905 resultados para translation process, machine translation post-editing, translation memory, time effectiveness, perceived difficulty


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Con il presente studio si è inteso analizzare l’impatto dell’utilizzo di una memoria di traduzione (TM) e del post-editing (PE) di un output grezzo sul livello di difficoltà percepita e sul tempo necessario per ottenere un testo finale di alta qualità. L’esperimento ha coinvolto sei studenti, di madrelingua italiana, del corso di Laurea Magistrale in Traduzione Specializzata dell’Università di Bologna (Vicepresidenza di Forlì). I partecipanti sono stati divisi in tre coppie, a ognuna delle quali è stato assegnato un estratto di comunicato stampa in inglese. Per ogni coppia, ad un partecipante è stato chiesto di tradurre il testo in italiano usando la TM all’interno di SDL Trados Studio 2011. All’altro partecipante è stato chiesto di fare il PE completo in italiano dell’output grezzo ottenuto da Google Translate. Nei casi in cui la TM o l’output non contenevano traduzioni (corrette), i partecipanti avrebbero potuto consultare Internet. Ricorrendo ai Think-aloud Protocols (TAPs), è stato chiesto loro di riflettere a voce alta durante lo svolgimento dei compiti. È stato quindi possibile individuare i problemi traduttivi incontrati e i casi in cui la TM e l’output grezzo hanno fornito soluzioni corrette; inoltre, è stato possibile osservare le strategie traduttive impiegate, per poi chiedere ai partecipanti di indicarne la difficoltà attraverso interviste a posteriori. È stato anche misurato il tempo impiegato da ogni partecipante. I dati sulla difficoltà percepita e quelli sul tempo impiegato sono stati messi in relazione con il numero di soluzioni corrette rispettivamente fornito da TM e output grezzo. È stato osservato che usare la TM ha comportato un maggior risparmio di tempo e che, al contrario del PE, ha portato a una riduzione della difficoltà percepita. Il presente studio si propone di aiutare i futuri traduttori professionisti a scegliere strumenti tecnologici che gli permettano di risparmiare tempo e risorse.


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Following the internationalization of contemporary higher education, academic institutions based in non-English speaking countries are increasingly urged to produce contents in English to address international prospective students and personnel, as well as to increase their attractiveness. The demand for English translations in the institutional academic domain is consequently increasing at a rate exceeding the capacity of the translation profession. Resources for assisting non-native authors and translators in the production of appropriate texts in L2 are therefore required in order to help academic institutions and professionals streamline their translation workload. Some of these resources include: (i) parallel corpora to train machine translation systems and multilingual authoring tools; and (ii) translation memories for computer-aided tools. The purpose of this study is to create and evaluate reference resources like the ones mentioned in (i) and (ii) through the automatic sentence alignment of a large set of Italian and English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) institutional academic texts given as equivalent but not necessarily parallel (i.e. translated). In this framework, a set of aligning algorithms and alignment tools is examined in order to identify the most profitable one(s) in terms of accuracy and time- and cost-effectiveness. In order to determine the text pairs to align, a sample is selected according to document length similarity (characters) and subsequently evaluated in terms of extent of noisiness/parallelism, alignment accuracy and content leverageability. The results of these analyses serve as the basis for the creation of an aligned bilingual corpus of academic course descriptions, which is eventually used to create a translation memory in TMX format.


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Strawberries harvested for processing as frozen fruits are currently de-calyxed manually in the field. This process requires the removal of the stem cap with green leaves (i.e. the calyx) and incurs many disadvantages when performed by hand. Not only does it necessitate the need to maintain cutting tool sanitation, but it also increases labor time and exposure of the de-capped strawberries before in-plant processing. This leads to labor inefficiency and decreased harvest yield. By moving the calyx removal process from the fields to the processing plants, this new practice would reduce field labor and improve management and logistics, while increasing annual yield. As labor prices continue to increase, the strawberry industry has shown great interest in the development and implementation of an automated calyx removal system. In response, this dissertation describes the design, operation, and performance of a full-scale automatic vision-guided intelligent de-calyxing (AVID) prototype machine. The AVID machine utilizes commercially available equipment to produce a relatively low cost automated de-calyxing system that can be retrofitted into existing food processing facilities. This dissertation is broken up into five sections. The first two sections include a machine overview and a 12-week processing plant pilot study. Results of the pilot study indicate the AVID machine is able to de-calyx grade-1-with-cap conical strawberries at roughly 66 percent output weight yield at a throughput of 10,000 pounds per hour. The remaining three sections describe in detail the three main components of the machine: a strawberry loading and orientation conveyor, a machine vision system for calyx identification, and a synchronized multi-waterjet knife calyx removal system. In short, the loading system utilizes rotational energy to orient conical strawberries. The machine vision system determines cut locations through RGB real-time feature extraction. The high-speed multi-waterjet knife system uses direct drive actuation to locate 30,000 psi cutting streams to precise coordinates for calyx removal. Based on the observations and studies performed within this dissertation, the AVID machine is seen to be a viable option for automated high-throughput strawberry calyx removal. A summary of future tasks and further improvements is discussed at the end.


