998 resultados para statistical literacy


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This chapter addresses data modelling as a means of promoting statistical literacy in the early grades. Consideration is first given to the importance of increasing young children’s exposure to statistical reasoning experiences and how data modelling can be a rich means of doing so. Selected components of data modelling are then reviewed, followed by a report on some findings from the third-year of a three-year longitudinal study across grades one through three.


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This chapter addresses opportunities for problem posing in developing young children’s statistical literacy, with a focus on student-directed investigations. Although the notion of problem posing has broadened in recent years, there nevertheless remains limited research on how problem posing can be integrated within the regular mathematics curriculum, especially in the areas of statistics and probability. The chapter first reviews briefly aspects of problem posing that have featured in the literature over the years. Consideration is next given to the importance of developing children’s statistical literacy in which problem posing is an inherent feature. Some findings from a school playground investigation conducted in four, fourth-grade classes illustrate the different ways in which children posed investigative questions, how they made predictions about their outcomes and compared these with their findings, and the ways in which they chose to represent their findings.


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This article examines a social media assignment used to teach and practice statistical literacy with over 400 students each semester in large-lecture traditional, fully online, and flipped sections of an introductory-level statistics course. Following the social media assignment, students completed a survey on how they approached the assignment. Drawing from the authors’ experiences with the project and the survey results, this article offers recommendations for developing social media assignments in large courses that focus on the interplay between the social media tool and the implications of assignment prompts.


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We analyzed the development of 4th-grade students’ understanding of the transition from experimental relative frequencies of outcomes to theoretical probabilities with a focus on the foundational statistical concepts of variation and expectation. We report students’ initial and changing expectations of the outcomes of tossing one and two coins, how they related the relative frequency from their physical and computersimulated trials to the theoretical probability, and how they created and interpreted theoretical probability models. Findings include students’ progression from an initial apparent equiprobability bias in predicting outcomes of tossing two coins through to representing the outcomes of increasing the number of trials. After observing the decreasing variation from the theoretical probability as the sample size increased, students developed a deeper understanding of the relationship between relative frequency of outcomes and theoretical probability as well as their respective associations with variation and expectation. Students’ final models indicated increasing levels of probabilistic understanding.


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Qu'on le déplore ou que l'on s'en félicite, la statistique est présente dans notre vie de tous les jours. Paradoxalement, les compétences pour l'appréhender semblent faire défaut, à tel point que plus d'un militent pour que la statistique fasse partie des compétences minimales de tout citoyen (statistical literacy). Mais au niveau de l'enseignement, de nombreux obstacles apparaissent quant à l'acquisition de ces compétences : ainsi, de multiples recherches ont-elles identifié maints obstacles, que ceux-ci soient d'ordre affectif ou cognitif. Toutefois ces recherches adoptent le point de vue de l'enseignant ou du chercheur et il n'en existe que peu qui se sont interrogées sur la représentation que les étudiants ont de la statistique. Tel est l'objectif général de la présente recherche. Après avoir caractérisé ce qu'est une représentation sociale et abouti à poser "qu'est statistique ce que l'on se donne comme étant statistique", une enquête a été menée en France auprès de 614 étudiants de différentes sections en Sciences humaines et sociales. Il s'en dégage qu'une vingtaine de mots rend compte de la statistique, tels mathématiques, pourcentages, chiffrs et calculs. Cependant, au-delà de ce discours commun, des différences apparaissent entre les sections quant aux mots utilisés pour caractériser la statistique : pour certains, les mots utilisés, peu nombreux, assimilent la statistique aux statistiques ; pour d'autres, elle est conçue comme des mathématiques utilisées dans le cadre d'études, de recherches. D'autres discours se distinguent soit par la proximité de la statistique avec la méthodologie du questionnaire, soit par son utilisation professionnelle : la référence aux mathématiques y est alors nettement atténuée. De ces résultats se dégagent des prolongements en termes de recherche (étude longitudinale de la représentation sociale de la statistique), en termes de pédagogie (conditions propices à la problématisation) et en termes de rapport au savoir (thêmata). Cette recherche invite les formateurs et les chercheurs en didactique à faire un pas de côté par rapport à leur propre représentation et à envisager celle potentiellement différente des apprenants ; à côté des chiffrs, il y a aussi des êtres.


