940 resultados para tracheobronchial tree
A 20-year experience with the treatment of 74 patients (83.8% children) for foreign body aspiration is reviewed. The object of this review is to show the clinical manifestations, the radiological findings, the nature and distribution in the bronchial tree, and complications due to longstanding (months or years) foreign bodies in the bronchial tree. The most common foreign bodies found were peanuts (13.5%), corn (13.5%), and beans (13.5%). The most frequent clinical manifestation was choking (67.5%), and the most frequent radiological finding was atelectasis (41.8%). The most serious complication was bronchiectasis needing resection in six patients who had the foreign body retained for years in the bronchial tree. In conclusion, in spite of an obvious foreign body in the tracheobronchial tree many cases are not diagnosed, and a longstanding foreign body in the airway may be responsible for irreversible complications.
To study cases of foreign bodies (FB) in the tracheobronchial tree investigating the clinical and radiological FB characteristics, complications and endoscopic and surgical intervention. Medical and radiological records review of all FB aspiration cases treated at S (a) over tilde uo Paulo State University Hospital over the last 30 years. One hundred and sixty-four FB cases were analyzed; 57% were male, 84% of these were under 16 years old. The most common clinical manifestations were coughing (68.3%) and choking (54.9%). The most common FBs were seeds (peanut, bean, maize) and also small metal or plastic objects. Radiography was normal in 21.3%, atelectasis was present in 40.9%, hyperinsufflation in 17.1% and the FB was radio-opaque in 20.7%. FB time in the bronchial tree varied from hours to years. The most serious complications, as fibroatelectasis and difficult resolution pneumonia, were caused by the long time that the FB remained in the bronchial tree. FB extraction was by endoscopy in 89% of cases, while 6% required surgical extraction or resection of destroyed part of lung, and 5% spontaneously eliminated the FB. There was no mortality in this series. Coughing and choking were the commonest clinical findings. Most FBs were dried seeds. Complications were due to delays in diagnosis, and most would not have existed if the doctor had given credence to the history. Radiography can be normal as most FBs are radiotransparent. FB extraction was by endoscopy, but a few cases required surgery and others were spontaneously eliminated.
Purpose: To determine the effect of heat and moisture exchange (HME) on the tracheobronchial tree (TBT) using a unidirectional anesthesic circuit with or without CO2 absorber and high or low fresh gas flow (FGF), in dogs. Methods: Thirty-two dogs were randomly allocated to four groups: G1 (n = 8) valvular circuit without CO2 absorber and high FGF (5 L·min-1); G2 (n = 8) as G1 with HME; G3 (n = 8) circuit with CO2 absorber with a low FGF (1 L·min-1); G4 (n = 8) as G3 with HME. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with pentobarbital. Tympanic temperature (TT), inhaled gas temperature (IGT), relative (RH) and absolute humidity (AH) of inhaled gas were measured at 15 (control), 60, 120 and 180 min of controlled ventilation. Dogs were euthanized and biopsies in the areas of TBT were performed by scanning electron microscopy. Results: The G2 and G4 groups showed the highest AH (>20 mgH2O·L-1) and G1 the lowest (< 10 mgH2O·L-1) and G3 was intermediate (<20 mgH2O·L-1) (P < 0.01). There was no difference of TT and IGT among groups. Alterations of the mucociliary system were greatest in G1, least in G2 and G4, and intermediate in G3. Conclusion: In dogs, introduction of HME to a unidirectional anesthetic circuit with/without CO2 absorber and high or low FGF preserved humidity of inspired gases. HME attenuated but did not prevent alterations of the mucociliary system of the TBT.
