959 resultados para social legitimacy
This thesis studies the basic income grant proposal in Namibia. The proposal suggests a monthly grant of N$100 (approximately 10€) to all those Namibian citizens who do not receive the state pension. This thesis concentrates on the Basic Income Grant (BIG) Coalition and on its work. The formation and transformation of the coalition during the time period between 2003 and 2009 is analyzed with the help of data collected during two field work periods in 2008 and 2009. The data includes interviews, newspaper articles, observations and other background material. The analysis of this material is mainly conducted from organizational viewpoint. The final part of the thesis applies the results to the theory of Mosse, whose propositions about policy and practice will be discussed in relation to the basic income grant pilot project. The thesis argues that social legitimacy has been a vital resource for the work of the BIG Coalition and it has sought for it in various ways. The concept of social legitimacy originates from the resource dependence perspective of Pfeffer and Salancik, who propose that organizations are dependent on their environments, and on the resources provided by the surrounding environment. This thesis studies the concept of social legitimacy in the context of resource dependence theory. Social legitimacy is analyzed in the relations between the coalition and its environment, in the formation of the coalition, in the responses towards criticism, and finally in relation to the propositions concerning policy and practice. The work of the coalition in the pilot project will be analyzed through the propositions of Mosse concerning policy and practice. The results will describe and analyze key events in the formation of the BIG Coalition from the South African proposal until the end of the basic income pilot project. This BIG pilot project conducted in 2008-2009 is one of the most well-known activities of the coalition. The clashes between the coalition and its environment will be analyzed through four case studies. It will be shown that the project has been conducted in order to gain more legitimacy to the basic income grant proposal. The conclusion questions the legitimacy of the BIG Coalition as a research and development organization, and requests for more transparent research on the basic income proposal in Namibia.
Cap. 1. Proyectos patrimoniales y museísticos en las sociedades democráticas y capitalistas: entre la legitimación formal y la vinculación social. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Cap. 2. Musées et patrimoine immatériel au Québec : enjeux politiques et sociaux. Laurier Turgeon. Cap. 3. “El patrimonio pertenece a todos”. De la universalidad a la identidad, ¿cuál es el lugar de la participación social? Victoria Quintero Morón. Cap. 4. La legitimación social y política de los museos: dos casos del estado de Oaxaca, México. Teresa Morales Lersch y Cuauhtémoc Camarena Ocampo. Cap. 5. Reinterpretaciones de la misión social de los museos: políticas de la cultura en la red de museos de Loures, Portugal. Marta Anico. Cap. 6. La comunicación de los museos y sus relaciones con las políticas culturales de las ciudades. Entre la repetición de estrategias y la innovación. Daniel Paül i Agustí. Cap. 7. El Patrimonio de la Guerra Civil como útil de concienciación social al amparo de la Ley de la Memoria Histórica. Óscar Navajas Corral y Julián González Fraile. Cap. 8. Política y planificación museística, y participación social en Cataluña: un breve recorrido histórico y algunas reflexiones. Daniel Solé i Lladós. Cap. 9. Diagnóstico de las acciones de los museos catalanes como parte de las políticas de integración. Fabien Van Geert. Cap. 10. Los inexistentes alcornocaleños y las experiencias museísticas etnográficas en el Parque Natural Los Alcornocales. Agustín Coca Pérez.
