997 resultados para social gerontology
On October 20th, 2010, CARDI hosted an event entitled��'Inequalities in old age - old news or new debate?’. The event marked the launch of a CARDI funded research report Inequalities in Old Age: the impact of the recession on older people in Ireland, North and South��and the launch of a discussion paper prepared for CARDI by Dr. Maria Pierce and Dr.��Virpi Timonen, Trinity College Dublin��Theories of Ageing and Approaches to Welfare in Ireland, North and South [summary]. The event also featured a number of other presentations. Please find a selection of the presentations from the day below:Theories of Ageing: Lenses for Understanding, Signposts for Reforming Social Protection in Old Age by Dr Virpi Timonen, Director of SPARC and Dr Maria Pierce, Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin.Inequalities, Pensions and the Recession by Prof Paddy Hillyard, Queen’s University Belfast and Dr Demi Patsios, Policy Research Consultant, Dr Francesca Lundstr̦m, Research Consultant.Pensions and Older Women by Dr Aine N�_ L̩ime, Programme Co-ordinator, ICSG (Irish Centre for Social Gerontology), NUI Galway.����
A new guide on dementia�� in Ireland was launched June 19 by Minister of State at the Department of Health Kathleen Lynch. The guide was developed to disseminate to the public, and in lay man's terms, the key findings contained in a report entitled 'Creating Excellence in Dementia Care: A Research Review to inform Ireland's National Dementia Strategy.' The new guide is a joint collaboration between�� the Living with Dementia programme, Trinity College Dublin, and the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology (ICSG), NUI Galway. The research work was funded by The Atlantic Philanthropies and supported by the Department of Health.Access the guide here: http://livingwithdementia.tcd.ie/assets/pdf/Future_Dementia_Care_in_Irel...
The European Foundations’ Initiative on Dementia (EFID) held a workshop entitled 'Reframing Dementia' on 21 June at the Crown Plaza, Dundalk. This half-day workshop, hosted by CARDI, focussed on how to develop and promote new perspectives on communication about dementia. Speakers included:�� Professor Baldwin Van Gorp, KULeuven, Belgium: Click here for presentation Professor Eamon O Shea, Irish Centre for Social Gerontology: Click here for presentation����
Esta tese que agora se apresenta sob a forma de projeto profissional tem como objetivo reforçar o processo de formação e qualificação em exercício de auxiliares de ação direta da Associação Casapiana de Solidariedade (ACS) reportando-se a uma prática nela levada a cabo. Esta é uma questão de extrema pertinência no âmbito do envelhecimento e do envelhecimento com dependência de idosos institucionalizados. Atualmente os lares de idosos são espaços de convivência, das mais variadas proveniências culturais e com necessidades múltiplas. Estes idosos necessitam de apoio para as atividades da vida diária. As auxiliares de ação direta são os profissionais mais aptos à realização desta função, as mesmas prestam cuidados básicos e pessoais aos idosos, essenciais à sua qualidade de vida diária. A ACS preocupa-se com a melhoria dos cuidados e por isso promove o acesso a formações, inclusive prestadas em contexto de trabalho. Neste projeto profissional evidenciamos o trabalho exercido por estas profissionais e a necessidade de formação das mesmas. Analisamos a formação em exercício realizada na ACS considerando-a como uma boa prática a ser desenvolvida pelas IPSS. Verificamos que esta prática é um dos meios para melhorar as competências destes profissionais e promover a qualidade de serviços aos mais velhos.
Ageism – A useful concept? Ageism has gained growing attention in Sweden the last decade. Age is even discussed to be included in the discrimination legislation. Still, the concept has not been of much sociological interest. This article is an overview of the concept ageism and how it has been discussed in social gerontology. In the article it is argued that the overall focus has been on overtly expressions such as stereotypes and discriminating behavior while underlying structures and processes of power and power relations have not got enough attention. As a result the concept of ageism has become limited as an analytical tool. Thus, in order to develop the potential of the concept it seems crucial to explicate and theorise power relations. To accomplish this goal, i.e. to focus on how age-based power relations are negotiated, challenged and reproduced in processes and institutionalised practises it is suggested that ageism might have to be complemented with other concepts, such as age coding.