The authors studied the effect of temperature and humidity of inhaled gases on the respiratory tract of dogs submitted to mechanic ventilation. According to these two variables, fourty dogs were divided in five groups: -G1: 22-26°C and 17-20 mg H2O.l-1; G2: 27-31°C and 23-27 mg H2O.l-1; G3: 32-36°C and 30-36 mg H2O.l-1; G4: 37-41°C and 40-49 mg H2O.l-1; G5: 42-46°C and 59-65 mg H2O.l-1. The following parameters were evaluated: medial arterial pressure, cardiac frequency, venous pressure of inferior cava (CVP), endotracheal pressure, arterial pH, PaO2, PaCO2, rectal temperature, and the histology of the tracheobronchial tree. In the groups G1 and G5, the endotracheal pressure and CVP presented a slight raise. In the groups G1, G2 and G3, there was no histological modification or progressive hypothermia. The group G5 presented metabolic acidosis and great histological alteration; in this group the rectal temperature remained stable. The group G4 presented great histological alteration and hypothermia. In conclusion, the temperature and humidity of inhaled gases should not be higher than 36°C and 36 mm H2O.l-1, respectively. However, the stability of body temperature only is achieved when the temperature of the inhaled air is 42°C or higher.
Die chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung (engl. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD) ist ein Überbegriff für Erkrankungen, die zu Husten, Auswurf und Dyspnoe (Atemnot) in Ruhe oder Belastung führen - zu diesen werden die chronische Bronchitis und das Lungenemphysem gezählt. Das Fortschreiten der COPD ist eng verknüpft mit der Zunahme des Volumens der Wände kleiner Luftwege (Bronchien). Die hochauflösende Computertomographie (CT) gilt bei der Untersuchung der Morphologie der Lunge als Goldstandard (beste und zuverlässigste Methode in der Diagnostik). Möchte man Bronchien, eine in Annäherung tubuläre Struktur, in CT-Bildern vermessen, so stellt die geringe Größe der Bronchien im Vergleich zum Auflösungsvermögen eines klinischen Computertomographen ein großes Problem dar. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt wie aus konventionellen Röntgenaufnahmen CT-Bilder berechnet werden, wo die mathematischen und physikalischen Fehlerquellen im Bildentstehungsprozess liegen und wie man ein CT-System mittels Interpretation als lineares verschiebungsinvariantes System (engl. linear shift invariant systems, LSI System) mathematisch greifbar macht. Basierend auf der linearen Systemtheorie werden Möglichkeiten zur Beschreibung des Auflösungsvermögens bildgebender Verfahren hergeleitet. Es wird gezeigt wie man den Tracheobronchialbaum aus einem CT-Datensatz stabil segmentiert und mittels eines topologieerhaltenden 3-dimensionalen Skelettierungsalgorithmus in eine Skelettdarstellung und anschließend in einen kreisfreien Graphen überführt. Basierend auf der linearen System Theorie wird eine neue, vielversprechende, integral-basierte Methodik (IBM) zum Vermessen kleiner Strukturen in CT-Bildern vorgestellt. Zum Validieren der IBM-Resultate wurden verschiedene Messungen an einem Phantom, bestehend aus 10 unterschiedlichen Silikon Schläuchen, durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe der Skelett- und Graphendarstellung ist ein Vermessen des kompletten segmentierten Tracheobronchialbaums im 3-dimensionalen Raum möglich. Für 8 zweifach gescannte Schweine konnte eine gute Reproduzierbarkeit der IBM-Resultate nachgewiesen werden. In einer weiteren, mit IBM durchgeführten Studie konnte gezeigt werden, dass die durchschnittliche prozentuale Bronchialwandstärke in CT-Datensätzen von 16 Rauchern signifikant höher ist, als in Datensätzen von 15 Nichtrauchern. IBM läßt sich möglicherweise auch für Wanddickenbestimmungen bei Problemstellungen aus anderen Arbeitsgebieten benutzen - kann zumindest als Ideengeber dienen. Ein Artikel mit der Beschreibung der entwickelten Methodik und der damit erzielten Studienergebnisse wurde zur Publikation im Journal IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging angenommen.