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Este estudo tem como principal objetivo compreender e analisar o modo como crianças de creche e jardim-de-infância resolvem problemas matemáticos e o que pode constranger a resolução. Em particular, procurei analisar a atividade matemática que as crianças desenvolvem quando se confrontam com problemas matemáticos e os desafios com que se deparam. Do ponto de vista metodológico, o estudo enquadra-se numa abordagem qualitativa de investigação e num paradigma interpretativo. Além disso, trata-se de uma investigação-ação orientada pela questão “como otimizar a atividade de resolver problemas matemáticos em contextos de educação de infância?”. Neste âmbito, propus a quatro crianças de creche e a 21 de jardim-de-infância um conjunto de tarefas selecionadas para, potencialmente, terem, para si, algum grau de desafio. Os principais métodos de recolha de dados foram a observação participante, a análise documental e um inquérito por questionário realizado às educadoras cooperantes. O estudo ilustra que é possível envolver crianças de creche e de jardim-de-infância numa atividade de resolução de problemas matemáticos e que esta atividade é favorecida se o contexto dos problemas estiver próximo do que fazem no dia-a-dia da sala. Durante o processo de resolução das tarefas propostas, foram mobilizadas e trabalhadas diversas noções matemáticas. Na creche, todas as crianças evidenciaram possuir conhecimentos acerca da noção topológica “dentro de” e “fora de” e algumas foram bem-sucedidas no uso do processo de classificação, tendo em conta um critério. Neste âmbito, recorreram a representações ativas. No jardim-de-infância, todas as crianças conseguiram fazer a contagem sincronizada das letras do seu nome, de indicar a quantidade de letras, o que indicia o conhecimento da noção de cardinal, e de representar esta quantidade recorrendo tanto a numerais como a representações icónicas. Além disso, foram capazes de interpretar uma tabela de modo a construir um gráfico com barras e de elaborar um pictograma, o que revela possuírem conhecimentos ao nível da literacia estatística. Por último, algumas crianças foram bem-sucedidas na descoberta de estratégias de resolução de problemas que lhes permitiram inventariar exaustivamente todas as possibilidades de resolução e contar, organizadamente, estas possibilidades. No decurso desta atividade surgiram tentativas de generalização, embora nem sempre corretas, sobressaindo o recurso a representações ativas nomeadamente à dramatização de situações. Quanto aos desafios com que se depararam destacam-se, no caso da creche, o uso correto do processo de classificação. No caso do jardim-de-infância, as crianças demonstraram dificuldades em distinguir a legenda do pictograma dos dados, em resolver um problema em que estava em jogo o sentido combinatório da multiplicação e em encontrar estratégias de generalização. O estudo indicia, ainda, que é essencial que o educador proponha tarefas diversificadas e desafiantes que, partindo sempre da curiosidade e interesse das crianças, lhes permitam trabalhar com ideias matemáticas importantes e representar adequadamente o conhecimento com que lidam.


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As economies, societies, and environments change, official statistics evolve and develop to reflect those changes. In reaction to disruptive innovations arising from globalisation, technological advances, and cultural changes, the pace of change of official statistics will accelerate in the future. The motivation for change may also be more existential than that of the past as official statisticians consider the survival of their discipline. This article examines some of the emerging developments and questions whether they present threats or offer opportunities.


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In 2015, ALEA National Council provided funds to support the implementation of a research project which was undertaken by a group of teacher educators and researchers from a range of universities across three Australian states. Stage one of the project, which is reported on here, examined primary school teachers’ perceptions of the personal and professional literacy capabilities of recently graduated primary school teachers. This stage of the project also examined primary school teachers’ perceptions of the impact of initial teacher education on the personal and professional literacy capabilities of recently graduated primary school teachers. The project team, led by Associate Professor Beryl Exley (Queensland University of Technology), included Chief Investigators Dr Eileen Honan (The University of Queensland), Associate Professor Lisa Kervin (University of Wollongong), Associate Professor Alyson Simpson (University of Sydney) and Dr Muriel Wells (Deakin University), with Dr Sandy Muspratt as the Statistical Analyst and Lesley Friend as the Research Assistant with primary responsibility for the publication of the online survey.


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Background: Male suicide prevention strategies include diagnosis and effective management of men’s depression. Fundamental to suicide prevention efforts is public awareness, which in turn, is influenced by literacy levels about men’s depression and suicide.

Aim: To examine sex differences in mental health literacy with respect to men’s depression and suicide among a cohort of Canadian respondents.

Methods: 901 English-speaking Canadian men and women completed online survey questionnaires to evaluate mental health literacy levels using 10-item D-Lit and 8-item LOSS questionnaires, which assess factual knowledge concerning men’s depression and suicide. Statistical tests (chi-square, z-test) were used to identify significant differences between sex sub-groups at 95% confidence.

Results: Overall, respondents correctly identified 67% of questions measuring literacy levels about male depression. Respondents’ male suicide literacy was significantly poorer at 53.7%. Misperceptions were especially evident in terms of differentiating men’s depressive symptoms from other mental illnesses,
estimating prevalence and identifying factors linked to male suicide. Significant sex differences highlighted that females had higher literacy levels than men in regard to male depression.

