995 resultados para sourcing decisions


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Product design and sourcing decisions are among the most difficult and important of all decisions facing multinational manufacturing companies, yet associated decision support and evaluation systems tend to be myopic in nature. Design for manufacture and assembly techniques, for example, generally focuses on manufacturing capability and ignores capacity although both should be considered. Similarly, most modelling and evaluation tools available to examine the performance of various solution and improvement techniques have a narrower scope than desired. A unique collaboration, funded by the US National Science Foundation, between researchers in the USA and the UK currently addresses these problems. This paper describes a technique known as Design For the Existing Environment (DFEE) and an holistic evaluation system based on enterprise simulation that was used to demonstrate the business benefits of DFEE applied in a simple product development and manufacturing case study. A project that will extend these techniques to evaluate global product sourcing strategies is described along with the practical difficulties of building an enterprise simulation on the scale and detail required.


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This paper examines the debate surrounding local versus international sourcing of retail products, particularly food and flowers, in light of the emerging carbon imperative. It begins by examining the Fairtrade market and then examines food miles and carbon impact. The complexity of sourcing decisions when considering both international development issues and the emerging carbon agenda is considered using the case of the cut flower industry


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The study examines international cooperation in product development in software development organisations. The software industry is known for its global nature and knowledge-intensity, which makes it an interesting setting to examine international cooperation in. Software development processes are increasingly distributed worldwide, but for small or even medium-sized enterprises, typical for the software industry, such distribution of operations is often possible only in association with crossing the company’s boundaries. The strategic decision-making of companies is likely to be affected by the characteristics of the industry, and this includes decisions about cooperation or sourcing. The objective of this thesis is to provide a holistic view on factors affecting decisions about offshore sourcing in software development. Offshore sourcing refers to a cooperative mode of offshoring, where a firm does not establish its own presence in a foreign country, but utilises a local supplier. The study examines product development activities that are distributed across organisational and geographical boundaries. The objective can be divided into two subtopics: general reasons for international cooperation in product development and particular reasons for cooperation between Finnish and Russian companies. The focus is on the strategic rationale at the company level, in particular in small and medium-sized enterprises. The theoretical discourse of the study builds upon the literature on international cooperation and networking, with particular focus on cooperation with foreign suppliers and within product development activities. The resource-based view is also discussed, as heterogeneity and interdependency of the resources possessed by different firms are seen as factors motivating international cooperation. Strategically, sourcing can be used to access resources possessed by an industrial network, to enhance the product development of a firm, or to optimise its cost structure. In order to investigate the issues raised by the theoretical review, two empirical studies on international cooperation in software product development have been conducted. The emphasis of the empirical part of the study is on cooperation between Finnish and Russian companies. The data has been gathered through four case studies on Finnish software development organisations and four case studies on Russian offshore suppliers. Based on the material from the case studies, a framework clarifying and grouping the factors that influence offshore sourcing decisions has been built. The findings indicate that decisions regarding offshore sourcing in software development are far more complex than generally assumed. The framework provides a holistic view on factors affecting decisions about offshore sourcing in software development, capturing the multidimensionality of motives for entering offshore cooperation. Four groups of factors emerged from the data: A) strategy-related aspects, B) aspects related to resources and capabilities, C) organisation-related aspects, and D) aspects related to the entrepreneur or management. By developing a holistic framework of decision factors, the research offers in-depth theoreticalunderstanding of offshore sourcing rationale in product development. From the managerial point of view, the proposed framework sums up the issues that a firm should pay attention to when contemplating product development cooperation with foreign suppliers. Understanding different components of sourcing decisions can lead to improved preconditions for strategising and engaging in offshore cooperation. A thorough decisionmaking process should consider all the possible benefits and risks of product development cooperation carefully.


