991 resultados para symplectic, Lagrangian fibration, Hodge theory, deformation, hyperkähler manifold


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In this work we investigate the deformation theory of pairs of an irreducible symplectic manifold X together with a Lagrangian subvariety Y in X, where the focus is on singular Lagrangian subvarieties. Among other things, Voisin's results [Voi92] are generalized to the case of simple normal crossing subvarieties; partial results are also obtained for more complicated singularities.rnAs done in Voisin's article, we link the codimension of the subspace of the universal deformation space of X parametrizing those deformations where Y persists, to the rank of a certain map in cohomology. This enables us in some concrete cases to actually calculate or at least estimate the codimension of this particular subspace. In these cases the Lagrangian subvarieties in question occur as fibers or fiber components of a given Lagrangian fibration f : X --> B. We discuss examples and the question of how our results might help to understand some aspects of Lagrangian fibrations.


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The large deformation analysis is one of major challenges in numerical modelling and simulation of metal forming. Because no mesh is used, the meshfree methods show good potential for the large deformation analysis. In this paper, a local meshfree formulation, based on the local weak-forms and the updated Lagrangian (UL) approach, is developed for the large deformation analysis. To fully employ the advantages of meshfree methods, a simple and effective adaptive technique is proposed, and this procedure is much easier than the re-meshing in FEM. Numerical examples of large deformation analysis are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the newly developed nonlinear meshfree approach. It has been found that the developed meshfree technique provides a superior performance to the conventional FEM in dealing with large deformation problems for metal forming.


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Wir berechnen die Eulerzahl der 10-dimensionalen exzeptionellen irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeit, die von O Grady konstruiert wurde. Die Idee besteht darin, zunächst eine Lagrangefaserung zu konstruieren und dann die Eulerzahlen der Fasern zu berechnen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass fast alle Fasern die Eulerzahl 0 haben, und deswegen reduziert sich das Problem auf die Berechnung der Eulerzahlen der übrigen Fasern. Diese Fasern sind Modulräume von halbstabilen Garben auf singulären Kurven. Der Hauptteil dieser Dissertation ist der Berechnung der Eulerzahlen dieser Modulräume gewidmet. Diese Resultate sind von unabhängigem Interesse.


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The grey system theory studies the uncertainty of small sample size problems. This paper using grey system theory in the deformation monitoring field, based on analysis of present grey forecast models, developed the spatial multi-point model. By using residual modification, the spatial multi-point residual model eras developed in further study. Then, combined with the sedimentation data of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam, the results are compared and analyzed, the conclusion has been made and the advantages of the residual spatial multi-point model has been proved.


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If the generic fibre f−1(c) of a Lagrangian fibration f : X → B on a complex Poisson– variety X is smooth, compact, and connected, it is isomorphic to the compactification of a complex abelian Lie–group. For affine Lagrangian fibres it is not clear what the structure of the fibre is. Adler and van Moerbeke developed a strategy to prove that the generic fibre of a Lagrangian fibration is isomorphic to the affine part of an abelian variety.rnWe extend their strategy to verify that the generic fibre of a given Lagrangian fibration is the affine part of a (C∗)r–extension of an abelian variety. This strategy turned out to be successful for all examples we studied. Additionally we studied examples of Lagrangian fibrations that have the affine part of a ramified cyclic cover of an abelian variety as generic fibre. We obtained an embedding in a Lagrangian fibration that has the affine part of a C∗–extension of an abelian variety as generic fibre. This embedding is not an embedding in the category of Lagrangian fibrations. The C∗–quotient of the new Lagrangian fibration defines in a natural way a deformation of the cyclic quotient of the original Lagrangian fibration.


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We discuss the matching of the BPS part of the spectrum for a (super) membrane, which gives the possibility of getting the membrane's results via string calculations. In the small coupling limit of M theory the entropy of the system coincides with the standard entropy of type IIB string theory (including the logarithmic correction term). The thermodynamic behavior at a large coupling constant is computed by considering M theory on a manifold with a topology T-2 x R-9. We argue that the finite temperature partition functions (brane Laurent series for p not equal 1) associated with the BPS p-brane spectrum can be analytically continued to well-defined functionals. It means that a finite temperature can be introduced in brane theory, which behaves like finite temperature field theory. In the limit p --> 0 (point particle limit) it gives rise to the standard behavior of thermodynamic quantities.


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The matching of the BPS part of the (super) membrane's spectrum enables one to obtain membrane's results via string calculations. We compute the thermodynamic behavior at large coupling constant by considering M-theory on a manifold with topology T-2 X R-9. In the small coupling limit of M-theory the entropy coincides with the standard entropy of type IIB strings. We claim that the finite temperature partition functions associated with BPS p-brane spectrum can be analytically continued to well-defined functionals. This means that finite temperature can be introduced in brane theory. For the point particle limit (p --> 0) the entropy has the standard behavior of thermodynamic quantities.