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Much has been written about the impact of conflict on the physical nature of cities; most obviously perhaps the damage, destruction, defensive construction and spatial reconfigurations that evolve in times of conflict. Set within the context of Belfast, Northern Ireland, this paper will focus on three areas. First, a closer reading of the long-term physical impact of conflict, in particular, the spatial forms and practices that persist conceptually and culturally, and/or resist re-conceptualisation. Secondly, the effect of conflict on the nature of architectural practice itself, considering whether issues such as appointment and procurement impacted on architectural expectation and the context of operation. Thirdly, the effect of conflict on people, in particular in relation to creativity and hence the psyche of practice itself. This section will also identify the conditions that undermine or support design quality and creativity not only within times of conflict but also as society evolves out of the shadow space. 1
Twelve years on from the Peace Agreement,2 it may seem remarkable from an external perspective that Northern Ireland still needs to be reflecting on its troubled past. But the immediate post-conflict phase offered the communities of Northern Ireland place and time to experience ‘normal life’, begin to reconcile themselves to the hurt they experienced and start to reconfigure their relationships to one another. Indeed, it has often been expressed that probing the issues too much, at too early a phase, might in fact ‘Open old wounds without resolving anything’ and/or ‘Destabilise the already fragile political system.’3 This tendency not to deliberate or be too probing is therefore understandable and might be the reason why, for example, Northern Ireland's first Architecture and Built Environment policy, published in June, 2006, contains only one routine reference to ‘the Troubles’.

Clearly, however, there is a time in the development of a healthy, functioning society, when in order effectively to plan its future, it must also carry out a closer reading and deeper understanding of its past. As Maya Angelou puts it, ‘History, despite its wrenching pain/ Cannot be unlived, and if faced/ With courage, need not be lived again.’4

Increasingly, those within the creative arts sector and the built environment professions are showing interest in carrying out that closer reading, teasing out issues around conflict. This was led in part by the recent publication of the Troubles Archive by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.5 Those involved in the academic or professional development of future generations of architects are also concerned about the relevance of a post-conflict condition. As a profession, if architects purport to be concerned with context, then the almost tangible socio-political circumstances and legacy of Northern Ireland does inevitably require direct eye contact. This paper therefore aims to bring the relationship between conflict and architectural practice in Northern Ireland into sharp focus, not to constrain or dull creative practice but to heighten its potential.


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This paper provides an analysis of the post-primary school data provided in the viability audit report published in February 2012 and complements a paper already prepared with an analysis of primary school data. The Viability Audit has been led by the Education and Library Boards, working in close conjunction with CCMS. The Area Planning process was led by the Department of Education, working with the Education and Library Boards and CCMS.


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Models of skill acquisition, such as Ackerman's (1988) theory of skill acquisition, largely ignore the experiences and dynamic internal processes of a person while learning a skill (e.g., how they feel, what strategies they are using, the role of the external environment). Riding and Powell (1993) suggested that the information-processing model (a common conceptualisation of learning and thinking) is an inadequate model to explain the complexities of human brain functions. These models are largely holistic, and do not provide detail about the qualitative aspects of a person's learning experience. This paper attempts to highlight the importance of a dynamic description of skill acquisition and to “unpack” the skill acquisition stages, with a focus given to process rather than performance or outcome. Learning more about what is going on “inside people's heads” whilst learning a skill, and what feelings or affective states are present, can inform both skill acquisition theory and various practical issues, such as why some training programs fail and some succeed. The role of emotions, motivation, environment, and other factors; the concepts of skill and ability; and various theories of skill acquisition are discussed. This highlights missing elements in the typical cognitive experimental focus. The concept of process itself is explored, with a focus on learning in general. Process-oriented factors such as motivation, memory, interruptions, emotion, and metacognition are investigated in relation to skilled performance. Areas for future research and some practical implications for training are outlined.


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Nel mondo della traduzione non sempre si può guardare esclusivamente alla qualità del testo di arrivo: ci sono scenari traduttivi, come quello oggetto del presente elaborato, in cui è necessario tener conto di altri fattori, in primis i costi per il committente e la produttività del traduttore. Con questo elaborato intendo dimostrare che per lo scenario traduttivo preso in esame, ossia la traduzione per un sito web di una grande quantità di ricette da parte di traduttori diversi, l’ausilio di un programma di traduzione assistita è da preferire, per produttività, coerenza traduttiva e contenimento dei costi, alla traduzione manuale e al post-editing della traduzione automatica. Per tale scopo, ho tradotto una ricetta con ciascuna di queste metodologie di lavoro, così da poterle mettere a confronto e potermi pronunciare, a seguito di un'analisi approfondita, circa il metodo migliore per lo scenario descritto.


