972 resultados para stylistique comparée
Hugo Loetscher (1929-2009) a joué un rôle important dans la littérature suisse alémanique du 20e siècle. On lui accole souvent l’étiquette de « cosmopolite suisse », tant il a réussi le pari de s’intéresser au vaste monde sans jamais renier son milieu et son pays d’origine. L’essai dont il est question ici, äs tischört und plutschins. Über das Unreine in der Sprache, eine helvetische Situierung, adopte une perspective suisse pour proposer une réflexion sur le lien entre langue, littérature et nation, sur la place des langues minoritaires dans le monde globalisé et sur l’idéal – critiquable selon Loetscher – de « pureté » linguistique. Ce mémoire, en plus de présenter une traduction de l’essai de Loetscher, qui était jusqu’à ce jour inédit en français, réfléchit à l’actualité de ce texte dans le contexte québécois et au processus de traduction d’un auteur suisse germanophone pour un public francophone diversifié, en s’appuyant sur les théories de la stylistique comparée d’Alfred Malblanc et du skopos de Katharina Reiß et Hans J. Vermeer. Notre étude se penche d’une part sur le rôle d’éléments péritextuels comme les notes de bas de page qui, dans le processus d’adaptation, permettent au translatum, c’est-à-dire au résultat de l’acte de traduction, au texte cible, de respecter son objectif de départ, son skopos. D’autre part, l’analyse aborde la question d’une possible utilisation de régionalismes (québécois ou suisses) dans un translatum en français standard dont le texte source porte lui-même sur la diversité linguistique et les variantes régionales et dialectales.
Les chaînes de références dans des corpus textuels trilingues : Critères et finalité de la recherche
En la obra Stylistique comparée du français et de l?anglais, Vinay y Darbelnet señalan el valor de la traducción como disciplina auxiliar de la Lingüística (1977: 25). Sin entrar en el debate sobre el alcance de las nociones de traducción y transcodificación, se entiende que en toda situación de lenguas en contactos, como es el caso de la traducción, el universal de interferencia influye sobre los mecanismos discursivos relacionados con la memoria, de manera tal que la producción de un texto traducido sin visibilidad de interferencia supone esfuerzos especiales por parte del traductor (Toury, 2004: 345). En el marco de esta problemática, nuestro estudio respecto de las cadenas referenciales (CR) en corpora trilingües se fundamenta en los trabajos de Ariel (1990) y, especialmente de Schnedecker (1997, 2005), en cuanto a las expresiones referenciales que mantienen la cohesión del texto y sus relaciones con la accesibilidad al referente. Los resultados de este estudio descriptivo y contrastivo a partir de un corpus de textos trilingües podrán contribuir al conocimiento del macroproceso de traducción y, por consiguiente, a la formación de traductores. Asimismo, esta presentación se inscribe en el marco de la Traductología y aspira a ser un aporte a otras disciplinas, especialmente a la Lingüística, en una relación de reciprocidad (García, 2012: 78)
Les chaînes de références dans des corpus textuels trilingues : Critères et finalité de la recherche
En la obra Stylistique comparée du français et de l?anglais, Vinay y Darbelnet señalan el valor de la traducción como disciplina auxiliar de la Lingüística (1977: 25). Sin entrar en el debate sobre el alcance de las nociones de traducción y transcodificación, se entiende que en toda situación de lenguas en contactos, como es el caso de la traducción, el universal de interferencia influye sobre los mecanismos discursivos relacionados con la memoria, de manera tal que la producción de un texto traducido sin visibilidad de interferencia supone esfuerzos especiales por parte del traductor (Toury, 2004: 345). En el marco de esta problemática, nuestro estudio respecto de las cadenas referenciales (CR) en corpora trilingües se fundamenta en los trabajos de Ariel (1990) y, especialmente de Schnedecker (1997, 2005), en cuanto a las expresiones referenciales que mantienen la cohesión del texto y sus relaciones con la accesibilidad al referente. Los resultados de este estudio descriptivo y contrastivo a partir de un corpus de textos trilingües podrán contribuir al conocimiento del macroproceso de traducción y, por consiguiente, a la formación de traductores. Asimismo, esta presentación se inscribe en el marco de la Traductología y aspira a ser un aporte a otras disciplinas, especialmente a la Lingüística, en una relación de reciprocidad (García, 2012: 78)
Les chaînes de références dans des corpus textuels trilingues : Critères et finalité de la recherche
En la obra Stylistique comparée du français et de l?anglais, Vinay y Darbelnet señalan el valor de la traducción como disciplina auxiliar de la Lingüística (1977: 25). Sin entrar en el debate sobre el alcance de las nociones de traducción y transcodificación, se entiende que en toda situación de lenguas en contactos, como es el caso de la traducción, el universal de interferencia influye sobre los mecanismos discursivos relacionados con la memoria, de manera tal que la producción de un texto traducido sin visibilidad de interferencia supone esfuerzos especiales por parte del traductor (Toury, 2004: 345). En el marco de esta problemática, nuestro estudio respecto de las cadenas referenciales (CR) en corpora trilingües se fundamenta en los trabajos de Ariel (1990) y, especialmente de Schnedecker (1997, 2005), en cuanto a las expresiones referenciales que mantienen la cohesión del texto y sus relaciones con la accesibilidad al referente. Los resultados de este estudio descriptivo y contrastivo a partir de un corpus de textos trilingües podrán contribuir al conocimiento del macroproceso de traducción y, por consiguiente, a la formación de traductores. Asimismo, esta presentación se inscribe en el marco de la Traductología y aspira a ser un aporte a otras disciplinas, especialmente a la Lingüística, en una relación de reciprocidad (García, 2012: 78)