Jackson, R. (2007). Language, Policy and the Construction of a Torture Culture in the War on Terrorism. Review of International Studies. 33(3), pp.353-371 RAE2008
La présente étude propose d’éclairer la dynamique interactive de construction quotidienne de la culture du travail de rue. Tel qu’elle est présentée au premier chapitre, cette piste de recherche fait écho à différentes préoccupations soulevées par l’indétermination des conditions d’existence et d’exercice du travail de rue aux niveaux de la légitimation sociale de cette pratique, de sa consolidation organisationnelle, de son articulation méthodologique et de l’identification professionnelle de ses praticiens. Après avoir mis en relief les contraintes et défis engendrés par ces différentes formes d’incertitude, la problématique met en lumière l’opportunité de voir dans cette indétermination un révélateur des processus quotidiens de construction culturelle du travail de rue. Un deuxième chapitre présente le cadre théorique constructiviste, interactionniste et ethnométhodologique qui a inspiré la conception de la culture adoptée dans cette recherche. Un troisième chapitre résume la stratégie ethnographique de l’enquête de terrain menée dans l’univers du travail de rue par le biais d’une démarche d’observation participante d’une année au sein d’une équipe locale de travailleurs de rue et des espaces associatifs fréquentés par ces acteurs à l’échelle régionale, provinciale et internationale. Empruntant la métaphore dramaturgique d’Erving Goffman pour décrire « la mise en scène de la vie quotidienne » des travailleurs de rue, une deuxième section d’analyse des données décrit en trois chapitres les interactions sociales des travailleurs de rue dans les « coulisses » de leurs espaces entre pairs, « dans le décor du milieu » à la rencontre de leurs « publics » ainsi que lors de « représentation de leur rôle » en situation d’intervention. Recourant à des récits d’observation et à divers exemples, chacun de ces chapitres explicite les activités routinières et les conversations ordinaires qui prennent forme dans ces différents contextes d’interaction sociale. Le quatrième chapitre décrit la quotidienneté de ma propre incursion comme chercheure dans l’univers des travailleurs de rue et celle dont j’ai été témoin dans la dynamique de l’équipe qui m’a accueillie pendant une année sur une base hebdomadaire. Le cinquième chapitre raconte la vie de tous les jours ayant cours à travers l’intégration des travailleurs de rue sur le terrain et l’activation de leur rôle dans le milieu. Le sixième chapitre reflète différentes manières dont les travailleurs de rue s’inscrivent au quotidien dans des situations d’intervention avec les personnes du milieu et avec les acteurs de la communauté. Un septième chapitre dégage de la description de cet assemblage de routines et de codes de langage des travailleurs de rue une interprétation des processus et des produits de la « culturation » de cette pratique, c’est-à-dire une certaine lecture des processus interactifs de production de cette culture et de la constellation de significations produites et mobilisées par les acteurs impliqués.
Cette thèse pose la question du positionnement identitaire difficile qui marque la trajectoire littéraire de l’écrivaine belge Suzanne Lilar (1901-1992). Le tiraillement vécu par l’écrivaine entre sa vocation artistique et la nécessité de préserver une image de soi conforme aux normes du milieu social dans lequel elle s’inscrit se reflète dans les scénographies construites par ses œuvres littéraires, mais également dans son discours réflexif et paratextuel ainsi que dans la manière dont son œuvre est accueilli par la presse de l’époque. Le premier volet de cette analyse s’attache à circonscrire la position occupée par Suzanne Lilar sur la scène littéraire belge, dont la proximité avec le centre parisien a toujours entretenu la menace de l’assimilation, et sur la scène de l’écriture féminine. Le deuxième volet de cette thèse porte sur l’analyse des scénographies construites par les textes de fiction et les textes à tendance autobiographique de Suzanne Lilar. Les doubles scénographies que donnent à lire ces œuvres montrent que la démarche esthétique de Suzanne Lilar, sous-tendue par le besoin de légitimation de son entreprise, est basée principalement sur la multiplication des perspectives et des moyens d’expression. Le dédoublement de la scène énonciative des récits, la mise en abyme de la figure auctoriale ainsi que le travail d’autoréécriture témoignent de la nécessité de se positionner dans le champ littéraire, mais également de la méfiance de l’écrivaine envers l’écriture littéraire. Le troisième volet de cette recherche analyse l’éthos et la posture que Lilar construit à l’aide du discours réflexif et paratextuel par lequel elle assoit sa légitimité sur la scène littéraire et sociale. Enfin, la dernière partie de cette thèse capte les échos de l’œuvre de Lilar dans la presse de son temps. L’image de l’auteure construite par les médias permet de placer Lilar au sein de l’institution et du champ littéraire, mais également au sein du groupe social dans lequel elle s’inscrit. L’accueil réservé à l’écrivaine par la presse de son époque semble suivre les fluctuations de la posture construite par l’écrivaine elle-même. Cela confirme l’hypothèse selon laquelle Lilar est une auteure qui a éprouvé de la difficulté à assumer pleinement son rôle. Le positionnement en porte-à-faux – dont témoigne la figure du trompe-l’œil qui définit sa poétique – semble avoir représenté, pour Lilar, la seule manière d’assumer l’incontournable paratopie créatrice.