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Memory faults are major forms of software bugs that severely threaten system availability and security in c/c++ program. Many tools and techniques are available to check memory faults, but few provide systematic full-scale research and quantitative analysis. Furthermore, most of them produce high noise ratio of warning messages that require many human hours to review and eliminate false-positive alarms. And thus, they cannot locate the root causes of memory faults precisely. This paper provides an innovative state machine to check memory faults, which has three main contributions. Firstly, five concise formulas describing memory faults are given to make the mechanism of the state machine simple and flexible. Secondly, the state machine has the ability to locate the cause roots of the memory faults. Finally, a case study applying to an embedded software, which is written in 50 thousand lines of c codes, shows it can provide useful data to evaluate the reliability and quality of software.


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Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics


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The problem of model selection of a univariate long memory time series is investigated once a semi parametric estimator for the long memory parameter has been used. Standard information criteria are not consistent in this case. A Modified Information Criterion (MIC) that overcomes these difficulties is introduced and proofs that show its asymptotic validity are provided. The results are general and cover a wide range of short memory processes. Simulation evidence compares the new and existing methodologies and empirical applications in monthly inflation and daily realized volatility are presented.


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The estimation of a concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient in a drying process is known as an inverse coefficient problem. The solution is sought wherein the space-average concentration is known as function of time (mass loss monitoring). The problem is stated as the minimization of a functional and gradient-based algorithms are used to solve it. Many numerical and experimental examples that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach are presented. Thin slab drying was carried out in an isothermal drying chamber built in our laboratory. The diffusion coefficients of fructose obtained with the present method are compared with existing literature results.


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This paper discusses the impact of machine translation on the language industry, specifically addressing its effect on translators. It summarizes the history of the development of machine translation, explains the underlying theory that ties machine translation to its practical applications, and describes the different types of machine translation as well as other tools familiar to translators. There are arguments for and against its use, as well as evaluation methods for testing it. Internet and real-time communication are featured for their role in the increase of machine translation use. The potential that this technology has in the future of professional translation is examined. This paper shows that machine translation will continue to be increasingly used whether translators like it or not.


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Computer-assisted translation (or computer-aided translation or CAT) is a form of language translation in which a human translator uses computer software in order to facilitate the translation process. Machine translation (MT) is the automated process by which a computerized system produces a translated text or speech from one natural language to another. Both of them are leading and promising technologies in the translation industry; it therefore seems important that translation students and professional translators become familiar with this relatively new types of technology. Whether used together, not only might these two different types of systems reduce translation time, but also lead to a further improvement in the field of translation technologies. The dissertation consists of four chapters. The first one surveys the chronological development of MT and CAT tools, the emergence of pre-editing, post-editing and controlled language and the very last frontiers in this sector. The second one provide a general overview on the four main CAT tools that are used nowadays and tested hereto. The third chapter is dedicated to the experimentations that have been conducted in order to analyze and evaluate the performance of the four integrated systems that are the core subject of this dissertation. Finally, the fourth chapter deals with the issue of terminological equivalence in interlinguistic translation. The purpose of this dissertation is not to provide an objective and definitive solution to the complex issues that arise at any time in the field of translation technologies, this aim being well away from being achieved, but to supply information about the limits and potentiality that are typical of those instruments which are now essential to any professional translator.


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This dissertation was conducted within the project Language Toolkit, which has the aim of integrating the worlds of work and university. In particular, it consists of the translation into English of documents commissioned by the Italian company TR Turoni and its primary purpose is to demonstrate that, in the field of translation for companies, the existing translation support tools and software can optimise and facilitate the translation process. The work consists of five chapters. The first introduces the Language Toolkit project, the TR Turoni company and its relationship with the CERMAC export consortium. After outlining the current state of company internationalisation, the importance of professional translators in enhancing the competitiveness of companies that enter new international markets is highlighted. Chapter two provides an overview of the texts to be translated, focusing on the textual function and typology and on the addressees. After that, manual translation and the main software developed specifically for translators are described, with a focus on computer-assisted translation (CAT) and machine translation (MT). The third chapter presents the target texts and the corresponding translations. Chapter four is dedicated to the analysis of the translation process. The first two texts were translated manually, with the support of a purpose-built specialized corpus. The following two documents were translated with the software SDL Trados Studio 2011 and its applications. The last texts were submitted to the Google Translate service and to a process of pre and post-editing. Finally, in chapter five conclusions are drawn about the main limits and potentialities of the different translations techniques. In addition to this, the importance of an integrated use of all available instruments is underlined.