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Organisations need the right business and IT capabilities in order to achieve future business success. It follows that the sourcing of these capabilities is an important decision. Yet, there is a lack of consensus on the approach to decid-ing where and how to source the core operational capabilities. Furthermore, de-veloping its dynamic capability enables an organisation to effectively manage change its operational capabilities. Recent research has proposed that analysing business capabilities is a key pre-requisite to defining its Information Technology (IT) solutions. This research builds on these findings by considering the interde-pendencies between the dynamic business change capability and the sourcing of IT capabilities. Further it examines the decision-making oversight of these areas as implemented through IT governance. There is a good understanding of the direct impact of IT sourcing decision on operational capabilities However, there is a lack of research on the indirect impact to the capability of managing business change. Through a review of prior research and initial pilot field research, a capability framework and three main propositions are proposed, each examining a two-way interdependency. This paper describes the development of the integrated capa-bility framework and the rationale for the propositions. These respectively cover managing business change, IT sourcing and IT governance. Firstly, the sourcing of IT affects both the operational capabilities and the capability to manage business change. Similarly a business change may result in new or revised operational ca-pabilities, which can influence the IT sourcing decision resulting in a two-way rela-tionship. Secondly, this IT sourcing is directed under IT governance, which pro-vides a decision-making framework for the organisation. At the same time, the IT sourcing can have an impact on the IT governance capability, for example by out-sourcing key capabilities; hence this is potentially again a two-way relationship. Finally, there is a postulated two-way relationship between IT governance and managing business change in that IT governance provides an oversight of manag-ing business change through portfolio management while IT governance is a key element of the business change capability. Given the nature and novelty of this framework, a philosophical paradigm of constructivism is preferred. To illustrate and explore the theoretical perspectives provided, this paper reports on the find-ings of a case study incorporating eight high-level interviews with senior execu-tives in a German bank with 2300 employees. The collected data also include or-ganisational charts, annual reports, project and activity portfolio and benchmark reports for the IT budget. Recommendations are made for practitioners. An understanding of the interdependencies can support professionals in improving business success through effectively managing business change. Additionally, they can be assisted to evaluate the impact of IT sourcing decisions on the organisa-tion’s operational and dynamic capabilities, using an appropriate IT governance framework.


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In the resource-based view, organisations are represented by the sum of their physical, human and organisational assets, resources and capabilities. Operational capabilities maintain the status quo and allow an organisation to execute their existing business. Dynamic capabilities, otherwise, allow an organisation to change this status quo including a change of the operational ones. Competitive advantage, in this context, is an effect of continuously developing and reconfiguring these firm-specific assets through dynamic capabilities. Deciding where and how to source the core operational capabilities is a key success factor. Furthermore, developing its dynamic capabilities allows an organisation to effectively manage change its operational capabilities. Many organisations are asserted to have a high dependency on - as well as a high benefit from - the use of information technology (IT), making it a crucial and overarching resource. Furthermore, the IT function is assigned the role as a change enabler and so IT sourcing affects the capability of managing business change. IT sourcing means that organisations need to decide how to source their IT capabilities. Outsourcing of parts of the IT function will also outsource some of the IT capabilities and therefore some of the business capabilities. As a result, IT sourcing has an impact on the organisation's capabilities and consequently on the business success. And finally, a turbulent and fast moving business environment challenges organisations to effectively and efficiently managing business change. Our research builds on the existing theory of dynamic and operational capabilities by considering the interdependencies between the dynamic capabilities of business change and IT sourcing. Further it examines the decision-making oversight of these areas as implemented through IT governance. We introduce a new conceptual framework derived from the existing theory and extended through an illustrative case study conducted in a German bank. Under a philosophical paradigm of constructivism, we collected data from eight semi-structured interviews and used additional sources of evidence in form of annual accounts, strategy papers and IT benchmark reports. We applied an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), which emerged the superordinate themes for our tentative capabilities framework. An understanding of these interdependencies enables scholars and professionals to improve business success through effectively managing business change and evaluating the impact of IT sourcing decisions on the organisation's operational and dynamic capabilities.