This proposal is a non-quantitative study based on a corpus of real data which offers a principled account of the translation strategies employed in the translation of English film titles into Spanish in terms of cognitive modeling. More specifically, we draw on Ruiz de Mendoza and Galera’s (2014) work on what they term content (or low-level) cognitive operations, based on either ‘stands for’ or ‘identity’ relations, in order to investigate possible motivating factors for translations which abide by oblique procedures, i.e. for non-literal renderings of source titles. The present proposal is made in consonance with recent findings within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics (Samaniego 2007), which evidence that this linguistic approach can fruitfully address some relevant issues in Translation Studies, the most outstanding for our purposes being the exploration of the cognitive operations which account for the use of translation strategies (Rojo and Ibarretxe-Antuñano 2013: 10), mainly expansion and reduction operations, parameterization, echoing, mitigation and comparison by contrast. This fits in nicely with a descriptive approach to translation and particularly with skopos theory, whose main aim consists in achieving functionally adequate renderings of source texts.
Anthropometry has long been used for a range of ergonomic applications & product design. Although products are often designed for specific cohorts, anthropometric data are typically sourced from large scale surveys representative of the general population. Additionally, few data are available for emerging markets like China and India. This study measured 80 Chinese males that were representative of a specific cohort targeted for the design of a new product. Thirteen anthropometric measurements were recorded and compared to two large databases that represented a general population, a Chinese database and a Western database. Substantial differences were identified between the Chinese males measured in this study and both databases. The subjects were substantially taller, heavier and broader than subjects in the older Chinese database. However, they were still substantially smaller, lighter and thinner than Western males. Data from current Western anthropometric surveys are unlikely to accurately represent the target population for product designers and manufacturers in emerging markets like China.
The literature supporting the notion that active, student-centered learning is superior to passive, teacher-centered instruction is encyclopedic (Bonwell & Eison, 1991; Bruning, Schraw, & Ronning, 1999; Haile, 1997a, 1997b, 1998; Johnson, Johnson, & Smith, 1999). Previous action research demonstrated that introducing a learning activity in class improved the learning outcomes of students (Mejias, 2010). People acquire knowledge and skills through practice and reflection, not by watching and listening to others telling them how to do something. In this context, this project aims to find more insights about the level of interactivity in the curriculum a class should have and its alignment with assessment so the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) are achieved. In this project, interactivity is implemented in the form of problem- based learning (PBL). I present the argument that a more continuous formative feedback when implemented with the correct amount of PBL stimulates student engagement bringing enormous benefits to student learning. Different levels of practical work (PBL) were implemented together with two different assessment approaches in two subjects. The outcomes were measured using qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate the levels of student engagement and satisfaction in the terms of ILOs.
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) and the Stanford-Binet – Fifth Edition (SB5) are two of the most commonly used intelligence tests for children and adolescents. No comparative studies of the WISC-IV and SB5 have yet been published. In the current study the WISC-IV and SB5 were administered in counterbalanced order to 30 typically-developing 12- to 14-year-old adolescents. There was a significant difference between Full Scale IQs on the two measures, with scores being higher on the WISC-IV. A significant difference was also found between Verbal IQs and there were large score differences for some participants. The paper concludes that the WISC-IV and SB5 cannot be presumed to be interchangeable measures of intelligence.
A notable feature of corporate legislative development in western countries for the past 30 years is the various mechanisms introduced to facilitate the survival of company structures facing insolvency. Australia’s corporate rescue version, called a “voluntary administration”, is now contained in Part 5.3A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), although first introduced in 1993. The Australian provisions apply to all corporate entities and commence with a short moratorium followed by a meeting of creditors. At the creditors’ meeting a “rescue” plan called a deed of company arrangement may be entered into, or, alternatively the company may be liquidated. The voluntary administration provisions have become a significant part of Australia’s corporate insolvency landscape and are critical to the operation of corporate law outside of insolvency. Australia does not have a specialist bankruptcy court, rather it utilises the English approach where insolvency practitioners are accountants and appointed to the insolvent company as administrators. In Australia, insolvency practitioners must be registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (“ASIC”), the corporate and securities regulator. A voluntary administration is usually commenced by the board of directors appointing an insolvency practitioner to the company. There exists no opportunity for a voluntary administration to commence at the creditors’ or court’s behest. This chapter seeks to address the comparative necessity of Australia’s corporate regime.