Este trabalho constitui-se num estudo de caso sobre o Programa de Voluntariado Empresarial - PVE - do Banco ABN AMRO Real, vivenciado no Instituto Escola Brasil - 1EB. Objetivou analisar como se dá o processo de formação de um programa dessa natureza, partindo do pressuposto de que o que motiva tal atividade é a busca de legitimidade social. Tal análise é feita levando-se em conta a maneira pela qual o PVE vivenciado no IEB se integra no conjunto das ações resultantes do processo de assunção de Responsabilidade Social Empresarial - RSE - pelo Banco. Também teve como objetivo investigar e analisar as causas da adoção do PVE pelo Banco. bem como o grau de institucionalização e legitimidade do IEB e do PVE do Banco. O referencial teórico é composto de duas partes, uma que aborda as contribuições de diversos autores para o estudo da RSE e do voluntariado empresarial, e outra que trata da abordagem institucionalista, procurando aplicá-la ao tema em questão. A pesquisa valeu-se de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, que permitiram análise em profundidade. As conclusões mostram que tal prática ainda é incipiente. encontrando-se em processo de institucionalização na organização estudada.
Dentro do atual contexto de crescente urbanização e novas oportunidades econômicas, a relação entre economia local e governo emerge como uma área estratégica para a promoção do desenvolvimento. No presente contexto de consolidação democrática e reforma do Estado, a responsabilização está associada à capacidade dos cidadãos em atuar na definição de metas coletivas e na criação de mecanismos institucionais que garantam o controle público da ação governamental e seus líderes, incrementando a governabilidade e, se não a eficiência, a eficácia de políticas públicas e seus processos de gestão. Esse trabalho pretende contribuir para o entendimento do papel dos órgãos de financiamento multilaterais em projetos de DEL, nomeadamente, para compreensão e a avaliação desses programas quanto ao resgate e aperfeiçoamento de bases de legitimidade social em ações de governo vinculadas à processos de desenvolvimento e promoção democrática. De modo específico, esse trabalho ambiciona compreender a concepção de grupos de interesse e sociedade civil presentes nos contratos fomentados pelo banco, assim como, a relevância conferida à esses agentes pelos técnicos do banco por ocasião da formulação desses contratos. Ao investigar esses pontos a pesquisa objetiva contribuir para o debate acerca dos dilemas e desafios para a implementação de programas de desenvolvimento urbano promovidos por governos locais em conjunto com organismos multilaterais.
The ideas related to the psychoanalysis of children began to be disseminated in Brazil in the 1920’s, by professionals connected to medicine and education. Therefore, the present article aims showing the contributions of Julius Pires PortoCarrero in the introduction of ideas referred to psychoanalysis of children in Brazil from 1920 to 1930, focusing on education. Through bibliographic research all of the author´s work that used psychoanalytic ideas to discuss themes related to education were identified. The conclusions indicate that, in agreement with new educational proposals emerged in the country in the 1920s, the author devoted himself to spread psychoanalytic concepts among educators, assuming that a better understanding of the child based on psychoanalysis could support its development and also the learning process. Besides conferring social legitimacy to psychoanalysis, this initiative has enabled the arising of a more comprehensive practice in child psychoanalysis.
In this paper we explore the interrelationship between technological progress and the formation of industry-specific skills by analysing the evolution of the video-game industry in three countries: Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom. We argue that the cross-sectoral transfer of skills occurs differently depending on national contexts, such as the social legitimacy and strength of preexisting industries, the socioeconomic status of entrepreneurs or pioneer firms in an emerging industry, and the sociocultural cohesiveness between the preexisting and emerging industries. Each country draws on a different set of creative resources, which results in a unique trajectory. Whereas Japan's video-game industry emerged out of corporate sponsorships in arcades, toys, and consumer electronics industries and drew skills from the comic book and animated-film sectors, the video-game industry in the United States evolved from arcades and personal computers. In the United Kingdom the video-game industry developed bottom-up, through a process of skills formation in the youth culture of 'bedroom coders' that nurtured self-taught programmers in their teens throughout the country.
