994 resultados para thermo- responsive formulation


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A series of novel thermo-responsive composite sorbents, were prepared by free-radical co-polymerization of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAm) and the silylanized Mg/Al layered double hydroxides (SiLDHs), named as PNIPAm-co-SiLDHs. For keeping the high affinity of Mg/Al layered double hydroxides towards anions, the layered structure of LDHs was assumed to be reserved in PNIPAm-co-SiLDHs by the silanization of the wet LDH plates as evidenced by the X-ray powder diffraction. The sorption capacity of PNIPAm-co-SiLDH (13.5 mg/g) for Orange-II from water was found to be seven times higher than that of PNIPAm (2.0 mg/g), and the sorption capacities of arsenate onto PNIPAm-co-SiLDH are also greater than that onto PNIPAm, for both As(III) and As(V). These sorption results suggest that reserved LDH structure played a significant role in enhancing the sorption capacities. NO3− intercalated LDHs composite showed the stronger sorption capacity for Orange-II than that of CO32−. After sorption, the PNIPAm-co-SiLDH may be removed from water because of its gel-like nature, and may be easily regenerated contributing to the accelerated desorption of anionic contaminants from PNIPAm-co-SiLDHs by the unique phase-transfer feature through slightly heating (to 40 °C). These recyclable and regeneratable properties of thermo-responsive nanocomposites facilitate its potential application in the in-situ remediation of organic and inorganic anions from contaminated water.


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The ability to generate very stable assemblies via non-covalent interactions has enabled materials to be constructed that were not feasible via traditional covalent bond formation processes. A series of low molecular mass bisurethane and bisurea polymers have been developed that form stable self-assembled networks through hydrogen bonding interactions. Thermo-responsive polymers were generated by end-capping poly(ethylene-co-butylene) or polybutadiene chains with the bisurethane or bisurea motif. Microphase separation is observed via TEM and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) for the modified pseudo polymers and significant differences in the temperature dependence of microphase separation are analysed via SAXS. The importance of the polarity of the end groups is manifested in distinct temperature-dependent microphase separation behaviour. Information on the local hydrogen bonding structure is provided by wide-angle X-ray scattering and variable temperature FTI


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RAFT polymerization was used to prepare PMMA-b-PNIPAM copolymers. Two different chain transfer agents, tBDB and MCPDB, were used to mediate the sequential polymerizations. Micellar solutions and gels were prepared from the resulting copolymers in aqueous solution. When heated above T-c of PNIPAM (about 31 degrees C), DLS revealed that PNIPAM coronas collapsed, resulting in aggregation of the original micelles. The micellar gels underwent syneresis above T-c as water was expelled from the ordered gel structure, the lattice periodicity of which was determined by SANS. A large decrease in lattice spacing was observed above T-c. The gel became more viscoelastic at high temperature, as revealed by shear rheometry which showed a large increase in G".


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Stable thermo-responsive hydrogel nanofibres have been prepared by electrospinning of commercial poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) in the presence of a polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) possessing eight epoxide groups and of an organic-base catalyst, followed by a heat curing treatment. The nanofibres showed excellent hydrogel characteristics with fast swelling and de-swelling responses triggered by temperature changes. They were also morphologically robust as their physical integrity was preserved upon repeated hydration/dehydration cycles and exposure to solvents.


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Islands-in-the-sea nanofibres are a very interesting system: one polymer (islands) is distributed in fibrillar domains within a second polymer (sea). This fibre geometry is often used in microfiber technologies to obtain very fine fibers, by removing the “sea” polymer. This geometry also allows to combine two polymers with very different properties. In this work this geometry is introduced applied to electrospun hydrogel nanofibers, in a novel fashion, and as a way to improve and stabilize the hydrogel nanofibers. Thermo-responsive islands-in-the-sea nanofibers are here produced by electrospinning solutions of a hydrogel-forming thermo-responsive polymer (crosslinked poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), PNIPAM) and a reinforcing polymer (polyetherketone cardo, PEK-c). The two polymers are thermodynamically incompatible in solution and phase separation takes place, which allows the instant formation of islands-in-the-sea nanofibers upon electrospinning. PNIPAM was then crosslinked post-spinning using an oligomeric silsesquioxane. The formed nanocomposite nanofibers showed intrinsic nanostructure, where the fibril-like PNIPAM domains are intimately adjacent to the strong PEK-c domains. Upon contacting with water, the hydrogel domains became instantly highly swollen, while the PEK-c domains did not. As a result, very wrinkly, swollen fibers were obtained, with increased capillary action, as demonstrated through confocal microscopy. The composite nanofibers in water showed excellent swelling ratios and very fast responses to temperature variations (of the order of 1 second) with morphological and optical effects: variations in fiber-diameter were accompanied by optical transitions: transparent-opaque. The produced hydrogel nanofibers also presented improved mechanical properties (even with small amounts of PEK-c), when compared to their crosslinked-PNIPAM-only nanofibers. It will be also shown how these materials can be used as optical actuators and smart hydrogel platforms with tuneable contact angle and morphology. In brief, this work aims to demonstrate a new platform technology which can be applied to several hydrogel systems, to achieve hydrogel-based composites with new and improved properties, while retaining (and improving) the main properties of the hydrogel. Here this was demonstrated by showing that the composite materials showed thermo-responsiveness, and enhanced transition kinetics.


