskiarvoja. Havaittavissa oli hienoinen laskeva suuntaus kohti ulompia asemia ja monista pohjan lähellä tai sedimentissä elävistä eläimistä saatiin samaan tapaan laskevia arvoja. SPM:n vaihtelevat ja eläinten /-arvot korreloivat heikosti lukuunottamatta joitakin suspensionsyöjiä (Balanus improvisus ja Mytilus edulis). /13C ja C:N korreloivat negatiivisesti joillakin lajeilla (Macoma balthica, Monoporeia affinis ja Mytilus edulis), joka johtunee muuttuvasta rasvojen osuudesta kudoksissa. Ainakin näiden lajien käyttöön ravinnelähteiden arvioinnissa kannattaa suhtautua varauksella. Makrolevien /15N oli n. 4 ‰ korkeampi sisäsaaristossa kuin ulommilla asemilla, joka myöskin heijastanee jokien tuoman terrestristä alkuperää olevien ravinteiden vaikutusta. Fucus vesiculosus, tutkimuksen ainut varsinainen monivuotinen levä, sai 6 ‰ korkeampia /13C-arvoja kuin muut levät keskimäärin. Gammarus sp:n Idothea baltican /15N seurasi makrolevien /15N:n vaihtelua, mutta /13C:n perusteella arvioituna ne suosivat rehevöitymisen seurauksena runsastuvia rihmaleviä sisäsaaristossa, kun taas F. vesiculosus näytti kasvattavan tärkeyttä ravintona ulkosaaristossa. Hiilen ja typen pysyvät isotoopit osoittautuivat tehokkaiksi työkaluiksi ravinteiden lähteiden ja kulkeutumisen tarkasteluissa erityisesti sisäsaaristossa, vaikkakin joitakin lajikohtaisia piirteitä on otettava huomioon ja joidenkin biologisten prosessien, kuten denitrifikaation osuus fraktionaation aiheuttajana pitäisi määrittää ennen kuin luotettavia arvioita ravinnelähteistä voidaan tehdä.


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Pohjoisella havumetsävyöhykkeellä typpi on usein kasvien kasvua rajoittava tekijä. Metsämaan typpivarannot koostuvat pääasiassa orgaaniseen ainekseen sitoutuneista typpiyhdisteistä, erityisesti aminohapoista. Ektomykorritsasienet osallistuvat metsämaassa tapahtuvaan typenkiertoon hajottamalla orgaanisia typpiyhdisteitä ja kuljettamalla niitä kasvien käytettäväksi. Sienisolun sisällä tapahtuvasta aminohappojen mineralisaatiosta tiedetään toistaiseksi melko vähän. Aminohappo-oksidaasit katalysoivat aminohappojen mineralisaatiota. Eräissä ektomykorritsaa muodostavien kantasienten suvuissa on osoitettu L-aminohappo-oksidaaseja (LAO). Toistaiseksi LAO-geeniä ei tunneta kantasienistä. Työssä kuvattiin ensimmäistä kertaa LAO-geeni kantasienistä. Hiekkatympösen LAO1- geenin cDNA:n 5´ ja 3´ päiden emäsjärjestykset määritettiin RACE-PCR -menetelmällä, josta saatujen sekvenssien perusteella suunniteltiin alukkeet koko geenin cDNA:n ja genomisen DNA:n monistamiseksi. Genomisen DNA ja cDNA -sekvenssien perusteella määritettiin hiekkatympösen LAO1-geenin rakenne. Hiekkatympösen LAO1-geeni koostuu viidestä eksonista ja neljästä intronista. Hiekkatympösen LAO1-geenin yläpuoliselta alueelta löydettiin typpimetabolian säätelyyn osallistuvan proteiinin sitoutumiskohta. LAO1-geeniä edeltävä geenin osittainen genominen DNA-sekvenssi määritettiin. Kangaslohisienen genomissa LAO1-geeniä edeltävä geeni oli ennustettu pyruvaattidekarboksylaasiksi. Lisäksi työssä määritettiin hiekkatympösen toisen LAOhomologin cDNA:n osittainen emäsjärjestys. Työssä tunnistettiin myös toisen kantasienen, kangaslohisienen, LAO-geeni. LAO-geeniksi tunnistettu kangaslohisienen geenimalli oli aiemmin ennustettu NCBI:n tietokannassa toiminnaltaan tuntemattomaksi proteiiniksi. Proteiinien sukupuun perusteella hiekkatympösen ja kangaslohisienen LAO:n kantamuoto on kahdentunut. Työstä saatu tutkimustulos tuo täysin uutta tietoa molekyylibiologian tasolla ektomykorritsasienten aminohappojen katabolisista reaktioista. Aminohappojen mineralisaation seurauksen muodostuneet ammoniumionit saattavat olla merkittävä typen lähde myös maan muille mikrobeille ja kasveille. On mahdollista, että ektomykorritsasienten LAO-entsyymi on yksi merkittävä tekijä metsämaan typenkierrossa.