Gross value of cons truction work in the repair , maintenance, minor alte ration and addition (RMAA) sector in Hong Kong has expanded dramatically by 58% from 1998 to 2007, accounting for over 53% of the whole construction market in 2007. Unfortunately, the portion of industrial accidents arising from this sector also increased substantially during the same period. It is important to improve the safety performance of the RMAA sector. This paper has set out the objectives to examine safety statistics of RMAA works; to compare them with those of green field projects; and more importantly, to highlight potential hurdles en countered in the process of comparison and finally to provide effective recommendations for overcoming these impediments. To strive for continuous safety improvement of RMAA works, comparable safety statistics should be compiled for this sector.
Provenance studies of iron-age pottery specimens originating from the Mngeni river area in South Africa was carried out by applying XRF spectrometry. A total of sixteen major and trace elements were analysed in a batch of 107 potsherds, excavated from four different archaeological sites in the aforementioned area. A multivariate statistical programme Correspondence Analysis was used in this study to obtain the relevant clustering patterns according to the similarity of the elemental distributions. Differences and similarities in the clusters obtained for the majors and trace elements are discussed.
Background Historically, the paper hand-held record (PHR) has been used for sharing information between hospital clinicians, general practitioners and pregnant women in a maternity shared-care environment. Recently in alignment with a National e-health agenda, an electronic health record (EHR) was introduced at an Australian tertiary maternity service to replace the PHR for collection and transfer of data. The aim of this study was to examine and compare the completeness of clinical data collected in a PHR and an EHR. Methods We undertook a comparative cohort design study to determine differences in completeness between data collected from maternity records in two phases. Phase 1 data were collected from the PHR and Phase 2 data from the EHR. Records were compared for completeness of best practice variables collected The primary outcome was the presence of best practice variables and the secondary outcomes were the differences in individual variables between the records. Results Ninety-four percent of paper medical charts were available in Phase 1 and 100% of records from an obstetric database in Phase 2. No PHR or EHR had a complete dataset of best practice variables. The variables with significant improvement in completeness of data documented in the EHR, compared with the PHR, were urine culture, glucose tolerance test, nuchal screening, morphology scans, folic acid advice, tobacco smoking, illicit drug assessment and domestic violence assessment (p = 0.001). Additionally the documentation of immunisations (pertussis, hepatitis B, varicella, fluvax) were markedly improved in the EHR (p = 0.001). The variables of blood pressure, proteinuria, blood group, antibody, rubella and syphilis status, showed no significant differences in completeness of recording. Conclusion This is the first paper to report on the comparison of clinical data collected on a PHR and EHR in a maternity shared-care setting. The use of an EHR demonstrated significant improvements to the collection of best practice variables. Additionally, the data in an EHR were more available to relevant clinical staff with the appropriate log-in and more easily retrieved than from the PHR. This study contributes to an under-researched area of determining data quality collected in patient records.
Youth misuse of fire is a substantive community concern. Despite evidence which indicates youths account for a significant proportion of all deliberately lit fires within Australia, an absence of up-to-date, contextually specific research means the exact scope and magnitude of youth misuse of fire within Australia remains unknown. Despite research suggesting com- monalities exist between youth misuse of fire and juvenile offending more broadly, misuse of fire is rarely explained using criminological theory. In light of this gap, a descriptive analysis of youth misuse of fire within New South Wales was performed. Routine Activity Theory and Crime Pattern Theory were tested to explain differences in misuse of fire across age groups. Results suggest these environmental theories offer useful frameworks for explaining youth misuse of fire in New South Wales. It is argued that the Routine Activity Theory and Crime Pattern Theory can be employed to better inform youth misuse of fire policy and prevention efforts.
Both ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are common, highly heritable conditions, the pathogenesis of which are incompletely understood. Gene-mapping studies in both conditions have over the last couple of years made major breakthroughs in identifying the mechanisms by which these diseases occur. Considering RA, there is an over-representation of genes involved in TNF signalling and the NFκB pathway that have been shown to influence the disease risk. There is also considerable sharing of susceptibility genes between RA and other autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease and celiac disease, with thus far little overlap with AS. In AS, genes involved in response to IL12/IL23, and in endoplasmic reticulum peptide presentation, have been identified, but a full genomewide association study has not yet been reported.