BACKGROUND: Bronchopulmonary sequestration is a lung malformation characterized by nonfunctioning lung tissue without primary communication with the tracheobronchial tree. Intrauterine complications such as mediastinal shift, pleural effusion or fetal hydrothorax can be present. We present the case of a newborn with bilateral intralobar pulmonary sequestration. METHODS: Prenatal ultrasonography in a primigravida at 20 weeks of gestation revealed echogenic masses in the right fetal hemithorax with mediastinal shift towards the left side. Serial ultrasound confirmed persistence of the lesion with otherwise appropriate fetal development. Delivery was uneventful and physical examination revealed an isolated intermittent tachypnea. Chest CT scan and CT angiography showed a bilateral intrathoracic lesion with arterial supply from the aorta. Baby lung function testing suggested possible multiple functional compartments. RESULTS: Right and left thoracotomy was performed at the age of 7 months. A bilateral intralobar sequestration with vascularisation from the aorta was resected. Pathological and histological examination of the resected tissue confirmed the surgical diagnosis. At the age of 24 months, the child was doing well without pulmonary complications. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral pulmonary sequestration requires intensive prenatal and postnatal surveillance. Though given the fact of a bilateral pulmonary sequestration, postnatal outcome showed similar favourable characteristics to an unilateral presentation. Baby lung function testing could provide additional information for optimal postnatal management and timing of surgical intervention.
Retroperitoneal location of bronchogenic cysts is extremely rare. Most commonly they are encountered in the posterior mediastinum. Bronchogenic cysts arise from developmental aberrations of the tracheobronchial tree in the early embryologic period. We report a 42-year-old female patient with a retroperitoneal bronchogenic cyst in the left adrenal region. She was admitted to our hospital with epigastric pain and subsequently underwent CT of the abdomen. The examination revealed a mass related to the left adrenal gland. Endocrine tests for adrenal hypersecretion were negative. Because of the uncertain entity, laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed. Pathological examination revealed a bronchogenic cyst in proximity to an inconspicuous left adrenal gland. Although very rare, bronchogenic cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis of retroperitoneal cystic lesions and surgical resection pursued for symptom resolution and to establish a definitive histology.
Subcutaneous emphysema are rare complications in periodontology. In most cases, they resolve spontaneously. However, air might disperse into deeper facial spaces causing life-threatening complications such as compression of the tracheobronchial tree or the development of pneumomediastinum. Moreover, microorganisms might spread from the oral cavity into deeper spaces. Hence, rapid diagnosis of subcutaneous emphysema is important. Characteristic signs are both a shiftable swelling and a crepitation. In this case report, the case of a 69-year old man with a subcutaneous emphysema immediately after peri-implantitis therapy with the use of a glycine-based powder air-polishing device is described. Following therapy, air accumulated in the left side of the face. Seven days after non-surgical peri-implantitis therapy, the patient was asymptomatic with complete resolution of the emphysema.
The perioperative management of patients with mediastinal masses is a special clinical challenge in our field. Even though regional anaesthesia is normally the first choice, in some cases it is not feasible due to the method of operation. In these cases general anaesthesia is the second option but can lead to respiratory and haemodynamic decompensation due to tumor-associated compression syndrome (mediastinal mass syndrome). The appropriate treatment begins with the preoperative risk classification on the basis of clinical and radiological findings. In addition to anamnesis, chest radiograph, and CT, dynamical methods (e.g. pneumotachography and echocardiography) should be applied to verify possible intraoperative compression syndromes. The induction of general anaesthesia is to be realized in awake-fiberoptic intubation with introduction of the tube via nasal route while maintaining the spontaneous breathing of the patient. The anaesthesia continues with short effective agents applied inhalative or iv. If possible from the point of operation, agents of muscle relaxation are not to be applied. If the anaesthesia risk is classified as uncertain or unsafe, depending on the location of tumor compression (tracheobronchial tree, pulmonary artery, superior vena cava), alternative techniques of securing the respiratory tract (different tubes, rigid bronchoscope) and cardiopulmonary bypass with extracorporal oxygen supply are prepared. For patients with severe clinical symptoms and extensive mediastinal mass, the preoperative cannulation of femoral vessels is also recommended. In addition to fulfilling technical and personnel requirements, an interdisciplinary cooperation of participating fields is the most important prerequisite for the optimal treatment of patients.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
We introduce K-tree in an information retrieval context. It is an efficient approximation of the k-means clustering algorithm. Unlike k-means it forms a hierarchy of clusters. It has been extended to address issues with sparse representations. We compare performance and quality to CLUTO using document collections. The K-tree has a low time complexity that is suitable for large document collections. This tree structure allows for efficient disk based implementations where space requirements exceed that of main memory.