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Stable and re-usable thermo-responsive hydrogel nanofibres were roduced by electrospinning poly(Nisopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) in presence of a polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) possessing eight epoxide groups, and of a 2-ethyl-4-methylimidazole (EMI) as a catalyst, followed by a heat curing treatment. The roles of the organic-base catalyst in the formation of crosslinked polymer network, fibre morphologies, and hydrogel properties were examined in this paper.


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Phthalocyanine (Pc) is a type of promising sensitizer molecules for photodynamic therapy (PDT), but its hydrophobicity substantially prevents its applications. In this study, we efficiently encapsulate Pc into poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) microgel particles, without or with lipid decoration (i.e., Pc@pNIPAM or Pc@pNIPAM/lipid), to improve its water solubility and prevent aggregation in aqueous medium. The incorporation of lipid molecules significantly enhances the Pc loading efficiency of pNIPAM. These Pc@pNIPAM and Pc@pNIPAM/lipid composite microspheres show thermo-triggered release of Pc and/or lipid due to the phase transition of pNIPAM. Furthermore, in the in vitro experiments, these composite particles work as drug carriers for the hydrophobic Pc to be internalized into HeLa cells. After internalization, the particles show efficient fluorescent imaging and PDT effect. Our work demonstrates promising candidates in promoting the use of hydrophobic drugs including photosensitizers in tumor therapies. © 2014 by the authors.


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Hypothèse: L’impression sur textile d’une formulation de microparticules lipidiques avec un principe actif (éconazole nitrate) permet de conserver ou d’améliorer son activité pharmaceutique ex vivo et in vitro. Méthode: Une formulation de microparticules d’éconazole nitrate (ECN) a été formulée par homogénéisation à haut cisaillement, puis imprimée sur un textile LayaTM par une méthode de sérigraphie. La taille des microparticules, la température de fusion des microparticules sur textile et la teneur en éconazole du tissu ont été déterminées. La stabilité de la formulation a été suivie pendant 4 mois à 25°C avec 65% humidité résiduelle (RH). L’activité in vitro des textiles pharmaceutiques a été mesurée et comparée à la formulation commerciale 1% éconazole nitrate (w/w) sur plusieurs espèces de champignons dont le C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. kefyr, C. luminisitae, T. mentagrophytes et T. rubrum. La thermosensibilité des formulations a été étudiée par des tests de diffusion in vitro en cellules de Franz. L’absorption cutanée de l’éconazole a été évaluée ex vivo sur la peau de cochon. Résultats: Les microparticules d’éconazole avaient des tailles de 3.5±0.1 μm. La température de fusion était de 34.8°C. La thermosensibilité a été déterminée par un relargage deux fois supérieur à 32°C comparés à 22°C sur 6 heures. Les textiles ont présenté une teneur stable pendant 4 mois. Les textiles d’ECN in vitro ont démontré une activité similaire à la formulation commerciale sur toutes ii espèces de Candida testées, ainsi qu’une bonne activité contre les dermatophytes. La diffusion sur peau de cochon a démontré une accumulation supérieure dans le stratum corneum de la formulation textile par rapport à la formulation Pevaryl® à 1% ECN. La thermo-sensibilité de la formulation a permis un relargage sélectif au contact de la peau, tout en assurant une bonne conservation à température ambiante.