Conclusions: Implementing gender sensitive and specific programs to target and advance literacy levels about men’s depression may be key to ultimately reducing depression and suicide among men in Canada.


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With the “social turn” of language in the past decade within English studies, ethnographic and teacher research methods increasingly have acquired legitimacy as a means of studying student literacy. And with this legitimacy, graduate students specializing in literacy and composition studies increasingly are being encouraged to use ethnographic and teacher research methods to study student literacy within classrooms. Yet few of the narratives produced from these studies discuss the problems that frequently arise when participant observers enter the classroom. Recently, some researchers have begun to interrogate the extent to which ethnographic and teacher research methods are able to construct and disseminate knowledge in empowering ways (Anderson & Irvine, 1993; Bishop, 1993; Fine, 1994; Fleischer. 1994; McLaren, 1992). While ethnographic and teacher research methods have oftentimes been touted as being more democratic and nonhierarchical than quantitative methods—-which oftentimes erase individuals lived experiences with numbers and statistical formulas—-researchers are just beginning to probe the ways that ethnographic and teacher research models can also be silencing, unreflective, and oppressive. Those who have begun to question the ethics of conducting, writing about, and disseminating knowledge in education have coined the term “critical” research, a rather vague and loose term that proposes a position of reflexivity and self-critique for all research methods, not just ethnography or teacher research. Drawing upon theories of feminist consciousness-raising, liberatory praxis, and community-action research, theories of critical research aim to involve researchers and participants in a highly participatory framework for constructing knowledge, an inquiry that seeks to question, disrupt, or intervene in the conditions under study for some socially transformative end. While critical research methods are always contingent upon the context being studied, in general they are undergirded by principles of non-hierarchical relations, participatory collaboration, problem-posing, dialogic inquiry, and multiple and multi-voiced interpretations. In distinguishing between critical and traditional ethnographic processes, for instance, Peter McLaren says that critical ethnography asks questions such as “[u]nder what conditions and to what ends do we. as educational researchers, enter into relations of cooperation. mutuality, and reciprocity with those who we research?” (p. 78) and “what social effects do you want your evaluations and understandings to have?” (p. 83). In»the same vein, Michelle Fine suggests that critical researchers must move beyond notions of the etic/emic dichotomy of researcher positionality in order to “probe how we are in relation with the contexts we study and with our informants, understanding that we are all multiple in those relations” (p. 72). Researchers in composition and literacy stud¬ies who endorse critical research methods, then, aim to enact some sort of positive transformative change in keeping with the needs and interests of the participants with whom they work.


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Objective: There is convincing evidence that phonological, orthographic and semantic processes influence children’s ability to learn to read and spell words. So far only a few studies investigated the influence of implicit learning in literacy skills. Children are sensitive to the statistics of their learning environment. By frequent reading they acquire implicit knowledge about the frequency of letter patterns in written words, and they use this knowledge during reading and spelling. Additionally, semantic connections facilitate to storing of words in memory. Thus, the aim of the intervention study was to implement a word-picture training which is based on statistical and semantic learning. Furthermore, we aimed at examining the training effects in reading and spelling in comparison to an auditory-visual matching training and a working memory training program. Participants and Methods: One hundred and thirty-two children aged between 8 and 11 years participated in training in three weekly session of 12 minutes over 8 weeks, and completed other assessments of reading, spelling, working memory and intelligence before and after training. Results: Results revealed in general that the word-picture training and the auditory-visual matching training led to substantial gains in reading and spelling performance in comparison to the working-memory training. Although both children with and without learning difficulties profited in their reading and spelling after the word-picture training, the training program led to differential effects for the two groups. After the word-picture training on the one hand, children with learning difficulties profited more in spelling as children without learning difficulties, on the other hand, children without learning difficulties benefit more in word comprehension. Conclusions: These findings highlight the need for frequent reading trainings with semantic connections in order to support the acquisition of literacy skills.


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This paper explores the relation between society, family, and learning. In particular, it addresses the features of home literacy environments in low income families and their impact on children's pre-literacy skills and knowledge. Sixty-two four/five-year-old children and their mothers were randomly selected for this study. The mothers were interviewed using an adaptation of a family literacy environment survey (Whitehurst, 1992). The children were assessed with specific tests to examine the scope of their 'early literacy'. The results revealed significant variability in the features and practices of home literacy environments as well as in the children's emerging pre-literacy skills and knowledge. The correlation between the two variables shows low to moderate statistical significance. The implications of such findings are discussed. Additionally, the purpose of isolating relevant features of the children and their home environments is to identify specific indicators related to the literacy fostering process. Ultimately, the goal is to design adequate, timely, and systematic intervention strategies aimed at preventing difficulties related to written language learning in children that could be considered at risk.