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Ist $f: X \to S$ eine glatte Familie von Calabi-Yau-Mannigfaltigkeiten der Dimension $m$ über einer quasiprojektiven Kurve, so trägt nach einem Resultat von Zucker die erste $L^2$-Kohomologiegruppe $H^1_{(2)}(S, R^m f_* \mathbb{C}_X)$ eine reine Hodgestruktur vom Gewicht $m+1$. In dieser Arbeit berechnen wir die Hodgezahlen solcher Hodgestrukturen für $m= 1, 2, 3$ und verallgemeinern dabei Formeln aus einem Artikel von del Angel, Müller-Stach, van Straten und Zuo auf den Fall, in dem die lokalen Monodromiematrizen bei Unendlich nicht unipotent, sondern echt quasi-unipotent sind. Wir verwenden dazu den $L^2$-Higgs-Komplex nach Jost, Yang und Zuo. Für Familien von Kurven führt dies auf eine bereits bekannte Formel von Cox und Zucker. Schließlich wenden wir die Ergebnisse im Fall $m=3$ auf 14 Familien von Calabi-Yau-Mannigfaltigkeiten an, die eine Rolle in der Spiegelsymmetrie spielen, sowie auf eine von Rohde konstruierte Familie ohne Punkte mit maximal unipotenter Monodromie.


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The mechanical properties of film-substrate systems have been investigated through nano-indentation experiments in our former paper (Chen, S.H., Liu, L., Wang, T.C., 2005. Investigation of the mechanical properties of thin films by nano-indentation, considering the effects of thickness and different coating-substrate combinations. Surf. Coat. Technol., 191, 25-32), in which Al-Glass with three different film thicknesses are adopted and it is found that the relation between the hardness H and normalized indentation depth h/t, where t denotes the film thickness, exhibits three different regimes: (i) the hardness decreases obviously with increasing indentation depth; (ii) then, the hardness keeps an almost constant value in the range of 0.1-0.7 of the normalized indentation depth h/t; (iii) after that, the hardness increases with increasing indentation depth. In this paper, the indentation image is further investigated and finite element method is used to analyze the nano-indentation phenomena with both classical plasticity and strain gradient plasticity theories. Not only the case with an ideal sharp indenter tip but also that with a round one is considered in both theories. Finally, we find that the classical plasticity theory can not predict the experimental results, even considering the indenter tip curvature. However, the strain gradient plasticity theory can describe the experimental data very well not only at a shallow indentation depth but also at a deep depth. Strain gradient and substrate effects are proved to coexist in film-substrate nano-indentation experiments. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Starting from a Lagrangian mean-field theory, a set of time-dependent tight-binding equations is derived to describe dynamically and self-consistently an interacting system of quantum electrons and classical nuclei. These equations conserve norm, total energy and total momentum. A comparison with other tight-binding models is made. A previous tight-binding result for forces on atoms in the presence of electrical current flow is generalized to the time-dependent domain and is taken beyond the limit of local charge neutrality.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Perhaps one of the main features of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is that spacetime is not flat itself but curved. Nowadays, however, many of the unifying theories like superstrings on even alternative gravity theories such as teleparalell geometric theories assume flat spacetime for their calculations. This article, an extended account of an earlier author's contribution, it is assumed a curved group manifold as a geometrical background from which a Lagrangian for a supersymmetric N = 2, d = 5 Yang-Mills - SYM, N = 2, d = 5 - is built up. The spacetime is a hypersurface embedded in this geometrical scenario, and the geometrical action here obtained can be readily coupled to the five-dimensional supergravity action. The essential idea that underlies this work has its roots in the Einstein-Cartan formulation of gravity and in the 'group manifold approach to gravity and supergravity theories'. The group SYM, N = 2, d = 5, turns out to be the direct product of supergravity and a general gauge group g: G = g circle times <(SU(2, 2/1))over bar>.


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This paper presents a new nine-node Lagrangian quadrilateral plate bending element (MQP9) using the Integrated Force Method (IFM) for the analysis of thin and moderately thick plate bending problems. Three degrees of freedom: transverse displacement w and two rotations theta(x) and theta(y) are considered at each node of the element. The Mindlin-Reissner theory has been employed in the formulation which accounts the effect of shear deformation. Many standard plate bending benchmark problems have been analyzed using the new element MQP9 for various grid sizes via Integrated Force Method to estimate defections and bending moments. These results of the new element MQP9 are compared with those of similar displacement-based plate bending elements available in the literature. The results are also compared with exact solutions. It is observed that the presented new element MQP9 is free from shear locking and produced, in general, excellent results in all plate bending benchmark problems considered.


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We discuss an algebraic theory for generalized Jordan chains and partial signatures, that are invariants associated to sequences of symmetric bilinear forms on a vector space. We introduce an intrinsic notion of partial signatures in the Lagrangian Grassmannian of a symplectic space that does not use local coordinates, and we give a formula for the Maslov index of arbitrary real analytic paths in terms of partial signatures.