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Les acides biliaires sont reconnus comme des tensioactifs d’origine biologique potentiellement applicables dans le domaine pharmaceutique. Leurs structures en font une plateforme idéale pour l’obtention de nouvelles architectures polymères. Des composés synthétisés par polymérisation anionique de dérivés d’oxirane comme l’oxyde d’éthylène, offre des dérivés amphiphiles pegylés démontrant des propriétés d’agrégation intéressantes en vue d’une amélioration de la biocompatibilité et de la capacité d’encapsulation médicamenteuse. Une large gamme d’acides biliaires pegylés (BA(EGn)x) a été préparée avec comme objectif premier leurs applications dans la formulation de principes actifs problématiques. Pour cela, une caractérisation rigoureuse du comportement de ces dérivés (modulation de la longueur (2 < n < 19) et du nombre de bras (2 < x < 4) de PEG) en solution a été réalisée. Dans le but d’améliorer la biodisponibilité de principes actifs lipophiles (cas de l’itraconazole), des nanoémulsions spontanées, composées de BA(EGn)x et d’acide oléique, ont été développées. L’évaluation in vitro, de la toxicité (cellulaire), et de la capacité de solubilisation des systèmes BA(EGn)x, ainsi que les paramètres pharmacocinétiques in vivo (chez le rat), suggèrent une livraison contrôlée par nos systèmes auto-assemblés lors de l’administration orale et intraveineuse. Aussi, la synthèse de copolymères en blocs en étoile à base d’acide cholique pegylés a été effectuée par polymérisation anionique par addition d’un second bloc au caractère hydrophobe de poly(éther d’allyle et de glycidyle) (CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4). Selon le ratio de blocs hydrophiles-hydrophobes CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4, des réponses thermiques en solution (LCST) ont été observées par un point de trouble (Cp) entre 8 oC et 37 oC. Un mécanisme de formation d’agrégats en plusieurs étapes est suggéré. La thiolation des allyles des PAGE permet une fonctionnalisation terminale à haute densité, comparable aux dendrimères. Les caractérisations physico-chimiques des CA(EGn-b-AGEm-NH2)4 et CA(EGn-b-AGEm-COOH)4 indiquent la formation de structures auto-assemblées en solution, sensibles à la température ou au pH. Cette fonctionnalisation élargie le domaine d’application des dérivés d’acides biliaires pegylés en étoile vers la transfection d’ADN, la livraison de siRNA thérapeutiques ou encore à une sélectivité de livraison médicamenteux (ex. sensibilité au pH, greffage ligands).


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A novel transition temperature in MeAM copolymer microgels is reported. Despite the fact that MeAM homopolymers do not show thermosensitive properties, a specific synthetic strategy leads to a thermo-responsive swelling behavior that could be potentially useful in medical and/or industrial applications. The pH and temperature-dependent swelling response of microgels of MeAM copolymerized with 2-aminomethylpyridine and ethylenediamine is reported. The changes in particle sizes, which depend on the nature of the surrounding environment, are recorded by QELS. The relation between copolymer structure and its novel behavior is analyzed by several techniques (1H NMR, TGA).


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Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) was constructed, and its applicability to industrial, biochemical, and pharmaceutical applications was studied. The effect of several parameters, such as pH, ionic strength, temperature and the reactants mixing ratios on the particle sizes, molar masses, and the formation of aggregates of macromolecules was determined by AsFlFFF. In the case of industrial application AsFlFFF proved to be a valuable tool in the characterization of the hydrodynamic particle sizes, molar masses and phase transition behavior of various poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) polymers as a function of viscosity and phase transition temperatures. The effect of sodium chloride salt and the molar ratio of cationic and anionic polyelectrolytes on the hydrodynamic particle sizes of poly (methacryloxyethyl trimethylammonium chloride) and poly (ethylene oxide)-block-poly (sodium methacrylate) and their complexes were studied. The particle sizes of PNIPAM polymers, and polyelectrolyte complexes measured by AsFlFFF were in agreement with those obtained by dynamic light scattering. The molar masses of PNIPAM polymers obtained by AsFlFFF and size exclusion chromatography agreed also well. In addition, AsFlFFF proved to be a practical technique in thermo responsive behavior studies of polymers at temperatures up to about 50 oC. The suitability of AsFlFFF for biological, biomedical, and pharmaceutical applications was proved, upon studying the lipid-protein/peptide interactions, and the stability of liposomes at different temperatures. AsFlFFF was applied to the studies on the hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions between cytochrome c (a basic peripheral protein) and anionic lipid, and oleic acid, and sodium dodecyl sulphate surfactant. A miniaturized AsFlFFF constructed in this study was exploited in the elucidation of the effect of copper (II), pH, ionic strength, and vortexing on the particle sizes of low-density lipoproteins.