As an advocate for the elderly, Edna Chavis has made many improvements for matured people. She worked for the Social Security Administration for eleven years, where she recognized that “older people are the same as anyone else with the same wants and desires.” Since then, she gained educational experience to assist her in understanding the self-concept of older people. She earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Science and a teaching certificate from Eastern Michigan University in 1972, a Master of Science Degree in Adult Education from Tuskegee Institute in 1975, and a PhD Degree in Social Gerontology and Adult Education from the University of Missouri in 1979. Some of her accomplishments include her position as the head of the Missouri Delegates to the White House Conference on Aging and her lobbying efforts toward Missouri’s first Governor’s Conference on Aging. She was also awarded the Lt. Governor’s Nursing Home Task Force Certificate of Appreciation. As an adjunct instructor at Lincoln University, Chavis emphasizes to her students that aging is a natural process. She has had a great impact on her students, several of whom have continued on related career paths. Following her own advice that “Aging successfully is to never sit down and do nothing,” Chavis continues to teach, work as a gerontologist, and serve on committees within the Department of Health and Senior Services.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gerontologia Social, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Escola Superior de Saúde, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gerontologia Social.
Participation in physical activities has been found to be an important factor in contributing to a healthy lifestyle. Research has found strong relationships between participation in regular physical activity and the prevention of disease, while its relationship to the psychological and social dimensions have been neglected. Recently however, several studies have found causal relationships between physical activity and improved mood state, reduced anxiety, reduced depression, and increased social support. Despite this, surveys indicate that participation levels in physical activities are declining among older Australians, with the exceptions of walking and gardening. This paper also examines constraints to participation in leisure programs, such as lack of time, poor health, fear of crime, the financial cost and the lack of a partner to participate with. A number of strategies have been suggested to overcome these constraints.
This study explores the hypothesis that age-related declines in inhibitory ability are associated with increases in socially inappropriate behavior. Consistent with this hypothesis, older participants were less likely than younger participants to differentiate between public and private settings when inquiring about potentially embarrassing issues, according to their peers. Additionally, this indiscriminate public inquiry was associated with decreased closeness with participants' peers, particularly for older adults. Finally, this age-related increase in social inappropriateness was mediated by inhibitory deficits associated with aging. These results suggest that age-related deficits in inhibitory ability may cause people to become socially inappropriate against their will.
The loss of autonomy at advanced ages is not only associated with ageing, but also with the characteristics of the physical and social environment. Recent investigations have shown that social networks, social engagement and participation act like predictors of disability among the elderly. The aim of this study is to determine whether social networks are related to the development and progression of disability in the early years of old age. The source of data is the first wave of the survey "Processes of Vulnerability among Spanish Elderly", carried out in 2005 to a sample of 1 244 individuals. The population object of study is the cohort aged 70 to 74 years in metropolitan areas (Madrid and Barcelona) and not institutionalized. Disability is measured by the development of basic activities of daily life (ADL), and instrumental activities of daily life (IADL). The structural aspects of the social relationships are measured through the diversity of social networks and participation. We used the social network index (SNI). For each point over the SNI, the risk of developing any type of disability decreased by 49% (HR = 0.51, 95%CI = 0.31-0.82). The SNI was a decisive factor in all forecasting models constructed with some hazard ratios (HR) that ranged from 0.29 (95%CI = 0.14-0.59) in the first model to 0.43 (95%CI 0.20-0.90) in the full model. The results of the present study showed a strong association between an active social life, emotional support provided by friends and confidents and disability. These findings suggest a protective effect of social networks on disability. Also, these results indicate that some family and emotional ties have a significant effect on both the prevalence and the incidence of disability.
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