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Product-sourcing practices can impact the competitiveness of an organization's products and services. Many sourcing practices exist and the challenge is to find the right practice, for the right product, at the right time. This paper describes a survey of 3,500 of UK companies, and reports on current and intended manufacturing sourcing practices; the associated decision-making processes; and, the principal motives behind sourcing decisions. Key findings demonstrate a strong and ambitious trend towards open, integrated relationships between manufacturers and their principal suppliers; sourcing decisions increasingly based on well-structured analysis of business needs and capabilities; and, the chief motivators being financial and market factors.


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Purpose – This paper aims to develop an integrated analytical approach, combining quality function deployment (QFD) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach, to enhance the effectiveness of sourcing decisions. Design/methodology/approach – In the approach, QFD is used to translate the company stakeholder requirements into multiple evaluating factors for supplier selection, which are used to benchmark the suppliers. AHP is used to determine the importance of evaluating factors and preference of each supplier with respect to each selection criterion. Findings – The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by applying it to a UK-based automobile manufacturing company. With QFD, the evaluating factors are related to the strategic intent of the company through the involvement of concerned stakeholders. This ensures successful strategic sourcing. The application of AHP ensures consistent supplier performance measurement using benchmarking approach. Research limitations/implications – The proposed integrated approach can be principally adopted in other decision-making scenarios for effective management of the supply chain. Practical implications – The proposed integrated approach can be used as a group-based decision support system for supplier selection, in which all relevant stakeholders are involved to identify various quantitative and qualitative evaluating criteria, and their importance. Originality/value – Various approaches that can deal with multiple and conflicting criteria have been adopted for the supplier selection. However, they fail to consider the impact of business objectives and the requirements of company stakeholders in the identification of evaluating criteria for strategic supplier selection. The proposed integrated approach outranks the conventional approaches to supplier selection and supplier performance measurement because the sourcing strategy and supplier selection are derived from the corporate/business strategy.


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Auction based mechanisms have become popular in industrial procurement settings. These mechanisms minimize the cost of procurement and at the same time achieve desirable properties such as truthful bidding by the suppliers. In this paper, we investigate the design of truthful procurement auctions taking into account an additional important issue namely carbon emissions. In particular, we focus on the following procurement problem: A buyer wishes to source multiple units of a homogeneous item from several competing suppliers who offer volume discount bids and who also provide emission curves that specify the cost of emissions as a function of volume of supply. We assume that emission curves are reported truthfully since that information is easily verifiable through standard sources. First we formulate the volume discount procurement auction problem with emission constraints under the assumption that the suppliers are honest (that is they report production costs truthfully). Next we describe a mechanism design formulation for green procurement with strategic suppliers. Our numerical experimentation shows that emission constraints can significantly alter sourcing decisions and affect the procurement costs dramatically. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort in explicitly taking into account carbon emissions in planning procurement auctions.


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Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli tehdä hankinnan kokonaiskustannusmalli tietylle case-yrityksen tuotteelle. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mikä on hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten merkitys strategisen kustannusten hallinnan osana ja mitä mahdollisia työkaluja voidaan käyttää hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten mittaamiseen. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kuinka hankinnan kokonaiskustannuspäätökset voivat auttaa hankintapäätösten teossa. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen ja muodostuu teoreettisesta ja empiirisestä osasta.Teoriaosa on luonteeltaan käsiteanalyyttinen ja empiriaosa vertaileva case-tutkimus. Teoreettisessa osassa selvitetään hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten teoriaa ja empiriaosassa tutkimus kohdennetaan case-yrityksen Forsby-jalkaan. Tutkimuksentuloksena syntyi case-yritykselle hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten malli, jota yritys käyttää ensisijaisesti toimittajien arviointiin. Hankinnan kokonaiskustannukset osoittautuivat tärkeäksi osaksi yrityksen strategista kustannusten hallintaa. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että kohdeyrityksen erityispiirteiden ja käytössä olevien resurssien huomioiminen on erittäin merkittävä asia hankinnan kokonaiskustannusmallia muodostettaessa. Lisäksi tutkimuksen teon aikana nousi esiin useita asioita, joita case-yrityksen on jatkossa kehitettävä.