With so many voices, groups, and organizations participating in the Emerging Church Movement (ECM), few are willing to “define” it, though authors have offered various definitions. Emerging Christians themselves do not offer systematic or coherent definitions, which contributes to frustration in isolating it as a coherent group – especially for sociologists who strive to define and categorize. In presenting our understanding of this movement, we categorize Emerging Christianity as an orientation rather than an identity, and focus on the diverse practices within what we describe as “pluralist congregations” (often called “gatherings,” “collectives” or “communities” by Emerging Christians themselves). This leads us to define the ECM as a creative, entrepreneurial religious movement that strives to achieve social legitimacy and spiritual vitality by actively disassociating from its roots in conservative, evangelical Christianity. Our findings are extensively developed in The Deconstructed Church: Understanding Emerging Christianity (Marti and Ganiel 2014).
In recent years, the value of business planning for new business ventures and small firms has been the subject of debate amongst entrepreneurship researchers (Brinckmann et al 2010: 24). Drawing on institutional theory, a number of writers suggest that business planning is primarily used to confer symbolic legitimacy on businesses seeking investment and engagement from external stakeholders ( Karlsson & Honig 2009; Zimmerman & Zeitz 2002; Delmar & Shane 2004). In this sense, business planning may not have any significant effects on firm learning, but may be used as evidence of good business operations in order to attract external resources. Meta-evaluation of the available empirical literature contests this proposition, finding that both the symbolic and organisational learning effects of business planning influence small firm performance (Brinckmann et al 2010: 36) While social enterprise – which we define as organisations that exist for a public or community benefit and trade to fulfill their mission - the study of social enterprise is a nascent and pre-paradigmatic area of inquiry (Nicholls 2010). As a consequence, there has been relatively little empirical analysis of the nature or effects of business planning amongst social enterprises (for two exceptions, see exploratory studies by Hynes 2009 and Bull & Crompton 2006). In this paper, we examine business planning practices amongst Australian social enterprises. Drawing on a survey of 365 social enterprises conducted in 2010 and in-depth interviews with 11 social entrepreneurs and managers from eight social enterprises, we find that social enterprises report being more actively engaged in business planning activities than their mainstream business counterparts. Our exploratory research suggests that both legitimacy and learning drive business planning amongst social enterprises, although legitimacy is the stronger driver. Our results also suggest that, as multi-stakeholder businesses led by mission, business planning can serve unique communicative and relational functions for this business type.
If the current discourses of progress are to be believed, the new or social media promise a kaleidoscope of opportunity for connecting and informing citizens. This is by allegedly revitalizing the fading legitimacy and practice of institutions and providing an agent for social interaction. However, as social media adoption has increased, it has revealed a wealth of contradictions both of its own making and reproduction of past action. This has created a crisis for traditional media as well as for public relations. For example, social media such as WikiLeaks have bypassed official channels about government information. In other cases, social media such as Facebook and Twitter informed BBC coverage of the Rio Olympics. Although old media are unlikely to go away, social media have had an impact with several large familybased media companies collapsing or being reintegrated into the new paradigm. To use Walter Lippman’s analogy of the phantom public, the social media contradictorily serve to both disparate the phantom in part and reinforce it...
Discussing the normative arguments for the development of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is difficult but important. It is difficult/ as any argument for this development could be detrimental if it seems that it could narrow the scope of innovation in business and becomes a barrier to companies' usual business cases. It is important, as the civil society actors need the theoretical basis to further the instances of corporate irresponsibility to societies in an articulated way. Given this background, this article presents a detailed discussion on the 'legitimacy' argument as a normative basis for rising CSR. It is an analysis that runs counter to the functionalist economic arguments that mostly focus on the financial stakeholders and consider only the (allegedly free) 'market' outcomes.